final abyss

Chapter 287 Into a Humanoid

Chapter 287 Into a Humanoid
Regarding the location of the mining node, Han Yi gave up a chance to obtain the location, but this time he decided to find a place first, so that the little one can evolve again.

I hope it can evolve some new powerful abilities, or evolve a new powerful unit to improve the overall strength.

After advancing for a certain distance, Han Yi looked at the big house in front of him, hesitated for a while, and resolutely decided to go in.

Although he knew that there was a great possibility of encountering ghosts hiding inside, but if it wasn't as scary as the ghost tide, he felt that he could handle it.

Then Han Yi walked in the front, leading the Zerg team to squeeze into the house one after another.

As soon as he kicked open the door, there was a burst of wailing, and Han Yi continued to move forward a few steps without changing his face. When he found the ghost hiding in the corner, he immediately raised the scarlet thorn, and suddenly swung it at the ghost. past.

But what Han Yi didn't expect was that his blow passed through the ghost without hindrance, and then pierced the wall behind it, as if it didn't exist at all.

But the ghost didn't hesitate, its body floated up, and with a fierce look on its face, it rushed towards Han Yi.

Han Yi was shocked. This ghost could block physical damage. If so, it would be difficult to deal with. He was about to dodge sideways, but another faster figure suddenly appeared in front of Han Yi.

It was the little one who came, and there was a trace of longing in its eyes, and then it opened its mouth and bit towards the ghost.

Seeing this scene, Han Yi was startled. You must know that the little one is his hope, and he can't make any mistakes. What's more, he never expected that the little one who always gave him the feeling of being lazy and without the slightest fighting power actually flew up. It could be so fast that he couldn't even react.

However, the next scene seemed a bit miraculous, the little one "Hang Chi" took a bite out of nothing, his face flushed immediately, he seemed very angry, then he opened his mouth to the ghost and took a deep breath, the ghost suddenly turned into a cloud of mist, piercing into the little one's body.

After eating the ghost, the little boy's stomach began to swell as if it was inflated, and then it turned into a round balloon and fell to the ground, rolling back and forth on the ground.

And its skin also turned blue at this moment, and its face was wrinkled into a ball, which seemed to be in pain.

"Can this thing be eaten casually?" Han Yi cursed bitterly, and quickly squatted down to check the little one's situation.

Seeing Han Yi approaching, Xiaobudian hurriedly rolled to Han Yi's feet, and at the same time a thought appeared in Han Yi's mind.

"Do you want to buy Huaye?" Han Yi, who received the little idea, asked in surprise.

Seeing that the little one was about to explode, Han Yi felt that if he were to drink the overbearing essence, it would probably explode immediately.

The little guy didn't know what Han Yi was thinking, but nodded abruptly, showing a longing look, then his face wrinkled again, and he rolled in pain again.

Seeing the little boy in pain, Han Yi hesitated for a while, then resolutely took out the bottle containing the "essence", opened the cap and handed it to the little boy's mouth.

Smelling the fragrance emanating from the bottle, the little boy's eyes lit up, he stretched out his mouth and grabbed the bottle, then he tilted his head, and all the essence in the bottle immediately entered its mouth, and it didn't hesitate at all "Googling" "Swallowed it.

This made Han Yi secretly worried. He has already supported himself like this, and he still eats like this, all for the sake of eating.

After drinking this "essence", the size of the small ball-like thing swelled up again, and at the same time, a layer of silver flames began to emerge from the surface of the body, and the whole body seemed to be ignited, and Han Yi was terrified. .


Xiao Budian blushed, and then spit out forcefully, and suddenly circles of silk threads flew out of his mouth, dancing and tangling in the air, and soon surrounded him, turning into a big cocoon with a diameter of one meter.

And this change was not over yet, and then the white cocoon was also ignited by the silver flame, and a layer of blue cocoon slowly emerged outside, and then the emergence of the silver flame was still not blocked, and the outer layer of the cocoon was once again ignited. Calcined out a red cocoon.

In this way, under the calcination of the silver flame, the entire cocoon finally turned into pure silver, and flames continued to burst out outside, which looked very dangerous.

Han Yi tried to reach out his hand to touch the dancing flame, but found that when his hand touched the flame, he didn't feel any temperature, and his hand didn't have any trace of burning, as if the flame was just illusory generally.

As time went by, Han Yi's heart gradually became more stable. After all, Xiaobudian was closely related to his life state.

But at this moment, in his feeling, although Xiaobudian's state is very unstable, life fluctuations are constantly jumping, but there is no crisis at all, which makes Han Yi feel that Xiaobudian is indeed absorbing and digesting the "essence", and is in progress Leaps of evolution.

This made him also faintly look forward to it. If the little one succeeds in evolving, at least it will jump 4 levels in a row. That's not a small change, and its shape should also change accordingly.

And what he is most looking forward to is the innate ability brought by the little one's evolution. Every talent of the Blade Zerg is very powerful, which can greatly enhance the combat power of the entire Zerg and bring huge benefits to Han Yi.

Afterwards, Han Yi commanded the Zerg to surround the little one in the center for protection, waiting for it to evolve completely.

However, the evolution time this time far exceeded Han Yi's imagination. The previous evolutions could be completed in a short period of time, but this evolution took a whole night.

When the morning light first appeared, Han Yi, who had been guarding him all night, was suddenly shocked, because the little one finally had a reaction.

The way the little one appeared this time was completely different from the previous few times. The silver-white cocoon slowly bloomed like a lotus flower, and then the little one with closed eyes was revealed inside.

It's just that when Han Yi saw the current appearance of the little one, he was a little stunned, because the change this time was so huge that it even completely changed the shape of the bug.

I saw a baby-like child with a simple smile on his mouth. He was naked and had a pair of silvery white wings on his back. He looked very cute. He closed his eyes as if he was sleeping soundly.

Han Yi was stunned for a moment, and finally reached out to lift the little one up, then glanced under the little one, showing a tangled look:
"Sure enough, there is no little JJ"

After Han Yi looked at the little one over and over again, he showed such an expression.

At this time, the little boy suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw Han Yi's head approaching, and immediately raised his mouth:

"Huh? Can you talk?" Han Yi seemed a little surprised. It was beyond his imagination to be able to evolve into a human form. He didn't expect the little one to be able to speak.

"Dad~ha~", Xiao Budian tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly said something surprising again.

Han Yi looked at the naked little one, and was a little dazed. Although he had more than 70 years of life experience, it was the first time for him to bring up a child.

(End of this chapter)

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