Chapter 288
Deng Yin finally got the silver cicada charm that he had been thinking about day and night for hundreds of years. He was so excited that his hands trembled a little. If I had these nine charms, why would I have been caught and taught by the long-browed old thief several times? disgrace?Why is Rong Rong's surname Shen so ruthless and ungrateful?I have long ruled the magic way, lawless!
Looking at his friend's corpse spurting blood from seven orifices on the ground, he sighed, knelt down, and stretched out his hand to smooth his friend's cheek from forehead to jaw: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you die like this, first use the blood lotus Sealing you up, I swear to the gods and demons of my destiny, when I have the power to create all living beings in the future, I will definitely bring you back to life!"

He made a tactic with both hands, and shot out the blood shadow divine light to form a blood lotus, which landed on the ground and wrapped the red corpse god, slowly turning, shrinking and shrinking, until finally it was only the size of an egg, and flew into his mouth from the ground.

Deng Yin opened his mouth and waited, ready to swallow the blood lotus flower into his stomach, the lotus flower was still a few feet away from him, suddenly changed its direction, turned and flew into the distance, and quickly sank into the boundless darkness around it.

Darkness... Deng Yin suddenly discovered that the surroundings were no longer trembling and wriggling flesh and blood, but endless darkness!

what happened?Am I not in the magic tower?

Fu Zeyang, what the hell are you doing?

With a cold face, he hastily sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to use the blood magic skill. The nine talismans that he saw just now automatically emerged in his consciousness, shining and silver, dancing around his primordial spirit, making him more efficient when casting spells.

After a moment of silence, Deng Yin suddenly let out a roar: "Fu Zeyang, how dare you deceive me like this!" He raised his arms, and countless blood-red thunderballs flew out from his fingers, densely packed, at least thousands of them , scattered around, fell into the void and exploded, crackled and exploded, and exploded densely, almost shattering people's eardrums.

The surrounding darkness is like a whole piece of held crystal, with a large number of cracks appearing on it, moving quickly like a spider web, then collapsing suddenly, and then disappearing into smoke repeatedly.

The darkness disappeared, and the demon tower reappeared. He was still sitting in the physical demon tower, but the scenery outside the tower was different. He was not in the main hall, but returned to the side hall.

Perceiving that the magic tower was still connected with his information, it was just shielded by some kind of magic before. With a little movement of his mind, the tower quickly shrank, and finally fell into his hands.

He turned into a streak of blood and left the side hall. Inside the main hall, half of the ground was still covered with dirt and rocks. He flew out from the damaged ceiling. Fu Zeyang was standing on the ridge of the main hall. Standing Qin Yu and Elder Yuan, on the right was Chufeng, who was holding a blood lotus flower in his hand, inside which was a dead fish floating quietly.

Deng Yin was furious: "Fu Zeyang, how dare you lie to me!"

Fu Zeyang didn't speak, Qin Yu flashed beside him: "Deng Yin! Do you know who I am?"

Deng Yin glanced at him, and snorted coldly: "Are you Li Jingxu's disciple? Well, you were killed in the hands of the concubine of the God of Fire Spirit back then, and this body was given to you by the old ghost of dry bamboo. Many years have passed. , the appearance has not changed at all.”

Qin Yu's past memories were all sealed by Li Jingxu, so he didn't know about it, and only heard a little bit from other people. If the master didn't say anything, he didn't dare and didn't want to take the initiative to understand, so he just said to Deng Yin: "I Master sent me this time, one is to subdue the evil animals that ran out of the cave, and the other is to bring you a message, he said that you violated the last oath you made in front of the real Changmei, and left the cave early, so you are old-fashioned Germination, you will surely perish as promised, today is the final doom. My master, for the sake of the acquaintance of you and your husband and wife in the past, let me tell you, if you want to live, you should immediately turn around and go back to Xingxiu Sea in West Kunlun Go. The cave that Immortal Changmei used to imprison you was specially selected by him, and it can help you survive many disasters, if you don’t listen..."

Deng Yin interrupted angrily: "I won't listen, what can Li Jingxu's thieves do to me? What kind of thing is he? How much friendship does he have with me, and he sent a junior to teach me? It's just to see me The joke ridiculed me, what is the end of the calamity, I have already achieved immortality, now Fu Zeyang miscalculated, and used the silver cicada magic talisman to lure me into the bait, so as to win Ah Chi's heart, although I was deceived by him for a while, but the talisman was in my hand , I have nine layers of exercises in the first book and the whole book of the second book. I have ten fingers and seven or eight of the whole blood nerve. With these nine talismans, the land of immortality is just around the corner. Who in the world can do nothing to get it Me? Who can make me fulfill the oath I made that day? Even if the long-browed old thief Jinxian descends to the realm, I won’t be afraid to come in person!”

Elder Yuan Yuan next to Qin Yu was very upset when he saw his arrogance, cursed, and shot out Taiyi Tiangang sword energy from his ten fingertips: "Blood demon! All my disciples have any grudges against you, and you killed them all. You are full of evil!" , death is imminent, dare to be so arrogant, if people don't accept you, one day will accept you, if the sky doesn't accept you, I will accept you!"

This old ape's Yuenu swordsmanship is quite unique. Seeing the sword energy appear, Deng Yin knew how powerful it was, so he dared not take it lightly, and fought back with his ten-finger blood shadow divine light.

Elder Yuan's sword energy is five green and five white, facing Deng Yin's ten red blood lights, both sides are sword immortals at the level of master sword masters, which is equivalent to each holding ten fairy swords, either stabbing or poking, or cutting or cutting , or cut or pick, or twist or twist, making the sword qi vertical and horizontal, and the flames flickering, so exciting.

After fighting for a while, Deng Yin found out that to beat the old ape with swordsmanship, he had to use a thousand tricks. Although the blood shadow god light is powerful, it is not as good as the Ziying sword used in the past. In the hands of the little girl who got started, I must go and get it back if I can spare my hand tomorrow!

While stepping up to activate the bloody sword shadow, he secretly cast magic.

Elder Yuan fought with him, and found that every time his blood shadow divine light intersected with his own sword energy, his sword energy exploded into a large piece of blue and white starlight, but the blood light sprinkled thousands of blood shadows, as if The blood dripped into rain, and disappeared before it hit the ground.

He felt that these blood drops hadn't really disappeared, so he hurriedly used his golden eyes to look, and saw that each drop of blood seemed to melt into the water, spreading into one figure after another, some of them were tall, some were short, and some were fat Some of them were very thin, with only vague outlines, and no specific facial features could be seen. Under Deng Yin's command, they all rushed towards themselves.

These phantoms swarmed over, threw themselves into his body, tore at his meridians, gnawed at his heart, and dug out his lungs...

The ape elder was taken aback, and hurriedly circulated the real qi along the meridians to travel all over the body, and then burned a little pure yang immortal fire from the inside out, and spilled out of the body through the pores, burning it into a fire monkey.

Seeing that Elder Yuan was caught in the trap, Deng Yin grinned ferociously, and turned into blood light and flew over with the blood shadow god light shot earlier. Elder Yuan was already in a hurry, and hurriedly blocked ten Tiangang sword qi, Deng Yin let himself be shot by Tiangang sword Qi cut into more than a dozen sections of red light, and each red light turned into a small Deng Yin, and then rushed towards Elder Yuan again from around.

Elder Yuan Yuan's most powerful Tiangang Sword Qi couldn't help Deng Yin, so he got angry in a hurry, releasing raging flames from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the pores all over his body sprayed fire together, but the fire still couldn't hurt Deng Yin in the slightest. In the fire, like a fish swimming in water, he continued to rush into his body.

The ape elder was terrified, he didn't even dare to take the body in a hurry, he escaped from the soul in a hurry, how did he know that to deal with the devil's two ways of sorcery, he must not be confused, let alone easily escape from the soul, without the body Protection, will be more vulnerable in the face of magic ghosts.

Sure enough, when Deng Yin saw his primordial spirit coming out of his body, he sent out an avatar to chase after him, the speed was faster than him, and the blood flashed, and he wanted to catch up. Suddenly there seemed to be another sun in the sky, and the Golden Wheel burst into a blue-gold auspicious light, covering both Elder Yuan and Deng Yin from top to bottom.

Fu Zeyang sacrificed the Haotian Mirror at the last moment. This treasure is also called the Taixu Baojian. It is the most treasure of the universe given to Xuanyuan Huangdi by the Haotian God. When this treasure is released, everything in the world, including the sun, will be eclipsed!
The primordial spirit of the elder ape was taken out first, and Qin Yu said: "I said earlier that the blood god is cruel and cunning, and his methods are hard to guard against. Even I dare not make a move. I only let the elder brother kill him himself. You have to do it for your apprentice!" Revenge, brazenly fighting, and blaming me, saying that I underestimated you, do you know how powerful you are this time? If it wasn’t for big brother’s timely action, your hundreds of years of cultivation would have been completely ruined.”

Besides, Deng Yin failed to pounce on the primordial spirit of the ape elder, but only took away his body. The mirror light was not very strong on his body, but it was very heavy, and it became heavier and heavier.

He looked up and saw a red light burst out from his eyes, which were only half a foot long at first. He wanted to see clearly the scene inside the mirror, but unexpectedly, the further he looked, the farther he looked, it seemed that another vast world was hidden inside. The magic light has extended to more than ten meters long and there is still no end in sight.He also wanted to use the magical power changes recorded in the second book of blood nerves to pollute the enemy's magic weapon to make it ineffective, but he couldn't, and suddenly became alert: "Could it be that this is the Haotian mirror from the holy tomb?"

Before he could finish his thought, he saw a little golden light popping out from Fu Zeyang's fingers, like a thunder bead. He expected it to be a powerful thing. After this period of wits and courage, he no longer dared to underestimate Fu Zeyang. Seeing that his physical body was bulky, Being controlled to death by the mirror light, he wanted to abandon his physical body and only escape the primordial spirit. Although the mirror light was powerful, it couldn't restrain his blood god's body, and at most it would affect the speed of change. If he wanted to leave, he still couldn't stop it. live.

He wanted to escape from the primordial spirit, but he failed after trying, the body of the ape elder turned into a cage, trapping him in it, he panicked suddenly, In a short while, all the flesh and blood in his body were blown up into a ball of blood, but the blood was imprisoned by some kind, and instead of bursting out, it shrank into a ball inside, still tightly sealing him inside, and quickly pressed it into a basketball ball. Deng Yin couldn't think of a countermeasure for a blood cell in a hurry, and the golden light rushed in, suddenly remembering the last time he was caught by the real person Changmei, and the oath he made when he begged for mercy, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

"Bang!" With an earth-shattering explosion, a huge mushroom cloud was set off in the Forbidden City, with the imperial palace as the center, all the pavilions, towers and pavilions within a radius of several miles were instantly razed to the ground!

A large amount of gas rose upwards, forming a violent hurricane. The blood cells disintegrated into billions of scarlet, scattered in the hurricane and rose together, and Deng Yin inside was completely blown to pieces.

Fu Zeyang turned into golden light and rushed into the wind, quickly gathering Deng Yin's remnant soul. He had handed over the Haotian Mirror to Qin Yu for hosting. Cover all the qi, and then use the spell to absorb it according to the kung fu taught by Fu Zeyang in advance.

It turns out that the golden light that Fu Zeyang shot out was the naturalized divine sound that he obtained in Guangchengzi's golden boat in Yuanjiang. Become this treasure.This kind of Taixu essence floats up lightly, once it is released, it will rise rapidly, and when it reaches the place where the spiritual sky and the fairy world meet, it will disappear when it encounters the dry sky.The soul of this thing, which specializes in destroying demons, is one of the few treasures in the world today that can completely destroy the blood god's dharma body.

When Fu Zeyang went to Yuanjiang to get the treasure, the main purpose was to get it to deal with Deng Yin, and he had been holding back before. First, he wanted to find out the trump card of the Yaozu, and second, he wanted to learn as much as possible from Deng Yin. When it comes to some things, after all, after killing people, even if all the remnant souls can be collected, there may be some missing.

The third reason is that although this treasure can destroy Deng Yin, it is impossible for Deng Yin to stand still and wait to be hit by this thing and blow up to death. Fu Zeyang made many calculations in advance, and finally only this juncture is the best.

Elder Yuan is a stubborn monkey with a stubborn temper. Although he was reluctant to fight against the Red Corpse God before, but the Red Corpse God did not use his full strength, and was later restrained by Fu Zeyang. To save face in front of others, he insisted on taking the lead and fighting Deng Yin one-on-one.

Fu Zeyang calculated that Deng Yin was going to take his body, so he cast magic on his body and made it into a cage. It didn't need to trap Deng Yin for a lifetime, just a few seconds was enough, and then he used Guihua Shenyin to bind them together. It was blown to pieces, and in the end it was a success.

Fu Zeyang collected Deng Yin's remnant soul and helped Qin Yu gather the spirit of emptiness that exploded in the air.

Guihua Shenyin is a very powerful treasure, but it is a pity that it is a life-threatening product, and it will disappear after hearing it, unless a mana master like him has to know the details and absorb the bursting ancient essence in time When I come back, I can use it again, but the effect has been reduced a lot, and it can only be used twice at most, and it will definitely be wiped out after being fried again.

Fu Zeyang has practiced the entire Guangchengzi Tianshu, and he also knows the refining method of the naturalized divine sound, but the ancient Taixu essence is too rare in this world. Guangchengzi who was five or six thousand years ago took nine years to refine a If he is practicing now, he may not be able to succeed in 6000 years, at least five or six 90 years or so, so he has to recover as much as possible for future use.

(End of this chapter)

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