final abyss

Chapter 355 Taboo-like Existence

Chapter 355 Taboo-like Existence
Acquainted with each other along the way, the Emperor's power in the second act is unparalleled. Relying on the perfect level of evaluations, the strength of the Emperor has grown unprecedentedly, and he has become a well-deserved emperor in the world in the second act. supreme symbol.

The complexity of human nature is incomprehensible to wilderness species like Mingyue. His strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the mentality of the emperor is gradually changing.

Mingyue's actions became natural in Ren Huang's view.Although Mingyue noticed the change of Renhuang, he still did not choose to leave, because Renhuang was his first friend and the only one, and he also regarded him as a relative.

What made Mingyue completely disappointed was that in the "Death Trial" mission in the last city, in that mission, the emperor came to the most terrifying world of cultivating immortals, and received a world-class difficult hidden mission.

It was a difficult battle. The world-class hidden mission had already touched the most powerful force in that world, and even the name contract was powerless to parry that battle.

Death was so close to the two of them, at that moment, Mingyue chose to rush to the front, resisting attacks from all directions for the emperor, but when he turned around, he found a scene that broke his heart.

Human Sovereign had no intention of fighting side by side with him at all, and chose to escape by relying on Mingyue's gap to resist the damage. At that time, Mingyue felt that Renhuang was so strange.

The most important bond in life, the inseparable brother actually abandoned him and chose to escape alone.

That kind of heartache made Mingyue freeze on the spot, and the violent attack hit his body, but the heartache was a hundred times stronger than the damage of his body.

The pain made Mingyue feel that he couldn't breathe. Like a child, he looked at the direction where the emperor was going away, hoping that everything was false, and that relative would definitely come back, definitely!

But that figure gradually drifted away and finally disappeared into the sky. His departure tore Mingyue's heart and made Mingyue completely crazy.He kept rushing towards the encirclement, wanting to break out, wanting to find that person to ask why.

But the strength of that force was too strong, and Mingyue couldn't break through the siege at all. In the end, he was crushed by the lord of that force, his soul was imprisoned, and he was locked in the endless purgatory, ready to use it as the soul material of the refining weapon.

In the endless purgatory world, countless Shura evil spirits tore at his soul, torturing him day and night.In that world, Mingyue suffered pain that the body could not experience.

But even at that moment, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart that that person would come to save him and would not abandon him.

That glimmer of hope is the only motivation for him to survive in the endless purgatory, otherwise his soul would have been corrupted by the evil spirits of Asura, and he would become like the group of dull souls around him, losing his true heart.

Hope is a ray of dawn, which makes him struggle and look forward to in the whirlpool of pain, but this kind of hope deteriorates one day, because Mingyue realizes that he will never come again, and he has abandoned himself forever.

At that moment, hope turned to resentment.

One day after an unknown number of years, Mingyue's soul was brought out of the endless purgatory by the powerful master, and was thrown into the refining furnace as the main soul material of the Horcrux.

At that time, even Mingyue thought he was doomed, and the future he had dreamed of would burst like a bubble, and everything would be shattered.

Perhaps fate is so impermanent, when the scorching fire climbed up to his soul, the call from space suddenly appeared, pulling him back from death, and appearing in the space.

It was not only Mingyue who was surprised, but also Renhuang.

Looking at Mingyue with only his soul body left, Human Sovereign seemed a little unbelievable. In his opinion, Mingyue had already died, but when he came back after finishing all the tasks, Mingyue appeared along with him.

Looking at the emperor, Mingyue's soul fluctuated violently, surprise, hatred, and resentment flooded his heart. At that moment, Mingyue didn't even know how to face that man.

Looking at Mingyue, Human Sovereign suddenly burst into tears, constantly expressing his remorse, and constantly longing for Mingyue's forgiveness.

Thousands of accumulated hatred dissipated in the last words of the Emperor, "We are relatives".

He forgave Renhuang, just as Renhuang said, Mingyue still had a trace of reluctance in his heart, and regarded Renhuang as a relative.

Although Mingyue forgave Renhuang, but at this moment he only has a weak soul left.

He used to be the Emperor's greatest reliance and the most powerful weapon, but with this appearance, he has long since lost the strength he once possessed and has become extremely weak.

After Renhuang discovered all this, his attitude changed 180 degrees. All this made Mingyue feel more and more that the familiar person had disappeared.

In a meeting about customs clearance trials, when the subordinates mentioned that the customs clearance trials were very important, and the name contract occupied the human emperor's spiritual favor, but it was of no use at all, and suggested that the human emperor tear up the contract. The emperor's reaction was almost terrified.

"Why bother to tear up the contract, that would require a large penalty for breaking the contract, why not find someone to help me kill it, it's simple and clear"

The emperor said this sentence lightly, and the chill revealed in the words was like a sharp thorn, piercing the last persistence in Mingyue's heart.

From that day on, Mingyue disappeared, he left that man, and left with endless hatred.

He once shared everything about himself with that man, regarded him as an indispensable part of his life, and was even willing to go all out for him to resist an invincible opponent.

But from the moment he lost his value, that man abandoned him mercilessly.

It turns out that he has been using himself all the time, using himself as a tool to become stronger, and when he loses his value, then this tool of himself becomes garbage that can be thrown away at will.

His deep love for the Emperor turned into endless hatred after that, he was always thinking of finding that man, killing him, and taking back everything that once belonged to him.

The power of the contract binds Mingyue, and the emperor keeps summoning Mingyue to return through the contract, but Mingyue endures the pain from the depths of his soul, and locks himself in a grotto in the dome cliff, resisting the call of the power of the contract.

Because Mingyue is very clear that there is only one dead end to go back, but Human Sovereign will still have a new soul pet with a smile, or a new tool.

This painful call lasted for three days and three nights. After that day, the shackles from the contract disappeared completely, and Mingyue also knew that the contract had been torn.

From that moment on, he was free again and became a pure existence like other wilderness species in the world.

But Mingyue was not reconciled to becoming like this. He tried various methods to restore his body, but all he got was disappointment time and time again.

Mingyue did not give up, the hatred in his heart made him continue to work hard, he was thinking about revenge all the time, wanted to see the remorseful and painful picture of the Emperor, and killed him with his own hands.

Mingyue, who tried again and again to no avail, put her last hope on her own talent, the powerful ability to control everything.

He tried to use his soul body to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and stood on the top of the Qiongding Cliff every day, using his fragile soul body to experience the baptism of the sun and moon's brilliance.

This method makes his soul body stronger and stronger, but without a physical body, everything is empty. Even if his soul is so strong that it is almost materialized, but without a physical body to carry it, his ability still cannot be fully released.

This kind of desperation made Mingyue lose the motivation to live. Finally, one day, he crazily attracted the thunder from the dome, and wanted to use the power of the thunder to destroy himself, so as to end this painful life.

When the destructive power of Thunder hit Mingyue, Mingyue was even ready to be free, but what he waited for was not death, but hope.

The arc danced on the soul body, making his soul body more and more solid. This destructive power is actually filled with infinite vitality, constantly stimulating the potential of Mingyue's soul body.Grain buds germinated on his body surface, and the flesh tissue continued to grow like mushrooms after rain.

Everything starts all over again, his name has been stripped from the ink tablet since he became a soul pet.

Since then, the name of the beast has returned again.

Mingyue's desire to become stronger has reached a point of insanity, and he has tried all methods to make himself stronger quickly, because he wants revenge.

Relying on his terrifying innate ability, Mingyue spent three full years climbing to the top of the ink stele once again, becoming one of the top ten beasts.

For the past three years, he has poured thunder into his physical body every day, condensing his physical body to the extreme, honing his combat skills in the fight, and constantly improving his ability to control everything. Climb to the top of the ink stele, regaining the strength that rivaled the former self.

He also regained the power to take revenge on that man, and this hatred has been growing continuously in the past three years, becoming Ming Yue's heart demon and his taboo.

Finally, after regaining this power, he flew to the end city, the place that made him sad and desperate.

It’s just that what Mingyue never expected was that after he entered the end city and found a subordinate who had followed the Emperor, the news he got was that the Emperor had already entered the third act world three years ago. Also won't be coming back.

Mingyue couldn't accept this fact at all, and he suffered for it for three years, but what he got was the news that the man would never come back.

There was nowhere to vent the hatred, and Mingyue roared to the sky in pain.

As a result, the massacre battle broke out. As one of the top ten fierce beasts, the power of Mingyue was beyond the imagination of the entrants. The power to destroy everything in the city was completely destroyed, and the entire city was engulfed in flames. Shrouded with thunder.

It was a massacre that shocked the world in the second act, and the power of Mingyue was helpless even for job changers.Those unorganized resistance did not play a key role, and the ending was that the last city was completely destroyed, and a large number of entrants died as a result.

Even though the Mo city was destroyed, the hatred in Mingyue's heart still hadn't been vented, because the man had already left, and he could no longer truly take revenge.

All the entrants have since become the objects of Mingyue's hatred, and Mingyue's hatred for the Emperor has made all the entrants the targets of his revenge.

From the last city to the first trial city, Mingyue slaughtered the city all the way, destroying people wherever he went, and he became a nightmare for all entrants.

Even though the trial city can be automatically repaired after being destroyed, it will still be attacked by Mingyue crazy after it can be repaired, and will be destroyed again.

His behavior touched the root of the second act of Creation Space, and the law was changed. Except for the last city, all the trial cities were protected by the law, and could not be broken by the ten wild beasts. Although the city is not protected by laws, it has a regular protection time, and this time is extremely long.

This change in the law can no longer allow Mingyue to carry out massacres unscrupulously, because the power of the law cannot be resisted.But he was not reconciled, he enslaved a large number of wilderness species, and regularly attacked other trial cities, and he would always go to the last city after the safety time ended to vent his anger.

In the last city, there is the happiest time in this city, but it also has the most obsessed hatred in his heart. He hates everything left by that man, even if it cannot be completely destroyed, he will do everything he can to destroy it.

One day, Mingyue stood at the tip of the dome and looked up at the galaxy, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, why can't I escape the second act space and go to the third act space? Am I really willing to stay here and endure? Looking at the pain that man brought to me, why can't I go find him and kill him with my own hands.

Since then, as a wilderness species, how to transcend this second-act world has also become Mingyue's most desired goal.

He tried to find the answer, and after a massacre of the city, Mingyue found the answer on the ink tablet, that is to become the strongest, and then he is qualified to transcend the world of the second act.

But to become one of the top ten fierce beasts, if you want to continue to go up, you have to face a crisis that is incomparable before.

After all, those who can become the top ten fierce beasts are all almost invincible existences in the wilderness, and each of them has powerful talents like him.

But Mingyue didn't give up, he began to challenge the No.9 beast "Bone Hammer" constantly, and was defeated again and again, and almost died because of it several times, but he was still on the road of challenge.

The difficulty of this kind of challenge simply surpassed Mingyue's imagination, and it was almost impossible for him to rise up one rank. Those fierce beasts that had survived for countless years possessed a strength that he could not match.

But unlike them, besides his own talent, Mingyue also has a smart mind, which is something that other wilderness species do not possess.

He planned for a long time for this, and even borrowed the power of the entrants. When he succeeded in a sneak attack and completely killed the "Bone Hammer", Mingyue excitedly tore the body of the Bone Hammer.

But in the body of the bone hammer, Mingyue unexpectedly found a core different from other wilderness species. This core is crystal clear and contains infinite vitality and energy inside.

Under the desire for power, Mingyue swallowed the core.

From then on, a door opened, and it turns out that there is really a shortcut to the improvement of strength.

Mingyue began to understand that all wilderness species, as long as they inscribed their names on the top of the black tablet and became one of the top ten fierce beasts, their core has actually been changed under the law of space.

From then on, Mingyue began to hunt and kill other ferocious beasts, and he became a taboo in the wilderness, and was feared by many ferocious beasts.He is also a taboo for entrants, and the original culprit of the massacre of the city.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that the heart of the beast Mingyue is no longer here, and he has been walking on the road.
(End of this chapter)

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