Chapter 294
Seeing many companions fall to the ground, other disciples of the Xuanxin sect rioted.

Elder Gong shouted loudly: "They are not strong-willed, not good at learning, and have been enchanted by the enemy's magic. As long as you can keep your body and spirit together and be self-sufficient in energy, magic will naturally be harmless. What is there to be afraid of? The more you are afraid, It's the way of magic!" He made seals on his chest with his hands, and a milky white light burst out between his fingers, flowing rapidly, and a bright long whip emerged from it, which flew out like a snake, and shot straight into it. In the dark.

There was a scream from the corner, another yell before the lingering sound, and then someone yelled angrily, a bright light burst out in a house a hundred meters away to the east, the whole house exploded and shattered in all directions, and a statue of three or four appeared inside. Zhang Gao, the demon head was wrapped in a ball of red light, and the white long whip was tightly wrapped around the demon head.

The devil has snow-white shawl-length hair, shriveled skin, red eyes, and a pair of strange claws, grabbing the long whip on his body and tearing it vigorously. Elder Gong breathed out his true anger, and his long whip seemed to be made of pieces of crystal. At this time, six sharp-edged barbs emerged from each section of the whip, which hooked fiercely into the body of the devil, and shrunk tighter and tighter.

Someone shouted loudly: "These old thieves are a bit troublesome, time is urgent, fellow Taoists, work together to kill them, open the city gate, and welcome Dharma King into the city!"

In the darkness, people responded one after another, and more than 30 figures flew out, including men and women, old and young, with flying swords, flying forks, wrapped in black air, and riding the wind with spirit banners Tengyun's.

This group of people is the heretics of Little Antarctic 47 Island. Over the years, they have been colluding with each other and working together. Since Wu Lingzhu, the owner of the mullet island, there are also Wu Shenshi, the owner of Tuansha Island, and Cui Lei, the owner of Liyi Island. , Monk Wanmu, the owner of Dayu Island, Xu Shenjun, the owner of Shuiling Island, and Wei Yu, the owner of Yeming Island, Mingxia God, etc., except for Wu Lingzhu who is still hiding in the dark, using the heart-pulling bell to sneak attack, Master Wu manipulates the gods and demons, and follows Gong Except for the elders' confrontation, the rest all showed up, and each sacrificed their magic weapons to fight towards the tower.

These people come from different backgrounds, and their practice of Taoism is also extremely heterogeneous, but most of them are from Taoist sects, Buddhist heretics, and spells from the two religions of evil and demons. Although none of them are authentic mental methods, such spells are easy to practice. Yi Cheng is usually very powerful.In contrast, Xuanxin's orthodox immortal method starts with the cultivation of xinxing, and the combat power increases very slowly in the first few years. After the xinxing is cultivated to perfection, as for Dacheng, all evils will not invade.

Therefore, except for the four elders on the tower, most of the other disciples are not these heretical opponents. Usually, three or four join hands to fight one, but they are still powerless.

Seeing that there were too many enemies, Elder Gong designated the Changhong Whip to lock God Master Wu's demon head with one hand, and released the immortal sword with the other hand, which was also shining brightly. The sword light was like water, and it swung left and right. A demon was cut in half, and the other five were also forced to retreat. He ordered his disciples to support each other and be careful of the enemy's plot.

Just talking about the Wu Lingzhu, although what was exchanged from Fu Zeyang back then was not the blood nerve, but it was also a kung fu adapted by Fu Zeyang based on the blood nerve and the three secret magic ginseng of Master Lianshan.His original magic nerve belongs to the lower half of the Mysterious Demon Scripture of the Heavens. It was left by the elders of the previous generation of demon sects, and they are also authentic demon sects. After years of cultivation, they have benefited a lot.

The Mysterious Demons of the Heavens is divided into two parts, similar to the blood nerves. The upper part of the Mystic Demons of the Heavens tells how to cultivate oneself into the Mystic Demons of the Heavens, the most important thing is to cultivate the kung fu of the natal gods and demons.The lower part of the magic nerve talks about refining all kinds of magical treasures and demon heads, and the refining method of the secret demon god shuttle of the stars and stars is recorded in the magic nerve.

Wu Lingzhu and the others did not have the skills to cultivate the natal gods and demons, so they directly sacrificed the demon heads, communicated with the demons in the heavens and demons, and summoned the lower realms. So he developed a demonic mind, and hated Fu Zeyang to the bone, so he desperately practiced all kinds of magic in the demonic nerves.

Originally, after the fall of the elders of the previous generation of the Demon Sect, they entrusted their natal gods and demons in the scriptures and hid them at the bottom of the South China Sea. Wu Lingzhu and Wu Shenshi and other people happened to meet, and they thought it was a blessing from heaven, and they practiced according to the magic scriptures. Sacrifice the three heavenly secret demon god shuttles, and when they practiced, the natal gods and demons of the elders of Mo Dao suddenly appeared and restrained their primordial spirits, asking them to obey his mercy, and prepared to rely on them to accumulate strength and train Reborn, and will restore the great cause of the Demon Cult in the future.

I don’t want Fu Zeyang’s deal with Wu Lingzhu back then to take away the god and demon who has been weak for thousands of years. Otherwise, the god and demon will stop Wu Lingzhu and limit his development, and naturally he will not be allowed to summon all the gods. The gods and demons have returned to their shackles. Wu Lingzhu summoned the demons from the lower realms. Not only did they cultivate many mysterious magical powers, but they also refined many demon heads for their own use.

At the same time, his character was also affected by the demon, becoming more sinister, cunning, cruel and vicious than before.

Among the 47 small Antarctic islands, he originally had the highest magic power, but at this time he did not attack directly, but continued to use the heart-pounding bell to carry out secret calculations. His main target was still Elder Wang.

In the Xuanxin sect, although Elder Wang's mana is not as powerful as Elder Gong's, he has the highest realm and the oldest qualifications. In Wu Lingzhu's view, people with high mana are nothing to be afraid of, and people with good hearts are even more troublesome, so He first manipulated Liu Qingcang with magic, and used him to attack Elder Wang, and it worked!
Elder Wang has lost his physical body, but he can still control the flying sword magic weapon in the state of primordial spirit.

Wu Lingzhu continued to urge the heart bell. Although the ringtone could not deal with the four elders, it could attract the attention of the four elders. When they were all wary of the ringtone, he used another method , quietly closed the two corpses of Liu Qingcang on the ground, and the severed wound healed quickly, and looked the same from the outside. Then when Elder Wang was fighting fiercely with the three island owners Cui Lei, You Ao, and Yuan Ling, suddenly Standing up and rushing towards Elder Wang, covered in blood, he howled loudly: "Master! Master! I died so badly!"

Elder Wang was taken aback when he saw this, knowing that it was the devil playing tricks, he backhanded a bolt of Suxin Shenlei, and with a bang, Liu Qingcang was blown to pieces, but the gods and demons inside did not die, but were attached to every broken bone. On top of the rotten meat, it turned into a hailstorm of flesh and blood, and beat Elder Wang's body indiscriminately.

If it were normal times, Elder Wang would still have room to fight back, but unfortunately he has lost his physical body at this moment, or just lost his physical body, and he has already died for a while on an ordinary person, which hurts his vitality, and he has not trained to become a fairy In such a wonderful realm, the primordial spirit was only stained with a trace of blood, and immediately fainted, and then the spiritual consciousness was captured by the mind-stimulating bell, taken away in the air, and flew into the bell of Wulingzhu.

Seeing that Elder Wang was also taken away by the enemy, their disciples panicked even more. However, they panicked and lost their composure. Immediately, their souls were all taken away by the heart-pounding bell, and more than 20 corpses fell to the ground.

Originally, the overall combat effectiveness of the Xuanxin Sect was not as good as these monsters on Island 47. After a large reduction in personnel, it was defeated like a mountain. The young disciples who were usually carefully selected, and the outstanding elites who had been carefully cultivated for many years, died one after another. Being taken away by the heart bell is the most honorable way to die. Some are burned to ashes by the magic fire, some are nailed to the wall by the magic fork and convulse, and some directly melt the whole body into a puddle of pus and blood...

At the end of the killing, only the elders of the three Dao were still struggling to hold on, and the goblins outside the city also climbed up the city wall like a tide, attacking the city defense formation wave after wave.

Elder Gong roared: "Even if the Xuanxin Sect is completely annihilated today, you monsters will be buried with them!" He opened his mouth and bit off half of his tongue, mixed it with real qi and swallowed it back into his stomach, performing the "Nixin Dafa".

The Guangming Sect was born out of the Demon Sect, and the Xuanxin Sect believed in the Guangming Sect. Therefore, although it is mainly the Taoism of the Immortal Family, it also has the kung fu of the Demonic Way. The middle dantian, and then explode outwards, a bit similar to the method of disintegrating the demons in the magic way. Once used, not only the body will be blown to pieces, but even the soul will be torn apart.This kung fu is not good enough to practice. Only the four elders in the sect are qualified to practice it, and only Elder Gong has mastered it, and it is finally used today.

Elder Gong disintegrated and blew himself up, his whole body turned into countless streams of blood energy and shot forward. During the process, the blood energy burned with pure Yang immortal fire, and the five monsters who were fighting with him were shattered on the spot, and their souls were also scattered. Among them were three island masters.A little farther away, more than a dozen people were covered, and several kinds of magic were broken in an instant. Some people were even broken and unable to use magic skills. The gods and demons of Master Wu were burned by the pure Yang fairy fire. When Dao Xing was knocked down, his arrogance immediately weakened. If he got close, he would be killed on the spot.

But when Elder Gong died, only Zhang and Chu were left on the tower, and Wu Lingzhu still didn't show up, so he only commanded all the monsters to swarm up and kill the two elders.

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed from behind, and a clear voice came from the air: "The demon murdered my fellow disciples, and today I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

When everyone looked back, they saw only two long rainbows, one red and one white, as bright as a comet, flying straight across the night sky with a tail nearly [-] meters long.

Everyone in the city that never sleeps recognizes that these two lights are the Sun Moon Qiankun Sword of Yu Yunzhong, the head of the Xuanxin Sect!
It was Yu Yunzhong who came, and he was riding a flying fish. It was the little blue fish Lan Nuo that he rescued in the Yangtze River back then. Later, someone who understood told him that this thing was called Lan Chi, which was a kind of dragon. With a big tail and a small tail, it can fly through the clouds and ride the fog.He usually makes Lan Nuo smaller and follows him as a pet, and occasionally grows bigger and flies in the air as a mount. Of course, Lan Nuo prefers the sea. Yu Yunzhong often goes swimming and playing in the sea with him, one person and one monster , very harmonious.

Behind him are the Five Heroes of the Xiangjiang River. The Five Heroes also have mounts. They are a kind of big bird that looks like a crane but not a crane. It is much larger than ordinary cranes. It is more than three meters high. The feathers are black and white. These five birds were harvested by them accidentally. It is rare for the five birds to belong to the same species, and they happened to match the five brothers. They served as playmates and mounts, and they were brought from the Central Plains to Tianwai Shenshan. No one recognized them. what breed.

Behind them, there are many human sword immortals, as well as goblins with fur and horns, whose animal shape has not faded, at least there are more than 300, and they come to kill in groups.

Yu Yunzhong's Sun Moon Qiankun Sword looks beautiful under the night sky, but its speed is three points faster than ordinary fairy swords. One of the two demons locked by his consciousness released a yellow sword light to resist, and the other waved the magic flag to release it. A blood energy that can pollute the magic weapon of the celestial family was cut into two by the Moon Sword, and the other was pierced through the blood energy by the Sun Sword, piercing through the eyebrows and died.

"Not good! Everyone hurry up and capture the top of the city and open the city gate!" Wu Lingzhu gave an order, and he did not hide his identity this time, and released a pair of blood-transforming hooks to attack the two remaining elders of the Xuanxin Sect , these two elders are not vegetarians, they connected their sword lights together, and cast a magic weapon to block all kinds of blood mist demons. After holding on for a while, Yu Yunzhong and their large troops came to kill them up.

At this moment, the turmoil in the city has basically been wiped out, and the remaining few remaining forces have been separated, and the elites of the clan sent by more than 30 demon kings have been wiped out separately.

Therefore, whether the gate of the city that never sleeps can be opened from within the city depends entirely on Wu Lingzhu and the others.

Yu Yunzhong's two immortal swords were made by him for many years for the Guangming God Sect, accumulating meritorious service in exchange for materials, according to the general theory of the existence and non-existence of bright light and dark fire, which also mixed with Xuanxin School's exercises and fairy family talismans .When the sun sword is on fire, it is the flame of the sun god, but yin is born in the yang. The most powerful thing about this sword is not the real sun fire that melts nothing, but the mysterious yin sword evil hidden in the real fire.The radiance of the moon sword is the divine brilliance of the moon, but the yang is born in the yin, and the most powerful thing is the Xuanyang sword in it.

This pair of fairy swords, outsiders seem to be Taiyin and Sun, with extreme yin and extreme yang, but in fact they are Shaoyin and Shaoyang, with yang in yin and yin in yang. Xingjian's lineage corresponds to the word "Yunzhong" in Yu Yunzhong's name, and it is in line with his external and internal rigidity, so it is a sword with two advantages, which complement each other.

The light of one white and one red is like a dragon swimming in the sea, a python walking in the jungle, flying up and down, the heretical flying sword and flying fork are of relatively poor quality. Grinding to pieces, all the monsters were invincible until Gangchen, the owner of Heisha Island, came cursing and raised the red cloud pestle to block the two swords.

The Red Cloud Pestle is Gangchen's most treasured mountain treasure. When it was sent out, it was wrapped in a red cloud. It was invincible and very tyrannical. It could barely resist the two swords of the sun and the moon. But Yu Yunzhong's sword art was fierce, and the two swords were ever-changing. Stretched left and right, he hit the Blood Flame Nail cursingly, and his hands turned into bloody sprays, and he hit his head and face.

Yu Yunzhong took out the Sun God fire fan made by collecting real fire in the city that never sleeps and slapped it with his hands, and all the blood nails in the sky were burned into fly ash.He slapped the fan again and again, blowing out gusts of incomparably hot solar wind, Gangchen couldn't resist, and fled backwards, yelling and cursing, attracting the owner of the Cold Sand Island, You Ao, to come to help and hit the most precious treasure, Nine Cold Sands.

(End of this chapter)

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