Chapter 27
fellow travelers ([-])
Or, more of a pathetic one.

It's a sad feeling to be betrayed by someone who was supposed to be with you for the rest of your life.

So similar to her situation.

That's why she couldn't help but help him.

Because, when she was in another world, no one helped her... That kind of feeling is not good.

Although along the way, the cooperation with this person was pretty good.However, this person is really a very weak man.

Although his temperament looks cold and indifferent, he is also easy to bully.

But now she suddenly said such resolute words, which made her unable to accept it for a while.

This tone doesn't suit him at all.

However, she turned the word "wife" in her heart, and then...

She suddenly felt that these two words were very good.

In her previous life, that identity had always been what she expected.

Unfortunately, in the end she did not get that identity verification.

"Okay." She finally nodded.

Hearing Wawa's agreement, Li Li suddenly raised his head to look at her, and saw the determination and seriousness on her face.

For a moment, he couldn't look away.

The baby also looked straight back at him, faintly, she seemed to feel that there was a hint of joy in Li Li's eyes.

But when she went to confirm, she disappeared again.

Is it hallucination?Perhaps.


The two of them rested overnight, and they still kept vigil for half the night. They didn't set off again until the sky was slightly bright, and the two put out the embers of the fire.

This time, they ran into passers-by within half an hour of their departure.

In fact, along the way, they also met people who were on their way, but every time, everyone went their own way.

The two of them looked down and out again, nine parts like refugees and one part like beggars.

No one wants to mess with them, for fear of getting into trouble.

The two of them are also people who are not good at getting along with others, and they have always kept away from them coldly and on guard.

Therefore, although I often meet passers-by, no one has ever struck up a conversation.

But this time, there was one person who took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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