final abyss

Chapter 427 The Situation of the Vanguard Army

Chapter 427 The Situation of the Vanguard Army

In fact, Bei Ye knew Han Yi left with the vanguard army, but he didn't choose to let people chase him.

Although he was shocked and even found it incredible when he heard the news of Dao Dao's independence, he did not choose to attack the Dao Dao Vanguard Army, even though he knew they were rebels now.

Because Kitano looked at the problem at a different level from the people below, he, like Han Yi, thought about how the vanguard should deal with themselves.

If the vanguard army chooses to retreat, then he will choose to annihilate them without hesitation, and absolutely not allow them to go back and join the escort army.

But if they choose to move on and enter the Western Continent, everything will be different, because it is impossible for the kingdom of alien beasts to accept the surrender of the human race. At the same time, he firmly believes that even if they choose to rebel, the guards will never abandon their race and choose to fight with alien beasts. For company.

In the dead of night, only the crackling of the bonfire and the howling of the wind reverberating in the canyon can be heard.

After all, at this moment, several dirt bumps suddenly bulged up on the edge of the canyon, and then groups of strange beasts crawled out of the hole and began to rush towards the Earthshaking army camp.

At this moment, the guard on the tower who was in charge of the watch suddenly turned his head to the area shrouded in darkness, because there seemed to be a slight movement of an object passing through the haystack.

Without hesitation, he immediately bent down and drew the arrow, put the whistling arrow on the bow and arrow, and shot towards another lookout point.

The arrow of this messenger arrow is made from a pattern with a groove in the middle, which is similar to a whistle. When the arrow shoots out and breaks the wind, it will make a rapid whistling like someone is whistling. Developed and later spread to the whole army.

"Chirp~!" There was a clear whistling sound, and the soldiers in the watchtower in the distance immediately looked up and looked up here.

The lookout soldiers here immediately made several gestures in a row. Seeing this, the soldiers immediately pulled out a special long white arrow, lit the arrow with a kerosene lamp, pulled the string fully, and pointed towards the distance at the same time. the darkness shoots away.

The rocket streaked across the sky in a half-moon arc, constantly illuminating what was ahead.

When they saw the densely packed alien beasts appearing from a distance, the watchmen were startled, and immediately pulled the alarm bell on the watchtower at the same time.

The specially made alarm bell seemed small, but it made a loud sound, and it began to reverberate around the station.

When the sound was transmitted to the watchtower in the distance, the soldiers there also rang the alarm bell without hesitation. A moment later, the sound of the alarm bell echoed over the entire Earthshaking barracks.

The sudden pull of the alarm instantly awakened the soldiers of the Earth Shaker Army who were sleeping. Everyone quickly opened their eyes from sleep, got up quickly and began to dress.

In less than a minute, people began to walk out of the tent and gather outside.

Usually, one of the war training is about the enemy's sudden surprise attack on our army, how to organize personnel to counterattack in a short period of time, so the Earth Shaker's reaction speed is extremely fast, quickly generating a viable force.

Several generals also came out of the tent and began to inquire about the situation.

The first lookout soldier who saw the appearance of the alien beast had already communicated the situation, and the messenger immediately reported the news, and then the whole army of the Earth Shaking Army entered a state of combat readiness.

This time the alien beasts came from all directions, and they came from the ground. It was obviously premeditated. It wasn't that they didn't occupy the canyon, but they had already occupied the canyon, but they chose to hide underground and wait for an opportunity.

Faced with this situation, the Earth Shaking army divided into four groups, each choosing a direction to advance.


Seeing the fire in the Earth Shaking barracks lit up, the strange beast that had been advancing quietly seemed to have received some order, and began to gallop towards the Earth Shaking barracks crazily.

After a day's hard work, preliminary defense works have been built around the Earthshaking barracks.

However, the Earthshaking generals did not plan to use the defensive projects, because these projects are too fragile at this stage, easily damaged, and not very lethal, so they decided to go out to fight.

The surprise attack of the alien beast can be said to be very fast. If an ordinary army encounters it, it will definitely be caught by surprise.

However, in the face of the well-trained Earth Shaker Army, their raid plan fell through, and a head-to-head confrontation was staged here.

The sound of shouting and killing echoed over the canyon. The collision between the alien beast and the earth-shaking warrior did not appear to be evenly matched, but a one-sided massacre.

The four square battle formations formed by the soldiers of the Earth Shaking Army were like four millstones, constantly rolling forward, and a large number of strange beasts were involved in it, and then they were hacked to death.

In this wave of raids, the biggest weakness of the alien beasts lies in the connection of numbers.

Because it appeared from the potholes around the canyon, and chose to attack before gathering, the alien beast's raid failed seriously, and the follow-up support could not keep up with the alien beast warriors who were rushing ahead.

When a large number of alien beasts were killed, the defeat of the alien beast's surprise attack became more obvious.

Perhaps the Alien Beast Legion did not expect that what they had to face was the combat power of the entire army of the Earth Shaking Army, one of the four pillars of Kaitian. When signs of defeat appeared, they would be unstoppable. Killed to the mouth of the pothole on the edge of both sides of the canyon.

"Shake the ground!"

At this moment, Kitano's voice suddenly came from the center of the barracks where the ground was stationed.

"Woo!" All the Earth Shaker soldiers roared, then lifted their right foot and stomped heavily on the ground.


At this moment, the ground was really shaken, the canyon shook, and rocks continued to slide down from the canyon.

All the ground-shaking soldiers gathered their aura in the soles of their feet, and then pressed them heavily into the ground.

In an instant, all the strange beasts that had not yet appeared in the ground were torn apart, and the tunnel dug by the king beast collapsed and was buried.

Faced with such a situation, the King Beast hiding underground was also frightened.

Although he was in the depths of the ground, he was also injured by this blow. Faced with this situation, the king beast began to dig the ground and flee towards the distance. Facing such a powerful ground-shaking army, it had completely lost its strength. desire to continue fighting.

But at this moment, a long cyan light rose from the ground-shaking barracks, and when it was more than five feet long, it broke through the ground and penetrated into the ground, slashing towards the running king beast.

This attack was fierce, even though the King Beast had already detected the existence of this attack through hearing, there was still no way to escape.

Facing this blow, King Beast immediately turned around to block it.

When the green light swept across, its upper body and lower body slowly separated, and then died.

This battle came quickly and ended quickly. Facing such a powerful Earth Shaking Army, this wave of alien beast raids did not have the expected effect at all. Instead, they were all beheaded. Great shock.

After the war, all the corpses of the alien beasts were dragged to the edge of the canyon for burning, and at the same time Kitano ordered to prepare for the construction of underground defense measures.

This underground defense measure is composed of wooden piles connected in a row. After they are driven into the ground, they are bound and implicated with special ropes. As long as one of the wooden piles is damaged, the exposed wooden piles The bell will ring, which can effectively prevent a large-scale underground attack.

Such an underground defense project is not a difficult task for the Earth Shaker Army, it is just one of the basic defense constructions.

Since the messengers have already gone to the territory of the Earth Shaker Army to convey the notice of material delivery, a large number of strategic materials are still on the way. Otherwise, there will be more defensive facilities that can be built, which will greatly strengthen the defense of the Earth Shaker Army in the canyon.

At this stage, development and consolidation are the main focus. As long as the other three legions have not arrived, Kitano will not send troops to attack recklessly.

Although the specific strength of the Alien Beast Kingdom is very vague, from all the information they have obtained, it can be figured out that this Alien Beast Kingdom is definitely not weak.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to annex all the creatures of the Western Continent and establish a supreme and unique special existence like Kaitian Kingdom.

So Kitano knew that this time he really had to wait.

The original Western Expedition plan was full of unknowns after Shi Jingtian chose to be independent and became an enemy with Kaitian.

At the same time, Beiye still had a guess in his mind. Perhaps this Western Expedition would be aborted after Shi Jingtian's independence. At that time, instead of the other two major legions coming to support, he would be asked to go back to encircle and suppress the Dao Guard Army.

Of course, all of this is just Kitano's guesswork, because he never felt that Shi Jingtian was a reckless person.

After hearing the news of the independence of Dao Dao Army, the first thing Kitano thought of was whether this is the plan that several generations of Dao Dao Generals had already planned and passed on from generation to generation. When it came to Shi Jingtian, it just happened The Western Expedition, and Shi Jingtian just grasped this node.

On the night when the Earth Shaking Army built the defense project overnight, the vanguard army led by Han Yi rushed out of the canyon.

Facing the vast night, Han Yi immediately ordered the whole army to extinguish the torches, and then chose to rest on the left side near the mouth of the canyon.

The so-called combat readiness rest refers to not taking off armor and combat clothes, keeping weapons away from the body, not setting up tents, and maintaining a state of being able to cope with sudden battles at any time.

The soldiers of the Dao Guard Army rested against the rock wall on the side of the canyon, which also had an advantage. At least the rear could not be attacked suddenly, as long as they had to deal with the battle coming from the front.

Since it was night, Han Yi didn't intend to let the vanguard army continue to advance. After all, the dark night is always full of many unknown factors.

If you advance with a torch, it is too conspicuous, and it is easy to be spotted by the existence of the Alien Beast Legion, and a battle will break out.

Han Yi is not afraid of small-scale battles, and at the same time has confidence in the soldiers of the Taoist Army, but if there are countless strange beasts in front of him waiting for an opportunity to attack the canyon, then Han Yi will undoubtedly hit the muzzle of the gun if he continues to move forward.

Just now, Han Yi also heard the shouts of killing in the canyon, and understood that the Alien Beast Legion had already ambushed in the canyon, planning to surprise the Earth Shaker Army.

Han Yi didn't know how the battle was going, but he could probably guess something. After all, in a place as big as Liuyun Canyon, if the Earth Shaking Army couldn't even wipe out the ambushes, then how could it be called the four pillars of Kaitian.

The temperature difference between day and night in the Western Continent is obvious. The cold wind at night swept over the soldiers of the vanguard army. Everyone gathered together and leaned on the rock wall, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

Fortunately, all the soldiers are spirit refiners, and they all have aura body protection. Although the temperature is low at night, it will not cause any serious problems to them.

And Han Yi, Iron Tower and others also got together and began to discuss the next move.

The situation of the vanguard army at this stage is actually very bad. Not only Han Yi, but even Wang Dao knows this very well.

There are three reasons.

The first point is that they entered the Western Continent, which is the border of alien beasts. They wandered around and attracted the attention of the alien beast army. With their 5 people, they were likely to be besieged and killed.

The second point is that the pace of the war seems to have slowed down. Because of the mutiny of the Dao Guard Army, the Earth Shaker Army will not choose to fight against the Western Continent alone, and will only adopt a defensive-oriented combat strategy for the time being. The vanguard is at a disadvantage.

The third point, which is the most important point, is that they don't have food reserves and other materials, and they can't afford them at all.

There are a large number of material troops in the rear of the Earth Shaking Army to continuously support supplies, but they don't have any. What they have is some dry food that they carry with them. It is already the limit to last for two days.

Faced with this situation, Han Yi could only think of a way to find life from it.

In fact, Han Yi and Tieta can have a better choice, that is to leave together, don't care about the life and death of these vanguard soldiers, with their strength, they can walk in the Western Continent, as long as they are not surrounded by king beasts Against, there will be no death threats at all.

But since Shi Jingtian entrusted the vanguard army to him, Han Yi would not choose to leave alone with the iron tower, because the guard army is also Han Yi's army, and many soldiers here are descendants of his former subordinates.

Faced with such a critical situation, Han Yi began to discuss with Iron Tower, Wang Dao and others how to deal with it.

After another three hours of discussion, Han Yi finally decided that for the time being, the vanguard army would go all the way along the canyon mountain road to the left to search for supplies, but they couldn't go far, because they wanted to observe the battle situation and look for opportunities to turn back.

Originally, Wang Dao's proposal was to go straight out of the canyon, find a place with supplies in the Alien Beast Kingdom first, plunder a batch of supplies, and then find a safe place to station.

However, this proposal was rejected by Han Yi.

The reason is very simple. The front is always the place where the troops are most concentrated in battle. Although Han Yi does not know the layout of the troops of the Alien Beast Kingdom, it is too risky for Han Yi to know that there are alien entrants. life is responsible.

While the vanguard soldiers of the road guards were waiting for the dawn, a strange beast army led by a white elephant monster with human body slowly approached the canyon from the canyon mountain in the west.

They moved swiftly. Compared with the strange beasts Han Yi encountered before, the light in the body of the strange beast behind the white elephant was deeper, and the body structure was more refined. It was obviously an elite force among the strange beasts.

And the leading white elephant is also obviously different from other king beasts. Not to mention that there is no obvious external stone armor, there is even a long-handled sickle-shaped twisted weapon hanging on the back. Wearing ring-shaped items of different colors, it looks completely different from the strange beast behind it.

If Han Yi and the iron tower were here, they would definitely recognize this person, because the sign of its entrant is too obvious.

The equipment worn on the body is completely space strengthening items, but the style is slightly different from the weapons and equipment of their human entrants.

After a while, the alien beast troop led by the alien entrant stopped advancing and began to stand by and rest.

One is below the canyon, and the other is above the canyon. Under the cover of night, neither side can find each other's existence. They are all stationed in place to rest, waiting for the arrival of the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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