Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 344 2 Devils Harm

Chapter 344 Two Demons Harm Each Other
After hearing Ruan Zheng's words, the old Sibi just wanted to sneer.

If it wasn't for my daughter threatening her life, she must have stopped me. I would have thrown you into the Palace of Heavenly Desire long ago, to let you know the truth of "the human heart is immortal and the heavenly heart is not manifested" and "how human desires exist and how they are destroyed"!
He also ignored Ruan Zheng, and went on to explain the scriptures on his own, starting with "seven places to show the heart", and then talked about "ten fan Xianjian", "four subjects and seven majors", "three fines and six roughs", the classics " 25 Shengyuan Tongzhang" to "Fifty Yin Demons".

He came from a background in learning and cultivating demons, and he is most familiar with the way of demons, and he is also the most fluent when he talks about the fifty demons of Yin. Break it apart, break it down, and unfold it, there are more than [-] kinds of demons in the scriptures. Not only Shi Sheng was dazzled by hearing it, but he secretly admired it. , Red Corpse, Huo Ling and others are all ashamed of themselves.

Only the Red Lotus Dharma King started his career as a yin demon. There are many kinds of demons. The Shura Dao of the old man Shibi and the Huoling Shenjun belong to the category of celestial demons, which belong to the genus of celestial demons. For them, yin demons are optional.The old demon Honglian majored in Yin demons. After listening to the old man Sibi, he thought to himself: This old guy doesn't know how powerful the Yin demons are. The deeper you sink, the doom is imminent, and you will lose your mind.

After the old man Shibi finished talking about the fifty yin demons, he then talked about the Shurangama mantra: "This mantra is for subduing demons and secret methods, practicing the way of demons. It is easy to be taken advantage of by demons. If you don't pay attention, you will be turned by the demon head. Obsessed by demons, holding this mantra can protect your mind and prevent you from being harmed by demons! This mantra is powerful, except for Ruan Zheng, all of you should be careful!"

He flicked the dust fly a few more times, and began to chant a mantra: "Namo Satata, Sugataya, Arahadi..."

As the thousand-leaf blood lotus calyx under his spell seat radiated light again, the divine light filled the magic palace, rippling around like water waves, and the blood lotus calyx, like a lotus flower in water, gradually lifted off the ground and floated up slowly.

The Sanskrit singing voice of the old man Shibi was low and powerful at first, and then gradually became louder, like a bronze bell. At first, he was the only voice, but gradually there was harmony. First they sang together, then Tian Qi, Tian Yao brothers, Mingzhu, and finally in the void, more and more Yakshas, ​​hungry ghosts, Rakshasas, Shuras, ghosts, demon spirits, and even thousands of miles around appeared indistinctly. The ghosts and monsters possessed by the mountains, rivers, plants and trees came one after another, and appeared in the smoky sea of ​​magic light released by him, either standing, sitting cross-legged, or soaring, and they all opened their mouths to sing in unison with him.

There was a magical power in this voice, Ruan Zheng felt that it was not good, so he hurriedly concentrated his mind and used the mental method of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger in the Ziqing treasure talisman, using the magic power to calm the mind internally, and using the two-phase ring to protect the external, silently resisting.

Shi Sheng was the first to bear the brunt of the old man, and he was under the greatest pressure from magic. However, he laid the foundation with Sanfeng Zhenren's orthodox Taoism, and then followed Fu Zeyang to practice the orthodox magic sect. Although he was not as good as the old demon Honglian who saw the crisis of the old man Shibi at a glance, he also quickly realized that this was the mutual harm of two demons. This heavenly demon, the two demons have their own strengths and weaknesses. The old man Shibi restrained countless Yin demons with his powerful magic power.

Shi Sheng knew what was going on, but his power was weak. Not only could he not resist the strength of Old Man Shibi, but he also couldn't stand the many Yin demons that Old Man Shibi had attracted. If he was not careful, he would be confused by him and die I don't know it.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily raised the sun, moon, and five-star wheel on his wrist, turning it into three rounds of flames, forming a light cloud with green outside, white in the middle, and purple in the inside. He sat cross-legged in the middle of the light cloud, with the five stars floating above his head. The inner demons do not grow, the outer demons do not enter, and the inner and outer shields are used to counteract the infinite pressure brought by the old man Shibi.

The Shurangama Mantra is very long. After the old man Sibi finished reciting it once, the devils and elves in the magic light cheered and bowed to him. The old man Sipi said happily: "If I become a Buddha in the future, I will save you all and become Bodhisattvas and Arhats." "Being happy, I couldn't help but read it again, the magical light outside the gods became thicker and thicker until it became thicker, and the originally blurred bodies of the devils and elves gradually gained substance and became more and more condensed, even those thousands of years old. The above-mentioned ones were all plated with gold, and they were indeed similar to the legendary arhats, so they praised and bowed down to the old man Shibi, and the old man Sibi was even more happy, and continued to chant mantras.

The old man Shibi cast spells and held spells in the magic palace. Not only the elves and devils thousands of miles around the Shenjian Peak felt the scene, but the spectators on the top of the light were moved by the image from their eyes to their hearts, and by the sound. From the ear to the heart, it is also enchanted by magic. Some sighed, some cursed, some wept bitterly, some gritted their teeth, some jumped up and danced, and some rushed straight to the Haotian mirror , Some people were so scared that they cowered into a group, and some people knelt on their knees and bowed to each other from a distance.

Elder Shibi's skill is extraordinary. He speaks in a radius of five thousand miles, as if facing each other. At this time, he is possessed by Yin demons to help him, and his supernatural powers are even more powerful. He also had a feeling in his heart, but it was separated by Fu Zeyang's spell, and the feeling was very weak, so he couldn't know the specific location and number of people.

He thinks he is the master of the Shurangama mantra, and his confidence becomes stronger, and he is determined to become a Buddha by this mantra. He recites the mantra in his heart and casts the spell, and the blood lotus calyx under the seat rises higher and higher, and the light becomes stronger and stronger. Filled with glory.

However, Shi Sheng was doing his best to cultivate internally to resist the demonic disturbance, when suddenly there was a change in the Qiankun bag, it was the scroll of bamboo slips that the old man withered bamboo left for him in Jinshi Gorge, which recorded the cooperation between Tianmu Shenzhen and Sancai Qingning circle. The method of refining.

At that time, the bamboo slip was only half opened, and the old man withered bamboo told him not to open the other half. Now that the bamboo slip was taken out, the other half opened automatically, and the old man withered bamboo's instructions appeared on it.

It turns out that the second half records the combination of the Sun Moon Five Star Wheel and Ziqing Doshihuo!

The old man Kuzhu told him that Ziqing Tushihuo is the real fire of the fairy world, the divine flame of the universe, through which he can condense the energy and spirit, and cultivate the top three flowers, not only can he easily purify the yin residue, achieve pure yang, and enter the The realm of heavenly immortals can also avoid the disturbance of evil spirits, and rely on it to resist heavenly demons, yin demons, and all evil spirits.

The sun, moon and five-star wheel is an ancient real person who observed the sky and the earth during the period of the Three Emperors. It is modeled on the treasure made of the sun, moon and stars.

The reason why the old man withered bamboo is so mysterious is because Shi Sheng took the Tianmu Divine Needle as his own. This treasure is related to the life of the Qing Emperor's son. The son of the Qing Emperor must go to plot against him, and he must retrieve the Tianmu Divine Needle. At that time, Guangmingding will be in chaos, and Fu Zeyang will inevitably fail to take care of him. The son of the Qing Emperor has strong magic power and has the body of a golden fairy. Suffering.

Therefore, the old man Kuzhu pointed him to this method, combining the sun, moon, five-star wheel and Ziqing Doushi with fire, and if he used it suddenly in the future, he would be able to give the son of the Qing Emperor a big blow, but that guy is proficient in Taiyi magic number, and he is also good at sky vision With the method of earth listening, whether Shi Sheng is refining treasures in Jinshixia or Guangmingding, he will be shocked and even figure out the reason.

At this time, the old man Shibi was insane, and the magic light shrouded the entire peak of Shenjian. Countless demons and monsters were running rampant, with disordered energy and disturbed days. If you can't figure it out, you can count it after the fact. Even if you can see a little doom from the hexagrams, it must be judged that it will be on Fu Zeyang. On that day, Shi Sheng's sudden move will definitely cause him a lot of damage.

The old man Kuzhu spoke politely, and with a bit of arrogance, he said that although Fu Zeyang was proficient in the two orthodox methods of magic and magic, he might not be as sophisticated as Dongfang Jiayimu. The sons of the Qing Emperor belonged to Mu Xing together, so they knew each other better.

Just after reading it, the bamboo simply dissipated into a blue light, and then disappeared with the weather without a trace!

Shi Sheng secretly thought that this senior withered bamboo really has the ability to penetrate the heavens and penetrate the earth, so he immediately practiced the profound arts silently, using the essence, vitality, and spirit to communicate with Ziqingdou to lead the fire, and move up and five stars, and move three wheels down, using the five-star wheel as the cauldron, and using the five-star wheel as the cauldron. One's own primordial spirit and Tushihuo are made of lead and mercury, and they are combined to refine alchemy. This is the technique taught by the old man Kuzhu, and he must refine this treasure into a spiritual weapon.

Fu Zeyang sensed something different in the Haotian mirror, and cast a spell secretly to create an illusion, so that the tens of thousands of spectators on the top of the light only saw him silently meditating, resisting the disturbance of the demon, and the man who was close at hand in the Demon Palace of Shenjian Peak. People, except Ruan Zheng, are all obsessed, only the old man Sibi can understand what he is doing, but now the old man Sibi's attention is all on his daughter and Ruan Zheng, and he doesn't even bother to look at Shisheng again.

Mingzhu was stained by the yin demon, three generations and three lives, the fishing net suppressed in his heart expanded rapidly, especially Ruan Zheng cherished his appearance, and managed to retain the appearance of his previous life even after reincarnating for two lives, Mingzhu felt his heart burning hot when he saw it.

At the beginning, she was able to control herself rationally, but the Yin Demon invaded her thoughts, searched for the seeds of hatred from her love for Ruan Zheng, and helped them grow.Mingzhu has been looking at Ruan Zheng obsessively, the more she looks at her, the more she loves her, and she can't help but rush over to beg for a hug. Ruan Zheng is practicing kung fu, fully resisting the disturbance, and when she fits her, the fragrance blows on her face, and the nephrite is close to her body, she can't help but His mind fluttered, and he knew that if he continued, he would have to break the Emei Sect's Heavenly Immortal Precept.

He didn't reach out to push the pearl either, in order to avoid physical contact, and only used the Shaoqing mystic striata from the Emei sect, which was specially used to subdue demons, to avoid physical contact.

It was as if there was a transparent glass between Mingzhu and him. She grasped the ice-cold light wall with her fingers, and cried, "Brother Zheng, don't you have the slightest bit of pity for me?"

Every syllable of this voice hit Ruan Zheng's heart, Ruan Zheng didn't dare to answer, he just guarded his mind and didn't dare to leak it.

Mingzhu was sobbing outside, telling her about the love and entanglement between the third generation and Ruan Zheng, her voice was crisp and sad, she was originally very beautiful, but now she will see tears on her face, set off by the bright red gauze dress outside her body, she will become more and more beautiful. Her face is like peach blossoms, and she is very pitiful. Hearing her cry, her heart aches even more, and she wished she could be hugged in her arms immediately, so as to comfort her.

At this time, Mingzhu, although she did not activate magic intentionally, but she had Yin Demon Flying Essence hiding behind her, plus her own appearance and temperament, it was enough to make people forget about it.Those spectators on the top of the light, except for those whose magic power is too shallow, can't see clearly, can't hear, and get rid of those who are deep enough in Taoism, such as the four great Dharma protectors, the rest will all be recruited. Sympathy, nose sore, severe cases directly fly to the mysterious light transformed by the Haotian mirror, like flies.

Mingzhu cried and begged for a long time, losing her mind more and more, she just let go of her bun, took off half of her clothes, and begged on the light wall transformed by Shaoqing's divine light, only asking Ruan Zheng to hug her, and she committed suicide immediately , the body and spirit are all destroyed, and I will definitely not pester Ruan Zheng again, Ruan Zheng has always turned a deaf ear.

The old man Shibi was very angry. He recited the long Shurangama mantra ninety-nine and eighty-one times, but Ruan Zheng was still unmoved. He felt extremely ashamed and extremely angry: "When I ruled the world, you The patriarch, Ren Shou, has yet to touch the purple and blue swords! Is there anything wrong with my daughter? Since you are gone, and you don’t plan to reunite with her in this life, you shouldn’t go to Shenjian Peak again. , The sky is big, the earth is big, you can’t go anywhere, you have to come here? It’s nothing more than seeing the power of the Guangming Sect, which includes Buddhism and Dao, and handles good and evil. You can’t control him. You want to use my power, but pretend to be noble , just take my daughter's example!"

It’s fine if Ruan Zheng keeps silent. The old man Bisheng Shibi mentioned the Daoist Changmei, even the Emei faction, and his master Qi Shuming. Ruan Zheng was able to suppress his greed for fishing nets, but he couldn’t The hatred evoked by the protection of the teacher.

As soon as he thought about it, he was noticed by the old man Shibi. The old man sneered and said, "What kind of orthodox Xuanmen, but that's all! If that's the case, I'll send you to the Palace of Heavenly Desire! It's not just you, there are many others in your Emei sect." A few lovers, I want to see if you can abide by the precepts of the heavenly immortals. If you can, I, Sibi, will bow down and be Qi Shuming from now on! No other words! If you lose, I will not harm you, I will only teach you to get married here, and give each couple a gift of reconciliation! You have to enter the door upside down in my Shenjian Peak, and stay with my daughter forever, forever Not easy!"

He waved the sleeve of his robe, and Ruan Zheng disappeared on the spot. Mingzhu came back to her senses and cried, "Daddy! Daddy don't want...I don't want to ruin Brother Zheng's Taoism..."

The old man Shibi hated iron and steel: "Useless things! You made a promise in the previous life, and he will go back on it in this life. What is there to be obsessed with such a man? I have been rewarded for thousands of years, and I have suffered retribution from you, torturer People are always grinding! Hmph, he obviously loves your beauty, but he just followed his teacher to do false Taoism! In the past, I relied on you and wanted to wait until the two of you were happy and happy together, but he couldn’t, so that’s fine. Now, you will be separated from each other from now on, and you will never see each other again, and you will be born and broken. You are also willing to be lowly, and you are going to be a celebrity couple with him, and you will join him in the Emei Sect to serve him tea and water, and serve as a slave..."

The old man Shibi became more and more angry, and at the end he didn't know what he was talking about, and he didn't want to be there. With a wave of his hand, he sent the pearl into the Palace of Heaven's Desire, and then said to his two disciples: "Hurry up and catch me!" Junior Emei is here to watch me break his immortal ring!"

(End of this chapter)

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