Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 349 The Four Disintegrations

Chapter 349
The old man Shibi was in two places, tired of coping, and the cold cloud fairy Yuwa came again, and Yuwa was really cruel, and he didn't say hello to Cui Wugu and others, using the cold light in the jade bowl in his hand to protect his body, control the wishful gold The hook broke through Lei Ze Shensha and broke into the magic palace.

Seeing that the old man Shibi was fighting with Jiupanpo, she released the flying hook to kill the soul of the old man Shibi.

The old man Shibi was anxious and angry, he knew that there were too many enemies coming, and all of them were skilled and ruthless.With a roar of anger, he summoned his twelve gods and demons.

Those twelve devils were refined by his ancestors and passed down by his father. They were not made by him in the first place, and their loyalty was much weaker. They have been watched by him in the prison for more than three hundred years, and they have long been deeply attached to him. Resentment.

It's just that the old man Shibi's Shura Dafa is so powerful that these demons have no choice but to turn back to him.

As soon as the gods and demons moved, they were about to leave Shisheng and fly upwards to the old man Shibi.

Shi Sheng squeezed the spirit formula with his hand, and shouted loudly: "You just drank my blood, do you want to leave?"

Naturally, these devils have no gratitude, but Shi Sheng's blood tastes good, and he is really reluctant to leave. At this moment, he is forced to feel sad by the old man's magic, and he has a heart of hatred again. , wanted to tear him into pieces, but was suppressed by the divine light from Sancai Qingning Circle, and when it flew to Shi Sheng, it had shrunk to the size of a thumb.

The old man Shibi was taken aback. After drinking the blood and absorbing the essence, the god and demon became weaker and weaker?
The twelve devils hadn't noticed it yet, they threw themselves on Shi Sheng's arm, biting hard.

Shi Sheng pinched the spirit formula with his hands, and with two fingers, pinched them down one by one like a snail, and held them all in his hand.

The demon screamed strangely, and his voice was much thinner due to his shrinking body.

They were like flies caught in a net, slamming around, and Shi Sheng's palms glowed with three-color light, firmly blocking them.

The old man Shibi couldn't arrest his god demon, so he had to use the twelve demon heads born from the stone to meet the enemy, barely blocked Yu Wa's wishful golden hook, and then tried to resist the cold cloud from Yu Wa.

Jiupanpo saw the advantages from the sidelines, and released the nine-child mother demon that she refined to fight against the catastrophe.

A total of nine strands of blood energy flew into the air and each turned into a young woman, holding a baby in her arms, unfolded and flew away, and opened her arms to embrace the 12 Yuan Chen Bone God and Demon.

As if meeting a nemesis, the 12-year-old white-bone demon was absorbed by the spirit of the nine-child mother demon, and his power was greatly reduced. They all became good children, and their stature shrank. Blood energy poured into Jiupanpo's body.

The old man Shibi instinctively uses his natal gods and demons to combine with the yin and yang of the twelve gods and demons. Under normal circumstances, no one can take them away, but now these demons are not his, but born of stone. There is no contact, and after getting it, there is an urgent sacrifice, and when I meet an expert like Jiupanpo, I am easily taken away.

Losing the demon head, the old man Shibi tried to activate the blood lotus calyx again, but he cast spells one after another, the thousand leaves of the blood lotus calyx shook, and the magic light was wild, but it remained motionless.

It turned out that on the day of Shisheng's birth, the wood god needle was like fixing the sea god mountain, firmly nailing the blood lotus calyx, and the three circles were even more powerful weapons for subduing demons, restraining each other against the blood lotus calyx. Po and Yu Wa shared the same hatred and joined forces to attack, he couldn't resist, angry and hated, roaring away with infinite unwillingness.

Jiu Pan Po laughed and said, "Don't leave if you are old, I will go with you to the Palace of Heavenly Desire, and get to know that bitch Yi Jing by the way!" She returned her primordial spirit to her place, and then she fit herself into a purple smoke and flew into the depths of the Demon Palace went.

Yu Wa was very surprised that Shi Sheng was able to take away the gods and demons of the old man Sibi and nailed the most precious blood lotus calyx of the magic way. She took the wishful golden hook back in her hand and asked Shi Sheng, "Are you the descendant of Fellow Daoist Fu?"

Shi Sheng replied on the lotus platform: "Junior Shi Sheng, a disciple of the Master Guangming, has met seniors. Master told me that seniors in the past should have stood up and saluted, but now I want to suppress this blood lotus calyx to prevent it from being taken away." , I hope to forgive you.”

Yuwa said: "The old man Shibi is at the end of his life, he must jump over the wall in a hurry, launch the wishful thunder from the heavens and ten earths, cause catastrophe, and fight people desperately. Although I am not afraid, I can't protect you. I will send you and this blood lotus calyx Get away together."

Shi Sheng said: "Thank you for the kindness of seniors, but I have been entrusted by the master to guide the old man Hua Sibi to the light, and I can't run away. Everything in this matter is under the master's control. If the old man Shibi is really angry , Master will never sit idly by."

After hearing this, Yu Wa was dissatisfied: "Since that's the case, you should stay here!" She threw a golden light and flew to Tianyu Palace to rescue her disciples.

However, the old man Shibi will take back the split soul and return to the original deity. Because Yixiu could not be driven away, Jiupanpo and Yuwa rushed to him one after another, and the immortals outside were even more powerful. , the Lei Ze Shensha that swept across the world rumbled like a sandstorm, rushing in from all directions.

Lei Ze Shen Sand was originally produced in the volcano of Tianpeng Mountain, and it spews out of the crater every 790 years. Filling the sky and covering the ground, each dust itself can emit pure Yang fire.

The divine sand was driven by spells to form a billowing sea of ​​flames. First, the scorching flames gushed in from the doors and windows of the magic palace. After a short while, the rumbling sound became closer and closer. The golden bars were torn off one after another, and turned into ashes in the fire and dust.

The old man Shibi let out a long cry: "Today I will fight with you!" Then he launched the divine thunder that he had practiced hard for many years.

His Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Ruyi Yinlei is different from other nuclear weapons. He usually sacrifices his own blood like a god and demon. It is mixed with the ways of the demon to disintegrate Dafa. In addition to the energy of the divine thunder itself, there is also the essence of the caster as fuel to boost the power.

Just imagine, for a character of the level of the six monsters of the universe, such as the old man Sibi, what kind of energy would erupt if he cast the Dafa of disintegrating the demon?The thunder itself explodes, and it can also blow up a thousand miles around. All the mountains and rivers will be flattened and crushed, at least within a radius of three or four thousand miles, they will all be blown into ruins, and all immortals cannot be regarded as ordinary people!
The people at the center of the explosion, except for Jiupanpo, Yuwa, Yixiu, and the three Lingqiao Immortals outside, were able to survive, and the rest of them would all be wiped out, and even those who survived They will also be knocked down, and their vitality will be greatly injured.

The old man Sibi has profound skills and has a unique magic method. Although the primordial spirit was blown up with the divine thunder at that time, it can still be reunited and restored after a few years, but he lost his physical body and the natal gods and demons that he worked so hard to reincarnate. In a few years, he will be a master of the magic way again, this is the way to survive from death.

He was also driven into a hurry, so he resorted to such a method of harming both sides, thinking that killing one would be enough to kill two, and he would ingest the magic thunder into his body full of anger, and then explode with luck.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the divine thunder was launched, the body that was about to disintegrate suddenly warmed up and tightened, as if being forcibly compressed and held down by an external force. Even so, it could explode with great power. The divine thunder flew upwards, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and then disappeared.

The old man Shibi was shocked, and saw that the whole world had entered into darkness, Shenjian Peak, Tianyu Palace, Jiupanpo...all the characters seemed to have disappeared, a mass of light was in the east, and a mass of light in the west, like the sun and the moon They are parallel, but they all emit a greenish golden light.

I could hear bursts of celestial music from silk and bamboo in my ears, and I could smell a strange fragrance in my nose.

Between the two clusters of brilliance in the sky, suddenly there was a burst of light, as if a heavenly gate had been opened, and a huge golden light wheel appeared, inside the golden light was like a sea, full of auspicious clouds, and auspicious mist rippling.

In the sea of ​​light, there is a huge throne of light, on which sits a giant tens of feet tall, surrounded by golden light, holding a jade ruler surrounded by purple air.

On his left, there is a white and tender villain, only smaller than the giant, with greenish white hair, and very agile eyes, looking over curiously.

On the back of the chair on the right hand side of the giant, sat a huge dove bird, leaning forward, with a pair of colorful eyes, looking down and staring at him closely.

On the left hand side of the giant, there is a woman in white clothes, and on the right hand side is a woman in black clothes, both of which are extremely huge.

Moving forward, the left and right sides are either lotus platforms, incense chariots, or thrones, all filled with people.

Good guy, there are thousands of them to say the least!

It actually resembles the scene when Amitabha Buddha brought Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva together in the lotus pond sea to welcome people to the West in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss in the legend.

The old man Shibi was puzzled, and blurted out: "Who are you? Are you the Western Amitabha Buddha?"

As soon as the words came out, he came to his senses and scolded himself for being stupid. Many people sitting here were his acquaintances, such as Fu Guaba, Demon Mother Wenliang, Jiulie Shenjun, Chishi Shenjun...

He had already guessed who the person on the main seat was, but he just couldn't believe it, a junior who had only entered Taoism for 600 years, and had once been the apprentice of Ghost King Xu Wan, how could he reach such a level?

Just when he felt ashamed and angry again, Fu Zeyang spoke up: "Fellow Sivi, why do you want to study Buddhism and go to the West? You can learn from me."

The old man Sibi said angrily: "What virtue and ability do you have? How dare you imitate your ancestors? How dare you teach me Buddhism?"

Shang Heyang stood up and said loudly, "My elder brother once led a group of immortals in the North Pole to rectify natural disasters and save hundreds of millions of lives! He also controlled water in the middle land, exorcised evil spirits, released food, and applied medicine. Countless people were alive. Is it enough to teach you? In terms of ability, he smashed his head and killed Deng Yin. He is also the orthodox Dharma of the three religions of the devil, the Buddha, and the Buddha. Now it’s the end of the road, if you don’t convert, don’t regret it!”

The old man Shibi was furious, and was about to reply when Fu Zeyang said, "Don't be angry, fellow Taoist. I came here for another reason. In the past, I persuaded Zen Master Zunsheng to enter Nirvana in Daxue Mountain. The old man said that he still had a last wish. It was because you had a mentoring relationship with him thousands of years ago. He vowed to save you and return to righteousness. I promised to save you on his behalf. Only then did he enter Nirvana with peace of mind and left me three relics. Just now I used Hao Tianbaojing took away your magic thunder, but it was difficult to prevent your body and soul from being shaken away, thanks to these three relics, you were saved, and you were saved from a catastrophe of fragmenting your body and shattering your spirit."

The old man Shibi was taken aback. He looked at the two bright lights in the sky and realized that they were relics. He turned his head suddenly and saw that there was also a bright light of relic floating behind him. , the light is dazzling, and there is a white-clothed boy sitting inside, it is Shi Sheng who is looking at him with a smile, and the three-inch-high Tibetan Lingzi Yuanshen is standing on his shoulder.

Fu Zeyang also said: "We who practice the way of demons are all disturbed by yin demons, or they are stored in the magic scriptures, and we are all infected when we practice, or they are passed down from generation to generation. Once we practice, we will be like maggots attached to the bones, silently It affects the temper of the monks in a big way, just like the three corpses and nine worms of Taoism. Some people are greedy for money, some people are lustful, some people are irritable, and some people are lethargic. Those who are orthodox demons cannot get rid of them. In your sect, there are also demons of yin, which are passed down from your ancestors to your master, and then passed down to you from your master, and rule together with the twelve gods and demons. The gods and demons belong to yang, If you are a slave and a son, the devil belongs to yin, and the master is the mother. Every time you meet with the devil, the mother and son of the devil meet, and the yin and yang combine. On the surface, it will help you to increase your power, but in reality, it will confuse you more and more, no matter where you are. People in this world, whether ascending to the Asura Way, will be his devil son and slave, the deeper the skill, the stronger the restraint, and they will never be able to stand up again!"

The old man Shibi knew about this matter, and it was precisely because he knew the dangers of the yin demon that he sealed the yang demon into the magic prison and did not use it for 300 years. That's why he chose the Shurangama Sutra, which is said to be the most powerful in subduing demons, especially Yin demons, to practice.

Fu Zeyang also said: "Just now when you fused the soul and body with the Yin Lei, I took the opportunity to protect your soul and body with three holy relics, and used the Haotian mirror to fuse the Thunder with the Yin Demon fused into it. Take it away together, and completely relieve your worries. This demon loves anger, and loves to make people angry. When you are extremely angry and desperate, the four souls, the soul, the flesh, the demon, and the thunder Daheyi, when it explodes again, try to separate it from you, otherwise it will not succeed, if there is any offense during the period, please forgive me."

Fu Zeyang put on a low profile first, and the yin demon attached to the soul of the old man Sibi has been eliminated at this time. Thinking of the scene of seeing Zen Master Zunsheng at the first time, and thinking about the various events he experienced today, it seems like a big When I woke up from the dream, my body and mind were clarified, and all the previous anger was dissipated.

He first knelt down to the three relics in the air to thank Zen Master Zunsheng for his benevolence, and then thanked Fu Zeyang: "I have heard the name of Master Fu for a long time, and seeing him today is an eye-opener for me! I want to devote myself to the light, but I wonder if the Master will agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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