Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 282 The Devil's Sword Piercing the Heart

Chapter 282 The Devil's Sword Piercing the Heart
Monk Chuanxin's heart demon sword comes and goes invisible. Only Chufeng can sense some movements, not even Erfeng. Under the attack of Monk Chuanxin on the seventh floor, Erfeng could only stand on the roof of the eaves behind the tower, using the red flood scissors and blood-transforming nails to help him through the air.

At this moment, Chu Feng noticed that the three Xinmo swords were flying towards Shi Sheng's hiding place, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to shoot five blood-shadow divine lights, which turned into a sky-shattering blue rainbow, and flew diagonally to intercept them, but only two were intercepted. One of the Heart Demon Swords continued to shoot at Shi Sheng, Chufeng hastily warned loudly: "Xiao Shisheng, hide quickly, this is the Heart Demon Sword!"

"No need to hide!" As soon as Shi Sheng's voice transmission arrived, the Heart Demon Sword had already shot into the room where Shi Sheng was hiding, silently, and pierced through the wall without even a crack appearing.

Chufeng was taken aback, and urged himself to collect the blue blood magic sand refined from cold iron and gold in the South Sea Sea, and threw himself at Monk Chuanxin. Feng said: "Go and see Xiao Shisheng!" while throwing himself at Monk Chuanxin desperately.

Erfeng was also startled, and hurriedly crashed through the roof and flew into the house.

This is also a palace, the space inside is not small. Above the main hall, there are three demonic banners, which shake without wind. As the banners flutter and flutter, gurgling scarlet blood is constantly gushing out. Inside these bloody demons, there are dense blood spurting out. , thinner than a hair, intertwined with each other, intertwined into a magic net.

A boy in shorts and shorts sat cross-legged under the magic net, his eyes were slightly closed, and he muttered something. It was Shi Sheng.

Just when Erfeng was about to speak, he saw an invisible magic sword in the net, flying back and forth like a shark caught in the net, swimming up and down, the blade was extremely sharp, and the wires of the net were broken every inch it passed, but the magic banner shone At the same time, blood streaks continued to emerge from the blood mist, quickly replenishing and restoring the magic net.

The two sides stalemate for a while, Shi Sheng suddenly stretched out his hand to take off the jade ring on the top of his head, loosened his hair, kicked off his shoes, stepped on the ground with bare feet, put three fingers of his left hand into his mouth, bit them, chewed them a few times, Mudi opened his mouth and spit upwards.

A blood mist spewed out from his mouth, and in an instant a gust of wind blew up in the hall, the seven-faced magic banner shook at the same time, the blood thread atomized, and naturally broke into blood gas, the concentration of blood gas continued to increase, tangled together, forming a mass of blood color Chaos, at first glance, looks like a huge heart beating continuously.

Seeing that the "heart" was beating normally, Shi Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, put his little shoes back on, tied his hair together with a jade ring, and complained while doing it: "This red-haired ancestor's method is really terrible, and he can't do it again." Troublesome and low-level, if it wasn't for my lack of blood and nerves, I wouldn't be impatient to use him!"

Erfeng knew that Shi Sheng was Fu Zeyang's heir to the mantle, the second generation leader of the future Guangming God Sect, he is the orthodox inheritor of blood nerves, and will also be the second blood god demon in the world. His future achievements are not only I can't compare myself, even Chu Feng, the elder sister who also cultivated blood nerves, is far inferior. This is one of the reasons why Chu Feng was so nervous and comforted by Shi Sheng. Now everyone has agreed that Shi Sheng is the young master of light.

She looked at the strange seven-faced heart, and guessed: "Could this be the red-haired patriarch's five-sex blood-sucking bag?"

"Exactly!" Shi Sheng kept complaining, "The seven evil spirits are used outside. I have practiced this thing again, and its power is much stronger than before, but I don't like to use it. This is the red-haired ancestor. It is used to guard against the master and apprentice of the Dongxuan Immortal in the southern border. It can restrain all kinds of Gu insects, and can even deal with the hundred poisonous golden silkworm Gu that the green-robed ancestor was famous for in the past. This time, the leader left me a brocade Sac, teach me to use it to deal with Monk Chuanxin's Heart Demon Sword, otherwise I won't use it."

Shi Sheng prefers to use flying swords compared to magic weapons of this kind of magic. He loves the Nanming Lihuo sword left by his grandfather the most. When encountering an enemy, he rushes forward with his body and sword together, cuts it in half, and directly resolves the battle.Or, like Fu Zeyang, it would be more troublesome than a fairy sword to transform into a blood shadow when it fits together, and to pounce on the head when it meets someone.

It's just that the Chuanxin monk he's going to deal with this time has superb swordsmanship, and his Taoism is unfathomable to him. Even if he holds the Nanming Lihuo Sword, he is still not a one-stroke enemy. Has the blood nerve cultivated to the ninth level and condensed? The blood god body, to deal with the heart-piercing monk, can only rely on the five evils and blood pockets.

The so-called five evils, as mentioned earlier, due to too many restrictions, it is inconvenient to say more, the red-haired ancestor used the Asura Dafa passed down by the Huo Ling Shenjun, and it took a lot of effort. It is indeed a good treasure, no matter what Creatures, as long as they have the seven emotions and six desires, are entangled by this magic net, they will no longer be able to escape. Once they are all looked in, they will immediately fall into the five worlds, completely fascinated, sinking into it, and can only be slaughtered and take whatever they want.

It contaminates the enemy's mind, which is a must!
The heart demon sword of the monk piercing the heart was born out of the monk's Buddhist heart sword. Buddhism talks about emptiness and emptiness, and it is as if it does not move. Buddhism contradicts.You have to realize the uniqueness of form and emptiness, and you have to prove the truth to be able to be Mahayana. It has both the mysteries of Buddhist Wisdom Sword and Taoist Immortal Sword. It is very miraculous. Helpless, the heart sword of their school became more and more powerful.

However, Monk Chuanxin joined the practice of magic. It is not used to shatter the demon realm and break the illusion of the six realms, but to kill people. The Buddhist Wisdom Sword is based on purity. Based on this, Mr. Sword has murderous intentions. If you can’t kill people and your thoughts are not clear enough, you will lose the edge of your sword. You must kill at least one life, kill decisively, and keep your mind free, in order to maintain the sharpness of your sword, and the more you kill , the greater the power.

On the surface, the Heart Demon Sword is more powerful than the Heart Buddha Sword, more treacherous and unpredictable, but it has its own weakness, which is the motive of the sword. This sword is built on the basis of the three poisons from birth to completion. In the past, he himself fell into the way of magic, the sword was not born, and the inner demon was born early.

Monk Chuanxin has high mana, and when he meets others, he will be invincible with this magic sword. When he meets Fu Zeyang, it is a bad luck for eight lifetimes. Standing on a higher level, Fu Zeyang looks down, and at a glance, he sees such a big loophole, comparable to the earth. The eighth elder brother, who is on the computer system, directly prescribes the prescription, and he has been tricked without knowing it.

Previously in the Six Princes' Mansion, because the Sky Fox Demon King was relatively the weakest, Fu Zeyang seized the body of the fox demon, and then used magic to conceal the heart-piercing monk, asking him to take out the Heart Demon Sword to test himself, and naturally succeeded in deceiving him. After passing everyone, even Deng Yin didn't doubt it, and when he fought with Deng Yin afterwards, he was confused and dazed, so he didn't help Deng Yin.

Now, according to Fu Zeyang's instructions, Shi Sheng has set up a five-exotic blood-breathing pocket here to stick the Heart Demon Sword of Monk Piercing Heart, and imprisoned him in the five-incarnation realm.

For the monk Chuanxin, the demon is both a sword and a sword is also a demon. Every kind of magic sword is equivalent to the heart demon of the monk Chuanxin. The more people kill, the sharper the blade, the greater the power, and the stronger the backlash. It is not wrong to be suppressed by the powerful and profound skills of the monk Chuanxin at ordinary times. This will cast a spell on the stone, and use magic to dye the magic sword. Thoughts can also infect each other. This kind of magic that directly targets people's hearts is more terrifying than cursing people across the air.

Monk Chuanxin didn't realize it yet, he felt that the magic sword didn't kill anyone, but was trapped by the opponent, he sneered: "My sword gathers into a sword shape when the thoughts are fixed, and when the thoughts disappear, it disperses into spiritual consciousness. How can you be trapped?" Can you hold it?" He scattered the magic sword from the air, then waved the sleeve of his robe, and issued hundreds of invisible magic swords, smashing the blue blood magic sand all over the sky, and accurately found the place where the first phoenix hid the god. Pin her soul.

He never imagined in his dreams that after re-training under Fu Zeyang's guidance, the Wuyan Huxuedou turned out to be very magical. Although the invisible magic sword in the heart dissipated, the spiritual consciousness attached to it was forcibly retained, and it was used as a medium , still connected with the heart of the monk Chuanxin.These are extremely subtle, let alone a monk who pierces the heart, in the whole world there is only one who is in the state of Fu Zeyang, who can observe and perceive his every thought, and no one else can perceive it.

Seeing that Shi Sheng is not in danger here, Erfeng has his sister in mind, so he wants to come out to help.

Shi Sheng sat down cross-legged: "Second Aunt, Auntie, Grandma is already immortal, that demon monk can't hurt her, you stay here and help me protect the Dharma, watch me bring down this demon monk!"

He made a tactic with both hands, first ooze a drop of blood from his fingers, chanted a spell, prayed a few words to the blood drop, blew a breath, and then popped out with his fingers, the blood drop flew into the heart, and the heart beat suddenly accelerated.

He turned back to Erfeng and said, "I'll give this monk a greed first!"

Outside, the monk Chuanxin relied on the heart demon sword to sense his heart, which was fast and strong. He found Chufeng's hiding place in the blue blood demon sand, and flew away with the magic sword. The magic sand, the blue blood drops splashed like rain, and in the process of falling, every little bit of blood condensed into magic sand again, and flew up again, trying to protect the master, but it was too late...

Monk Chuanxin's magic power, practice, and combat experience are far stronger than Chufeng's. His magic sword accurately found Chufeng. A sword was nailed to the forehead, and then to the chest, lower abdomen, limbs, etc. A total of twelve swords were inserted, and the last one was stuck at Chufeng's heart. The so-called immortal body is not really immortal. There is an immortal real body, cultivated to the No.12 level of the blood nerve, and when it reaches the indestructibility of a thousand kalpas, that is the real immortality. At Chufeng's current level, as long as he is penetrated by the sword of the heart-piercing monk, From now on, Fu Zeyang could only come and try to gather her remnant soul, and spend at least a year's effort to help her regain her concentration before sending her to reincarnation.

However, at the last moment when the magic sword was about to be launched, it suddenly stopped. Monk Chuanxin looked at Chufeng and thought: This woman is not bad at all. He is Fu Zeyang's apprentice, he has cultivated blood nerves, and he can even extract secret scriptures from her mouth...

Greedy together, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, so he asked Chu Feng: "Will you stay with my old man from now on? If you agree, I will spare you, and I will only refine a magical object to restrain your primordial spirit. I will not embarrass or torture you, as long as you are obedient, walking, sitting and lying down, everything will be as usual."

At this time, in the main hall, Shi Sheng popped out a second drop of blood: "I'll give you another drop of arrogance!"

Chufeng was pinned to the divine body by the Heart Demon Sword, unable to change, secretly prepared the colorful wishful beads given to her by Enmu Huizhu, to forcibly shatter the Demon Sword on her body, and perish with the enemy, at least to destroy the body of the monk Chuanxin, Then relying on the fighting method of the primordial spirit alone, even if you lose your vitality, you will have a slight chance of winning!
She secretly gathered strength, and said in her mouth: "My master is the leader of the Guangming Cult. It doesn't matter if I go with you. In the future, not only my master will not spare me, but so many members of the Guangming Cult will regard me as a traitor."

Chuanxin monk sneered: "What kind of thing is Fu Zeyang? Can he fight against my heart demon sword? It is what you call the Guangming God Sect, from the second envoy of Guangming, the four guardian kings, down to the Five Elements Banner." All the envoys in charge of the banner are like chickens and dogs in my eyes, and within a moment of my thought, thousands of swords are fired, cutting them into pieces of bone and rotten flesh, piled up into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!"

Shi Sheng popped a third drop of blood in the hall: "I'll give you another doubt!"

Chu Feng also said: "In addition to being taught by Guangming, my master was also the head of the Wudang School. Yang Li, the current head of the Wudang School, is his direct disciple and grandson. There are also many immortals such as Lin You, Qian Kang, Yu Wa, etc. They are all his friends, and all of them have great powers."

Chuanxin monk refused to accept: "I am not alone, the blood god Deng Yin who is fighting with your master in the palace, and the red corpse god in the sky, I am both hurt and prosperous, and I will wait for fellow Taoist Deng to kill Fu Zeyang. Fellow Corpse Daoist slaughtered the old monkey head, and we will unite with the Demon Emperor to counterattack the Guangming Army, annex Liuhe, and sweep the world."

Chu Feng said: "As far as I know, Deng Yin is a ruthless, sinister and ruthless person. He can even betray his senior brother who is closer than brother and foot, and even marry his wife who is a fellow monk. Can betray, how can you trust this kind of devil? Even if it is true as you said, you will seize the world in the future and you will become kings and law masters of the world. Is it better for him, closer to him than Shen Wugou?"

Monk Chuanxin really became suspicious. For a master of magic who has been practicing for thousands of years, he already doubted each other and had no faith. The essence of cooperating with Deng Yin is to use each other. This will be under the influence of magic. The thousand-fold increase, after hearing Chufeng's words, the more I thought about it, the more it was happening, I couldn't help but look back at the main hall of the palace, my eyes were full of vigilance and viciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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