final abyss

Chapter 338 The Biggest Variable

Chapter 338 The Biggest Variable
Looking at the figure in front of him, the commander-in-chief smiled coldly: "The battle has begun, where is your army?"

"Don't worry, we're already on our way. By the way, the technology of your human race is so useful that you can make face-to-face calls across such a long distance." The figure in the video smiled and said.

"I'll give you half an hour. If your army can't arrive, then our human army will withdraw, and the rest of the battlefield will be handed over to you and the Blade Zerg. I will not joke with you with the lives of the soldiers."

The expression of the originally casual Zerg leader changed significantly when he heard this.

If the human race really left at this point, then his confidence in fighting the extremely cold army would definitely lose more than 3 levels, which he didn't want to see, and it would be even more difficult for him to get what he wanted.

"Okay! We will definitely arrive within half an hour!" The Zerg leader's expression became very serious, and he agreed decisively.

The video in front of him was turned off, and the commander-in-chief's eyes flashed with light of thought.This time the Zerg will be their biggest hole card for victory, and it is also the point that the commanders are most worried about.

But he also has long-term considerations.The cooperation between the Zerg and the Terran this time can be said to be based on what they need, and it is not just a joint fight against the Blade Race.

The request made by the Zerg this time is to take away the female blade insect, which does not conflict with the needs of the Terran.And the Zerg leader guarantees that after the battle is won, he can exit the ghost ruins and give up all the resources in the ghost ruins.

For this cooperation, the commander-in-chief agreed after careful consideration, because this is the last struggle of the human camp on this planet. If they fail, their efforts in the past few years will be in vain.

The idea in the Zerg leader's mind is even simpler. Originally, his plan was to devour the Queen of Blades, but this time, cooperating with the human race can increase the success rate by several percent, so why not do it.

And from the Zerg leader's point of view, if he really devoured the Queen of Blades, he wouldn't care about the ghost ruin at all, so what if it was given to the humans.

Different interests have led to the fact that the two camps that were originally mortal enemies will become partners, positioning their opponents as the Blade Clan.

At this time, the center of the battlefield is like two divided worlds, one side is the blue extremely cold army, and the other side is the steel and metal mech warriors.

It can be clearly seen that the army of extreme cold is always in a dominant position, pressing down on the army of steel and constantly retreating.

Every human warrior present knew that this was the last battle. Before the battle, they wrote a suicide note together with the commander, and were willing to dedicate their lives for this last battle. They swore that at this moment, they would never retreat!

Facing the frantically attacking extremely cold army, they resisted with all their strength. The blood shed by their comrades ignited their anger. They roared and fought hard for this. The future forms a steel barrier.

Even the power of extreme cold can't extinguish the blood in their hearts. Even if they must lose, they still have to leave their heroic appearance on the battlefield. This is the ending that a soldier should have, and it is a kind of honor.

Death is terrible, but at this moment, they are willing to sacrifice for it.

Watching the fighting figures of the soldiers, the commander-in-chief Furui Fubo felt ripples in his heart. He took a deep breath, clicked on the screen, and a tragic battle song sounded outside the fortress.

At this moment, the commander-in-chief's heart was full of pride, proud of these soldiers who never backed down. This music was created by him to commemorate the departed comrades-in-arms.

The soldiers present are also very familiar with this battle song, because whenever comrades around them leave, they will hear this familiar music. They call this music "Military March".

But at this moment, the difference is that this time they are no longer seeing off their comrades as a bystander, but for themselves.

In the tragic music, the soldiers' emotions were mobilized to the highest level, and they were able to withstand the attack of the extremely cold army and built a solid barrier.

The frenzied army of extreme cold kept attacking this barrier, and soldiers continued to fall, but another figure would take over the baton of life and become a new force for this barrier.

Han Yi, who was on the mountain, looked at the scene in front of him and took a deep breath.

He had to admit that this was a real army with its own obsession, its own honor, and its own military spirit.And every soldier is willing to dedicate his life for this, this is the real division of steel.

But even though Han Yi admired the army in front of him, he still had no intention of stopping the attack.

As a general, he knows better than anyone else that there is no right or wrong in war, only victory or defeat.And the weak will not receive mercy, even the human race.

If he is the one who loses this war, the human race will definitely not be merciful to the blade race.In the same way, although Han Yi admired those soldiers, he would not show mercy. This is war!
The ground trembled constantly in the collision between the two sides, and just as the extremely cold army tore through the barrier formed by the human warriors, the Zerg races all over the mountains appeared in Han Yi's field of vision, and they advanced quickly, crashing into the pole from the flanks. Among the cold army.

Han Yi stared coldly at the direction where the Zerg army appeared, with a few cold lights flickering faintly in his eyes.

The sudden appearance of the Zerg army disrupted Han Yi's original battle formation, and the support of the frontline forces was not in place, allowing the Zerg warriors to fill up the barrier again.

Seeing the appearance of the Zerg army, all the commanders in the command room breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the commander-in-chief's judgment was correct, and this time the Zerg was really willing to cooperate with the Terran to fight against the enemy.

"Counterattack! Kill the Blade Zerg!"

Looking at the Zerg army coming from the east, the commander-in-chief finally spoke again.

These words instantly ignited the anger that had been accumulated in the hearts of all the commanders for a long time, and it completely broke out at this moment.

"Kill me! Go back and kill all these beasts!"

"Dorman group, all counterattack back for me, this time it's our turn to attack!"

Such angry roars echoed in every command room, and all the human warriors also changed their formation in accordance with the commander's order.

Turning shields into spears, the human warriors finally started to counterattack crazily, killing the extremely cold army in front of them crazily.The anger in my heart turned into strength and courage, and I tried my best every time I charged.

Han Yi turned his head and looked to the east. Behind the Zerg army, two floating figures were also looking at Han Yi with cruel smiles.

Han Yi turned his head to the extremely cold army again, and ordered that the extremely cold army be divided into two waves to fight against the impact of the two forces separately.

Although the small extreme cold army has great strength, it still feels powerless to fight against two forces at the same time. There are constant extreme cold origin beasts falling under the war blades of the human race and the fangs of the Zerg race.

Faced with such a situation, Han Yi's heart did not fluctuate at all. While observing the battlefield with his eyes, he formed instructions one by one in his mind and transmitted them to the extremely cold army.

And the extremely cold army that received the order began to slowly retreat to the north.

The commander-in-chief immediately sensed Han Yi's intentions, and understood that it was Han Yi's plan to retreat and fight at the same time, to get out of the encirclement of being attacked by the two camps at the same time, and to retreat to bring the human camp and the Zerg camp together.

If Han Yi's strategy is really successful, the Terran and Zerg armies that merged into one battle line will definitely contain each other, which is not good for them.

Thinking of this, the commander-in-chief decisively ordered the soldiers to intensify their attack, pulling down the strength of the extremely cold army, making it impossible for them to withdraw this force.

Seeing that his intentions were seen through, Han Yi just frowned slightly, and then ordered again to let the Jihan army continue to advance to the right line of defense of the human race, trying to open up a passage.

At this moment, in the depths of the [-]-meter pit, the body of the little boy covered in scars was surrounded by a circle of purple light, and these rays of light were penetrating into the little boy's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the continuous intrusion of the light cluster, the scars on Xiaobudian's body began to heal quickly, and purple lines emerged on his body surface, outlining strange patterns on her body.

Perhaps the commander-in-chief never imagined that their most powerful railgun would eventually become a little bit of food, which awakened even older memories, and their strength grew unprecedentedly again.

Feeling Xiaobudian's vitality again, Han Yi suddenly smiled.

He turned his gaze to the east, on the two people floating in the air behind the Zerg army, opened and closed his mouth a few times, and then grinned.

The Zerg leader looked at Han Yi suspiciously, not knowing what Han Yi was doing, and seemed to be talking to him.

But at this moment, the Zerg leader's heart trembled, and a huge sense of crisis hit him, making his body tremble uncontrollably.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the skin and piercing the flesh sounded.

The Zerg leader turned his head and looked back in disbelief. When he saw that familiar face looking at him fiercely, his heart trembled again: "Why?"

"The star dagger is absorbing your power, don't think about resisting!"

After saying this, the second leader of the Zerg race stretched out his hand and slapped it fiercely, breaking up the strength that had gathered in the leader of the Zerg race to resist.


Looking at the tip of the dagger piercing through his chest, the leader of the Zerg roared angrily again.

At this moment, he knew that he could no longer have the power to resist. The only condensed power was scattered, and his body was pierced by the dagger made by the star stone that restrained the space power, and he had completely lost the power to resist.

"Brother, you are very ambitious, but you just lack some brains. I don't want to die with you!" The second leader of the Zerg race showed a trace of unbearable, but after saying the last word, his face still showed cruelty.

"We obviously have the hope of becoming a disaster." The Zerg leader showed pain on his face, and he could clearly feel that the Star Dagger was frantically plundering the power in his body.

"Don't be stupid, okay? She's the Queen of Blades, she can't be defeated so easily, don't you think it's crazy that you want to devour her and become a new disaster, don't forget why we were abandoned by the tribe, it is precisely because Our poor talent, that is an insurmountable gap!"

The Zerg leader closed his eyes in pain. At this moment, all thoughts in his heart were lost. He never thought that his dearest brother would abandon him at this moment.

With trembling hands, he pointed to the battlefield: "See, we have the advantage, we can win"

"As long as she doesn't die, he can have as many troops as he wants. She alone is worth thousands of insect troops. You haven't felt her coercion, and you can't understand that kind of army like a god looking down on ants. Pressure."

"Do you think your army is really strong? I can guarantee that as long as she appears, your army will be defeated in an instant!"

"Brother, you are crazy, no matter how strong she is, she is not invincible!"

Looking at his somewhat possessed younger brother, the Zerg leader couldn't understand why his younger brother would be so in awe of the Calamity Queen and even willing to abandon his family for her after only meeting him once.

"The way to become a disaster is not necessarily to devour the disaster. I can also blend in and become a part of it. Brother, let's go. Our revenge will be borne by me alone!"

In fact, what the second leader of the Zerg race hasn't told his brother is that from the moment he saw the Queen of Blades, he was completely fascinated by her. Although he knew that all of this was impossible, he was willing to follow.

"It turns out that you abandoned your dignity just after seeing her once. Don't you know that she is seriously injured at this moment? I'm so disappointed in you"

The Zerg leader was getting weaker and weaker, and it was difficult for him to even speak. He could feel the vitality passing through his body.

"Heh, look who that is." Hearing his brother say that the queen had been seriously injured, the second leader of the Zerg tribe stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Han Yi.

 Have you guessed it~~o(〃'▽'〃)o
(End of this chapter)

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