Chapter 361
Later, Shang Heyang followed Fu Zeyang, and the Oriental Demon Cult was completely adapted into the Lightning God Sect, Lie Huo Banner. Fu Zeyang taught the scriptures and pointed out key points. His mana became higher and higher, and the more free time he had, he could lock the bone in his heart. The more the skeletons are refined, the more they are suspected of backlash, and five skeletons form a hammer, and a thousand skeletons are two hundred hammers. Shang Heyang is small, and it is cumbersome to carry so many hammers every day. Even worse.

So Shang Heyang, under the guidance of Fu Zeyang, used many elites such as Wuxing Gangsha to refine it into magic sand. Each skeleton is a main core, surrounded by as many as nine or as few as one star sand, In this way, Xingsha can grind the devil day and night, which can not only increase the Taoism, but also prevent backlash.

Not long ago, Shang and Yang Dao were higher, recalling the vow made by his mentor, Venerable Wuxing when he was dying, to take the ashes of Venerable Wuxing, and combine [-] skeletons to make a purgatory mud plow flag .

In the past, Venerable Wu Xing fought against Yan Yumu, and his vitality was severely injured, and he was backlashed by the demons he had refined. Although he had spent decades of hard work in seclusion, he still died in his incarnation, and his primordial spirit was captured by foreign demon gods.

Before he died, he left his last words to let Shang Heyang cultivate and pass down the secret method. In the future, Shang Heyang can use his ashes to go to the foreign demon world to find his reincarnated body and rescue him.

Fu Zeyang's current realm has surpassed that of Venerable Wu Xing back then, and he has gained a lot of experience in the secret technique, so he used it, refining the ashes into magic sand, and turned it into a mud plow flag.

Their lineage originally had the magic weapon "Ni Plow Banner". Although it is very powerful, it can only deal with a few second-rate cultivators. Now this purgatory mud plow flag is different from cloud and mud. If someone uses the original mud plow flag to fight against him, a skeleton flying out of his flag can swallow him and the flag together.

It was the first time for Wang's eldest son to see the complete form of the Purgatory Mud Plow Banner. Although it was the first time he saw it, he could feel the energy contained in it, and the restraining power on him made him even more terrified.

The eldest son of Wang didn't even think about it, he turned around and ran away quickly!

However, as he flew, the surrounding white clouds and the ground below quickly retreated, but he felt that he was not moving forward.

"Eldest son." Shang Heyang's voice sounded in his cranial cavity, "Where are you going?"

The eldest son of Wang looked back, he was still on the top of the mountain, Shang Heyang was standing in the car, his eyes were looking at him coldly.

Like a frog locked by a poisonous snake, the eldest son of the king hurriedly replied via voice transmission, and said in a trembling voice: "Seeing that the master has been frowning for the six major sects for several days, I want to relieve my master's worries, so I went down the mountain to find the Kunlun sect's residence. I wanted to devour them all in one fell swoop, but the Kunlun faction was quite capable, so I pretended to be betrayal, pretended to be pitiful and begged them to save me, and purposely mingled among them to gain their trust, and I was about to fight back and kill the enemy with my master..."

"Very well, then come and play a play with me!"

The elders of the Kunlun faction were forced out of breath by a magic tower in Shang Heyang, and they even picked up a Wei Xianke. Xin Lingxiao was resentful and pinned his hopes on the eldest son Wang, but when the eldest son appeared, he did not immediately Attack Shang and Yang, but turn around and flee to the south.She was cursing impatiently when the eldest son Wang came back and turned into a huge skeleton biting Sanyang Che.

The skeleton was as big as a mountain, and the surface of the jagged white bones was covered with flesh and blood condensed by magic flames. Red light flickered in the two eye sockets, each with a red eyeball, and the mouth was full of sharp fangs. The red magic flame billowed thick smoke upwards, opened its huge mouth to swallow the sky, and with a terrifying roar that seemed to come from hell, it wanted to swallow Shang and Yang Lian Sanyang Che together!

Shang Heyang seemed to be stupefied by fright, hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the purgatory mud plow flag behind him.

This action is not only to stimulate the power of the magic weapon, but also to prevent the eldest son of the king from making a fake show.

More than 3000 skeletons on the mud plow flag "lived" at the same time, opening their mouths to make sounds, some whining strangely, some quacking and laughing, some screaming and roaring, and some roaring and roaring, the magic sound pierced through the ears, filling the world , making people feel dizzy and dizzy.

The entire banner of the Jidi disintegrated suddenly, and all the skeletons rushed towards the eldest son of the king, forming a bloody torrent around him.

The next moment, Shang Heyang and his car were swallowed by the eldest son Wang!
Seeing this, Xin Lingxiao was ecstatic, cursing in his heart that the devil should kill himself, Shang and Yang were swallowed, and the Wenxin Pagoda followed its owner into the mouth of the skeleton, all the fire wires released disappeared, and the elders sent by Kunlun flew in Gather together in the air.

Zen Master Zhifei's purple-gold bowl had been burned through the bottom by the demon fire, forming a hole the size of a fist. He sighed, threw the bowl away, twirled the Buddhist beads in his hand and looked up: "The eldest son of the king has succeeded?"

Everyone was watching with their heads up. Wei Shaoshao saw Mr. Zhong stepping on the clouds, gathering a large amount of lead clouds, using his sword to lure out lightning and thunder dragons from the clouds, and he was struggling with the two demons. Then he took the lead to fly away: "Since Shang Xiaoer is dead, we can go straight to kill Guangmingding!"

Zen Master Zhifei saw that the eldest son of the king gathered more than [-] skeletons in one place, forming a turbulent cloud of fire, and the skeletons continued to toss in waves. He couldn't help being a little frightened: "This thing is really the most ominous thing I have ever seen in my life. Although Shang and Yang were killed, if these monsters are allowed to fly away and hurt people at will, not to mention ordinary mortals, even authentic monks of Buddhism and Taoism will be hard to survive if they meet them. It is more dangerous than Shang and Yang. Bigger."

Xin Lingxiao was very excited: "These skeletons are so powerful. They can be used to control demons with demons, and to fight poison with poison. Let them eat up all these monsters on the top of the light, and let these demons suffer retribution. The eldest son of the king restrained them, and then used the five thunders to fight, and smashed them with the lightning method of our sect."

She is very greedy for the power of this treasure, and she has already made up her mind to contact the eldest son Wang behind the backs of the senior brothers, make a good deal with him, let the eldest son Wang use it for herself, and then steal them from the Wulei Dou afterwards. No one can beat him anymore!

Before her dream was finished, the eldest son of the king suddenly let out a roar, and flew down towards them with the lead, followed by three thousand skeletons, forming a torrent of flames.

The whistling of the eldest son of Wang is actually a kind of magic sound, which has different meanings to everyone's ears.

What Xin Lingxiao heard was the eldest son Wang confessing to her: "I think among the elders of the Kunlun Sect, only Taoist friends are the most blessed and can be flexible. I am willing to lead my brothers to recognize Taoist friends as masters. I just ask Taoist friends to take them in. Let the orthodox people destroy me."

Cheng Di and Master Tianchi sounded like this: "Although Shang and Yang were swallowed by me, but he has other magic tricks to crush our bodies and revive them again. Fellow Taoists, help me quickly."

What Zen master Zhifei heard was: "There are golden immortal masters coming to destroy me! Zen master, save your life quickly! I am willing to take refuge in my Buddha. From now on, I will recite the Buddha and recite scriptures, abstain from killing and greed, and ask the Zen master to help me save my life." Put down the butcher's knife and turn around!"

Everyone originally had different thoughts and received different messages, but the results achieved were similar, that is, facing so many monsters rushing head-on, no one flew away immediately or used the most powerful means to defend.

Only Chan Master Zhifei had a flash of light in his mind and sensed something was wrong. When the skeleton rushed to the ground three feet in front of him, he hurriedly recited the Buddha's name, the beads on his wrist flew up, and he pushed forward with both hands, the Buddha's light condensed into a transparent copper wall and iron wall , trying to stop the skeleton.

The rest of the people reacted a little slower, and it was too late when they woke up, and they were instantly submerged by the torrent of magic flames.

When Xin Lingxiao died, he realized that his body was gnawed to pieces by the skeleton and devoured, but he couldn't escape the primordial spirit. Cheng Di had the same fate as her. A rare piece of jade from Tianfu protects Yuanshen, breaks through the madly biting skeletons and raging demon flames, flies into the sky, and escapes desperately.

Knowing that Zen master's Buddha light barrier lasted for only a moment, it was breached. These skeletons of Shang and Yang are far from being comparable to the methods of ordinary demons and heretics. Every five of them can be taken out to form a five-old hammer, which can be used as a school of towns. The most precious treasure, especially the lineage of Bone God Lord and Underworld Sage Xu Wan, has been restrained to death. As long as there is some magic power, he can use this treasure to wipe out the two cult sects!
Now there are as many as [-] pieces, and its power can be imagined. Zen master Zhifei was submerged in it, and he could only resist it with the prayer beads hanging on his chest. , Attacking inward through the Buddha's light.

Zen Master Zhifei immediately understood what was going on. He clasped his hands together and sat in the air, with neither joy nor sorrow on his face: "The devil! Your enemy's nemesis is coming soon, do you still want to be fierce?"

Among the skeletons, a magic light flashed, and Shang Heyang appeared in the magic light: "Ever since I killed Jiang Xuejun on the top of Huangshan, I knew that old beggar Yan Yanmu would never give up. , I am already impatient to wait! Besides, I have made all preparations, if she comes today, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, the space above the ground vibrated violently, and a column of golden light blasted down from the sky like a thunderbolt from the sky, but it was silent, the magic fire and light all faded away, and the skeleton above howled in pain , separated left and right.

The golden light shone on Shang Heyang, and before he could make any movement, a big golden hand flew down in the air, grabbed him, and squeezed him hard, Shang Heyang struggled and let out a miserable howl, and a layer of blood gushed out from his body. Bi Guang, from a bald boy to a skinny white-faced Taoist.

The magic on this Taoist body was broken, and he wailed in horror: "Senior Mom, please show mercy, I am Xu Wan..."

Before he could finish speaking, the big golden hand suddenly contracted and turned into a ball of golden light. Xu Wan screamed heart-piercingly, and stopped abruptly as the golden light surged.

The skeletons all over the sky left away from Zen Master Zhifei like damp, and re-formed into a huge flame skull in the air. The skeleton spoke: "Yanmu! You have been seeking revenge on me, and I will kill you to avenge my master! Show up quickly, today we two will make a deal!"

Just opposite the skeleton, a white-haired Daoist woman appeared out of nowhere, tens of feet tall, leaning on a silver crutch with a dragon's head in her hand, and spoke in a thunderous voice: "You know my rules. In the middle, unless you provoke me again, I will never attack again. In the past few decades, you and the devil surnamed Fu have set up a few times to lure me to make a move, thinking that someone who passed on my mantle will kill you. I must be furious and eager to take revenge , intending to use this method to counter me with magic skills. Hmph, you don’t know that I have already entered the realm of the Golden Immortal, where the lead is dry and the mercury is dry, and the spirit and energy are united. I am already invulnerable! The elder brother surnamed Fu is currently fighting with fellow Taoist Xinru at Guangmingding, and he can't protect you anymore, let's see how you can escape today's situation!"

After saying that, the old woman picked up the silver crutch in her hand and swung her head around, like an ordinary old woman beating her children and grandchildren with a stick, but she shot the momentum of breaking mountains and seas, the huge skeleton was wrapped in blazing fire, The momentum was frightening. At this moment, she was hit on the head with a stick, and she couldn't dodge it, let alone resist it. The forehead was straight, as if the skull was broken, and the brain burst, and instantly disintegrated and split into countless small skulls flying around.

Yan Mu said as she moved her hands: "Do you think I have no choice but to do so many tricks to cover up the dead ghosts? After I wipe out all these dead heads, where else can you hide?"

She grasped forward with her right hand, and endless golden light burst out from the palm. The golden light was like a thread, each of which was wrapped around a skeleton. There was an endless stream of births, and finally all the skeletons were entangled, dragged forcibly, and pulled into his hands.

Yan Yumu flipped her palm over, the golden light in her palm was shining, the skeleton inside was as small as a grain of rice, like a fish caught in a net, it kept running and swimming in it, but it couldn't escape.

Yan Yumu made a tactic with her left hand, pointed to her right palm, followed the direction of her fingertips, a pure Yang fire was ignited in her palm, burning blazingly, those sand-like skeletons were ups and downs inside, screaming and struggling, like a drowning man...

In the end, Yan Yumu closed his right hand and clenched his fist, and the [-] skeletons inside were all shattered, and then burned to ashes in the fairy fire... Yan Yumu sneered, opened his hand again, and saw the ashes dancing in the flames , suddenly changed his face, and just said "no", the sand quickly melted from the right arm, and spread from the right hand to the whole body like a plague virus...

Yan Yumu's dharma body, which was tens of feet high, turned into ashes in an instant, and then collapsed into a cloud of smoke.

The figure of Shang Heyang sitting cross-legged in the mist was at the beginning of his heart, and he said very arrogantly: "Mother Yan, you underestimate me too much, and you only use your spiritual thoughts to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to condense this dharma body, and don't drive your real body to kill me , Could it be that you see that this time is not only the doom of my Guangming God Sect, but also the doom of all of you who come here to attend the meeting, for fear of being contaminated, you will be knocked down from your Taoism, unable to ascend, and destroy the thousand years of immortal karma in one day? Do you dare to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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