final abyss

Chapter 302 Invisible Unit

Chapter 302 Invisible Unit
After noticing the abnormality in vision, Han Yi decisively ordered Qianyan to stop flying.

Then he focused his view on the area where the fluctuations occurred, trying to see what was abnormal.

The line of sight slowly advanced, and several broken vehicles appeared on the focusing screen, a means of transportation similar to human cars, but it was not these abandoned means of transportation that caught Han Yi's attention, but the constantly fluctuating areas in the picture .

If you don't look closely at this fluctuating area, you can't see it clearly at all, but Qianyan's detection ability can clearly see the subtle changes here.

Seeing this, Han Yi frowned, and focused Qianyan's vision again.

The screen began to advance again, and when Han Yi saw the moving fluctuation area clearly, he was shocked.

This fluctuating area turned out to be several humans wearing invisibility equipment.

Seeing this scene, he immediately became vigilant. What are the intentions of these three humans wearing invisibility equipment?

Seeing that the two were still moving towards this place, the coldness in Han Yi's eyes became more and more serious. He didn't care whether they came here with intentions or not. Now that they were close to this place, they couldn't let it go.

Thinking of this, he exited the visual sharing mode, and then with a thought, the Zerg army began to push out of the blue mask.

At this moment, Han Yi's mouth was smiling. Since the three wanted to play silently, they voluntarily took the trap.

Turning on the visual sharing again, Han Yi continued to analyze the surrounding terrain, and then listed out the suitable ambush locations to share with the little ones, and then the little ones started to form troops, and sent the Zerg team out to ambush.

Since the blue mask area where Han Yi is located is relatively hidden and completely covered by buildings, it is also very suitable for hiding the Zerg troops.

In this way, the ambushed Zerg troops began to quietly wait for the arrival of their prey.

The Earthwalker was also called back by Han Yi, lest he cause too much noise and affect the depth of the "prey".

As time passed, Han Yi, who shared the thousand-eyed vision, always focused on the three slowly advancing targets, watching them step by step into the encirclement of the Zerg, and then walking towards them step by step.

Earthwalker looked at Han Yi who was in a daze beside him with a bored face. He didn't know what happened. After all, he didn't have the shared vision of thousands of eyes, and Han Yi didn't tell him what he was going to do, so he could only stand by. Waiting idly.

After Han Yi saw that the three figures had completely entered the encirclement, he directly exited the vision sharing mode, and then walked towards the direction of the three figures.

He wanted to see what the three of them were up to.

The three people who were in stealth were very cautious as they moved forward, as if they were afraid of being surprised, and made every step silently.

In their view, with such care, there is no possibility of traces being found. After all, they are still very confident in the "stellar technology" with the highest technological content among human forces.

The figures of the three walked slowly across the building complex, and saw a huge blue mask from a distance. At this moment, the three of them were overjoyed.

Then they stopped moving forward and moved sideways instead.

Seeing the actions of the three of them, Han Yi was also very puzzled, but he didn't want to waste time with the three of them, he just planned to arrest them and interrogate them.

The three walked around a building in front of them, and then huddled in a corner next to the building. One of them suddenly took out a mobile phone-like thing from the space, pressed two buttons on it, and threw the thing in the corner.

Then the three nodded to each other, and when they were about to change their positions, their hearts suddenly shook, and they immediately looked up.

On a protruding stone above their heads, a figure surrounded by black armor was looking at them with a sneer.

"I've been spotted, run!"

While panicking in their hearts, the three reacted immediately, retreating decisively.

"If you come, stay here." Han Yi didn't choose to chase after him, but said coldly.

The three of them didn't answer, they turned around decisively and began to disperse and run away.

Han Yi smiled in his heart. The actions of these three people were actually very correct, and they could avoid being attacked in a concentrated manner. But what they didn't expect was that they had already been noticed by him before they entered here.

And step by step into his encirclement, if you want to go out, it is not so easy to do.

Not long after the three dispersed and ran away, the figures of the three reappeared near the area where Han Yi was.

Seeing the densely packed Zerg continuously encircling them, the three of them were sweating profusely on their foreheads.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" at this moment, the little one was lying on the back of the extremely cold storm fish, and howled at the three of them, looking very excited.

"Don't rush to leave when you're here, let's talk." Han Yi jumped down from the top, and his body fell heavily into the ruins of the building.

Then he walked towards the three of them step by step, and picked up the thing that looked like a mobile phone after approaching the foot of the wall:

"Who tells me what this thing is, maybe I can let you go"

Hearing Han Yi's words, the faces of the three of them covered by the metal armor showed panic. They didn't expect that they would step into the encirclement of each other, so the other party must have known in advance that the three of them were coming.

Han Yi glanced at the instruments with rows of buttons in his hand, and was very puzzled, but he felt that the three people in front of him must have no good intentions, and they came here to place these things, there must be a big problem.

"Is no one talking?" Han Yi glanced coldly at the three of them, and then with a thought, the figure of the totem suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the one on the left of the three.

When the man saw the totem attack, although he was flustered, he still pulled out the lightsaber behind him without hesitation. With a flash of light, the light around the blue lightsaber skyrocketed, with a serious look on his face.

Han Yi smiled, and his thoughts moved again, all of the violent fish immediately raised their heads, and the mental shock instantly broke through the defense of the man's brain, knocking him into a sluggish state.

And the totem approached the man on the left at an extremely fast speed, and the steel claw in his hand instantly pierced his chest, and then pulled it hard, a huge crack appeared on the metal armor, and the blood instantly flowed from the gap in the armor. gushes out.

Seeing this, the other two were startled. He didn't know why his teammate didn't take defense after pulling out the lightsaber, but instead took the initiative to show his flaws, allowing the weird creature to insert the steel claw into his chest.

"Go away!" Naturally, the other two would not sit idly by. One of them flashed his right arm, covering it with pieces of metal, his entire fist became bigger, and then swept heavily towards the totem.

Naturally, the totem would not let him do what he wished, so he escaped the heavy blow with a light leap, and then hooked the man who was still in a sluggish state with his right claw, and dragged him towards the direction where the Zerg team was. Climb away.

This sudden change made the two of them still a little unresponsive. They didn't know why their teammates were still in a state of sluggishness, and they didn't resist the whole process.

(End of this chapter)

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