Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 226 Overturn Antaizhi's verdict!

Chapter 226 Overturn Antaizhi's verdict!

The next day, the reception room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"President Mo and Mrs. Mo came here in person. I don't know what you can do?" The chief of the Municipal Public Security Bureau personally received him. He smiled very obsequiously, his small eyes were already rolling, and his eyes were on the faces of An Ruchu and Mo Chen. Floating away, secretly trying to figure out why.

The incidents between Mo Chen, An Ruchu and Bai Manman were raging in City A. No one knew that Mo Chen chose An Ruchu in the end, and Bai Manman, the mistress who broke up their marriage, is now the No. [-] suspect in stealing national treasures , now detained for interrogation, now that these two great gods are here at this time, I am afraid they are inseparable from Bai Manman, right?
The director guessed wisely that it was very likely that An Ruchu was going to vent his anger. Well, if this is the case, then we still have to weigh it.

Mo Chen glanced at the director's changed expression, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he smiled jokingly, "Director Zhang, don't need to think too much, our husband and wife are not here for that woman, but for a case many years ago."

Director Zhang was stunned for a moment, he guessed wrong?Impossible?For a normal person, the rival in love is unlucky, shouldn't he step on it?Why are you involved in other cases?

His eyes rolled around quickly a few times, Director Zhang glanced at An Ruchu quietly, a thought vaguely floated in his mind, he couldn't help frowning, and asked tentatively: "I don't know what President Mo is referring to?" What about the case?"

"Didn't you already guess it?" Mo Chen smiled coldly, with sarcasm in his eyes.

Director Zhang was a little embarrassed, smiled dryly, and did not make a sound. An Ruchu glanced at him, and said seriously: "We want to overturn the case, An Taizhi's case!"

"An Taizhi?!" A trace of astonishment flashed across Director Zhang's face, but he quickly returned to normal. He frowned, looking very embarrassed, "This... this case has been going on for too long, I'm afraid it's a little difficult... "

Mo Chen narrowed his eyes, showing displeasure, and his tone was cold, "Now that the national treasures have been found, you still say it's a bit difficult?! Huh?"

"Hey, President, I didn't mean that." Director Zhang quickly waved his hand and explained: "This case is rather special. At that time, the capital of Antai died of illness in prison without being convicted. Convicted! It has been so long now, it is definitely not easy to reopen the investigation. As for the necklace, our people interrogated Bai Manman and Ye Qing for a long time, and they both confessed that the necklace is fake, It’s not a so-called national treasure. We also invited experts to look at it, and it’s really not real, it’s just a fake!”

Mo Chen and An Ruchu didn't react at all, as if they had expected it, they didn't even blink their eyes.

Director Zhang was a little surprised to see them so calm, "Bai Manman has been pretending to be your savior with a fake necklace for so many years, and now he says it's fake. How can you be so calm? Could it be that you knew it early on?"

The corners of Mo Chen's lips twitched slightly, and he glanced at Director Zhang with a half-smile, the meaning in his eyes was clear.

Director Zhang is not a fool to be able to sit in this position, he understood it at a glance, the matter of daring to love was found out by Mo Chen early in the morning, but he didn't expose it, thanks to Bai Manman who has been complacent for so long, he didn't know that he had already fallen behind into the network.

"Then President Yimo's meaning...?" Chief Zhang thoughtfully looked at Mo Chen's expression and asked.

Mo Chen said succinctly, "Re-open the case for a thorough investigation! We want to clear up An Taizhi's grievances!"

Pursing his lips for a moment of thought, Director Zhang nodded slowly, "Since President Mo insists on this, then I will naturally follow suit, but the time interval is too long, it may be difficult to investigate, and the time will be longer , I also hope that the two of you can understand."

"You don't need to worry about this, as long as you file a case, we will assist you and give you evidence." Mo Chen said in a deep voice.

Director Zhang smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, that's good. With President Mo's assistance, we can only wish for it."

"Well, I still have to trouble you with this matter, and I hope to see the result sooner." Mo Chen nodded, his face calmed down a little, and he confessed a few words, finally got up, pulled An Ruchu, and was about to leave.

Director Zhang also stood up, followed, and asked, "Do you two want...that, that..."

Although he didn't explain it clearly, An Ruchu understood what he meant, and turned around and said, "Even if Bai Manman has a grievance with me, it is our private matter. Now that she is in prison for investigation, that is the matter of the police station. It has nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to take care of."

"Ah." Director Zhang was still stunned, and stared blankly at this elegant and beautiful woman in front of him. He had seen it on TV before, but he didn't think it was very beautiful. It raised her profile.

He immediately understood why Mo Chen chose her instead of the enchanting and beautiful Bai Manman. As long as he is a wise person, he would not be willing to find a troublesome person without brains, and would prefer An Ruchu, who is reasonable.

"What madam said is true, I understand." A sense of admiration welled up spontaneously, Director Zhang stood up straight and smiled brightly.

An Ruchu slightly nodded her chin, smiled politely, then turned around and followed Mo Chen.

Standing where he was, watching the couple walking away, Chief Zhang touched his chin meaningfully, and narrowed his eyes.

As soon as he came out of the police station, he happened to meet Xie Ziwen at the door. When An Ruchu saw him, he was slightly taken aback, "Tezhu Xie, why are you here?"

Xie Ziwen came over, first nodded to Mo Chen, and then said seriously: "I'm here to find you."

His tone of voice was as tough as ever, and his eyes were straight and open. He didn't look at Mo Chen, nor was he afraid, and just looked directly at An Ruchu like that.

"Looking for me?" An Ruchu pointed at her nose, a little strangely.

Although she had met Xie Ziwen a few times, but he was too good, dare to look for the boss's wife in front of her boss? !This person is too attractive!
Moreover, Xie Ziwen always seemed to have an inexplicable feeling towards her, she could feel it, maybe, he came this time because of his grandfather's case, well, she remembered that Mo Chen said that Xie Ziwen had always admired An Taizhi, Been searching for the truth all these years.

Probably, besides her, he is the only one who can tirelessly want to clear An Taizhi's grievances?If this love wasn't so deep back then, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it like this.

However, in her memory, she didn't recognize him, and she had never seen him come to the house when she was a child.

Mo Chen glanced at Xie Ziwen, but didn't say anything, he turned his head and said to An Ruchu: "I'll wait for you in the car, you guys hurry up."

"Well, good." An Ruchu felt strange about Mo Chen's open-minded attitude, as if he already knew something.

Mo Chen didn't say anything else, turned around and went to the parking lot. Immediately, only An Ruchu and Xie Ziwen were left standing under the tree.

Xie Ziwen did not speak, but stared deeply at An Ruchu for a long time, his expression fluctuating slightly.

"What do you want from me?" An Ruchu was not used to being looked at like this, so she spoke first, "Have you met me before? Or is it because of something else?"

This question has been hidden in her heart for a long time. Ever since Xie Ziwen came to Mo Chen's side as a special assistant, the first time she saw him, he gave people an inexplicable feeling, and he always stared at her , as if an old friend seems to have known each other, there are always many emotions hidden in the eyes.

She firmly believed that there was some secret hidden in it.

Xie Ziwen didn't answer her question directly, but gave a nonsensical answer. He looked at her and said, "You are Susu."

An Ruchu was startled, and stared at him with wide eyes, "You, how do you know?!"

She is Susu, so far she has only told Mo Chen, Qingqing and Mina probably guessed her identity, but she never said it directly.

So, how did Xie Ziwen know?If someone is not very familiar with An Taizhi, how would he know that that girl was Su Su? !
"You really are Susu!" Seeing An Ruchu's reaction, Xie Ziwen showed joy for the first time on his meticulous face, and his tone became urgent, and he said: "You are really Susu! It's Mr. An granddaughter!"

An Ruchu was at a loss, "Wait, you... who are you? Why do you know this? If you have a good relationship with Mr. An, then I should have met, but why don't I recognize you. "

"We met when you were young." Xie Ziwen was delighted, "I am a student of Mr. An, and I have been learning painting from him before, but I lost contact after I went to another place." After a pause, he Looking at An Ruchu suspiciously, "You really don't remember me? You were five or six years old at that time, so you shouldn't forget it, not to mention that I often go there."

An Ruchu frowned, and recalled the previous events, but she couldn't remember anything, it seemed that she only had a clearer memory of her teenage years, and she had forgotten most of the things when she was younger.

"I... sorry, I really don't remember." An Ruchu was a little embarrassed, and smiled embarrassingly, "However, I heard Rongxiang and Mo Chen have said that you are very concerned about grandpa's case, even if I don't remember You, but I think your relationship with your grandfather should be very good. So, I don't want to hide it from you, I am indeed Su Su, and An Taizhi is my grandfather."

Xie Ziwen was overjoyed, and didn't care whether she remembered him or not. He couldn't restrain his excitement, "It's good that you are Susu! It's good that it's her! I've been looking for it for so long, but I found it! I'm finally worthy of the teacher!"

"Grandpa knows that there is a student like you, so he must be happy to know." An Ruchu smiled slightly. Finally, someone remembered him, and someone was so loyal.

Xie Ziwen shook his head, lowered his head slightly, and said guiltily: "No! I went too late! Maybe if I come back earlier, the teacher will not die of illness in prison! The teacher and wife will not follow! You will not So many years of wandering! So many years of suffering!"

"It's not your fault." An Ru didn't feel good seeing him so sad at first. To her, wouldn't it be a nightmare?

If someone had the ability to help back then, maybe nothing would have happened!
"No, if I hadn't been bothered by something at the time, I should have come back long ago." Xie Ziwen said painfully: "Who knows that fate is playing tricks, I am one step late after all. Susu, I am useless, after so many years , I only found some evidence, but there is still no way to reverse the case for the teacher."

An Ruchu said: "I can't blame you for this. It's already very good that you can do this. Mo Chen told me about your affairs. You have tried your best. I am very grateful for everything you have done for grandpa. You really Don't feel guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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