Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 231 Hurry Up and Find the Evidence

Chapter 231 Hurry Up and Find the Evidence
After receiving an exasperated call from Mina, An Ruchu left Momo alone at home, and rushed to the restaurant in a hurry. As soon as she entered, she saw Mina sitting by the window with an angry face.

"Nana, I'm coming!" An Ruchu walked over with a smile, and sat down opposite Mina. There were still tableware on the table that had been eaten by others, and she seemed to have left before taking a few bites.

Turning her eyes lightly, An Ruchu thought of the whole story and laughed, "It seems that you were called away by Mo Chen because of Rong Xiang, so you took your anger out on me!"

Mina stared angrily, and said in a rough voice: "I can't beat Mo Chen, and I can't bully you! Who told your husband to be so domineering? He finally came out for a meal. People are called away, and they are not even given time to eat, which is simply too much!"

An Ruchu laughed even harder, and felt that Mina was straightforward and cute. She smiled for a while before saying, "Okay! We're sorry for you, so I'll do your best today and work hard for you. Is that okay? Huh?"

"Really?" Mina raised her eyes and looked at An Ruchu from bottom to top, a little suspicious.

An Ruchu nodded, and said seriously: "Of course, can I still lie to you?" She smiled, took Mina's hand, and coaxed: "Okay! Don't be angry, I'll be with you, okay? it is good?"

"Hmph!" Mina glanced at her and snorted softly, but her face softened, "That's not too bad! Your husband called my boyfriend away, so you have to stay with me, hum! "

An Ruchu smiled and patted the back of her hand, "Okay, okay! Don't be angry! Mo Chen only came to find Rong when he was in a hurry, so please be considerate."

"Urgent? What's the matter?" Mina looked at her, then thought of something, and said, "By the way, hasn't Mo Chen been busy helping grandpa reverse the case recently? Didn't he also hand in some evidence? What's the matter? Now there is a new development?"

An Ruchu nodded, did not hide anything about this matter, told the truth about Xie Ziwen's testimony, and added: "Mo Chen suspects that Ye Qing once knew Grandpa, because there is a photo of her and Grandpa in the photo .It was Rong Xiang who was investigating Ye Qing and Bai Manman earlier, so this matter should be left to him."

"Ye Qing and Mr. An know each other?" Mina also looked surprised, and after thinking about it, she vaguely understood, "She did study design in China before, so could it be that she met Mr. An at that time? "

An Ruchu nodded, and said thoughtfully: "I can't rule out this possibility. Grandpa's students are all over the place. Even if Ye Qing learned painting from Grandpa, that's normal."

"Yeah." Mina pinched her chin and said in thought: "In this way, it can also explain why Ye Qing has a replica of that necklace, she may have seen that necklace before!"

An Ruchu continued: "Yes! Besides, she may also have something to do with this case! Otherwise, she couldn't be so familiar with that necklace and made it so realistic. I believe that this matter must have something to do with her."

"Grandma Di Xiong!" Mina gritted her teeth and began to rub her fists, "I can't kill them this time! I don't believe it!"

"Well, they are locked up in prison now! Originally, Bai Manman admitted that the necklace was a fake and wanted to get rid of the crime, but fortunately, Mo Chen asked people from the Public Security Bureau to apply for a supplementary investigation, and they can be detained for up to 37 days "An Ruchu said: "So, we have to find conclusive evidence to prove that they are related to this case within this period of time, otherwise, we have to let them go in the end."

At the time, Bai Manman admitted that the necklace was a fake, and the police would release her logically. However, very few people had seen that necklace back then, and they didn't know it was a national treasure.Ye Qing even made such a delicate copy, it must be related to this case.

The police had every reason to suspect that they had hidden national treasures, and then Mo Chen also presented some evidence, proving that Ye Qing had indeed taken the blueprints to make copies for others. Therefore, there was even more reason to suspect that they were the criminal suspects who had hidden cultural relics .

In addition, this necklace was and is still a national-level cultural relic at that time, and it can be regarded as a major criminal case. Therefore, the public security organ applied to the People's Procuratorate for supplementary investigation, and it was approved immediately.

But it was only 37 days. If no direct evidence can be found to prove that the necklace was taken by their mother and daughter, the public security organs can only release them.

Therefore, time is running out, and we must find out the truth within this period of time. Whether it is them or not, we must hurry up and seek justice for grandpa!

Mina rubbed her chin and nodded, "Well, it's really urgent, no wonder your husband is so anxious!"

"Now you can understand?" An Ruchu smiled, "Don't be angry!"

Mina raised her eyebrows, and her complexion changed faster than the weather. She was angry before, but now she immediately became upright. She straightened her chest and said loudly: "Am I that kind of person?! Of course I don't So stingy! Don't say that Rong wants to be dragged to help, I will also take the initiative to help you! I want to contact my father, grandfather and all other relationships, and find out the truth together!"

An Ruchu saw her saying this, and felt warm in her heart, and laughed, "Well, good!"

Mina was also happy, waved her hand, and yelled, "Waiter! Bring me two fried chickens and a dozen beers!"

Waiter: "I'm sorry miss, we are a western restaurant here, so we don't have fried chicken and beer."

An Ruchu: "..."

Mina, can't you put away your manly temperament? ? !This is a western restaurant!Such an elegant and unique place is actually regarded as a food stall!

Silently covering her face, An Ruchu muttered in her heart, don't say I know you, we are just passing by.

The investigation is still going on, Rong Xiang and Mina are both very motivated, and they have made great efforts to investigate everywhere. Fortunately, the two have prominent family backgrounds, well-developed connections, and are well-informed, so they have more or less inquired about some news.

However, due to the long history, many details, unless the person concerned, others can't remember clearly.

When Ye Qing was studying in China, he was unknown, and it was difficult to find them. Rong Xiang could only follow the clues to see if Ye Qing had any classmates in China, and tried to obtain some useful information through their mouths.

In this way, time flies too quickly, three or four days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the release date of Bai Manman and Ye Qing is getting closer, but there is still no direct evidence.

An Ruchu was worried about this, and she always wanted to do something to help, but she was really not very good at designing, so she could only obediently go to and from get off work, and then went home to wait for news.

Mo Chen was also busy dealing with these matters. When she was alone at home, she took those things from before and looked at them again and again, especially those yellowed photos, which were her precious memories now.

Gently touching, the characters in the photo are still alive, the family of three closely dependent, grandpa, grandma, and herself, smiling so happily and truly, so peaceful and beautiful.

Fingertips brushing over the faces of grandparents, it is as kind and warm as the intimacy in childhood, but when you open your eyes, it is just an old photo.

She looked at it, and couldn't help but shed tears again. The thoughts that had been accumulated in her heart for so many years were surging, and they slapped her heart one after another, causing bursts of pain.

If she had this ability back then, if she had grown up earlier, would she have been able to save grandpa?Wouldn't it be impossible to see grandpa for the last time?
She will never forget that morning, when the news of grandpa's death came, grandma was devastated, and then followed her, leaving her alone in this cold world, so lonely, so miserable, so helpless, So anxious and terrified.

And all of this stems from that case!All from those conspirators!

The more she thought about it, the more she hated her, and the more urgent she wanted to find out the truth!She doesn't want to wait any longer!Those people cannot be allowed to continue to get away with it!She wants to avenge her grandparents!
An Ruchu wiped away the tears on his face fiercely, took a deep breath, secretly made up his mind, stood up abruptly, ready to put away his things and go out.

Suddenly, there was a soft call from behind, soft and cute, "Mum, what's wrong with you? Are you crying again?"

An Ruchu was taken aback, why did Mo Mo suddenly come over?She quickly wiped away the tears on her face, forced a smile, and turned around.

"Momo, why are you here?" She smiled, and stroked Momo's hair, "Mommy didn't cry, she just missed her grandparents."

Mo Mo looked up at her, and said seriously, "Mum, it doesn't matter if grandparents are gone, you still have me and Daddy! We will protect you!"

"Momo..." An Ruchu's nose was sore, she was so moved that she couldn't speak, "Mommy..."

He was originally such a cold and cold little male god!Now that I have a daddy, I am no longer so arrogant and cold. I often say such heart-warming words, which is really touching.

She thought, this is probably the magic of family and fatherly love!He used to live in incompleteness and ridicule. Even if he didn't say it, the hurt was in his heart. Naturally, he didn't like to talk, and he would be a bit colder.Now that he has returned to his family, he has the love of his father, his mother, and so many servants who accompany and love him. Gradually, he also warms up.

Mo Mo laughed, "Mum, don't cry anymore! You're going to become a little cat! I'll laugh at you!"

An Ruchu let out a snort, couldn't help laughing, and poked his cheek, "Little kid, you're still laughing at me in reverse! It's because your words are so touching, otherwise I wouldn't cry."

"That's it!" Mo Mo hugged his arms and hummed, "Then I won't talk about it in the future!"

An Ruchu hugged him, and said with a smile: "Oh, Mo Mo, don't do this! I like it when you say it, really!"

"Hmph! Don't say it!" Mo Mo proudly turned his head away, humming, "Don't say it!"

An Ruchu laughed even harder, poked his forehead with his finger, and said angrily, "You are so arrogant! I just praised you a few times, and then I started to reveal my true nature again! I really can't stand the praise!"

(End of this chapter)

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