Chapter 312
The Qiankun Needle released by Moan is a magic weapon that Li Jingxu, the real person of bliss, used to practice Taoism in the past. His shots are full of red lines, shooting at the enemy like raindrops. The great thing is that each needle can automatically Locking on a target, after the needle flew out of Mo'an's mouth, each of them aimed at one eye of Chen Yufengfa's body and shot.

If it is a fair fight in normal times, although the Qiankun Needle is powerful, Chen Yufeng has her own way to deal with it, but at this juncture, she cannot directly attack her. It's hard to resist even if you go, you can only shrink your mana and rely on the formation to protect the Bright Palace.

She had just shrunk the attack range of the blood shadow divine light, when suddenly two white lights flew from the mountain not far away, blocking between Mo'an and the Guangming Palace in a slanting stab, one of them rubbed his hands together, and flew out of billions of dense Shining brightly, each one is as big as a grain of rice, with crystal beads inside and blue-purple flames burning outside, rising into the air like countless fireflies, cutting off halfway, each bead seems to have magnetic force. On a red line.

The divine needle was pierced with the light bead, and with a crackling sound, the light bead burst and turned into a cloud of cold flames and wrapped it up, wrapping the divine needle and attaching a layer of magnetic ice to the surface.

I saw the white lights flashing in the sky, and the explosions continued continuously. In an instant, the sky and the earth were crystal clear and white!
After the white light dissipated, [-] Qiankun Needles, each of which was sealed by Yuan Magnetic Ice, were attracted together by magnetism, and flew towards the spellcaster, who was rewarded with an ice jade gourd. in.

The man's companion cast a spell at the same time, raised a ball of cold light, which expanded rapidly, forming a huge bell shape, bigger than a mountain, but it seemed to be carved from a whole piece of crystal, with various ancient totem symbols on it , connected with each other, shimmering and shining, urged by his waving sleeves, made a deep sound, and the sound waves were sent far away, and the waves and flood peaks fanned by Moan's wings collapsed in an instant, and were all shattered. The tornadoes in the sky and the earth also quickly disappeared.

All this happened in a very short time, and Mo An was taken aback: "Who is it?"

The man who shattered the waves also appeared in the white light, and said sharply: "Naughty beast! How dare you commit a crime here! You hold the clouds and flap your wings, and you can fly thousands of miles away with one. Is it?"

It turned out that these two were Earth Immortals Lin You and Qian Kang who had practiced in the North Sea for many years on the Sky Island. After receiving the letter from Fu Zeyang with the flying sword, they walked through the Earth's axis from under the Sky Island and came directly to the Light Realm. Moan held the treasure to show off, so Qian Kang used the self-refined cold flame yuan magnetic thunder beads to freeze all [-] Qiankun needles away. After all, Moan couldn't refine the Qiankun needles as well as Li Jingxu. Suixin was forcibly taken away by him, and at the same time he cast a spell on Lin You to break the whirlwind of the waves.

Moan used the Qiankun needle, anxious and angry, two golden eyes suddenly reflected light, a ball of light flew out from each eye, and a ball of golden light flew out from the left eye, blooming with stronger and stronger brilliance, just like the rising sun , a ball of silver light flew out of his right eye, spreading the white glow all over the world, like a bright moon hanging in the west. This is Li Jingxu's treasure of the cave, the sun and moon beads, and it is also the life-saving treasure that Moan sacrificed most carefully. Not long ago , he used this treasure to wound Master Tianchi and Qin Yu one after another. If Qin Yu hadn't had the talisman bestowed by Sun Xun, the Fairy of Five Fortunes, he would have been burned to ashes by the real fire of Yin and Yang on the spot.

Lin You and Qian Kang are both older generation sword immortals who have practiced for hundreds of years. Seeing the appearance of the Sun and Moon Pearl, they were both terrified. They finally knew why Fu Zeyang specially flew the sword to pass on the letter, so that they came all the way to support them.The two didn't dare to be negligent, and they released the treasures of towns and caves that they had cultivated on Xingkong Island for hundreds of years, and each held a bead. The two of them had rich experience and knowledge, and each tried their best to force the two beads to split north and south. , so that the "sun and moon" cannot be combined.

Mo An also knew that he had met a master, so he tried his best to spit out his own inner alchemy and frantically urged the orbs.

Two immortals and one demon fought at the junction of land and sea, until the sky became dark and the sea split and mountains collapsed.

At the most intense moment of the fight, suddenly a multicolored rainbow flew from the east, and a young man in white clothes appeared nearby, it was Qian Lai. Seeing his father and uncle fighting, he was surprised, and suddenly remembered what Fu Zeyang had done before. His magic weapon, besides Yu Ding, is another Clutch and Wuyun Gui, which explains that the Ding Ding fixes the demon clan and Gui suppresses the demon sage. Use Wu Yungui to subdue this fierce monster sage.

The Lihe Wuyungui was also refined by real people in ancient times to deal with all kinds of monsters, ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts. It was divided into two pieces of guifu, yin and yang. The talisman was handed down to later generations, and it was obtained by Master Lianshan, and he sacrificed it with immortal methods. It has many magical effects, and its power is still higher than that of Qingning Fan, Longque Ring, and Xuanguang Ruler. It is the first of the four treasures of Lianshan. Before dissolving it, seal it in the treasure house of Yue'er Island.

These two gui talismans finally fell into the hands of Fu Zeyang, and after he re-sacrificed them, they became more miraculous.

Qian Lai raised the Yang Talisman and turned it into a pangolin-shaped monster, dark green and covered with scales, like an ancient big demon turned into a spirit, flew into the air, grew to several thousand feet long, Moan was under it, It became a chicken cub stared at by monitor lizards!
Moan had the feeling that he was being stared at by a natural enemy and that he was about to face a catastrophe, which made his hair stand on end.

He hastily breathed out his qi, intending to transfer the Sun Moon Pearl to hit this treasure.

Qian Lai let out a long roar, and shouted: "Father, Master Lin, please lock those two beads!"

Qian Kang replied: "Don't worry, Lai'er, save it for Daddy, just do what your master tells you!"

He and Lin You worked together to forcibly grab the Sun Moon Pearl, but Mo An couldn't take it back, and was thrown down by the big "pangolin". , Eighteen strange claws grew out of his belly, each with nine fingers, hugging him, no matter how he cast spells, brute force, or skillful techniques, it was of no avail, not only his body was sucked tightly by the powerful potential, even if he wanted to It is impossible to escape from the primordial spirit and escape, even the three souls and seven souls are sucked.

Mo An groaned loudly, and as soon as he struggled, the baby shot out thousands of dark green rays, piercing his body and soul, hurting to the marrow of his bones, and piercing into his soul.

Qian Lai raised the Yin Talisman again, and the dark green light in the shape of a gui flew towards the Yang Talisman. It was inlaid under the belly of the Yang Talisman. The two matched the wall and were fastened tightly together, sealing such a big Garuda inside. , no more sound.

The two coincided with one, quickly shrunk to a length of more than one foot, and was picked up by Qian Lai.

Mo An was taken away, and the Moon Pearl lost its control that day. Qian Kang and Lin You each cast their spells to forcefully take it away. A person flew quickly from the sky, and it was Qin Yu: "Two fellow Taoists, stop, please let me go!" I accept this master's magic weapon!" Raised his hand and struck out a talisman, which turned into a thunderbolt lightning, and the sun and moon beads were struck by lightning, and immediately became extremely tame, the light was restrained, the anger dissipated, and they returned to two orbs, which flew down In Qin Yu's hands.

 No one thought that Mo An would end up with Wu Yungui, right? *^_^*.

(End of this chapter)

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