final abyss

Chapter 298

Chapter 298
Hearing Han Yi say that the child with a happy face was born in the space, the young master suddenly looked confused, and he seemed to be a little convinced.

"It's fun! Young master, you should give birth to one too." The frog was immediately amused, and raised his hand to propose.

Three black lines appeared on the son's forehead. He didn't want to pay attention to the frog who was always mentally handicapped, but said to Han Yi again:

"The three of them are dead, our contract can be fulfilled, you can go!"

Han Yi nodded indifferently. Since the three of them were dead and he had signed the space contract, he couldn't go back on his word, so with a wave of his hand, the Zerg team rushed towards the top of the metal bridge.

"Don't let him go! Beat him up!" Hearing that Han Yi was leaving, the frog immediately became unhappy, and rolled up his sleeves as if he was about to fight.

Han Yi and the young master glanced at the frog with idiot eyes at the same time, then shook their heads helplessly, and Han Yi turned around and picked up the little one, and followed the Zerg team towards the passageway up the metal bridge.

"Don't run. Fight for 300 rounds." The frog wanted to say some harsh words, but his sleeves were pulled tightly by No. 1 and No. 2, so he could only keep shouting.

Picking up the key dropped by the burly man, the young master turned around and gave the frog a hard look, but he was still grateful.

This time, if the frog hadn't been there, he might not have been so relaxed. It is very likely that he was defeated by the three burly men one by one before Han Yi arrived.

Watching Han Yi pick up the keys of the other two people, the figure walked up, and soon disappeared from sight, and the frog suddenly showed a bitter expression:
"The foolish son is really easy to deceive, if he is half as smart as me, he won't be deceived by the guard."

Seeing the frog sighing and looking annoyed, the young master couldn't help but feel the veins on his forehead twitch twice, and his good feelings for the frog disappeared immediately.

"Frog, you're stupid. Young master, this is for everyone's benefit. Didn't you realize that there are so many Zergs in that guard, and he is also so powerful. If we really fight, we are the vulnerable group."

No. 1 and No. 2 tugged on the sleeves of the frogs, speaking earnestly.

"Hmph! You are stupid, I don't care anyway! I want to fight with the guard," said the frog in a confident and confident manner.

number 1:"."

number 2:"."

Son: "."

At this time, the three of them felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. Facing the frog whose brain circuit was different from ordinary people, chatting with him was really not tiring.

"But we should be safe now. Since the contract is signed, it is impossible for him to seize our mining node. It should be no problem for us to completely occupy this node."

Hearing what the young master said, except for the frog who still looked angry, all three of them had smiles on their faces. This crisis was passed without any danger.

After Han Yi walked out of the metal bridge, he continued to lead the Zerg team towards the other end of the bridge. After continuing to advance for a certain distance, he suddenly stopped advancing.

Because a video feed from "Thousand Eyes" appeared in his mind, a blue mask appeared on the screen. This mask was very similar to the mining node occupied by the young master under the metal bridge.

After thinking for a while, Han Yi waved decisively, and the Zerg team began to walk in the direction they came from again.

After all, there is no guarantee that the mining node can be found if you continue to move forward, and it has already consumed a lot of time. Now it is safer to go directly to the mining node found by Thousand Eyes.

What Han Yi didn't know was that if he continued to move forward for a distance of less than 1000 meters, he would face the challenge of the Faceless Man. It was just a coincidence that they missed each other.

After all, the Faceless People have detectors, as long as the little one appears within a hundred meters, they can sense it in advance and react accordingly.

At this moment, the faceless man is inside the blue mask.

The faceless man sat cross-legged on the ground, and the wretched and thin man beside him was pale, muttering something, which made the faceless man's brows slowly wrinkle.

"Boss Faceless, the three of them seem to have been beheaded, and the particle induction has been interrupted!"

The faceless man didn't speak, he still sat cross-legged, but slowly clenched his hands, cursing "idiot" in his heart

"There is also a possibility that they walked into some kind of special place, and that place cut off the life induction between us," the wretched man continued.

"You care about them so much, why don't you go and look for them?" The Faceless Man snorted coldly and said lightly.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the face of the wretched man. He did have this idea, but he quickly erased it by himself.

If he really met a powerful opponent and was beheaded, then he used to just go to die, and if he found a special place, he would not get any shared benefits.

However, he was still worried. Although the five-person temporary team was not very familiar with them, in this mission world, many interests were still involved.

It's like beheading the "Blade Mother Worm" at the end.

In his opinion, this female blade insect is definitely an extremely powerful existence, it is impossible to be a powerful boss that can be faced by a single person, and if those three people really die, then their final strength will be greatly reduced cut.

At this moment, the faceless man, who was calm on the surface, was also cursing secretly in his heart, thinking that those three people were so stupid that they lost their lives by looking for benefits.

Moreover, their death at the same time made the Faceless Man vigilant. He knew that the mission world this time was not as simple as he imagined, and there were definitely many masters.

"Boss Faceless, do you think the two of us can deal with the 'Mother Blade'?"

"Why not!"

Hearing the faceless man's firm answer, the wretched-looking man breathed a sigh of relief, and felt much more at ease. After all, he still had great trust in the strength of the faceless man.

And the "Blade Mother Worm" that the faceless man and the wretched-looking man are discussing is hanging on Han Yi's neck like a sloth with his butt naked at the moment. As Han Yi advances, his body swings back and forth like a swing .

"Stop making trouble! Come down!" Han Yi looked helplessly at the "vigorous" little one, feeling very tired.

He really felt very awkward about taking care of children.

In comparison, he would rather fight bloody battles than bring a child who knows nothing but is noisy.

The little one didn't seem to have heard Han Yi's words, with a smile on his face, half-closed eyes, and swayed comfortably to Han Yi's rhythm.

This made Han Yi want to grab the little boy and beat him up hard. After all, in the theory of raising children that Han Yi knew, it seemed that the child was disobedient, and there was nothing that a beating couldn't solve.

If there are, then two meals!

The little boy seemed to understand the thoughts in Han Yi's heart, his little face bulged like a ball, and he stared at Han Yi with tears in his eyes, showing how pitiful I am.

Han Yi: "."

Sighing helplessly, he had no choice but to go with his little temper.

After reconfirming the direction of the Thousand Eyes transmission, he continued to advance with the Zerg team.

(End of this chapter)

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