final abyss

Chapter 336 Little One's Mind Devouring Mind

Chapter 336 Little One's Mind Devouring Mind
On the easternmost side of the ghost ruins, green moss stretches for dozens of miles, and Zerg warriors of various shapes are constantly busy on these moss.Blood-colored liquid is flowing in veins as thick as blood vessels under the moss, and it is continuously transported to the blood-colored moss area at the center, delivering nutrients for the creation of new troops.

At this moment, in the center of the blood-colored moss, the Zerg duo looked at his brother with a complicated expression.


Looking at his stubborn brother, the second leader of the Zerg still asked his doubts.

Hearing his younger brother's question, the Zerg leader's eyes flickered with bloodthirsty light, and then he spoke slowly:
"Brother, although your thoughts are indeed very touching, have you ever thought that we will not even be as free as we are now if we are sincerely convinced by the Queen of Blades? We will only become her puppet warriors, and even our death will not It will make her fluctuate a little, is such a day what you hope for?"

"But we will have the power of revenge. This is the best shortcut for our revenge. If we climb the Queen of Blades, our future is limitless. We will become a member of the legendary calamity, and let the whole universe support us. trembling with being"

When he said this, the second leader of the Zerg race was a little excited, obviously full of longing for this beautiful future.

"Brother! You know that our Starfall Clan also has the ability to devour evolution, don't underestimate your own potential." Looking at his younger brother, the leader of the Zerg Race said seriously.

"Heh, can our evolutionary talent be compared with Calamity Blade? Can you believe it, that majestic queen is only less than one year old, and she has stronger power than me, but we have lived for 359 years, Even among our own clan, we are not valued because of our low evolutionary talent, and now the existence that our clan kings all look up to wants to recruit us, but you say these useless words, I don’t understand what’s going on in your mind at all what"

Looking at his stubborn brother, the Zerg leader sighed, slowly raised his head and looked up to the sky, his bloodthirsty eyes suddenly flashed red:
"Brother, I heard that devouring the calamity blade can break through the shackles of the life class, and will have unlimited potential for evolution!"

When the second leader of the Zerg race heard this, he was shocked.

He has also heard of this rumor, and this rumor is just spread from the "Sea Emperor", a very powerful force among the cosmic Zerg.

Legend has it that the first generation Zongzu of the Sea Emperor possessed such powerful blood and power precisely because he devoured the body of a Calamity Worm King floating in the universe after the war, and fused part of its blood, opening the infinite world. Potential, established a foothold in the universe in a very short period of time, and created the Neptune Zerg.

This legend has been circulating among the Zerg tribe in the universe, but it has not been confirmed. But when he heard his brother mention it, the second leader of the Zerg tribe suddenly remembered this legend, and knew what his brother wanted to do.

At this moment, the second leader of the Zerg race trembled. He took a deep breath and looked at his brother with shocked eyes.

The Zerg leader smiled ferociously: "Why can't I do what the Sea Emperor Zongzu can do? After he devoured a war, the Zerg King has such a powerful potential and will become one of the strongest forces in the universe in the post-disaster era." One, and what is in front of me now is the Empress of Calamity, the nascent body, devouring her, I will have even more terrifying potential, and I will become a new Calamity!"

Looking at his grinning brother, the Zerg second leader suddenly felt that his brother looked a little strange.He has always understood that his brother is very ambitious, but he never thought that his brother would actually want to replace the Queen of Blades and become a new calamity!

"She's very strong." The second leader of the Zerg race was silent for a while, and a hoarse voice came out of his mouth.

"I know, so I won't make a move if I don't have the certainty of victory!"

"You have never seen his ability. She is not as simple as you imagined. Under her pressure, our Zerg army has no resistance at all. It is the suppression of life and other levels, and there is no way to resist it!"

The elder brother's idea made the second leader of the Zerg race feel extremely crazy, but I have to say that he was also a little moved, but rationally, he still talked about the various obstacles he was about to encounter.Lest my brother lose everything he has because of his arrogance.

"So we plan to take out all the foundations we have accumulated in the past few years since we came to this planet to create a group of the strongest insect army. When necessary, this group of insect army can start berserk!"

"You want to give up all the Zerg power to fight for this opportunity?"

Hearing this, the Zerg second leader was even more surprised.He understands what the so-called berserk is. It is an ability to squeeze life force and get a short-term strengthening. It is a unique desperate counterattack skill of Zerg, but he knows that if he really does that, the price of failure is that they will have nothing. He cultivated it for several years. Zerg armies of all will cease to exist.

"Brother, what are these Zerg armies compared to the evolutionary talent with unlimited potential? As long as we succeed, we will become a new disaster, and revenge can be completed in a short time. We will be like the previous cosmic disaster." , standing on top of the universe."

The brother's thoughts made the second leader of the Zerg race unable to calm down for a long time.

Just because he has seen the Queen of Blades, he knows that the Queen is not as simple as his brother imagined, and it is definitely not easy to swallow.And he, who had felt the coercion of the queen, didn't even think that the berserk Zerg army could resist the oppressive feeling from the depths of his soul. This was just his brother's wishful thinking.

But at this time, the elder brother couldn't persuade him at all, and he had already fallen into the eager longing for the future, which made him even more unsure what to do.

After telling the thoughts in his heart to his younger brother, the Zerg leader began to shake the bell in his hand, and the sound spread, and the Zerg warriors who were busy on the moss heard the sound of the bell, and their movements became more rapid.

In this green area, the plants withered, the earth cracked, and the vitality of all animals and plants was plundered by the domineering bryophytes, which became the nutrients for manufacturing soldiers and created batches of new Zerg life for the Zerg leader.

Compared with the crazy development in the east, the northwest is full of wars.

On the continuous pile of ruins and rubble, the battle between the extremely cold army and the human camp started again, and the roar of machines accompanied by the roar of beasts resounded through the world.

This time it was still a tentative attack by Han Yi, trying to find out how much power the human camp still had.

At this time, Han Yi completely adopted the method of fighting to support the fighting to wear down the strength of the human camp.Accompanied by batches of extreme cold origin beasts honing their combat awareness in the battle, the small extreme cold army grew stronger day by day in this way.

After each battle, Han Yi would help Xiao Budian to point out the shortcomings in the battle and let him make adjustments and changes.

It’s like the weakness of the original extremely cold army lies in its ability to control the air. Now that there is a lord-level air control unit, this deficiency has been made up for. There is also how to arrange the follow-up support forces during the team’s advancement, which can effectively prevent the enemy’s surprise attack The camp arrangement in the rear and so on.

In fact, Han Yi now has the first place in the double list, and he can hide in the north and "hide his strength and bide his time" to wait for the end of the faction war, and choose to return to the space.

But Han Yi didn't do this just for the sake of the little one's growth.

He still hasn't told Xiaobudian that he has a day to leave.

And what he is doing now is laying the foundation for the future of the little one.No matter how terrifying her talent is, after embarking on the journey of the universe, she will still face many crises one day.

Therefore, Han Yi must hand over what she knows as much as possible to the little one in the next period of time, let her continue to integrate, grow in battle after battle, and lay a solid foundation for her future.

As for the little one, her current thinking is very simple, that is, she can learn whatever her father teaches, as long as her father is happy, but she doesn't feel the reluctance in Han Yi's heart at all.

"Father, I have learned everything you said, let me direct and show you." After listening to Han Yi's narration, the little boy proudly raised his head and said to Han Yi.

Afterwards, they began to arrange troops according to the method described by Han Yi to maximize the efficiency of the extreme cold army's advance. It can be said that they fully integrated what Han Yi taught.

Seeing this scene, Han Yi was amazed. He had no choice but to become one. The little talent is so terrifying that it makes one's scalp tingle. If such a talent is given space, it will definitely be the most terrifying existence.

Rubbing the little boy's head, Han Yi smiled slightly: "Let's withdraw troops, this time we're here!"

The little guy rubbed against Han Yi's palm, he smiled, and with a thought, the fiercely aggressive Jihan army began to retreat in a large area, leaving a large open space on the battlefield.

Seeing the retreat of the extremely cold army, the human camp not only did not pursue it, but also began to retreat.

The human warriors on the battlefield breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. They have been oppressed and tortured by waves of extremely cold troops during this period, but the opponents appear from time to time to make them deal with it frequently, and their nerves are tense all the time, which makes them tired. Unbearable.

From the day the support fleet arrived, they once again had an advantage on the battlefield, but this advantage disappeared as the days passed, and they were once again suppressed.

The commanders at the headquarters are discussing how to deal with the Blade Zerg every day, discussing feasible plans one by one, and even finding out many weak points in the extremely cold army, which have also played an effective role in the battle.

However, the weaknesses of the extremely cold army are adjusted and repaired after each battle, and will not reappear.What makes the human camp even more frightening is that the shortcomings of this extremely cold army will be corrected after each battle.

The birth of new arms is something that other Zergs need to evolve for a long time, but it seems a bit commonplace in this extremely cold army.

Insufficient air force, strong air power will appear in the next battle, insufficient ground defense Zerg, the next day there will be Zerg units specializing in defense, insufficient support force, new support Zerg units will be born in the next battle .

Everything that happened during this period made the nerves of the human camp completely tense.By this point, their victory was fading away.

In the end, on this day, the Terran camp issued an instruction for the final battle. If the battle is defeated, all strongholds on the planet will be abandoned, and the entire army will evacuate the planet.

The decision of the human camp was also a last resort. Originally, they wanted to occupy the ghost ruins with the help of follow-up support forces.

Although Xue Ming is dead, there are still many blood and flesh fragments left by Xue Ming under the ground of the ghost ruins. These are also things of great research value.

But under the repeated impact of the tiny extremely cold army, both the commanders and the soldiers of the human camp are about to lose confidence completely.

Moreover, the commanders also found out what the extremely cold army was doing after attacking again and again. This was completely treating them as a training existence, which they couldn't bear.

This time they began to prepare for the final battle, and they would never give the Extreme Cold Army another chance to develop again, relying on some of the last weaknesses of the Extreme Cold Army they have now mastered to carry out a final counterattack.

If they succeed, they will also have the qualification to develop in the ghost ruins. If they fail, then for the sake of the remaining fighters, they will evacuate their entire army and give up everything on this planet.

Of course, Han Yi was not clear about the plan of the Human Race camp. As usual, after returning to the stronghold in the north, he gave some pointers to Xiao Budian, and at the same time warned Xiao Budian how to think when dealing with problems.

Listening to Han Yi's serious teaching, the little one seemed a little unserious, and wanted to reach out to touch Han Yi's face from time to time, looking like a noisy and curious baby.

Han Yi is also very helpless about this, but he still feels a little sad when he thinks that he will leave this world in 7 days.

He still hid the sadness of parting in his heart and didn't say it out loud, because he didn't know how to say it.

He can clearly feel the little boy's dependence on him. In the past few days, the affection between each other has become closer. If he tells the little boy that he is leaving at this time, he doesn't know how the little boy will react.

Han Yi felt a dull pain in his heart when he thought of the little boy crying with pear blossoms and rain, and his face full of despair.

Since he couldn't figure out how to say goodbye, Han Yi could only bury these words in his heart, waiting for the last day to come.

"Father, why do you think our Blade Clan wants to slaughter God? Is God really so delicious?"

Looking at Han Yi's serious face, Xiao Budian stuck out his tongue and asked curiously.

Seeing the gluttonous look on Xiao Budian's face, Han Yi touched his forehead, and he knew that Xiao Budian was deserting again, and he was thinking about food again.

"Didn't Xue Ming be eaten by you? You should know whether it is good or not," Han Yi said weakly.

Hearing Xue Ming, the little boy's eyes flashed brightly, and he said decisively: "It's delicious! It's so delicious, I will eat it again in the future!"

Hearing this, Han Yi's eyes flashed a light. He didn't dissuade Xiao Budian from following the steps of the queen of calamity to devour gods, but he didn't expect Xiao Budian to have the idea of ​​devouring gods now.

The reason is very simple. Han Yi knows very well that even if you don't destroy other people's interests at all, if you have the strength to destroy others' interests, then others will never let you go.

This is like the world Han Yi used to be in. In that world, there were many loyal and good generals in ancient times, but they did not end well because of their great achievements. It is precisely because of their own strength that they have posed a threat to others. And this kind of threat is what others don't want to see.

The same is true for Xiao Budian, the rise of the Calamity Blade Clan is what the gods do not want to see.If the little one wants to gain a foothold in the universe, then sooner or later there will be a day when he will face the gods.

 Two in one big chapter~~o(〃'▽'〃)o
  Today's update is over~
(End of this chapter)

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