final abyss

Chapter 308 The List Appears

Chapter 308 The List Appears
Seeing Han Yi's face getting colder and colder, Earthwalker realized that his joke was over, he coughed dryly twice, and then said again:

"I don't know much about the abilities of the Faceless Man, but his 'Xingtian God of War' is still very famous. It is said that as long as he activates this ability, all physical attacks will cause 5% of the real damage to the target, that is, Say, no matter how you defend, if he hits you, you're going to get hurt."

Hearing this, Han Yi frowned. Before, he was also wondering that every attack of the Faceless Man would be transmitted to his body through weapons or fists after the transformation, and then cause damage. Now he suddenly realized after hearing the explanation from Earthwalker. .

"Boss, don't think too much, you can't beat him, I guess he hasn't given his full strength yet."

Earthwalker looked at Han Yi who was thinking and added again, expressing his dislike for Han Yi in his words.

"I know that he chose the hidden power of the human race, but in the battle with me, he never used that part of his ability from the beginning to the end, obviously he still hides it!"

Seeing that Han Yi also understood this, Earthwalker nodded as a matter of course:

"Boss, you don't have to worry too much. You can just walk around him as much as possible in the future. I think this guy's next world should be a customs clearance task, so as long as you don't get found by him in the real world, then you are safe."

"Of course, the premise of all that is that you can safely pass through this mission world," Earthwalker added again.

Han Yi didn't speak, but began to think about how he should deal with this faceless man.

In fact, it's not that he hasn't considered the method mentioned by the earth walker, trying to avoid the faceless man as much as possible.

However, he discovered one thing in this incident, that is, the space intentionally caused conflicts between the hidden forces of the human race where the faceless man was and the hidden forces of the Zerg race where he was. He couldn't guarantee what the next mission of the space would be.

If the mission of the space requires him to kill the faceless man, how should he deal with himself?

However, Han Yi was not depressed because he had confidence in Xiao BuDian.

The little girl's potential is far beyond what the Faceless Man can't match. With her little girl's potential, she is definitely an existence above S level in the space. As long as she is given time, she can be so powerful that no one can imagine.

Time, resources, and plunder are the main themes of this mission world. All development and killing are carried out around these three themes, and only entrants who master these three points can have strong strength.

And Han Yi's biggest shortcoming is time and resources. The growth of the little one needs a lot of resources and time assistance. Even if he is confident, he has to become a little anxious.

At the moment when Han Yi was full of thoughts, a space reminder suddenly appeared in the minds of all the entrants:
[Space Tips]: The race competition ranking is open, and the personal overall list is open

[Space Tips]: At the end of the mission world, the faction that ranks first in the race competition will be obtained. All entrants belonging to this faction will receive a reward of 5000 points, 3 free attribute points, and a race tag (race tags can help entrants in other races) Better recognition in a world with Zerg and Terran)

[Space Tips]: The top ten winners in the personal overall list will be rewarded with points and free attribute points after the end of this mission world, and the first one will additionally get a special title given by their own forces (deep red title, which can be advanced)

Under the surprised eyes of Han Yi and Tu Xingzhe, three space prompts appeared at the same time, and then two lists appeared in front of them.

Race competition leaderboard (real-time points):
1. Military Department (Human Race): 27421
2. Robert (Zerg) 19424
3. Stellar Technology (Human Race): 19321
4. Zerg Alliance (Zerg): 13294
5. Star Horn (Zerg): 13113
6. Human race alliance (human race): 13102
7. Stirring (Zerg): 11030
8. Blade Zerg (independent disaster): 4831
9. Dorman (human race): 4722
Reminder: The fang points of the hidden forces of the human race will be evenly compiled into all human forces, and the members of the fangs will belong to the military department.

[Space Tips]: Competition in the personal ranking list (real-time points)
1. Protector (independent disaster): 4831
2. Laser (thrilling Zerg): 4523
3. Faceless Man (new human with fangs): 4302
4. Phantom (Robert's matriarchal Zerg): 3584
5. Explosion (Stirring Zerg): 2121
6. Boxing champion (human army): 1924
7. Turner (Stellar Technology): 1564
8. Howling (Zerg Alliance): 1459
9. Fluctuation (terran army): 1425
10. Foodie (Stellar Technology): 1265
[Space Tips]: The points calculated on the list are related to the acquisition of resources, the number (quality) of kills, and overall strength.

Obtaining resources > number of kills > own strength is the point calculation method

Looking at the racial competition rankings and personal rankings that finally appeared, both of them were stunned.

What shocked Earthwalker was that he finally knew why so many people chased and killed Han Yi, and what shocked him even more was that Han Yi alone represented a race, and it was an independent race, independent of humans and Zergs. outside existence.

Relying on the strength of one person, he even reached the ninth place in the entire race, even surpassing one of the forces of the human race, "Dorman".

"Damn, boss, you are so awesome, you actually have an independent race, how did you do it?"

Han Yi rolled his eyes, ignored the open-mouthed Earthwalker, and carefully examined the ranking.

As for the ranking of racial powers, Han Yi was actually not surprised, and he expected to be at the bottom, but he didn't expect that he would surpass a power, the human power called Dorman, which made him feel Incredible.

"Tell me how weak that Dorman is?" Looking at the Earthwalker who is also a human force, Han Yi couldn't help asking.

"Hey, I don't have much contact with it. It is said that the weapons there are pretty good. I don't know about others, and it seems that not many people choose there."

Han Yi nodded, he also guessed in his heart, otherwise how could that Dorman even be unable to surpass him.

However, compared to the difference in base numbers between the other two races, Han Yi's ranking was entirely due to the large amount of resources he obtained in the Frozen Lake.

And in the barrier building, he also killed many human forces, which also added a lot of points to him.

As for the last item of personal strength, in comparison, Han Yi's Blade Zerg is definitely the weakest.

Han Yi is well aware of this. With his current strength, no matter which race he meets, if he confronts them directly and comprehensively, he will definitely lose.

However, Han Yi still smiled when he saw the golden No.1 on the personal points list.

This let him know that his previous efforts were not in vain. The Blade Zerg's points on the Power Ranking were also his points on the Personal Ranking. He represented the entire Blade Zerg.

"Damn! Damn! Damn, boss, I just found out now that you are actually number one in the personal rankings. Doesn't that mean that if you don't die here, you will be able to get the title of Crimson Advanced, and you will be prosperous! "

Han Yi smiled and didn't speak, but he was still very interested in the special wearable items like titles.

"Boss, don't be so calm, okay, do you know what this means?"

"represents what?"

"Have you ever heard that there are job titles in the second act, and those titles are silver-level existences?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Han Yi suddenly showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect that the earthwalker would know about the title transfer.

"But do you know what it means to be advanced? I suspect that it is the opening of the job title. Developed, developed!"

Han Yi originally thought that Earthwalker knew something, but when he heard that he was just guessing, he immediately lost interest:
"Don't think about it too much. Could it be that only the title of job transfer can belong to the silver class, and can't there be other special titles that also have the attributes of the silver class?"

Looking at Han Yi who was still calm, Earthwalker's eyes were red and he clenched his fists, showing that I was very jealous.

Seeing the earth walker like this, Han Yi was also very speechless.

In fact, in comparison, he is more jealous of Earthwalker's good luck all the time. He got it here by working hard all the way, and there has never been a shortcut for him.

However, there were a few places on the list that caught Han Yi's attention.

For example, the Teng family, which is not at the top of the overall list, actually had two people in the top five of the personal list, and one of them was very familiar to Han Yi.

That person is the "Laser" under him, the guy who won the "Qingyun Bow" in his hands.

He didn't expect that this guy's strength would be improved so much after he obtained the Qingyun Bow, and he would forcefully suppress the Faceless Man and get the second place. This is really incredible.

But Han Yi is not very surprised. After all, he has seen the attributes of Qingyun Bow before, and it is a long-range weapon. Basically, he has a commanding height, and he can start crazy killings.

This is also the reason why Han Yi and the others chose to hand over the bow to him after signing a contract not to use the "Qingyun Bow" against them.

From the list, Han Yi can roughly understand the strength gap between all races.

Now his biggest threat is the military department and star technology of the human race, as well as the Robert matriarchal Zerg of the Zerg.

These three forces are far ahead of other races in terms of points, which can reflect their overall strength, and it is also the biggest obstacle for Han Yi to complete the "continuous hidden mission".

Thinking of this, Han Yi couldn't help becoming anxious again. For this "continuous hidden mission", he has put in a lot of effort. If he can't get rewards in the end, he is unwilling to see it.

Thinking of this, he wanted Earthwalker to go up to observe and see if the people from Star Technology had left. If they had left, he would go out early to find evolutionary resources and speed up the pace of becoming stronger.

But at this moment, Earthwalker's complexion changed, and then he looked at Han Yi with different eyes, which made Han Yi feel a little furious.


A few seconds later, Han Yi finally couldn't hold back and slapped Earthwalker on the back of the head:

"What are you doing!"

Earthwalker, who was woken up from the strange state, smiled embarrassingly, and then showed Han Yi a notification he had received.

[Space reminder: Military hidden mission trigger (Blade Falls)]: Whether to accept this mission, there is no penalty for failure of this mission.

Seeing this notice, Han Yi was also taken aback, and then he realized that with the appearance of the scoreboard, the hidden mission of hunting the Zerg Zerg also advanced again.

It was Stellar Technology before, but this time even the military department has issued a hidden mission to hunt him down. He can even imagine that maybe not only the military department, but all human forces have received the hidden mission to hunt him down.

What made Han Yi feel even more chilling was that there was no failure penalty for this mission, that is to say, everyone could accept this hunting mission without any worries.

"Boss, I guess the Zerg may have all issued a mission to hunt you down." Earthwalker looked at the somewhat sluggish Han Yi, and couldn't help but reminded again faintly.

Han Yi did not speak, but nodded. He is also considering this point, and the possibility is very huge.

That is to say, from now on, he will be in the greatest crisis, every move will be an enemy, and wherever he goes, there will be intruders who want to hunt him down.

"Uh, are you still going up?" Earthwalker asked with his head poking around.

Han Yi rolled his eyes, how could he not go up, and how to complete the "consecutive hidden missions" if he didn't go up, but naturally he would not tell Earthwalker these things.

"Go up and have a look first, if there is no danger, I will go out," Han Yi said lightly.

Hearing that Han Yi was still thinking about going up, Earthwalker was speechless for a while, and then couldn't help giving a thumbs up:
"Boss, I give in to you, your quality of not sacrificing your life for profit is worth learning from me"

Han Yi: "."

"But boss, can I ask where you plan to go after you go up, and also, can you not die so easily." Earthwalker suddenly said with some confusion.

Han Yi gave him a hard look, and naturally knew what the earthwalker was struggling with.

Because his own death would permanently weaken Earthwalker's attributes by 20%, so Earthwalker still hoped that he could stay here and wait for the end of the ghost ruins.

Seeing Earthwalker's reluctant expression, Han Yi couldn't help feeling angry, and couldn't help but said again:

"I haven't won the first place in the race, how can I stay here? If I don't get the first place, I will go to the military, go to the star technology, until I get the first place." Han Yi said deliberately, his tone But it contains an unquestionable attitude.

Hearing Han Yi's words, Earthwalker was stunned. He originally hoped that Han Yi would be safer and safer. Of course, this was also for the sake of contract punishment.

But Han Yi actually wanted to take risks, and he was stunned. He felt that he had never seen such a deadly guy.

Seeing that this guy really believed his words, Han Yi couldn't help laughing.

In the end, Earthwalker glanced at Han Yi resentfully, and obediently went up to check.

When he returned, Earthwalker was very conflicted. On the one hand, he wanted to lie to Han Yi that the crowd was still full of people. On the other hand, after seeing the list, he really had a little hope and belief in his heart. Maybe it can really do all that.

Although Earthwalker always felt that he was short-sighted and fearful of death, this time, for some reason, he wanted to take a risk to help Han Yi.

Because he at least knows one thing, if Han Yi really succeeds, then as a helper, the benefits he can get will definitely exceed his imagination.

 Let’s expand again~ At the same time, we need to speed up the pace~
(End of this chapter)

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