Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 173 Why not, Mo Mo also recognize me as a godmother!

Chapter 173 Why not, Mo Mo also recognize me as a godmother!

Qingqing retreated at home for three days, and finally drew the first draft again. This time, she was full of confidence and her eyes were bright, so she handed it to An Ruchu for a review early in the morning.

"Sister An, can you see if there is any problem?" Qingqing was both excited and a little nervous, "If there is a problem, I will go back and correct it right away! It will definitely be completed before the deadline next week!"

An Ruchu only glanced at it for the first time, her expression was slightly moved, and she continued to savor it carefully, her eyes slowly lit up, and the corners of her lips slowly raised in a gratified and satisfied arc.

She raised her head and smiled sincerely, "Qingqing, I like this work very much."

"Really?" Qingqing opened her eyes wide, her voice cracked a little because of excitement, "Sister An, is what you said true? Did you lie to me?"

An Ruchu poked her on the forehead, and said angrily, "Why are you so unconfident? I said, it's very good! I saw the soul of this work, and I believe the judges will like it too!"

Qingqing was stunned inconceivably, after a while, she suddenly jumped up, hugged An Ruchu's neck, took a bite, and laughed excitedly: "Hahahaha! That's great! I've stayed up all night and finally let You're satisfied! That's great!"

"Okay, isn't it just the first draft?" An Ruchu pulled her away, "This competition is divided into three rounds, even if you are shortlisted this time, there will be a semi-final after that, and finally the finals. There are many people and the competition is fierce, so if you want to stand out, there is still a long way to go!"

Qingqing heard her talk about the competition system, and the excitement just now gradually faded away, she nodded, "Well, I know, no matter what happens in the future competitions, I will do my best!"

"Well, designing this thing doesn't mean you can do it with hard work, it requires talent." An Ruchu said seriously: "You are very talented, you don't have to worry about this, during the competition, you can relax a bit and do whatever you want. Do you understand?"

"Okay! I know!" Qingqing obeyed obediently and saluted playfully.

An Ruchu couldn't help laughing, but there was nothing she could do about it, "Okay, you can hand in this manuscript. But, remember, no matter what manuscript you have in the future, you must keep it secret."

On this issue, she has suffered a loss before, but she is not willing to repeat the same mistakes again.

"Okay! I know!" Qingqing nodded heavily, and after taking the manuscript, she was like a wild horse that had run out of the rein, and she was happy in an instant.

An Ruchu shook his head helplessly, expressing his speechlessness.

The results of the preliminary competition came out a week later, and without any surprise, Qingqing passed smoothly and directly entered the semi-finals.

The competition system of the semi-finals is different from that of the preliminary competition. The theme is not optional, but drawn by lottery. Participants need to design according to the above topics. The deadline for submitting the design draft is three days.

Compared with the free play in the preliminary round, the rematch is more rigid, the time is shorter, and the difficulty has increased.But the difficulty of the finals will increase again. The judges will choose questions randomly, and the contestants will design them on the spot, and the time limit will be stricter.

This is already a relatively well-regulated competition system, but An Ruchu wasn't too worried. At the beginning, she took a fancy to Qingqing because of her boldness and flexibility.Especially after reading her manuscript for the preliminary round, she became even more determined.

Qingqing was very happy after passing the preliminary round, so she insisted on inviting An Ruchu to dinner, even if An Ruchu wanted to shirk, it was difficult, so she could only agree.

It happened that Mina came to the office to look for her, and when she heard that there was going to be a meal, she insisted on joining her.Qingqing had 1 wishes, and the decision was made immediately.

An Ruchu didn't want to leave Mo Mo at home alone, so she simply picked up Mo Mo together. In the end, the dinner for two became four people.

Qingqing knew about Momo, and had seen it on the Internet, but when she saw it in real life, the doll rushed over and screamed, pinching Momo's face and shouting, "It's so cute! It's so cute! Ahhh Ahhh! I can't take it anymore!"

The corner of An Ruchu's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Mo Mo worriedly. This guy doesn't like being pinched by others, especially people he doesn't know well, so he won't get mad, right?

Sure enough, Momo did not disappoint her, his complexion sank in an instant, he opened Qingqing's hand unhappily, and said with cold eyes: "Auntie, please don't touch your hands? This is the most basic courtesy! If I don't agree You couldn't do this before!"

Qingqing looked at him like a little grown-up, and said it sternly, she was a little stunned for a moment, then laughed and wanted to pinch his face again, "Oh, it's even cuter! I like it so much!"

"Why are you like this!" Momo was molested again, and his self-esteem was hit hard, "I told you not to touch me! Even if you are Mommy's colleague!"

"Hahahaha..." The more Qingqing watched it, the more she liked it. She laughed loudly and rubbed it harder, "But I just can't help it! Come on, little fresh meat, let my sister touch it!"

Mo Mo's complexion can no longer be described as gloomy, his white eyes almost rolled up to the sky, he folded his arms, and stared at Qingqing coldly, the lightning crackled in his eyes, the small universe was about to explode.

An Ru knew at the first glance that he was really upset, and the little man's self-esteem was hit, so he gave Qing Qing a wink, then smiled and touched Mo Mo's head, "Okay! Don't be petty. Oh, it's because my sister Qingqing likes you!"

"That's right! Sister, I like you very much! You're so handsome!" Qingqing smiled, and even flirted with a wink on purpose.

Mo Mo shivered, and wiped away the goosebumps on his arms, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Looking at his cool appearance, Qingqing really liked him so much that she couldn't love him any more, especially the facial features and expression, which were exactly the same as Mo Chen's, making it difficult for people to wonder if they were father and son.

However, this matter was not a secret at all. Although An Ruchu did not admit it directly, she knew that Mo Mo was Mo Chen's son.

Thinking of this level, he hates Bai Manman and Ye Qing even more, they are a good family of three, why do they have to destroy it!

"Why not, Momo also recognizes me as a godmother?" Qingqing glanced at Momo, and suddenly said to An Ruchu, "Sister An, what do you think?"

An Ruchu was taken aback for a moment, and was stunned before he even had time to chew a mouthful of vegetables, and stared at Qingqing with a serious face in astonishment.

Mina burst out laughing, "Hahahahaha! How old are you! You are a son at such a young age!"

"I don't want it!" Mo Mo raised his head, expressing strong protest.

Qingqing smiled obsequiously: "Don't do this! Don't you see that you already recognize Sister Na as your young mother? Then you don't mind recognizing another godmother to love you!"

"It's because I already have a little mother and worry about it, so I don't want it!" Mo Mo folded his arms and said seriously.

The corner of Mina's mouth twitched, "I was shot while lying down too?! When did I make you worry?!"

"Ahahahaha!" Qingqing laughed, "Don't worry, I won't let you worry about it. I will buy you many, many toys, and many, many delicious foods, okay?"

"Childish!" Mo Mo rolled his eyes with a proud face.

An Ruchu gave him an angry look, "How can you treat Sister Qingqing like this? Sister Qingqing also likes you, if you don't want to, just deny it."

Immediately, she looked at Qingqing, "I said don't join in the fun, Mo Mo already has two mothers, you are still young, so stop making trouble."

Qingqing originally wanted to fight for it, but after thinking about it, she gave up. After all, Mo Mo is not the child of ordinary people, but Mo Chen's biological son!How can you say that you recognize it, you are too active, and you will be criticized by others!

"Hey, forget it! But I really like Momo! My sister will visit you often in the future!" Qingqing said to Momo with a smile.

Mo Mo trembled, and muttered in a low voice, "It's better not to."

Although the words were small, everyone heard them. Except for An Ruchu who thought he was rude, Mina and Qingqing laughed from ear to ear, and called Mo Mo so cute and has a personality.

Several people chatted and laughed, fought and romped, and ate happily. With Qingqing's joining, Mina was obviously liberated. At any rate, it was not her who was slandered by Mo Mo, but Qingqing.

After a meal, they even ate for more than two hours. Because they were happy, they also ate and drank enough.

Before leaving, Momo said he needed to pee, An Ruchu had no choice but to take him there, Mina and Qingqing went to pay the bill first, and then met at the door.

Mo Mo was reluctant to go in and follow An Ruchu to the women's restroom since he was very young. He always went to the men's restroom by himself, and it was not easy for An Ruchu to go with a woman, so he had to wait at the door.

Just after waiting for a while, two people suddenly came out from the women's bathroom, chatting and laughing, but they didn't notice An Ruchu at first, and one of them laughed and said, "Manman, thank you so much this time, otherwise I don't know when I will Only then can I turn around!"

The other person smiled complacently, with indescribable pride, "Why are you being polite to me? Besides, the models in this design competition are just going through the motions, and it's not a large-scale catwalk. Well, if I have a chance in the future, I will I'll call you."

"Ah! That's really great! After you and President Mo, Manman, you are really different!"

"That is!"

An Ruchu looked coldly at the two oncoming people, one was Bai Manman, and the other looked familiar, but she felt that she didn't know such a person.

"Let me tell you, this competition..." Bai Manman was still talking happily, but the woman next to her suddenly stopped, looked in front of her, and stopped moving. Bai Manman frowned and followed suit. Looking in her direction, "Look, Liu Jiajia..."

Only halfway through her words, Bai Manman was stunned, but only for a moment, and then a look of disgust appeared on her face, her eyes became vicious, and she snorted disdainfully, "Who did I think it was? It turns out that he is a slut who takes a wild child and recognizes his father everywhere!"

Liu Jiajia took a look at An Ruchu who looked calm, but she dodged her eyes and lowered her head quietly.

"Jiajia, you have been banned for so long, you probably don't know about these things?" Bai Manman didn't notice her abnormality, and said mockingly: "Let me tell you! This shameless woman took a child to recognize Mo Chen is a father!"

Liu Jiajia was slightly startled, looked up at An Ruchu, her lips trembled, An Ruchu sensed it, and looked over carefully, Liu Jiajia felt guilty, and immediately lowered her head again.

"Um, this, I really haven't heard of this..."

(End of this chapter)

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