Chapter 40 Ignored, Forgotten ([-])
ignored, forgotten ([-])
Baby looked at the chattering Li Xiubo and the worried look on her face, for some reason, the corners of her mouth subconsciously hooked up slightly.

This person is very long-winded, but it feels good to have someone chattering non-stop.

Unlike walking with Li Li before, sometimes she would suspect that she was actually walking alone.

The place where Chang Lao lives is just beside the gate of the college.

The place where he lives is nothing like the old man who guards the gate.

Two-story building with a large yard behind it.

There is an open space the size of a basketball court in the yard, and there is nothing on it.

At the end is a row of rooms, each with a door, there are seven or eight rooms.

Li Xiubo said that there are all vacant places, which are intended to be used by Chang Lao's servants, disciples, or followers.

But the place where he lived was in a corner at the far end of a row of houses.

A big, warehouse-like place.

The firewood room, indeed, was a firewood room, filled with branches that had been cut to the same length, and those branches were tied into bundles and stacked neatly on one side.

Only in the woodshed near the window, Li Xiubo made a space of four to five square meters, with soft grass on the floor and neatly folded quilts on top.

"Fortunately, the weather is nice and not cold."

Yes, luckily it wasn't cold, otherwise, it would be no wonder that his thin quilt didn't freeze to death.

"There is a well in the yard, I'll get you some water, you can wash it. I'll go to the kitchen and get you food."

The baby nodded, and after a while, Li Xiubo took the baby to the other side of the firewood.There, he actually separated a bathroom with bundles of firewood.

There was a wooden barrel inside, and the water in the barrel was steaming.

The baby was surprised, but said nothing.

"Here are my clothes. They are old. You can wear them first."

Li Xiubo put a piece of clothing on the firewood beside the bucket, turned around and walked out.

The doll is also welcome, undressed, and entered the water.

As soon as I entered the hot water, I immediately felt comfortable all over... I couldn't help but let out a long breath reflexively.

"It's actually a girl!"

Suddenly, a voice came from above his head.

(End of this chapter)

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