Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 176 This topic is so strange

Chapter 176 This topic is so strange

Since last night, Mo Mo's mood has been very low. Mina refused to laugh no matter how funny she was, and she didn't even bother to complain. She looked very happy.

An Ruchu also felt uncomfortable, thinking that maybe she was busy with the competition recently and didn't care about him, so she told Mina that she would do the pick-up and drop-off by herself in the future, and Mina was going on a date after get off work just go.

However, Mo Mo didn't seem to be very happy either. After breakfast in the morning, he carried his schoolbag and left without waiting for An Ruchu.

"Momo, wait, wait, Mommy!" An Ruchu hurriedly took the bag and chased after her, "Hey, Momo, don't go so fast, Mommy won't be able to catch up."

Only then did Momo look back at her absent-mindedly, waited for her for a while symbolically, and then continued to walk forward with her head bowed.

"Momo, what's the matter?" An Ruchu caught up with him, took that fleshy little hand, and said with a smile, "Are you angry? Angry that Mommy won't be with you much?"

Mo Mo was a little fuzzy, and shook his head slowly after a while, "No!"

"Then why do you look so unhappy?" An Ruchu pinched his little face and coaxed him, "Come on, don't be so sullen, just smile, huh?"

Mo Mo raised his head, bared his teeth, and showed a fake smile that couldn't be more fake, then lowered his head again, and refused to speak again. No matter how An Ruchu teased him, he looked out of his mind and ignored him. .

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, An Ruchu sighed from the bottom of her heart, and couldn't say anything more. At this moment, if she still doesn't understand why Mo Mo is unhappy, then it is really a failure.

Although he didn't say it, she knew that he just missed his father.After that incident, she hated Mo Chen and refused to let him come, and Mo Mo couldn't see him anymore.

He is also sensible, knowing that she is resentful, and does not clamor for her father.But in my heart, I also long for it, right? !
Maybe, it's time for her to think about this issue. No matter what, a child is always innocent, and he shouldn't be deprived of his right to have a father's love.

When driving to the kindergarten, An Ruchu stopped the car, and suddenly said to Mo Mo: "Do you want to see your daddy? If you want, I will arrange it for you."

Momo froze for a moment, then stared at her with wide eyes, full of astonishment.

"Silly Momo." An Ruchu smiled softly and patted his head, "It doesn't matter what happens to Mommy and him, but he is always your daddy. Even if I divorce him, he still has the right to meet you. As long as you tell me the time, Mommy will help you arrange it immediately."

Momo's big eyes flashed a gleam of joy at first, but it slowly faded away. He bit his lip and shook his head slowly, "No! I don't want to see him! He won't help us, he won't Good father! I don't want to be his baby anymore!"

Unexpectedly, he would say such words, An Ruchu was slightly taken aback, "Momo..."

"Mommy." Mo Mo lowered his eyes and said in a clear and authentic tone: "From the first day I came to this world, the first thing I saw was you, and you were the one who accompanied me growing up. Before he appeared, I only had Mommy, not Daddy. So, if he makes Mommy sad, then I would rather not have him, I would rather go back to the past, then you will be happier than now."

Such a small person said such words so seriously, An Ruchu's nose gradually became sore, and a layer of water steamed up in his eyes unconsciously, and he cried.

He is such an arrogant and silent person!On weekdays, he doesn't talk much, and even fewer good things, or he doesn't speak, and when he speaks, he almost complains.

Today he suddenly said such considerate words, it was really unexpected, especially when he said that as long as Mommy is happy, Daddy is not necessary.

In the past, she was afraid that Mo Mo would like Mo Chen so much, and that Mo Chen would take him away in the future, but now she realizes that no matter how much Mo Mo yearns for father's love, Mommy is more important to him in the end!

"Okay! Mommy, I'm going to class!" Mo Mo's eyes seemed to be a little red, he turned his head away, and was about to get out of the car with his schoolbag on his back.

An Ruchu suddenly hugged him the moment he opened the door, kissed his hair, and said softly: "Baby, it's good to have you! Mommy is very happy, as long as I have you, Mommy will be happy!"

Mo Mo's small body froze for a moment, and did not move. An Ruchu broke into a smile and let him go, "Okay, let's go! Don't be late."

"Well! Goodbye, Mommy!" Momo jumped out of the car without looking back, and walked directly to the door.

An Ruchu saw him quietly wipe the corners of his eyes before greeting the teacher.

When I got back to the company, I was a few minutes late, and everyone in the department had arrived and started working nervously.

Recently, she has a lot of business. Except for the M&N Group, which she is in charge of, the rest have been divided. She is so busy that even Gu Qingcheng has been on a business trip for a long time, but has not come back.

Qingqing came to the company on a rare occasion today. When she came in, she had a bitter face, haggard, and two dark circles under her eyes that were too big to ignore.

"What's wrong with you?" An Ruchu glanced at her, and joked, "You're listless, where have you been?"

Qingqing was lying in front of her table exhaustedly, with an unlovely expression on her face, "It would be great if I could go for a ride! I have no idea at all! This topic is too strange!"

"It's still because of that?" An Ruchu put down her work, hooked her fingers, and asked her to come over, "Come here, let me tell you."

"Okay, okay!" Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she quickly put her ear to it, An Ruchu smiled, very softly, but stretched her hand towards Qingqing's ear.

"Oh!" Qingqing wailed, jumped up immediately, covered her ears and yelled, "Sister An, why are you pinching my ears! It hurts!"

An Ruchu raised his eyebrows, "This way you will have a long memory! Isn't it a weird topic? As for making it look like this? Huh?"

"But this topic is really strange!" Qingqing's eyebrows were tangled together, and she said aggrievedly: "The topic is only two words: deep love. I have never been in love, how would I know!"

Yes, I read that right, the title only has two words: Deep love!
I don't know which pervert came up with it, but it came up with such a weird topic!Just two words!So how to design it?There are no requirements and no background, just two words pop up!

If she had been in love, deeply in love, then she could have some experience, but she has been single for more than 20 years!How do you know what love is like!

So these days, she watches all kinds of romantic movies at home every day, literary ones, commercial ones, sad ones, comedic ones, even gay ones, and pornographic ones from island countries. She has watched a lot of them.

As a result, it became even more chaotic after reading it!Confused!

"Sister An, I really can't figure it out!" Qingqing scratched her hair irritably, and said in a sullen voice, "Look at me, I'm just a girl, I'm used to carelessness, how can I understand the relationship between men and women!"

An Ruchu glanced at her, thought about it, and then understood, sighed: "Okay! Now you can't be expected to find a man to fall in love with, so let me talk to you!"

"Okay, okay!" Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she stared at An Ruchu shiningly, with gossip everywhere, "Tell me! Tell me about the love story between you and Mo Chen!"

An Ruchu tapped her on the head with a pen, and said angrily, "Be serious! Do you want to listen again!"

"Okay, okay! I'm serious, I'm serious!" Qingqing covered her head and laughed, her eyes were still shining.

An Ruchu sighed, and looked serious, "There are many kinds of love, it can be love, it can also be family affection and friendship, it depends on how you look at it, and these three categories can be subdivided..."

When she was explaining, her expression was serious and admirable, and her tone was very light and soft. It can be seen from the language in her eyes that she has the most profound and cherished feelings for the so-called deep love.

Qingqing looked at her beautiful side face, she was in a trance, this gentle and quiet woman in front of her, she must have been as rampant as herself before!Just because of the polishing of the years, she is now mellow and peaceful.

Those three kinds of emotions must also be extremely deep in her life. The unforgettable love with Mo Chen, the family relationship with Mo Mo, and the friendship with Mina and Gu Qingcheng who have supported each other for many years, these are the most important in her life. And the intimate part brought her a different color.

Therefore, deep love, for her, must have the most say.

"...Well, that's probably it." An Ruchu finished analyzing one by one, and when she looked up, she saw Qingqing thinking about something, so she typed over with a pen, "I won't listen to you! What are you thinking! "

Qingqing grinned, her eyes bright and confident, "Sister An, I think, I understand."

A week later, the rematch was held as scheduled. The competition area was set in the largest fashion plaza in City A, where many important events were held.

On this day, Qingqing was a rare lady who was chosen by An Ruchu for her. She was wearing a red dress with a tube top. Although the color was bright, it was not gaudy.

An Ruchu herself was wearing a low-key black dress, with a dahlia blooming lushly on her shoulders, it seemed that she had an indescribable charm, obviously low-key and reserved, but she had a stunning charm.

"Wow! Sister An, you are beautiful! You look good in everything you wear!" Qingqing was very excited today, and looked very confident, with a smile on her face all morning.

An Ruchu smiled, generous and dignified, "You're not bad! It's just that you don't pay attention at ordinary times! Well, stop talking, let's enter the venue! There will be a lot of people waiting."

"Well, okay!" Qingqing took An Ruchu's hand, and they walked through the red carpet together, and walked to the place under the stage that had been set up. The two talked and laughed along the way, one black and one red, all extremely extreme The colors, when matched together, have a coquettish and charming feeling, and every frown and smile is eye-catching.

Not far away, someone saw this scene clearly, and their eyes were always shrouded in that black figure, unable to move away, getting deeper and deeper.

"Brother, everything is ready, let's enter!" Someone in a pink suit said softly in the man's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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