final abyss

Chapter 283 Qingyun

Chapter 283 Qingyun
After a short rest, Han Yi came to the center and picked up the "monster treasure box" under the hot eyes of everyone.

Although everyone still regretted not getting the important item, the bodies of those people were piled up together, and no one knew which key the guy who got the "important item" was.

But at least it gave them some expectations. Everyone who got the key had a chance to get that "important item" that they had never seen before.

Han Yi naturally didn't put the monster treasure box in the warehouse, but patted on the monster treasure box, and the lid of the treasure box was lifted slowly.

A group of people raised their heads and looked inside, even though they knew they couldn't see anything at all, but the temptation of silver class items was too great. If it wasn't for deterring each other, the robbing would have started again.

He reached into the treasure box and kept groping. Although this was not the first time Han Yi had seen a treasure box being opened, it was the first time he took the items himself.

Feeling that something was constantly touching his palm, Han Yi simply grabbed it casually and lifted it out. Immediately, everyone's eyes were attracted by the item in Han Yi's hand, and they all stared at Han Yi eagerly, waiting for him to show it. Item properties.

Han Yi glanced at the quaint long sword in his hand, and then opened his attributes to everyone.

[Bronze Inscription (Red)]: One-handed weapon
[Equipment Attributes]: Damage 12-20 Strength +7 Stamina +2
[Equipment Effect 1 Famous Sword LV2]: A slightly famous ancient sword, which contains the lifelong sword solution of the swordsman "Ming", sharpness +1, attack damage increased by 15
[Equipment Effect 2 Swordsmanship]: "Ming" created the strongest swordsmanship after mastering the swordsmanship he has learned all his life. After casting the sword, he will automatically release it, lock the target and launch the strongest blow, and the base damage will be 8% of the target's maximum HP (for BOSS Maximum health value 4%) additional strength attribute x (5) damage, cooldown time is 2 hours
[Equipment Requirements]: The minimum strength requirement is 12, and the minimum physical strength requirement is 8.
Seeing the attributes of this sword, someone in the crowd immediately started to move, obviously thinking about this sword.

Han Yi glanced at the crowd, and said lightly: "I just said it, so I won't say more, the highest price wins, let's make an offer."

As soon as Han Yi finished speaking, someone immediately opened his mouth to bid:

"8000 points!", also a heavily armored Zerg warrior spoke.



Just after the auction started, the price went straight up to 1W5, but after the price reached [-], they were all silent. Obviously, everyone began to weigh how much this sword should be worth.

Han Yi also analyzed the price of this sword. Except for the last long-range attack method, which is relatively strong, the attributes are obviously considered to be mediocre among the red equipment. This is also what everyone is worried about.

However, the sword's built-in skill "Sword Returning to Judgment" is definitely a powerful skill. As a melee combat, long-range attacks are originally a shortcoming. At critical times, this sword can produce miraculous effects.


Suddenly, someone bid again, and it was the Zerg warrior who made his bid for the first time. After he finished speaking, the person who called for [-] before sat down. Obviously, [-] was already his bottom line.

Seeing that no one wanted to compete any more, Han Yi handed over the sword to him, and the heavy beetles also traded 1W6 points to Han Yi, then glanced at the sword in satisfaction, and sat down.

Everyone focused on Han Yi again, waiting for him to continue "opening the treasure chest".

Han Yi reached into the treasure box again, still grabbing randomly. Anyway, this thing itself depends on luck, and good luck does not depend on concentration.

Taking out the things in his hands, Han Yi directly showed the attributes to everyone:
[Qingyun Bow (Silver)]: Two-handed weapon
[Equipment Attributes]: Damage 25-35 Strength +16 Stamina +3
[Equipment Effect 1 Chasing the Sun]: Every arrow shot from Qingyun Bow will be blessed, with an additional 30 points of wood attribute damage

[Equipment Effect 2 Energy Concentration]: In the absence of arrows, the Qingyun Bow can condense energy on the bowstring by itself, and the energy damage it shoots is the base damage of the Qingyun Bow, and the "sun chasing" effect cannot be added

[Equipment Effect 3 Fierce Bow]: After activating the equipped skill Fierce Bow, the next arrow will surely hit, and will definitely hit critically (double the damage), and add 5% of the target's maximum HP, and the skill cooldown time is 30 minutes
[Equipment Effect 4 Qingyun (Ultimate)]: Qingyun dressed in white clothes, holding a long arrow and shooting Sirius. This skill must be equipped with an arrow. After hitting the target, the target will reduce the maximum HP by 50% (boss is effective), and Additional "Broken" effect (this skill is a rare ultimate skill, Qingyun Bow will enter a broken state after activation and cannot be used)

[Skill Tips]: The crushing effect is to weaken the resistance of the target by 30%
[Equipment requirements]: The minimum strength requirement is 20, the minimum physical strength requirement is 15, and the passive skill "Precise Shooting" is required

After seeing this piece of equipment, everyone was stunned. Even Han Yi stared blankly at this weapon, his heart beating violently.

This luck is really against the heavens, to be able to draw such a weapon, although it is silver equipment, but Han Yi feels that after adding this "rare" ultimate skill, it is not weaker than silver plot-level equipment at all, it is simply terrifying.

[Equipment Tips]: This weapon is equipped with a "rare ultimate skill", so it is eligible for additional strengthening. You can spend a certain price in the second act space to upgrade the weapon to a "silver plot level" weapon, which will greatly increase weapon damage and skill effects .

There was a sound of gasping all around, obviously shocked by the skill effect of this weapon.

If any remote professional obtains this piece of equipment, he can definitely squeeze into the ranks of the strong, especially after possessing the ultimate skill, most people will not be willing to become sworn enemies with him, because that skill is too terrifying, even the boss can't resist it terror ability.

Even Han Yi was shocked after seeing the properties of this weapon.

The idea of ​​taking this weapon alone appeared in his mind. If this weapon fell into the hands of the enemy, the consequences would be terrifying even thinking about it.

And this weapon is still a potential weapon, it can be upgraded in the second act.

At this moment, the air froze. Everyone looked eagerly at the weapon in Han Yi's hand, but no one made a bid. Obviously, they all knew that the value of this weapon was not as high as usual. Before making a bid, they obviously had to weigh whether they had the qualifications.

Of the remaining 20 people, half were long-distance exporters. Their hearts were raised at this moment. They all wanted to be the first to bid, but their voices seemed to be stuck in their throats, and they couldn't shout out.

Just watching helplessly, waiting for the first bidder to appear.

As for "Precise Shooting", this is a passive skill of the bad street in space. Basically, it's something that long-distance professionals have in their hands. They have already learned it, so it's not something to worry about at all. What they worry about now is not enough points.

"Is it still for sale?" A hoarse voice came from beside Han Yi, who was also a remote Zerg professional.

"Sell!" After saying it, Han Yi found that his voice had become hoarse.

"Old K, Bullet, lend me all your points, I'm going to fight it out." The man suddenly stood up, looking at the "Qingyun Bow" with fiery eyes, as if he was bound to win.

His teammates looked at the crazy man, and after thinking for a while, they clicked on the trading mode with him and transferred all the points to him. Then the man looked at Han Yi eagerly, and said:

"fifty thousand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man stood up next to him. Just like him, he also borrowed points from two companions and directly gave the price of 6W. He didn't even have the slightest thought of raising the price. He wanted to win directly. .

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the man who made the first bid turned red, and he stared fiercely at the man who bid 6 yuan, as if he had robbed him of something he loved.

But he didn't dare to make a move, because with so many people present, he knew what the result would be.

(End of this chapter)

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