Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 197 An Ruchu is my first wife, Mo Chen!

Chapter 197 An Ruchu is my first wife, Mo Chen!
A sudden slap was so loud that Liu Jiajia was stunned!
Not only Liu Jiajia was dumbfounded, but everyone present was dumbfounded, including An Ruchu, because she wasn't the one who hit someone!But someone she didn't expect!

Mo Chen!

"Try to say it again?!" Mo Chen's eyes were gloomy and cold, he stared at Liu Jiajia firmly, his whole body exuded a terrifying hostility, "Who do you call a bastard?!"

Liu Jiajia was stunned, her face became red and swollen instantly, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. She didn't know it at all, but just stared blankly at the man in front of him who was furious like a devil, and only two words in her heart: It's over!

Everyone's eyes widened as well, and they looked at Mo Chen domineeringly standing on the stage in foolishness, completely unresponsive to the slap just now!
No one paid attention to how and when Mo Chen got up there. They only knew that after Liu Jiajia finished saying that, a black figure flashed past on the stage, and a resounding slap came!

That posture, that movement, that expression, that tone are all too domineering!so handsome!So mighty! ! !It's just awesome, isn't it? !

Many girls at the scene forgot about the occasion, and started to be nympho, holding their hearts in their hands, looking at Mo Chen as if they were shining brightly.

An Ruchu looked stupidly at Mo Chen who appeared out of nowhere, but also didn't realize it for a long time, when did he come up?Why didn't she find out?

"Why don't you dare to say it?!" Mo Chen's eyes were heavy, his eyes were as cold as ice, and he looked away coldly, which made Liu Jiajia shiver uncontrollably.

"I...I..." Liu Jiajia's face was as pale as death, she lowered her head, trembling uncontrollably, unable to utter a word.

Mo Chen's face was gloomy, his eyes were like lightning, and he sternly reprimanded: "You just want to slander and slander people casually by taking out a video full of mistakes?! You said that An Ruchu drugged her, and you thought she was a despicable and shameless girl like you." People?! You said that I was drugged, you thought I was framed so easily, and that my business legends all these years were for nothing?!"

He was aggressive and did not give anyone a chance to catch his breath. Mo Chen's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly turned around, facing the audience, with a haughty look on his face, as if the whole world was under his feet, and he was domineering.

He proudly said: "Everyone can see what kind of person An Ruchu is! Naturally, she would not do such a thing! Everyone knows that this is a conspiracy after watching the video! And I..."

Having said this, he suddenly stopped, staring at his eyes, his eyes were cold, his face was as cold as iron, and he just swept across the audience coldly, releasing his unspoken arrogance in an instant!
Everyone felt that the cold air was overwhelming at that moment, the air in the heart was so oppressed, and the sudden drop in air pressure made people suffocated. At this moment, his silence is enough to explain everything!

Mo Chen has been in the business for many years, and there are many women of all kinds around him. If it is so easy to be drugged, then the same, he has been poisoned to death countless times!
Therefore, judging from Mo Chen's usual behavior, if he was not willing, such a thing would naturally not have happened!Then, all the false accusations Liu Jiajia said will be self-defeating!
Liu Jiajia staggered, her face was pale and desperate, she stood unsteadily in the center of the stage, her eyes were lost, her mouth opened, she didn't know what to say.

And Mo Chen didn't give her a chance to speak, he stared at her condescendingly, his eyes were cold and stern, "All of this is nothingness! It's all your malicious slander! You are so vicious! You are so despicable!"

"I didn't!" Liu Jiajia shook her head violently, trying to defend herself, "I didn't slander, it's all true! Everyone must believe me, An Ruchu really went there that night! That child was conceived that night! I saw it with my own eyes. What I saw! It can’t be fake! Anyway, she An Ruchu is taking advantage of others! She is clearly in the video! You have to believe me!"

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, her hair was disheveled, her face was covered with tears, and her carefully applied makeup was ruined. She yelled like crazy on the stage.

The audience heard what she said. Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed a bit strange. In the video, An Ruchu did go to the same room. It is indeed very likely that she had a baby with Mo Chen that night. !

"It seems that you really don't give up!" Mo Chen suddenly laughed coldly, his eyes were filled with coldness, he stared at Liu Jiajia, "Since you want to court death, then I will help you!"

Liu Jiajia was startled, "You, what do you mean?"

Mo Chen glanced at her coldly, but did not answer, but turned around and walked towards An Ruchu step by step, keeping his gaze on her with doting tenderness.

An Ruchu watched him approaching, her heart skipped a beat, she was a little nervous, and clenched her hands naturally.

Under the scorching eyes of everyone, Mo Chen walked up to An Ruchu step by step, stood still, and then he gently took her hand, holding it in his palm in a cherished and caring gesture.

Everyone gasped, their eyes widened even bigger, there was a joke!There is a good show to be staged!

"There is something that has been hidden for so long, I think I should explain it publicly." Mo Chen stared deeply at An Ruchu, as if there was no one around, and he only had her in his eyes.

An Ruchu was slightly taken aback, she pulled her hand back, but couldn't pull it out, Mo Chen held it too tightly, she was a little embarrassed, her face blushed slightly, but finally she didn't break free.

Mo Chen smiled in satisfaction, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He pulled her, walked slowly to the front of the stage, faced everyone's eyes, and opened his mouth heavily.

"There have been too many rumors about us recently. In order to prevent her and her children from being hurt more, I think it's time to explain something to everyone."

An Ruchu was startled, looked at him sideways, with shock in his eyes, "You..."

"Listen up!" Mo Chen returned with a gentle smile, then looked towards the audience, and said loudly: "As early as six years ago, I was married! And my wife is none other than me standing beside me. This woman!"

"Ah?!!!!" Before he finished speaking, the auditorium exploded in an instant!It was a sensation all at once!
This rumored cold-blooded and ruthless business tycoon got married quietly!And she was married six years ago!But no one knows!After so many years, there is no news at all!

At this moment, countless women collapsed in an instant, and the lover of their dreams has long been known!She announced that she was married so suddenly!There is even a child of a few years old!
I can't accept it!It is really unacceptable!

There was a burst of wailing at the scene, and almost all the women were running wildly, some were beating their chests and feet, some were heartbroken, some were scratching their hair, some were swearing, some were begging for handkerchiefs, and some were throwing things to vent... For a moment, the whole hall seemed to be boiling. It's boiling up!

No matter how the security guards control the maintenance, it is useless!Out of control!

Looking at the excited scene in the auditorium below, Mo Chen's expression was serious. After watching for a while, he raised his hand and pressed down coldly, "Everyone, please be quiet! Be quiet!"

The auditorium was noisy and chaotic one second, and then quieted down in the next second.

Mo Chen raised his chin slightly, stared contemptuously, and said coldly: "In the past few days, An An has been slandered countless times! Here, I solemnly announce it again! An Ruchu is my first wife, Mo Chen! She It's not the third party in the rumors, and I don't need to give me any medicine! Because we are husband and wife! Whatever happens to you is what you should do!"

"Also! Our child is the crystallization of our love! Not as the rumors say, Mo Mo is not the illegitimate child of An An and others! He is our child! The witness of our love!"

"For those malicious slanders, I will definitely not be soft! No matter in the past or in the future, as long as someone wants to hurt An'an and my child! Then! I will definitely pursue it to the end at all costs!"

The thick and steady voice, carrying the man's tough and uncontrollable sullenness, reverberated in the entire hall, appearing extremely clear and domineering!People don't need to doubt at all, Mo Chen will definitely do what he says!He must defend his wife and children to the death!
Everyone was stunned, their mouths were wide open, and they looked stupidly at the cold and domineering man on the stage, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be taller and more powerful, making people feel even more depressed!
An Ruchu was also dazed, staring blankly at the firm man beside him, something melted in her heart, and the warmth flowed through her body like a tide.

He even admitted it!She even personally proved her relationship with him in such a crowded place!He also said that he would protect her and Mo Mo, so that they would not be bullied again!

He really did!Things that he didn't even dare to think about in his dreams, but he said them in such a domineering way!

"No...impossible..." Liu Jiajia's eyes widened in shock, her body swayed, and she sat down on the ground in disbelief, "No! How could An Ruchu be your's impossible for her ,Will not……"

Mo Chen suddenly turned around, stared at Liu Jiajia coldly, and said ruthlessly: "What's impossible! An An was my woman from the beginning, but she didn't make it public! But you despicable and shameless people slandered her time and time again! This time, I You will never be soft-hearted! You must investigate to the end! You just wait to go to jail!"

"No!" Liu Jiajia turned pale with fright, she shook her head violently, desperate and terrified, "No! I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to!"

Mo Chen turned his face away and stopped looking, turned to the security guard below, and said coldly: "What are you doing standing there?! Take her down and hand her over to the police!"

Liu Jiajia looked terrified, and suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, "No! I don't want to go to jail! I don't want to go to jail!!! This matter has nothing to do with me, I just obey others! Don't, don't arrest me... …what!"

She cried and shouted, crawled and rolled on the ground, trying to find a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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