Chapter 357

The Red Corpse God fights alone against the two masters of the Wutai Sect. He sits on the blood lotus calyx, and controls ten red and blood-like rainbows with both hands, all of which are more than a thousand feet long. It can be picked or lifted, sometimes bent like a ribbon, or looped or wrapped, or twisted or locked. The combination of rigidity and softness is really beautiful.

Fairy Wanmiao Xu Feiniang's swordsmanship is also top-notch in the world, and the Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword she uses is also a first-class peerless sword, which turns into a pale light nearly a hundred feet long, flying up and down, swiping left and right, shooting stars, and the sword light Shining, like hundreds of pale butterflies, surrounded her, every time the blood light pierced, it was broken by her skillfully.

On the other side, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's swordsmanship is much higher than hers, but his skill is profound and his sword is clumsy. He blindly opens and closes, chops and slashes hard. , but the blood light source is continuous, just tap the finger of the red corpse god, and there will be red light shooting.

The Red Corpse God suppressed Xu Feiniang with strength, and entangled Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch with soft strength. Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch fought fiercely, and the Red Corpse God was getting closer and closer, but Xu Feiniang was oppressed farther and farther away. In order to be able to have a meal, she had already left the Red Corpse God several miles away, hung her body in the air, gave a light drink, and raised her hand to fire [-] flying star bombs, followed by the Liuyin Extinction Needle , As soon as the needle is shot, it sends out the five-element chain shuttle!
The red corpse god just glanced at it, his fingers trembled slightly, a blood rainbow rushed swiftly, and the front end met the mother-child meteor bomb, like an iron pestle smashing eggs, crackling several times, only a few sparks appeared in the blood light , it disappeared in smoke, and the thunder beads condensed with Jiutian Gangsha mixed with Meteorite Star Sand were melted away by the blood shadow before it exploded in time.

The six-yin extinction needle shot into the blood light casually, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any response, the last five-element serial shuttle was powerful, after being collected by the blood light, it shrank into a ball and hung in the air, and there was a ball of blood flames outside. The five-color divine light inside kept flickering, becoming more and more urgent, and finally exploded with a "bang", and they all died together.

With a single finger of the Red Corpse God Lord, another blood rainbow was born to make up for the previous gap, and it still stabbed at Xu Feiniang's body.

Xu Feiniang tried her best, but she still couldn't do anything with one hand of the Red Corpse God Lord, and the other Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch thought that it would be disgraceful for him to fight two with one, so he didn't want to use the magic weapon. Resentful that his disciples were dead and wounded everywhere, he roared angrily: "Old man with red corpse, do you dare to fight with my primordial spirit?"

Cultivated to their level, if you want to fight with the soul, you will fight with your life, because if you are a little bit late, you will be destroyed physically and spiritually, almost endlessly.

The red corpse god sneered: "Why don't you dare?" After saying that, he retracted his hands, the blood lotus calyx moved with a thousand petals, the blood light shot up into the sky, and gathered into a red cloud above his head, and a small red corpse god flew from above his head It looked exactly like the deity, with a white jade gourd hanging from his waist, which fit together and turned into a bloody light, and went straight to Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch also escaped the Yuanshen, and just as Xu Feiniang was about to come over to help, a clear female voice suddenly came from the air: "Fellow Daoist Xu, don't bully the few with more!"

The lingering sound did not stop, and five colored smokes fell from the sky, seemingly slowly but quickly, merging with each other to form a thin colorful smoke screen, the haze fluttered gently, as if it would disperse with one breath.

Xu Feiniang saw Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch who turned back in the air, and blurted out: "Taiyi Wuyan Luo!"

The red corpse god sneered: "That's right, it's Taiyi Wuyanluo!"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan suddenly saw his Zhenshan treasure, he was overjoyed and startled, he hurriedly tried to take it away, but the treasure didn't feel any sense, it still stood there indifferently.

"Don't waste your efforts!" said the Red Corpse God Lord, "Your good disciple Zhu Hong has long had a different heart for you, but you are blind and dote on him so much that you are willing to lend him the treasure of Zhenshan Mountain. I teach Guangming Zuoshi Daoyou Chen made a little trick, let him cheat this treasure from you, and send it to Guangmingding together with your Lijiao Taoism book, and hand it to Daoyou Chen. Now it has been refined by You Daoist Chen with a secret method, and it is no longer It is yours, how can you call it again?"

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's eyes burst into flames with anger: "Yaodao! I will fight with you today!" Pressing his hands forward, a series of colorful bubbles flew out between his fingers, like boiling water, and divided into two strands towards the red corpse. Shenjun floated away.

Seeing this, the Red Corpse God didn't dare to be negligent, and focused on shooting the blood shadow divine light. The ten blood rainbows lightly touched those bubbles, and immediately exploded violently, which was stronger than the previous explosion of [-] Gu mines at the same time.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan sent out those thunder beads continuously, and the blood shadow divine light of the red corpse god was continuously blown up and consumed, but it could still be shot out from his fingers to replenish them. Time stood still.

Chen Yufeng's voice sounded again: "Fellow Daoist Hunyuan, you and I have no deep hatred, so why bother with them in this muddy water? The first swordfight in Huangshan, you fought against Emei, we remained neutral, although we Master chased away the green-robed Patriarch, and the Wudang sect's juniors are on your side. In the second sword fight, our sect didn't participate, only at the end of the fight, we went to take the Red Lotus Venerable away. Now although you claim to be the orthodox Taoist sect, you place yourself in the Taoist sect everywhere, and you are of one mind and one mind with Emei Qingcheng, but in the eyes of those people, you and the Huashan sect are still top-notch heretics. What they claim to the outside world is Fighting swords three times before and after, it is obvious that you have been beaten into the demon all the way..."

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch continued to export, while angrily said: "My Wutai Sect and your Guangming Sect, how come there is no enmity or enmity? Yu Gong, you have created another pope besides Buddhism and Taoism, and will support the world in the future." The emperor won the world, how can there be a foothold for my Taoist sect? My struggle with Emei is just an orthodox struggle between the northern and southern sects within the Taoist sect. How can I go the same way with you? In private, your Guangming Army is fighting eastward, westward, and southward The Northern War killed countless disciples under my sect. The last time Yue Yun led his army into Shanxi, he killed the Dai Wang we supported, and even killed five of my disciples and more than 20 grandchildren! There is a massacre at the foot of Taihang Mountain! I came here today to escape to justice in the past!"

Chen Yufeng sighed faintly, remained silent for a moment, and gave her final advice: "What happened in the past, what is right and what is wrong, I don't have time to talk to you now. If you take someone back first, I will return Taiyi Wuyanluo to you. The family will stop fighting from now on, and if we can shake hands and make peace, it will be the best to live in peace in the future, if you are really angry, how about we talk about moral interests in the future?"

Where did Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch agree, Xu Feiniang even said: "Chen Yufeng, poor maidservant! Don't you try to threaten us with big words, you don't have time to elaborate now? I am afraid that the sage of Huanbochi and Xinrushen nun have already attacked Is it your lair?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan also said: "Exactly! Today you almost killed all my disciples. This bloody enmity must be avenged. It's too late to repay it. It's useless to say more!" He shook his body and split into two The incarnation turned into three identical villains. These are the three corpse incarnations he cultivated. The three incarnations fired the bubble-like thunder beads at the same time, formed six strands, and converged on the red corpse god.

Chen Yufeng stopped persuading, and only said to the Red Corpse God Lord: "Please also ask the Red Corpse Dharma King to fight quickly." Then there was no movement, but the Taiyi Wuyanluo still stood in place, and Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch and Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch and Xu Feiniang separated.

In fact, she said "I don't have time now" on purpose, although she didn't say it explicitly, she did enough to imply it, in order to make Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch not to retreat.

During the previous high-level meeting of the Guangming Sect, Fu Zeyang had given the highest instruction: "This doom is not only the doom of my Guangming Sect, but also the doom of the six major sects. We need to follow the trend and don't hold back. We Many people will die, and the six major factions will also die a lot of people. In this battle, we will strive to destroy all the six major factions. After staying in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation in the future, we should annex Liuhe, sweep through the eight wildernesses, and crush them all the way. Here In the world, I am the only one!"

If Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch really has the cheek to take Taiyi Wuyanluo back, he will admit that he will be cowardly in the future, nest on Wutai Mountain, and patiently survive this wave of demonic prosperity. Too much trouble.

Therefore, she deliberately left loopholes in her words, just to hang the enemy here.

Sure enough, Xu Feiniang is known as the Wanmiao Fairy, she can succeed as well as fail, she is clever and stupid all from the word "wonderful", and she is also the one who knows the power of Yan Nan and Xinru Shennu, and is determined to be on the top of the light. Fu Laomo must have had a hard time at this time, so he strengthened his determination to stay and fight to the end.

It's just that she couldn't break through the Taiyi Wuyanluo left by Chen Yufeng for a short time, and she couldn't go to help. Air Sikong Zhan and Mrs. Baoxiang were fighting fiercely, and the outcome was unknown. After a little hesitation, she decided to help the remnants of the Wutai faction disciple.

She was originally an apprentice of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and later the two fell in love with Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and formed an unnamed couple with Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch. It is inevitable for the senior brothers to be embarrassed when they see her as the teacher's wife, especially the senior brothers who started a hundred years before him, except for a few senior brothers, they usually don't like to associate with her.

There were not many people left in the Wutai faction, and they were mobilized by Bu Tiantong to mobilize thousands of evil Gu to swarm and besiege. Xin Chenzi, who was in charge of the main attack, was a master of Gu control. Back then, the patriarch in green robe bit off one of his arms. He didn't hold grudges against the ancestor of the green robe. The ancestor of the green robe knew that he had wronged him, and felt guilty, so he taught him all the Taoism. Xin Chenzi learned [-] to [-]% of the ancestor of the green robe.

After joining the Guangming Sect, he became the deputy head of the flag. Xin Chenzi has also improved over the years, and he was on par with the big brother of the Wutai Sect, Master Tuotuo.

He waved the Baidu Shura banner, driving the poisonous insects and bee pupae to sweep away. If Master Tuotuo hadn't practiced the golden body Arhat Dafa and had the most precious body protection, he would have been devoured almost like his juniors in the first place!

Seeing Xu Feiniang flying over, under the Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword, he beheaded more than a dozen people from the Qingmu Banner in succession. They all cut into four pieces including the human and the flying sword. Escaped in time and took a life.

Seeing this, Bu Tiantong flew out from the Suoxianqi gate and stopped Xu Feiniang.

Bu Tiantong's flying sword was not Xu Feiniang's opponent, and he didn't take it out, he only used the civil energy from Beihai. Fu Zeyang was very optimistic about his qualifications, and personally taught him many times, teaching him the five elements The scriptures specially allocated him a lot of two-element zhenqi transported from Antarctica, and taught him to combine magic with two-element zhenqi to practice Jiawu Shenguang.

His divine light will be sent out, turning into one blue and one yellow radiant light, with infinite changes, but his power is too low, Xu Feiniang's swordsmanship is strong, and Feijian is also extremely powerful, his divine light cannot be resisted, only one The kung fu of tea was defeated.

But Bu Tiantong knew that he couldn't retreat, once he retreated Xu Feiniang would kill Xu Feiniang, Qingmu Qi had no one to stop Xu Feiniang except himself!
He bit the bullet and used a spell taught to him by Fu Zeyang, which was based on Qimen Dunjia, hiding the Jiamu Tianfu under the ceremonial guards of Wutu, and then according to the changes of the weather, the earth's air moved, and in a radius of more than ten It drifts and moves within the mile, invisible and invisible, making it impossible to find.

Xu Feiniang slashed at him with a sword, and she was about to decapitate him. His body instantly turned into a blue light, and he became a man of blue light. Then another ball of yellow light flashed on the surface of the blue light, and disappeared instantly.

She was taken aback, and hurriedly tried to find it, but it disappeared without a trace, and she didn't notice it at all. When she was about to help the Wutai disciples who were getting weaker and weaker, Bu Tiantong suddenly appeared hundreds of feet away from her, and launched the Jiawu Shenguang attacked, she turned around and killed again, Bu Tiantong disappeared out of thin air again.

Xu Feiniang was furious, and raised her hand to release the five escaping pillars, covering all the surrounding space, green, red, white, black, and five-color light energy swirled around her, but there was no trace of Bu Tiantong.

She is also a person who is proficient in spells, and she has already seen the methods Bu Tiantong used. As long as she finds the location of "Jiaziwu", she can kill him with a single sword!

It’s just that it’s easy to know, but difficult to do. When Fu Zeyang created this magic technique, he took the moon in the middle of the year, the sun in the middle of the month, the hour in the middle of the day, and the moment in the middle of the hour, until it was “exhausted”...

Divide the upper and lower strings between one breath, each string should be fifteen breath days, each breath day is divided into twelve breath hours, and each breath hour is divided into three breath quarters, and each breath quarter is divided into sixty Jiazi, which is regarded as a micro-breath Year, and then divided into year, month and day in this micro-rest year, arranged according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches, so it is equivalent to spending 800 years in one breath. "Jiaziwu" changes its position every hour, that is, one breath. While breathing, turn 380 times!
Bu Tiantong has the Qimen astrolabe that Fu Zeyang guided him to refine. It does not need to use his own heart, and it can be calculated automatically. How can Xu Feiniang calculate it? "She had changed her position a long time ago, and it was too late to kill, but Bu Tiantong was able to travel around Liuyi, changing the hiding place at will, which made her unpredictable.

She had no choice but to take Bu Tiantong for a while. The Western Red Corpse God and Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch had already fought hand-to-hand. After Fu Zeyang learned about blood nerves, the incarnation of the seven evil spirits eliminated the disadvantages and became even more powerful.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's three corpse souls have their own thinking, and they are single-minded and three-purpose, as if their personality is split into three people. The red corpse god is always one person, but has seven bodies.

The ten figures in seven reds and three whites moved as fast as lightning, flicking from left to right, tumbling up and down, intertwined with each other, fighting like hell!
(End of this chapter)

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