Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 233 put a long line to catch big fish

Chapter 233 put a long line to catch big fish
An Ruchu followed Mina's line of sight, just in time to see Qin Feng coming out of the interrogation room under the escort of the police, with his head slightly lowered, his expression gloomy and unpredictable
"Qin Feng." She pronounced the name involuntarily, and a vague image of a figure flew past in her mind. She wanted to catch it, but there was nothing, and it floated away like a puff of smoke.

As if sensing something, Qin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked over, and saw that it was An Ruchu and the others. He frowned, his face became more gloomy, and his sunken eyes were like deep wells, revealing a gloomy coldness, hiding something that people couldn't see. A look of understanding.

Looking at his appearance, An Ruchu couldn't tell what it was like, she should hate him, but now she felt that he was pathetic and pitiful.

He knew that Bai Manman had never loved him, and he had only used him all the time, but he was single-minded in treating her well, silently giving behind her back for so many years, without expecting anything in return.

Now, in order to save Bai Manman and Ye Qing, he actually put down such a big crime, how deep is the relationship to do this? !
An Ruchu really couldn't understand, how could a person like Bai Manman deserve to be admired by such a person?What's wrong with Qin Feng that he is willing to be used like this? !

She remembered that Mo Chen said that Qin Feng and Bai Manman had known each other before, and something happened, but she never knew what it was, and she didn't know what story happened between Qin Feng and Bai Manman that made it happen. He was so determined, she felt that maybe if these things were clarified, there would probably be unexpected answers!
Probably because her eyes were too focused, Qin Feng's face was a little unsightly, he turned his face away coldly, turned and walked to the other side.

An Ruchu watched him leave without saying anything, just stood there with a deep thought.

It wasn't until Qin Feng was put in custody that Mo Chen looked away, took La'an Ruchu's hand, and said softly: "Don't worry about him for now, it's a good thing to be locked up here, and we are not afraid of him running away. Take Ye Qing Let him and Bai Manman out, so we can catch big fish with a long line, and I will make arrangements."

An Ruchu turned her head to look at Mo Chen, and nodded slowly, "Yes! I understand these reasons, it's better to lock him up, so that he doesn't do anything else." After a pause, she looked at Mo Chen "I'm just curious, what made Qin Feng so determined to Bai Manman? After so many years, he was able to treat her so unwaveringly, and now he is willing to take the blame for her."

Mo Chen shrugged, "I don't know the specifics of this matter, I only know that he has a very special feeling for Bai Manman, he seems to feel guilty towards her, so no matter what Bai Manman wants to do, he will support him unconditionally of."

"Huh!" Seeing that he didn't know anything, An Ruchu let out a sigh of relief, "Then we still have to continue to investigate. I think there are problems here. Only by clarifying these problems, everything will be answered."

"Okay, leave this matter to me!" Mo Chen nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Mina also catered one after another, "And me! I can help too!"

An Ruchu smiled, "Well, I can't help you with these matters, but I'm relieved to leave them to you."

Investigating things requires money and power, and she doesn't have any of these two.Therefore, she can only leave these things to Mo Chen and Mina. She believes and is firm that they will give her a good answer.

"Okay, let's go back first!" Mo Chen took An Ruchu's hand and walked out, "I have already made arrangements here, if there is any clue about Qin Feng, I will tell us right away, don't worry! "

An Ruchu held his hand tightly and smiled reassuringly, "Well, I believe in you."

The two looked at each other and smiled. They both felt extremely precious about this invisible tacit understanding and trust, which warmed their hearts all the time, and their smiles were even brighter.

Mina followed behind, silently wiped away the goosebumps on her arms, and muttered, "Show affection, get married soon! Hmph!"

The matter of Qin Feng surrendering himself was also uploaded on the Internet. Netizens were arguing about it, and they all doubted the relationship between Qin Feng and Bai Manman. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?
Some people recognized it and directly pointed out that Qin Feng used to be Mo Chen's special assistant. He often followed Mo Chen and appeared on TV many times. That's why people recognized him so easily.

As a result, everyone's guesses became more. Isn't it strange that Mo Chen's former special assistant would turn to help his opponent?

Anyway, Bai Manman was also Mo Chen's rumored girlfriend before, and Qin Feng was also Mo Chen's special assistant at that time. The two of them are logically the relationship between the boss's girlfriend and an employee. How can there be such a profound revolutionary friendship now?No matter how you think about it, it feels a little weird!
Therefore, everyone's brains were wide open, and their brains became even more powerful!
Someone said, "Maybe Qin Feng often saw Bai Manman at Mo Chen's place, so he fell in love with her over time! But because of his humble status, he didn't say anything, and stayed by Bai Manman's side silently all the time. Chen and An Ruchu are together again, and Bai Manman has ended up like this, so Qin Feng can't stand it any longer, and wants to stand up to help her. This can be regarded as going against Mo Chen and An Ruchu!"

Some people also speculated, "Maybe Qin Feng was bought? It is said that Mo Chen directly banned Qin Feng back then. He was desperate. It is normal for someone to buy him!"

Immediately, someone retorted, "This is a serious crime! No matter how much you buy, you won't be making fun of your own life, right? So, I still think that Qin Feng's true love for Bai Manman is willing!"

Some people expressed their disdain, "Such a woman deserves to be liked?! Bah! So promiscuous, so vicious, this man will fall in love with her only if he is blind?! In my opinion, Qin Feng must have been deceived by Bai Manman, Used it!"

As soon as this point of view came out, it got the approval of many people, and they all said, "Bai Manman is a high-class prostitute! Who would like her? You can tell without looking, she must have used some means to deceive people Come to work for yourself!"

And so on, on the Internet, in the streets and alleys, almost everywhere, there are discussions, and the city is full of disturbances.

At this time, after becoming famous, Qingqing, who had been busy going around all the time, suddenly had time to read the latest news. When she saw the photo of the man above, she was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, she took out her mobile phone, quickly found Mina's number, and called.

"Oh, Qingqing, why are you looking for me when you have time?" Mina's teasing voice came over as soon as the connection was made.

Qingqing frowned, interrupted her, and hurriedly said: "I just watched the news, and I have seen that Qin Feng who took the blame for Bai Manman before!"

"Qin Feng? Have you seen it?" Mina was stunned for a moment, but she didn't dare to joke anymore, and asked seriously, "Where did you see it? Tell me in detail!"

Qingqing said directly: "Before my game, didn't someone hit me with a car? The man in the car is him! Although he has disguised himself, I can see clearly that his eyes and the bridge of his nose are the same! It can't be wrong !"

"It turned out to be him!" Mina was not surprised when she said it. In fact, when she saw Qin Feng for the first time at the police station that day, she also felt a little familiar, but she didn't think so far, and she didn't expect it to be him.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel relieved. Qin Feng can even take the blame for Bai Manman, but what is impossible if he drives a car and kills a person?
What I didn't expect was that it was such a coincidence!

"What kind of shit luck is Bai Manman on! Someone is willing to do this for her!" Qingqing said that she couldn't understand this matter. How could someone like such a bad woman? !And so desperate!This man is either stupid or stupid!
Mina smiled, "Who knows if Bai Manman has played some tricks! Otherwise, which man would be so stupid that he would sacrifice his whole life for such a public toilet?"

"Hey, tell me!" Qingqing suddenly began to gossip, "Has this Bai Manman slept with Qin Feng? Otherwise, he would lose his body and mind, so who would be willing to pay so stupidly! What's more, he is still such a bad guy. woman!"

Mina let out a laugh, "You little fairy, why did you ask such a question?! You ask me, I don't know! I'm also curious, does Bai Manman ask others to do things every time? Do you all have to sleep?"

"I think it's possible!" Qingqing said contemptuously: "For that kind of person, the public toilets are cleaner than hers, and Qin Feng is also blind!"

"Hey, you don't care about others! Anyway, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!" Mina said: "It's fine if Qin Feng goes in, we don't have to guard against him harming others."

"That's true! However, he turned himself in like this, and he still has evidence. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Sister An to find evidence to testify against Bai Manman and Ye Qing, right?"

Mina seemed very relieved, "You can rest assured about this! Her life is good, and we are here! Mo Chen, Rong Xiang and I will help her! Gu Qingcheng knew about this matter and was also helping to investigate in the United States. There will be results."

"Hey, I've been too busy recently, so I can't help much. I'm really sorry, Sister An!" Qingqing sighed sadly. Mo Chen reconciled, and Mo Chen didn't want An Ruchu to work hard, so he did everything for her, exhausted to death!
Mina smiled and said, "That's fine! Just do your design well and leave the rest to us."

"Well, I know." Qingqing said: "Oh, by the way, Qin Feng is the one who bumped into me. Do you want to tell Sister An about this? We have been hiding it from her before, can we tell her now?"

Mina thought for a while before she nodded, "I wish I could get more charges now! I'll tell Chuchu, and you should report the case too. We can't let go of any possibility!"

"Okay! I know how to do it." Qingqing chatted a few more words, and was urged to hand in the manuscript. She had no choice but to make an appointment with Mina to have a meal before chatting, and finally hung up the phone in a hurry.

Mina let out a sigh of relief, and then dialed An Ruchu's number. There are some things that need to be told to her.

(End of this chapter)

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