Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 331 Red Flower Ghost Mother

Chapter 331 Red Flower Ghost Mother
The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa is one of the most appalling stunts of the Devil Cult. The higher the skill, the greater the damage caused after the disintegration, ranging from splitting the earth and splitting mountains, and re-creating the earth's water, fire and wind to rebuild mountains and rivers.

The heavenly demon disintegrated, and the universe collapsed!
However, although this method is powerful, it is a tactic of sacrificing oneself and dying together with the enemy. Even if you can kill the enemy, you will end up with the consequence of extinction.

There are so many people in the magic way that they use all kinds of tricks to save their lives. There are many powerful bosses who are in the realm of immortality. Those who have lived for 800 years can regain their freedom, so few people practice this method to a very high level.

The most incomprehensible thing is that Pang Huacheng is a famous Sanxian in Xihai, and he has refined such a powerful magic method!
"You poor servant, dare to play tricks in front of me!" Lu Yu cursed, and dropped a big dark golden hand from the place where the five starlights gathered just now. The dark gold big hand retracted the four fingers, stretched out a single ten finger, tens of feet long, volleyed towards the place where Pang Huacheng was just now.

In the direction of her fingers, a lot of dark golden light burst out, sealing the surrounding space completely, and there is infinite suction between her fingers, firmly attracting the target in place.

As expected, the visitor could not escape, and she forced her to show up. She was a strangely beautiful woman, wearing a black gauze Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Clothes, a Nine Yin Drop Jade Jade Bu Yao on her head, and a strange and beautiful thousand-clawed red bead mandala on her hairpin. Luo, looked up, rubbed his hands together, and swung countless dark red blood light upwards, hitting the big dark golden hand like raindrops.

Then that big dark golden hand quickly became riddled with holes on the way down, and finally completely melted and disappeared in front of the woman in black without a trace.

"Safflower Ghost Mother!" Someone from the Emei faction and the demon corpse team blurted out at the same time.

It was Zhu Ying, the mother of the red flower ghost who came after the bright future!

Others are acceptable, Qi Chengji separated from the crowd, went forward and kowtowed: "The real disciple, Sun Yudong, Qi Chengji worships the teacher's grandmother."

Zhu Ying nodded: "Good boy, I have wronged you, get up quickly."

Many female disciples of the Emei School looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Qi Lingyun.

Regardless of whether it is the Emei Sect or the Demon Corpse Party, in their eyes, Zhu Ying has already practiced evil magic, and she is one of the four evils in Bianshan. Marry Fu Laomo, the leader of the Guangming sect, and the two of them will refine their blood together, and they will become more and more powerful, mysterious and unpredictable. They have not been born for a long time, and they don't want to appear here today.

Qi Lingyun hesitated in his heart about what to call it, and how to judge the scale of friends and foes. After hesitating for a few breaths, Lu Ruo in the air spoke again: "Zhu Ying's poor maid, you are full of evil, you deserved to die under the sword of Master Ji Le back then, and later married The big devil of the Guangming God Sect has escaped calamity, and should have tucked his tail and hid at the top of the light, so as not to create new evils, so as to avoid the punishment of the heavens, but he came out to stir up trouble again. Could it be that he thinks his life is long, so he must seek death? "

Zhu Ying asked Qi Chengji to come in, grabbed Qi Chengji's hand to look him up and down, and replied calmly: "My husband has a useless apprentice, who was deceived by the demon corpse Cui Ying, and he came here to learn about past grievances, and I came here specially to take care of him." Just a moment. This person with the surname just killed my grandson’s disciple, and it’s only natural for me to send him back to the West with the method of disintegrating blood demons.” She suddenly raised her head and smiled, “It’s what you, an old coffin, did in the past. There are many evil things. According to what you said, instead of waiting for death in Dahuang Mountain, you ran out to hug the thighs of the Emei Sect, so as to be protected by them in the future when the catastrophe comes. To ridicule for the people of the world?"

Lu Yu's voice was low and hoarse, and the voice made people's hairs explode, and ice slag could fall all over the floor: "Baby girl! How dare you talk to me like this? Could it be that you saw me throwing rats into the trap and won't kill you?"

Zhu Ying chuckled: "You've already said it yourself, do you still want to ask me? But you don't have to rely on your elders, even if you're not here, I'm not afraid of you."

"Okay!" Lu Yu waited for her words, "I don't have time to talk to you now, half a month later, we will fight in the East China Sea, and we will never die!"

"No, no!" Zhu Ying said, "I know you have the Star God Hairpin, but you don't know what I have in my hand. If you wait nine years from now, there will be a big battle on the Bright Summit, and you will also Will go, why not wait until then, let's have a good fight on the top of the light, even if we are victorious, we will decide life and death!"

Lu Yu sneered: "If I kill you now, I won't be willing to measure you up. Well, I will follow you and save me a lot of effort. Nine years later, the old woman will go to the top of the light and wipe out the magic cave that your husband and wife are serving." , but at that time, don't say that I take advantage of others' danger."

Zhu Ying smiled and said: "That's natural. My husband and the owner of this Magic Wave Pool agreed that nine years later, we will have new accounts and old accounts. All grievances and grievances will be settled together at that time."

Lu Yu snorted, which was regarded as approval, and then the surrounding darkness dissipated like a black curtain that had been put away, revealing the dilapidated cave and rubble ruins everywhere, and the troops from both sides also appeared one after another, but Lu Yu disappeared.

Zhu Ying asked Qi Chengji: "I want to leave with Xiaoyaoer, would you like to go with us?"

When the matter came to an end, Qi Chengji hesitated again, turned his head to look at his younger sister Qi Lingyun who was hesitant to speak, and he mustered up the courage to say to Zhu Ying, "When I came, the master..."

"Your master didn't say that you must die here, it's just your fate..."

"Since Grand Master didn't say anything, Uncle Qi shouldn't die here!" A rainbow of red flames flew out from a hole in the upper left, and when it landed, Shi Sheng appeared. He kowtowed to Zhu Ying first, and then said, "Grandma Taizu, you The old man has great powers, don't let Master Qi die, ants are greedy for life, how can they send their own children to death."

Zhu Ying laughed and said: "Practitioners, it is common to send their own children to death. There are even more powerful ones who personally give their children a military solution, send them to reincarnation, and then pick them up again. Such things are everywhere. Yes. The cycle of life and death is a great event for mortals, but for us, it’s just a nap and a change of clothes. I just made an agreement with the old charm of the Lu family to fight on the Bright Peak in nine years. I have already agreed, but you must know that these nine years are a long period of life for ordinary people, and it is only a moment of snapping fingers for immortals."

Shi Sheng knew that what she said was reasonable, but he still felt bad: "Then there is no need for Uncle Qi to die. He doesn't want to sleep or change clothes now. It's good as it is now. Your mana Tongxuan, the Tao is profound, we are not as far as you, and we are still very greedy for life and afraid of death."

(End of this chapter)

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