Chapter 338

The insane monk Wei Tuo launched the forbidden method and fired thousands of green light arrows. It was made of Yimu elites mixed with Antarctic black ice. People will be frozen to death!
Wei Jiao was so frightened that he was half dead, he quickly grabbed Jinyu's arm to take her away, although Jinyu was young, he was very assertive, he raised his arm and shook Wei Jiao's hand, took out the treasure of the previous life, the Tiandun Mirror, held it flat on his chest, Spraying five-color majestic light forward, facing the thousands of lightsabers that were shot, the light scattered and melted in an instant, turning into countless poisonous rain, which was hit by the colorful light and rushed back.

Seeing that Aunt Yunjiu worshiped the elders of the Kunlun Sect as his teacher, Wei Tu simply killed all Aunt Yunjiu's sisters and brothers to vent his hatred, so he used all his strength to attack the enemy. Not only activated the formation that had been arranged in advance, but also used several treasures of Zhenshan such as Tiangang Spiritual Fire and Qingyang Shenfeng.

He kept Shi Sheng's words in mind, did not dare to hurt Jin Chan, and released Yimu Tianluo in the chaos to cover Jin Chan and take him away, but Zhu Miao used the pre-trained talisman to launch Lingzhen Eight-hole Yujing Tianlei , almost shattered Yimu Tianluo.

Wei Tu was frightened and angry, and felt that the forbidden law was broken, and it came from behind him. He was quite frightened, and when he turned his head to see Wei Jiao and Jinyu, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was very envious of the power, he knew that Shi Sheng was powerful, but he didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts, raised his hand, and released a clear light to cover Wei Jiao and Jin Yu: "Little friend, stop casting spells, don't use the mirror to break my aura !"

Jinyu stopped for a while, let him cover it with clear light, and moved towards his side.

Wei Tu saw that although the little girl was immature, she had a sullen little face, but she was quite imposing, so she didn't dare to underestimate her: "Little friend, what do you call the seniors outside?"

Jin Yu didn't answer his words, but stared seriously at Jin Chan, who was behind Zhu Miao with a sword cutting black hairs: "Brother told you not to mess around, and come back with me immediately."

Jin Chan said loudly: "I didn't mess around, but you were the one who was with such a harmful monk. See how badly this fellow Taoist on the stone platform was harmed by him? Just because he refused to give him the pill he With such a vicious hand, I have already promised Jiugu that I will occupy this thief bald together with Sister Zhu and rescue his younger brother."

Jinyu said in a deep voice: "I don't care what you say, elder brother won't care, as long as you come with me immediately, elder brother said, if you are disobedient, let me beat you hard, if you want to resist, he will Let the gods and demons come and arrest you!"

Jin Chan is not afraid of Jinyu, but he is afraid of Shi Sheng, especially his demon, and wants to refute, but dare not answer back.

Aunt Yun Jiu heard the words and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Jin Chan. Your elder brother is a member of the Demon Cult. Naturally, when you meet a monster monk like Wei Tu, you will get along with each other. You are the head teacher of the Emei School. Taoism The authentic child was adopted by the devil just by chance, and he was destined to return to the orthodox Taoist sect. When we met us today, the opportunity has come. Let's kill this demon monk first, then go out to meet with my master, and then Let's go back to Kunlun Mountain together..."

The more Jinyu listened, the more it became unbearable, and she yelled bluntly: "Bold temptress, dare to drive a wedge between our brothers!" She took out the Tiandun mirror and took a picture of it to Aunt Yun, who used the secret technique taught by Li's mother to hide open.

The two sides fought fiercely, Wei Tu alone, under the full firepower, Zhu Miao and the three could not resist, this time with Wei Jiao and Jinyu, although Jinyu was young and apologized, but the Sky Dungeon in his hand They were extremely powerful, and after a moment of stalemate, the three on the opposite side became more and more invincible, so they could only follow Cui Hei's voice transmission and gave up rescuing Yunyi on the stone platform, and fought and retreated outside along the cave.

Wei Tu won't let others gain power, and pursued the victory, becoming more and more fierce. Jin Chan's mana is the weakest. Although Wei Tu's offensive is mostly on Zhu Miao and Jiu Yungu, he can't resist even Yu Wei.Aunt Yun Jiu sensed Wei Tu's fear of him, and when she couldn't resist, she deliberately or unintentionally took advantage of Jin Chan's position to block the gun.

Jin Chan fought desperately, exerting all her breastfeeding strength. The flying sword was knocked away again and again, and tried to call it back again and again, always maintaining the state of defending against the enemy side by side with Zhu Miao.

Finally the three of them exited the entrance of the cave, and Wei Tu roared and urged Qingyang Shenfeng and Tiangang Spiritual Fire to drive tens of thousands of Qingmang blades wrapped in boundless flames to crazily kill.

Zhu Miao said anxiously: "Jiu Gu, take Jin Chan and go first, and meet Master!"

Aunt Yun Jiu promised to take Jin Chan to find Cui Hei Nu, turned around and was about to cast a spell and flew up, when she suddenly saw a huge figure standing on a big tree hundreds of meters away, tall and red-haired Hanging down to the waist, the red light in the eyes was shining, and the black and red magic smoke was continuously spewing out from the mouth, and it was startled immediately.

Looking at the left and right passages, the valley entrance, the cliff top, the stream...all the directions where you can escape, there is a demon standing there.

Aunt Yun Jiu was quite surprised, and hurriedly told Zhu Miao, Zhu Miao hurriedly activated the talisman again to shake Wei Tu away, and the three of them flew to the side to concentrate on guarding, Jin Chan's face turned pale: "That's my elder brother's 12th Yuan Chen bones God and demon! This is miserable..."

Zhu Miao used the jade talisman to contact Cui Hei Nv, no matter how he cast the magic talisman to call, there was always no answer.

Jin Chan took a few steps forward bravely, puffed out her small chest: "Brother, one person does things and the other is responsible! If you want to punish, just punish me alone. All the things are my own mischievous mischief, and I don't care about theirs. "

Wei Tu rushed out of the cave and cursed loudly: "You lowly servant girl surnamed Yun, do you know you're afraid now?"

At this time, the entrance of the cave was facing the red light on the mountain ridge not far away, Shi Sheng appeared in the magic light, flew in the air, hovered above the heads of everyone, condescending, and said coldly: "Jinyu, handcuff your brother! "

Without saying a word, Jinyu took out the dragon bird ring, and was about to come and lock Jin Chan.

Zhu Miao held Jin Chan behind him, blocked the dragon bird ring with six blue lights, and asked Shi Sheng: "Jin Chan is an authentic disciple of Taoism. Since he met us, he can escape from the sea of ​​suffering, so how can he enter the devil's lair again? Devil, I ask!" You, where did my master go?"

Shi Sheng said coldly: "Your master? Is that the black and ugly woman? She didn't know what to do and fought with me, but I broke her magic weapon and smashed her into powder!"

"Nonsense!" Zhu Miao refused to believe it, "My master is an elder of the Kunlun sect with great powers, how can you, a little devil, be able to hurt you so much?"

Shi Sheng said indifferently: "If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do. I don't care about any enmity between you and Fellow Daoist Wei, but we must release our child, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"So what can you do if you are not polite? At worst, you will be martyred, and today is a worthy death!" She whispered to Aunt Yunjiu, "I will launch the sky thunder later, and follow the devil to my death. You take the golden cicada and go, Kunlun Mountain Tai Far away, you go to Mount Emei in Sichuan, meet Master Miaoyi and talk about this matter, and ask him to make the decision."

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." Shi Sheng heard her words clearly, "With me here today, no one can take this kid away, at worst I will kill you both Already!"

As soon as he finished speaking, six of the twelve demons around him screamed loudly, and the remaining six formed a ball of blood and flew towards the center. Zhu Miao spread the six magic hooks in his hands around. Resisting the six demons, Yun Jiugu took Jin Chan and her sword together and rose through the air. The land of Shu was in the west, but she went in the opposite direction and fled to the northeast.

The six balls of blood light were hit by the hook-shaped blue shadow, they suddenly separated, flew away several feet, and the body unfolded, like a newborn baby, suddenly getting bigger, and rushed to the center again, Zhu Miao greeted him with immortal soldiers, and was greeted by the gods. Mo each hugged a hook and flew into the air.

On the other side, Aunt Yun Jiu and Jin Chan were also blocked by a god and demon guarding the east. The claws spread out, shattering the sword light, and the second claw grabbed Yun Jiu Aunt's upper body. Eight kinds of spells, but they are useless on the gods and demons. They grab something including the head and shoulders in their claws, and the other hand grabs the golden cicada by the waist, and comes back to Shi Sheng.

At this time, the remaining five gods and demons rushed towards Zhu Miao, and Zhu Miao hurriedly used the magic weapon to protect him, but he was caught and killed by the gods and demons in less than five seconds.

Seeing that she was about to be torn apart by the gods and demons, suddenly a hurried female voice sounded from the mountain: "Shi Sheng, you can't kill him!" Then a white light flew from the sky, and it was extremely fast, and it came to the front in an instant. .

The white light flashed away, revealing a middle-aged Taoist nun with silver hair and a walking stick in her hand.

Shi Sheng looked at her, and suddenly frowned and asked, "Is your surname Cui?"

The person who came was Ling Hun's joint wife, Cui Wugu, the white-haired dragon girl. She looked at the second daughter captured by the god and demon, like a girl who was held in the mouth by a monster, who was about to be kissed and devoured by the demon Sucking blood and devouring souls, she intends to cast spells to save people first, but she is afraid that the time will run out and the second daughter will die faster.

In the end, Fifth Aunt Cui often sighed: "I am Fifth Aunt Cui, and you still have to call me grandma."

Shi Sheng thought for a while, then bowed in the air: "Great-grandson pays respects to great-grandmother."

Seeing that he still recognized him as such, Fifth Aunt Cui secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and pointed at Zhu Miao with her hand: "Which one do you think she is?"

Shi Sheng looked at Zhu Miao with doubts.

Fifth Aunt Cui asked, "Didn't your Grand Master tell you what kind of weapon your grandmother used back then?"

"Liujia God's Hook!" Shi Sheng blurted out, and then he seemed to be struck by lightning in the head. The elders said the same thing, the six-handled hooks are all made of wood, but they are harder than steel. They are engraved with the names of Jiazi, Jiaxu, Jiaxu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, and Jiayin Liujia. The Rokka God Hook!

He cultivated blood nerves, and now he has achieved quite a lot. When the external conditions are met, he can feel it in his heart. Against Zhu Miao, who is imprisoned by the gods and demons, he is a little unwilling to believe it.

Fifth Aunt Cui said, "That's right! She is the reincarnation of your grandmother Ling Luhua."

Shi Sheng's face was very serious, and his eyes turned from Zhu Miao to Cui Wugu: "I heard from the elders that my grandmother Luhua Fairy was discouraged by the death of my grandfather and mother, and she vowed not to practice in the future, she just wanted to do An ordinary mortal, Grand Master cut off her master-student relationship, sent her to be reincarnated in the human world, and guaranteed her prosperity and wealth for the rest of her life. How come she was persecuted again in this life and returned to the immortal way?"

Fifth Aunt Cui sighed and said: "She has cultivated for many generations, and she is quite destined to be a fairy. Although she hated the fairy way for a while, she has already laid the foundation in the fairy way. In this life, she was born in the royal family, but she hated the world since she was a child. Teach me."

Shi Sheng was silent, and after a while he said: "Even so, I can't kill her today, but I'm afraid that if I let her go today, she will definitely be my enemy in the future. Cui Hei Nu deceived people too much, and I Let the gods and demons tear it into pieces and refine it. On the top of the future, there will probably be an extra trip to the Kunlun School. She should also go up the mountain to avenge her teacher... Take her back. If you want her to live, don't let her go back to the Kunlun School. , bring back the Snow Mountain School created by you and Ling Zhenren, otherwise, the relationship between me and her will be cut off today, and I will never show mercy when I see you next time." After finishing speaking, he added, "My great master, he Neither will old people."

Fifth Aunt Cui nodded, and asked again: "Then Aunt Yun Jiu..."

"Take it away too." Shi Sheng said, "After all, you are an elder, and once you open your mouth, she was my grandmother." He said to Wei Tu, "You give her back that person's younger brother too. , you have to take care of the Poison Dragon Pill, I will help you through your calamity. As for the few pages of Taoist scriptures mentioned by Wei Jiao, there is nothing unusual. I have figured out that the previous master of Shaoqing Immortal Mansion was just a Sanxian, even if I have completed all the secret books, I am only an Earth Immortal living in the world, and I have learned a lot. In addition to the Dao of Demons and Dafa, I also know a few orthodox kung fu of Taoism. territory."

Wei Tu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and happily ran back to the cave to take Yun Yi out from the stone platform and return it to Aunt Yun Jiu.

Zhu Miao escaped from the clutches of the demon, and hurried over to thank Fifth Aunt Cui. The two of their mothers had met each other a long time ago: "Mother, that Jin Chan is the son of Master Qi, the head teacher of the Emei Sect. We can't..."

Fifth Aunt Cui stopped her from continuing with a wink: "That's a matter between the Emei Sect and the Guangming Sect. How dare you meddle in the affairs of these two schools?"

When Aunt Yun Jiu cried and hugged Yun Yi, Aunt Cui bid farewell to Shi Sheng in fear of recurring branches, shook the dragon's crutches, and a cloud of five colors auspiciously rose from under her feet, and flew up through the air with the two girls in her arms, heading towards the Daxue Mountain in the west .

On the cloud, Zhu Miao asked Fifth Aunt Cui, "Could it be that mother's magic power can't defeat that little devil?"

Fifth Aunt Cui sighed and said, "If I do my best, I may be able to defeat it, but it is absolutely impossible to completely wipe it out."

Zhu Miao was taken aback: "That kid is so powerful?"

Cui Wugu said: "He is the direct descendant and grandson of Master Fu of the Guangming Sect. He has stated several times that he will be the successor of the future leader. He grew up in the Wudang sect and practiced Wudang Taoism. The most powerful spell of the two families of good and evil, do you think it is powerful? Your master is also an orthodox Taoist. Although he is not as good as me, he is also a famous Kunlun Sword Immortal. This time he died in his hands. Do you think it is powerful? ?”

Zhu Miao couldn't believe it: "Master, is she really dead? Did she die at the hands of that little devil?"

Seeing her daughter like this, Fifth Aunt Cui was full of sadness: Your father doesn't recognize you, you can't and don't want to go back to the Xueshan School, but if you go back to the Kunlun School, you will definitely kill your master in the future as the child said. ...What should I do?

(End of this chapter)

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