Chapter 47

Became a fire girl ([-])

Seeing the baby taking the initiative to make tea, Chang Lao was overjoyed at first, but immediately, he understood what the baby meant.

He sighed secretly in his heart, this girl was too defensive, but she didn't say anything.

For dolls, he feels that there is countless time to observe slowly, but this tea is like drinking a pot of tea.

However, what he didn't understand was that this little girl was so guarded, why did she trust him with her red mouth and white teeth? She never thought that he might go back on what she said?

How did he know that the baby had very little contact with people before.

Although in order to prevent that person's needs, she was forced to learn a lot of things, but the ones that were really useful to her were all dangerous actions.

For example, what to steal, who to kill, who to compete with.

Every time, it was a narrow escape.

But she never had the chance to come forward for these negotiations.

The people she really comes into contact with are very, very few.What she knows the most is how to steal treasures from places with many traps, or how to break through tricks.

She doesn't understand these human intrigues at all.Otherwise, the last life would not have been so miserable.

How did she know that no matter which time she succeeded or failed, she was already doomed to die.

She is too good, when the double is better than the master, it is already doomed, she has only one result.

She is still learning now, learning everything in this world, good, evil, beautiful and ugly.

She learns to make her own decisions, to choose.

All of these have the opposite of learning, and she can only learn from failures.

It was her choice to go the same way with Li Li, and it was her choice to be Li Li's wife.

But now, she feels that these are all wrong, so she has to correct them, and, when making a choice next time, she will avoid all of them.

Just like in the previous life, she was a substitute, which was wrong, not in this life.It was also wrong for her to be someone else's fiancée. In this life, she didn't want it.

Now, it is wrong for her to be someone else's wife, so in the future, she will not want it anymore.

This time, she chose to be this old tea-making girl. Whether it was wrong or not, she was not sure yet.

However, she has time to prove it right or wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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