Chapter 315 Curse
Sha Hongyan has come to Huanbochi twice, first she fought with Gu Chen, Du Mang, and Cui Ying, and the second time she had a fight with Li Yingqiong, Zhou Qingyun and others from the Emei School. The Five Elements banned killing in the pool one day after another, killing seven or eight companions in a row, and even her elder brother Sha Liang, the real Tiansha, died in the water palace.

This time, Sha Hongyan stole several powerful magic weapons from Bu Nangong. Together with her senior brother Wu Changshan, she went to Huolongjiao in the West Sea to invite Pang Huacheng. Together, they are going to break the magic wave pool together, open the treasure house, take the treasure left by the holy aunt, and then seize this fairy mansion, and invite Bu Nangong to come here to practice.

In the past, Ji Nangong was as famous as Haha Patriarch, Huoling Shenjun, etc. He was one of the five monsters and three demons in the Southwest, and he also had friendship with the Red Corpse God.Later, he lured Deng Yin into a demon, and was expelled from the middle land by the real Changmei. He hated him very much. He got a heavenly book overseas, and his skill has far surpassed his peers. If he can occupy Yihuanling, he can be regarded as returning to his homeland. Homecoming.

Sha Hongyan used a magic weapon of Gong Nan to calculate: "Cui Ying, the gorgeous corpse, met many faces outside because of her misfortunes in the past. In this catastrophe, she recruited many of them. Although most of them have been lost, the remaining Those who play are all masters, and now we are fighting fiercely with the people of the Emei Sect, and tomorrow will be our chance, so let's set off at that time!"

The memory of the four people has been fixed, so they practiced separately in the valley, waiting for the right time.

Shi Sheng's neck was covered with six soul circles, and the four of them were not afraid of him escaping, so they did not keep a close watch on him.

Shi Sheng first tried to get away from Ren Suluo, but Ren Suluo just meditated without any response, so he walked further, looked around, folded a lot of willow stems and wove straw hats together.

He often competes with Zhixian in weaving straw hats, and asks someone to judge to see whose is more beautiful. Wild flowers of various colors were weaved into it together, making it very beautiful. Wearing it on the head and playing happily, it is very innocent and lively.

Wu Changshan and Pang Huacheng thought he was noisy, so they sternly told him to go away.

However, Ren Suluo was moved, thinking that this child was born with a natural body and excellent aptitude. After this matter, she would bring him back to Lao Yachong, Burma, and accept him as a successor.

Shi Sheng obediently walked to the mouth of the valley, found some branches and grass stems, and began to compose the second one, humming a ditty while composing.

Suddenly, someone behind the tree whispered: "Are you my uncle?" The voice was extremely weak.

Shi Sheng kept his hands on his hands, turned an angle slowly, and replied in a low voice: "I am Li Zhongji, who are you?"

Behind the big tree, there is a little girl with green hair all over her head, her neck and hands are also covered with green hair, but her cheeks are very fair and tender, her eyes are especially bright and energetic.

She put her body close to the uncle, and whispered: "My name is Shangguan Hong, and my master is Immortal Yi Jingyi of the Emei School. When I came here earlier, I heard those villains discussing that you are the beloved son of the real head teacher of our school? That's my uncle."

Shangguanhong?Haven't heard that there is such a number one figure among the disciples of the Emei School?But that shrew Yi Jing is very famous!
Shi Sheng looked at Shangguan Hong carefully, and saw that although this little girl has excellent bones, but her morals are not high, her mana is limited, she should be a new disciple, and suddenly she had an idea, and replied: "I, Li Yingqiong, Zhou Qingyun and the others are all As siblings."

Shangguanhong was overjoyed: "Qi, I have met the aunts on Tuesday, and they are now in the magic wave pool. In this case, uncle, come with me, let's go back to the magic wave pool to find my master and the others!"

As she spoke, she came over to pull Shisheng, and as soon as the two small hands were clasped, Ren Suluo in Gu Nei had already noticed: "Who is there!"

Shangguan Hong held Shi Sheng with her left hand, and shook a jade talisman with her right hand, a cloud of blue light burst out from the talisman, enveloped the two of them, and fled into the ground without a trace.

Wu Changshan let out a roar, and flew straight towards him like a shell. When he got behind the tree, he couldn't find Shi Sheng, so he slapped down the big tree beside him with a slap: "That little beast ran away!"

Ren Suluo is still in the old spirit: "Why should you get angry, fellow Taoist? That kid has brought my six soul circles. No matter where I go to the ends of the world, I can cure him to death in my thoughts. It is easy to take his life! Waiting for me to separate Curse him in vain, if he can't stand it, he will come back to see us obediently." After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes and cast a spell, cursing in the air.

Besides, Shi Sheng, seeing that Shangguanhong is a late-learner and weak in knowledge, fearing that her escape method will not be effective, he is ready to take Shangguanhong back to use the method of earth movement, as long as he enters the magic wave pool, no matter what It doesn't matter whether it's brought in by Ren Suluo and the others, or followed by Shangguanhong. In comparison, it's safer and more convenient to go with Shangguanhong.

I don't want Shangguanhong's jade talisman to be very miraculous. Not only can she use the Yimu escape method to lead people, but she can also use the innate Yimu divine light to protect the two of them. Traveling through mountains and rocks is like a fish swimming in water.

Not long after, the two of them had a blank space in front of them, and they had already arrived in a huge ancient stone room.

"Is this the Magic Wave Pool?" Shi Sheng asked while looking around.

"It's already inside the Magic Wave Pool. This is the upper chamber of the Wooden Palace. It's very big inside. This is the first time for my little uncle..." Shangguan Hong was about to take Shi Sheng out when he said this, and suddenly stopped, turned his head and went back. When looking at Shi Sheng, suddenly there was a frightened and frightened expression on his face, more remorse and sadness intertwined, "Oops! I killed you!"

Shi Sheng was also taken aback, and while he was on guard secretly, he tentatively asked, "What's wrong? Why did you harm me?"

Shangguanhong said: "The original owner of the Huanbo Pool is the goddess Yihuanling. She once set a curse. Any man who enters here will be cursed by the heavenly demon. He will die badly. Huh... This time, I will send you to kill the demons." The corpses are all women, and no male disciples are allowed to enter, woo woo...Little Martial Uncle, I was confused for a while, and I was eager to avoid those wicked people, so I brought you in..."

Shi Sheng even dared to swallow the heart demon of Monk Chuanxin, so he was not afraid of the curse of some demon.

Seeing the little girl crying with tears falling down like broken beads, he pulled her aside and sat down against the wall, and wiped her tears: "My niece, don't cry, I am a profound Taoist, so I am not afraid of it." What kind of demon, the demon is my grandson, he has to walk around when he sees me, don't cry anymore, hey, this is for you."

Shi Sheng put the second grass on Shangguanhong's head, and looked around: "It's cute, be good, don't cry."

Shangguan Hong was dubious: "Don't try to comfort me, I heard what my master and several uncles said. They said that the Holy Aunt has extremely high magic power and strong spell power. Anyone who is a man will be cursed by her." , now all these monsters who enter the magic wave pool will die in a terrible way, woo woo...Little Master..."

She was really scared, and grabbed Shi Sheng's arm, fearing that he would suddenly bleed from his orifices in the next second and die suddenly in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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