Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 201 May I Excuse You Are Brother An's Relative?

Chapter 201 May I Excuse You Are Brother An's Relative?

An Ruchu smiled, "It's still early! Let's talk about it later!"

"Ah?" A trace of disappointment flashed across Qingqing's face, "We still have to wait! Mo Chen confessed his true feelings on the stage that day, are you still not tempted?"

"It's not this problem." An Ruchu shook his head, "I'm not ready, I can't explain it clearly to you, let's talk about it later!"

Qingqing curled her lips, as if she was the one who was rejected, a little embarrassed, "Okay!"

"Okay you!" An Ruchu laughed, and poked Qingqing's head, "Don't worry about it, what you want to do now is how to make a big splash in Mo Chen's company! You won the competition, All kinds of people will come to you, so you have to keep your eyes open and look carefully, so you can deal with it."

Speaking of this, Qingqing felt a little headache, "Hey! Isn't it! From last night to today, I have answered countless calls, asking me to design something, it's so annoying! Now I finally know you The pain before is really difficult!"

"In the future, the more famous you become, the more annoying you will be." An Ruchu said with a smile: "The slander and abuse will come, you have to be prepared."

Qingqing curled her lips, "Got it, the tree attracts the wind! I understand!"

"Yeah." An Ruchu patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "But don't worry, we're here!"

"Yeah!" Qingqing looked at her, showing a bright smile, "With you all here, I'm sure I'm not afraid of anything!"

An Ruchu hugged Qingqing's shoulders tightly, and a gentle and satisfied smile gradually appeared on the corners of her lips, yes!Now I am not fighting alone, no matter what, I have them by my side, even if everything is overturned, there is still support behind me, and I will never leave.

In the evening, when Mo Mo came back from school, Mina was not there. It is said that she sent her back and went on a date.

An Ruchu expressed her understanding that women in love are like this, and there are probably not many who can stay at home often, especially Mina's restless character, who definitely loves to run out.

Momo seems to be in a good mood today, his usually tense face has eased up a lot, and there is always a faint smile on the corner of his lips, looking secretly happy.

"What happened to you at school today, why are you so happy?" An Ruchu asked him with a smile.

Mo Mo blinked, then tensed up his little face again, pretending to be cool and authentic: "Is there? I'm not very happy! It's not the same as usual!"

An Ruchu glanced at him quietly, and couldn't help laughing, obviously the corner of her mouth was holding back a smile!But he insisted on pretending to be cool, what an awkward Tsundere Emperor!

"Don't look at me like that, I really don't!" Mo Mo looked a little embarrassed by her, turned his face away awkwardly, and groaned authentically.

An Ruchu smiled and rubbed his soft hair, "Okay, okay, you're not very happy, not at all."

"Not at all!" Mo Mo pouted, turned his head away reluctantly, and climbed onto the sofa to play with the tablet.

An Ruchu smiled dotingly, and didn't tease him anymore. She turned around and wanted to go to the kitchen to cook dinner. At this time, the phone rang.

The phone was placed on the sofa, right next to Mo Mo, and when the phone rang, the caller's name appeared very big on the screen - a shameless old pervert.

When Mo Mo saw those words, his eyes lit up obviously, but he felt that he was too excited, so he straightened up his face and pointed at the phone awkwardly, "Mommy, call me. "

An Ruchu had noticed his little eyes a long time ago, and only now did he realize that his happiness came from Mo Chen, probably from the words on the stage!
He felt that he was finally recognized by the world, that he was no longer a wild child, and finally a child with parents.His happiness is very simple, but for adults, it is not easy to achieve.

An Ruchu sighed inwardly, took the phone over and connected it, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to call you and listen to your voice." Mo Chen's voice sounded very gentle, full of pampering.

An Ruchu blushed a little, and glanced at Mo Mo shyly, for fear that he would be embarrassed if he heard her, but when Mo Mo saw her looking over, he immediately turned his head away, as if he didn't know anything.

"Well, are you off work?" An Ruchu covered the position of the receiver, and went outside the balcony. In the distance, the lights were on and the traffic was busy.

Mo Chen replied, "Well, I'm still on my way home. Has Mo Mo finished school? Have you eaten yet?"

He asked very trivial questions, all of which were trivial, not like the words that a big CEO would say at all, but when they came out of his mouth, they were more precious and rare.

An Ruchu listened, her heart felt warm, and a smile appeared on her face. She smiled lightly and said, "He's back, he's playing computer! We haven't eaten yet, we're going to cook."

"Oh." Mo Chen responded, but didn't continue to say anything, as if he was planning something, he didn't speak for a long time.

An Ruchu asked him suspiciously, "Why aren't you talking? Huh?"

"An'an." Mo Chen pondered for a while, then slowly opened his mouth, hesitantly said: "Why don't you take Mo Mo over on weekends and have a meal together?"

An Ruchu was stunned for a moment, "Weekend?"

"Wang Ma's health is getting worse and worse. I'm afraid she won't last long." Mo Chen explained: "She knows about Mo Mo, and she clamors to see him every day. An An, look, can you spare some time to come over?" ?”

"Okay! No problem!" An Ruchu immediately agreed, even if it wasn't because of Wang Ma, she would not refuse, because she knew what Mo Mo wanted most.

Mo Chen laughed, it sounded like he was relieved, and his tone was brisk, "Okay, that's it, I'll pick you up this weekend."

"OK, all right."

The two didn't say anything else, and hung up the phone quickly. An Ruchu grabbed the phone, turned around, looked at the Aojiao Emperor on the sofa who was obviously peeking but was too embarrassed to admit it, and slowly smiled.

After the holiday, An Ruchu finally bid farewell to the boring life and went back to work.

That day, when she went to the company early in the morning, she was caught by Mina, "Chu Chu, you finally came to work! We can't stand it any longer!"

"Isn't it just a few days? Are you up to it?" An Ruchu smiled disapprovingly, and walked directly to the office.

She thought it was because Qingqing was transferred to Mo Chen's side, and the company was too busy, but she didn't know it was because of other things.

"It's not because of the design!" Mina looked anxious, grabbed An Ruchu's arm, and said anxiously: "You should come with me to the president's office! Gu Qingcheng must have been tortured too!"

An Ruchu didn't understand, so she frowned, "What's going on? Did something happen?"

"Stop talking, come with me!" Without saying a word, Mina grabbed An Ruchu and got into the president's special elevator, heading straight to Gu Qingcheng's office.

An Ruchu was completely confused, didn't know what happened at all, so she was caught by Mina foolishly and went into Gu Qingcheng's office.

"Chuchu is here!" Mina yelled as soon as she entered the door, An Ruchu suddenly had a bad feeling and was about to go out.

But it was already too late, several people in the room suddenly heard the voices of surprise, "Miss An is here!"

An Ruchu was stunned for a moment when he heard these voices, and when he raised his head, he was startled, "Why, why are you?"

The ones standing in front of him are none other than those stubborn old judges who were judges in the previous competition!Somehow, they all came here to look for her!
"We're finally waiting for you!" The stubborn old men were very excited when they saw her, and they were about to walk towards her with their crutches.

An Ruchu hurriedly stopped him, walked over by himself, and said, "Several gentlemen, sit down first, don't worry, okay?"

"Isn't it because I was anxious to wait for you, and I was afraid that you would run away!" Mina joked with a smile.

Even though the old stubborn are old, their eyes are clear, and they refuse to leave An Ruchu's eyes no matter what, and their faces are also eager and excited, as if they have found something lost and found again, and they are afraid of getting lost again.

"You all sit down, don't stand up, sit down and talk."

"Okay, let's sit down and talk."

An Ruchu appeased the stubborn old people and sat down before sitting across from them. At this time, she was still in a strange mood, including surprise, doubt, and indescribable kindness and trust, as if meeting an old friend.

"I don't know what the old gentlemen are looking for me for?" Several people sat down, Gu Qingcheng asked for tea, and An Ruchu drank some before asking.

The old stubborn looked at each other, hesitated, and looked at An Ruchu, their lips twitched, but they didn't say anything.

An Ruchu frowned, and asked suspiciously: "It's okay for the old gentlemen to speak up."

"Presumably the old gentlemen came here because of the old Mr. An Taizhi!" Those stubborn old men hadn't spoken yet, but Gu Qingcheng interrupted.

An Ruchu was startled, looked at Gu Qingcheng, and then looked at those elderly people with twinkling eyes, and immediately understood.

At that time, she gave Qingqing the letter and taught Qingqing how to draw, so that Qingqing could draw the charm of An Taizhi in the competition. Then, someone would always think of her close connection with An Taizhi.

These calligraphers have always been well-known, and they have always admired Mr. An Taizhi, so they came to him after the competition.

"Xiao Gu is right, we are here for Brother An!" One of the painters named Gu Ze said first: "That girl Qingqing painted very well that day, she said you taught me, so we wanted to come to you .”

"That's right! If you can draw the charm of Brother An, then the relationship must be extraordinary! So we took the liberty to come here just to confirm, what is the relationship between you and Brother An, little girl?" Another calligrapher named Yu Youtian Then he said: "You are all surnamed An, please forgive us for being abrupt, are you a relative of Brother An?"

An Ruchu tightly pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, said nothing, twisted her hands together, revealing the tiny blood vessels on her skin.

Gu Qingcheng looked at her calm expression, his eyes flickered, and he probably knew the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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