Chapter 70 College Freshmen ([-])

College Freshman ([-])

This is the second time that the doll has entered the academy.

The first time was at night, and at that time, she didn't have any interest in taking a second look.

It was daytime now, and she could hear it from Chang Lao's words.From today, she will officially become a freshman in this academy.

As the place where she might stay for a long time in the future, she naturally began to look carefully.

And Li Xiubo also began to explain to her in detail.

"Mr. Luo is a tutor who is responsible for testing the students. Basically, everyone has different aptitudes and will be divided into different academies. There are four academies, A, B, C, and D. The students in the A-type garden have the best qualifications, and the qualifications of the D-type garden Worst."

The teaching progress of different schools is completely different, and the tutors are also different.

Of course, in addition to these four schools, there is another special place, that is the White Tiger Garden.

There are the elites of the elites in the White Tiger Academy, and every aptitude is excellent.

Li Xiubo also deliberately added, "Your Mo... is in the White Tiger Garden."

Since the White Tiger Garden is such a remarkable place, the threshold is naturally different.In addition to having excellent aptitude, that aptitude only allows them to have the qualifications to enter the White Tiger Garden assessment.

Whether you can enter or not depends on the results of the assessment.

"Where is the White Tiger Garden?" Wa suddenly interrupted Li Xiubo's words and asked abruptly.

With a finger, Li Xiubo followed the very, very wide road from the gate all the way to the bottom, "Go all the way to the bottom, there is a devil's forest, through the forest is the White Tiger Garden."

Wa Wa looked at the front of the road. With her eyesight, she couldn't see the forest yet, so she could see how far it was.

However, she was in no hurry.He followed Li Xiubo and stopped in front of a building on the side of the road.

Li Xiubo said that the students in the college and the tutors of each garden live in their own gardens.

But, in addition to those people, there are other people in the academy, guest tutors, and tutors regardless of the school who are in charge of some general scheduling.

They lived in those houses on either side of the road.

However, the person who is responsible for testing still has a dedicated office.

(End of this chapter)

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