final abyss

Chapter 313 Blood Vengeance

Chapter 313 Blood Vengeance

Finally understanding the reason why the blood egg could devour ghosts without restraint, Han Yi's heart wavered.

The mission itself was already extremely difficult, but this legendary hidden mission actually wanted him to kill the gods.

Even if it is a god that has already fallen, it is still a god after all, and it is definitely not easy to contend with, and a very important point is that this god once fell with the Blade Clan, but at this stage, the little one has not grown up at all, and there is absolutely no killing. God's power.

And the potential is not as strong as Han Yi, let alone Han Yi, which makes Han Yi very hesitant.

Han Yi is now in such a state of having more than enough heart but not enough strength.

[Space Tips]: Due to the emergence of special hidden situations, the plot of the mission world has changed abnormally, and the ghost ruin scene will be delayed to close

[Space Reminder]: All entrants will be forcibly teleported into the Ghost Ruins, and will be forced to accept the changed main task. The subsequent hegemony in this scene will be held in the Ghost Ruins

[Space Reminder]: The Terran camp and the Zerg camp army will advance to the ghost node in a week, and the camp war will start at that time

Han Yi was completely shocked by the series of reminders.

He didn't expect that the appearance of this blood egg would directly advance the progress of the mission at full speed, and the background of the ghostly ruins that had been shrouded in fog completely appeared.

But what puzzled Han Yi was why the influence of this blood egg was so strong that it attracted the attention of the two camps.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Han Yi's mind, and he suddenly thought of "Evolution Crystal".

To say that the two camps of Human Race and Zerg Race, what they care most about must be the resources of evolution crystals.

Could it be that this blood egg is related to the evolution crystal?Or is it that the appearance of the evolution crystal is closely related to this blood egg?
Han Yi felt that he was getting closer and closer to the secret hidden in this mission world.

He raised his eyes and saw that the volume of the blood egg was still expanding, shrinking as if it was breathing, and the wandering souls in the sky frantically rushed towards the blood egg, forming a black column reaching the sky in the air.

Looking at the blood egg that was getting stronger and stronger, Han Yi's face was cloudy and uncertain. He felt that if he got involved in the war between the two camps about the blood egg, he might not be able to get out easily.

Thinking of this, Han Yi finally sighed, and when he was about to cancel the task, suddenly there was a sound explosion in the sky, and then a blue streamer drew an arc from a distance, galloping towards the blood egg come.


A blue giant fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and then kicked heavily on the blood egg that was absorbing ghosts, kicked it flying, and hit the barrier building.

Immediately, there was a sound of wailing all around, and the spirit bodies of the ghosts approaching the barrier building all collapsed and disappeared in a short time.


The blue giant glared at Xuedan, his eyes were filled with rage, looking at Xuedan as if he was looking at his father and enemy.

Han Yi, who was hiding in the hidden formation, immediately understood who it was. He had met the blue-blooded people sealed in the training tank before, so he naturally understood that this race had not been completely extinct.

And he also understands why this guy is angry, this is more than revenge for killing his father, it is completely revenge for exterminating the family.

However, Han Yi felt that the huge blue-blooded man in front of him was much stronger than Ziquan. His muscles were bulging all over his body, and the veins on his bald head were bulging, like a god of war.

Due to the contact with the barrier building, the blood egg could no longer absorb the ghost, and stopped expanding immediately. Then, several tentacles stretched out and entangled towards the front, trying to pull the object and bring its body out of the vicinity of the barrier building.

The blue-blooded man's eyes were filled with flames, looking at the existence of the ruined tribe, whom they once called a fetish and worshiped

He felt his heart convulsing and aching.


The blue-blooded man howled angrily, took a big step forward, and then pushed forward with both hands, the several metal pillars that were engulfed by the blood egg immediately rolled up and pierced towards the blood egg.

The metal was controlled by an invisible force and stuck on the blood egg, and two different bloods, red and black, gushed out from the blood egg.

However, the repair ability of the blood egg is extremely strong, and the injury was repaired within 5 seconds.

The blood egg seemed to be angry because of the injury, and many fleshy bumps appeared on the surface of the body, and then dark red tentacles broke out of the body, entangled towards the blue-blooded man.


Just when those tentacles were about to touch the blue-blooded man, the surrounding air suddenly began to twist, and all the tentacles stopped twisting, as if some invisible hand was holding these tentacles, making them unable to advance or retreat.


Under Han Yi's surprised gaze, all the tentacles that were sweeping towards the blue-blooded man broke off and fell to the ground, constantly twisting.

And the blue-blooded man pushed his hand forward again, and suddenly circles of ripples appeared. The blood egg was lifted by an invisible force, and then it hit the barrier building heavily, making a loud noise.

Seeing the attack method of the blue-blooded man, Han Yi was very familiar with it, which was Ziquan's ability to control thoughts.

However, compared to Ziquan, this blue-blooded man was obviously more than a notch stronger.

Han Yi even guessed that this guy was the strongest boss in one of the other barrier buildings, maybe for some reason he didn't kill him after he was awakened, and he completely recovered his strength.

He thought of the guy who summoned the bleeding egg. Apparently, that guy accidentally got the fetish that the blue-blooded people had been researching, and because of its particularity, this thing was judged as a black-class item by the space. Completely changed the course of the entire mission world.

Looking at the blood eggs that were constantly being controlled by the blue-blooded people and hitting the buildings, Han Yi couldn't help but feel his heart beat up again.

If after accepting the task, the blood egg is directly destroyed by the blue blood man, then his task will be completed.

Looking at the 1-minute countdown to accept the task, Han Yi was very entangled, and finally he gritted his teeth and accepted the task directly.

With the prompt that the task was successfully accepted, Han Yi once again focused on observing the situation in the battle.

Because the ghosts' attention was all on the blood eggs, but because the blood eggs were close to the barrier building, they couldn't enter, so they could only circle around the barrier building continuously.

And because of this, the five people who jumped off the barrier building were not attacked by the ghosts, but instead walked towards them.

Seeing the five people getting closer and closer like this, Han Yi hesitated for a while, and finally decided to play it by ear.

He didn't mind taking the lives of five people, but the most important thing in front of him was the battle between the blue-blooded man and the blood egg. If he had the opportunity, he would naturally not stand by and help the blue-blooded man.

But he didn't dare to act rashly at the moment. After all, the blood egg was a fetish after all, and he didn't know if he had a hole card. If he stepped forward rashly, he might be killed directly.

The five people who were coming towards Han Yi were obviously also shocked by the blue-blooded man and the blood egg who were fighting. In order to avoid harming themselves, they rushed towards Han Yi's position quickly.

And it was a coincidence that they didn't run away, but chose to hide in the house where Han Yi knocked out a big hole, and watched the battle with their heads probed.

Han Yi, who was less than one meter away from them, suddenly felt amused. These people are really not afraid of death, and dare to stay here in this situation.

As for their thoughts, Han Yi also had some guesses. Apparently, these guys took the two monsters in the battle as bosses, thought they would drop monster treasure boxes, and wanted to be "fishermen".

In fact, as long as Han Yi chooses to fight at this moment, he can definitely kill at least two targets in an instant.

But if he makes a move, then he will also expose traces of existence, and a very important point is that a group of human forces on the barrier building are also observing every move here. Although they dare not come down, they will follow up with Han Yi planning to cause trouble.

"Would it be unsafe for us to stay here?" A Zerg man standing beside Han Yi suddenly asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid, I've teamed up with you for three worlds, and you're always scared. I really don't know how you survived." Seeing the appearance of his companion, the other person couldn't help but angrily said.

Then he spoke again: "Xiao Huo, you have to know that in space, if you support the bold and starve the timid, if you don't have the desire to become stronger, you will be eliminated sooner or later!"

The man called Little Huo blushed, and after a moment of silence, he nodded heavily.

Han Yi was speechless watching from the sidelines, especially when he heard the phrase "Support the bold, starve the timid". You must know that even if you want to support yourself, you must have that strength.

Even he didn't dare to intervene in this battle, if it wasn't for the concealment formation, he would have run away long ago, but these guys still want to watch the battle, ready to make a profit, they are simply idiots.

"By the way, have you received the space prompt? The main mission has changed!"

The gesticulating guy suddenly asked the other four.

"It's changed. The final main task becomes a faction battle. After the two forces insert into the ghost ruins, kill ten Zerg units and destroy one building of the Zerg camp."

"That's right, my mission is the same!" Another person also answered.

"By the way, the rewards for the hidden mission of hunting the female blade worm are too rich, even if it is an assist, you can get a lot of points. Shouldn't we focus on it before the faction battle starts! "

"I heard that the Faceless Man fought against the female blade bug, and it's not very strong. Maybe we also have a chance to hunt it down."

Watching the conversation of several people, the veins in Han Yi's temple twitched a few times.

These guys with the heart of a bear and a leopard were actually discussing how to hunt him under his nose, and even mistaken him for a blade female bug again.

If it weren't for more important things to do now, he would have the heart to kill.

"Yes, we should also join the team looking for the blade mother insect. Since there are benefits, why can't we share [-]% of them?"

Several people nodded seriously, and all agreed with this point of view.

Han Yi shook his head, and didn't bother to pay attention to these idiots, and turned his attention to the gate of the barrier building again.

At this moment, the blood egg was continuously controlled and hit, and several cracks were cracked on the body surface, but such an injury, the blood egg can recover in a blink of an eye.

However, Han Yi still found out that the blood egg didn't seem to have a sense of fighting. Every time the tentacles drilled out of the body to fight back, it seemed to be an unconscious action.

This made Han Yi guess that Xue Ming in the blood egg seems to have not completely regained consciousness, and is still in the growth stage of absorbing power.

Han Yi seemed to see the hope of killing the blood egg, and the blue-blood man obviously realized that the ghost was afraid of the barrier building, so he kept the blood egg near the barrier building, so that it could not escape and absorb nutrients.

Looking at the blood egg with strong repairing ability, the blue-blooded man's eyes were almost bursting with anger. He raised his hands abruptly, pointing his palms at the blood ball, and then slowly closed his five fingers.

I saw the blood egg floating up into the air, and then many dents appeared on the surface of the blood egg, as if an invisible force was constantly squeezing the blood egg.

This force continued to grow, and soon the blood egg began to overflow with two incompatible bloods, red and black, due to the high pressure.

There was a puffing sound of flesh being squeezed, and more and more blood flowed out of the bloody egg.

But the blue-blooded man's hands were trembling, as if his five fingers, which were constantly tightening, had encountered some kind of force, and gradually they could no longer tighten them any longer.

Han Yi could tell that the blue-blooded man's power of thought had reached its limit, and he couldn't squeeze the blood egg directly with his thoughts.

Just when Han Yi was feeling anxious for him, the blue-blooded man suddenly withdrew his hand, took out a tube of liquid from his bosom, crushed the top, and poured it into his mouth.

Han Yi's eyes froze when he saw this thing. He was very familiar with this thing. It was the "essence", but it seemed that the blue-blooded people couldn't ingest it directly like the Zerg, and could only absorb and digest it slowly.

Obviously, the blue-blooded man who directly drank a tube of "essence" was desperate.

Sure enough, as Han Yi thought, after drinking the essence, the blue-blooded man began to tremble violently, coughing up blood continuously from the corner of his mouth, but his thoughts turned into circles of nearly substantial blue halos .

These blue halos covered the surface of the blood egg, continuously squeezing the blood egg, and continuously squeezing the blood inside it out.

The severe pain caused Xuedan to slap its tentacles subconsciously, wanting to struggle.

But under the impact of this almost substantive thought, the blood egg was powerless to resist, and the tentacles were squeezed into minced meat in an instant.

There are more and more cracks on the blood egg, and it seems that it is about to burst.

Seeing this scene, Han Yi was faintly excited, wondering if he was really so lucky this time?Under such circumstances, he was able to directly complete the legendary hidden mission he had just accepted.

Under Han Yi's expectant eyes, the huge blood egg began to flatten, more than 80% of the blood inside had been lost, and the struggle became weaker and weaker.


Under Han Yi's expectant eyes, the blood egg was squeezed and burst by the wave of blue thoughts, and the blood fog was floating all over the sky.

"it is good!"

Han Yi swung his fist heavily and shouted in his heart.

And the blue-blooded man who squeezed the bloody egg didn't seem to want to vent his anger yet, he raised his hand again and pressed it, and a deep pit was suddenly pressed out on the ground, and the blood mist and minced meat floating in the air all gathered towards the pit .

As the blue-blooded man raised his hand again and pressed down, the pit was immediately filled with floating sand.


The blue-blooded man raised his head to the sky and roared, raised his right hand and hammered it heavily on his chest, then knelt down on one knee, and began to murmur words that Han Yi could not understand at all.

But at this moment, without the blood egg, those wandering souls floating in the air also became commotion again because they lost their target.

(End of this chapter)

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