Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 235 Why is Mo Min here?

Chapter 235 Why is Mo Min back?
Mo Chen opened his hands and hugged An Ruchu in his arms, very hard, as if he wanted to rub her into his arms.

"Achen?" An Ruchu slowly opened his eyes and smiled, "What's the matter? You hugged me too hard, almost crushing me."

"An An..." Mo Chen buried his head in her neck as if he didn't hear what she said, and said in a dull voice, "An An, luckily, I found you, I am really grateful to fate, After all, we didn’t miss it.”

An Ruchu was slightly taken aback, and then smiled warmly. She patted his hand and said with a smile: "People who are destined will definitely not miss it. Even if we are on the other side of the world, we will always meet."

Although she didn't know why he said these things inexplicably, but it was rare for him to say such words in such a coquettish way, she felt happy when she heard it, an indescribable joy.

"Well, An An..." Mo Chen rubbed against her, lying on her body like a child and refused to let go, his voice was muffled, "Just remember, no matter what happens, you still have me."

An Ruchu frowned slightly, and began to feel that something was wrong, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

"No." Mo Chen shook his head, "I just want to tell you that you are very important to me."

"Really?" An Ruchu turned her head and looked at him suspiciously, "Are you sure you're really all right? You didn't lie to me?"

Mo Chen raised his head slowly, looked into her eyes, and smiled, "Really not, how could I lie to you?"

An Ruchu didn't believe it, and stared at him suspiciously for a long time, but his eyes were firm and open, she looked at him, and he looked at her without blinking, there was no trace of guilt at all, it looked normal.

The doubts in his heart dispelled a little, An Ruchu gave him a hard look, and then sighed, "Okay! I believe you didn't lie to me for the time being, but if I find out that you lied to me later, I can't forgive you .”

"Yes yes yes! Please trample me hard and bully me hard!" Mo Chen laughed loudly, picked her up from the ground, and walked directly to the bed. An Ruchu was startled, "Ah Chen, do you want her?" what?!"

"It's nothing." Mo Chen raised one corner of his lips, and gave a deep smile. Immediately, the two of them rolled down on Simmons' big bed together, forming a deep wrinkle.

He smiled, "You are not pregnant yet, I think it's probably because we didn't work hard enough, we have to keep working hard."

"Ah? I don't want it!" An Ruchu was so frightened that he wanted to run away. He also said that he didn't work hard enough. He obviously had to come here several times a day before!If she tries harder, she will be torn apart!
She got up and quickly crawled to the side of the bed, when suddenly someone grabbed her ankle, she was startled, before she could cry out, she was dragged back forcefully the next moment.

The next moment, the whole person was turned over like a kitten, and a large black shadow above her head enveloped her airtightly, wrapping her whole body without any gaps.

"An An, give me another child!" Mo Chen bent down and captured the woman underneath...

Qin Feng's confession was investigated by the police and found to be very consistent. Not only did he know An Taizhi very well, but he also knew very clearly about An Taizhi's family situation and other trivial matters, especially the origin and details of the necklace. , He is like the owner, knowing everything well.

On the other hand, Ye Qing and Bai Manman have been complaining about their grievances, insisting that the blueprint of the necklace was given by Qin Feng, saying that they just think that necklace is beautiful, and as designers and models, they naturally cannot resist beautiful things , I bought it from him, and then I copied one myself.

The police repeatedly checked the testimonies and evidences of both parties, and there was indeed nothing wrong with them, they were all consistent, and everything showed that Qin Feng was the perpetrator, while Ye Qing and Bai Manman were just innocent people implicated.

In this way, Ye Qing and Bai Manman's suspicions have been cleared up a lot, and there is no other evidence to prove that Ye Qing and Bai Manman did it, so it's not appropriate to keep it closed.

At this time, a defense lawyer asked the police to release Ye Qing and Bai Manman without charge, but the police refused to agree because Ye Qing and Bai Manman were involved in the case. That is to monitor Ye Qing and Bai Manman's residence and wait for summons at any time.

For such a result, Ye Qing and Bai Manman were considered the luckiest of misfortunes, so they immediately accepted the result.

At the end of August, Ye Qing and Bai Manman were officially released, but they were not allowed to leave the country, and they had to continue to be monitored and await their summons at any time.

On this day, when they came out of the police station, Ye Qing and Bai Manman looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, lost control of their emotions for a moment, immediately hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Mom! We're finally out! We're finally out of that dark, damp, smelly place!"

"Manman, Manman, we are out! Finally out! Don't go back again!"

"Yes! No matter what means we use, we don't want to go back there again! It's too scary! Never go back there again!"

"Well, never go back again!"

The two mother and daughter hugged and cried to each other, talking about the pain and resentment of being separated and detained during these days, the more they talked, the more they couldn't control their tears, and the more they hated An Ruchu.

Bai Manman gritted his teeth, and a fierce light appeared on his haggard face, "That bitch! It's all because of that bitch! I will never let her go lightly! I will destroy her! Take Mo Chen back!"

"Yes! We can't just let it go!" After being locked up for a while, Ye Qing suddenly aged a lot, his face was full of fine lines and spots, he didn't have the usual demeanor of a master, especially when he became ruthless, he was no different from a street shrew .

The two mothers and daughters threatened to take revenge at the gate of the police station without any hesitation, but they didn't know that someone was walking behind them step by step.

"What's the use of talking? Since you hate him, you have to take revenge, don't you?" The man let out a strange laugh, his throat was a little hanging, and he sounded extremely evil and treacherous.

Bai Manman froze for a moment when he heard this voice, turned his head with tears in his eyes, and happened to see that face that resembled Mo Chen smiling strangely at her, she was startled and exclaimed, "Mo Min! You're back !"

After receiving the news that Ye Qing and Bai Manman were released, although An Ruchu felt uncomfortable, it was expected. Ever since Qin Feng surrendered, she knew that such a day would come.

It's just that Ye Qing and Bai Manman were arrested and suffered, and they will definitely not let it go when they come out this time.

Mina was also worried about this, so she called early in the morning and told An Ruchu to be more careful, not to fall into the trap of Ye Qing and Bai Manman.

An Ruchu just smiled, "I know, don't worry too much, don't I still have Mo Chen here? He will take good care of me, don't worry!"

"Oh, don't take it lightly, who knows what those two crazy women will do." Mina said earnestly: "I say you! You should be more careful, no matter how powerful Mo Chen is, he can't do it." Protect you 360 degrees without any dead ends! You still have to be more vigilant yourself."

It was rare to see Mina so serious and mother-in-law, An Ruchu couldn't help laughing, "Okay, okay! I know, I will be careful, so don't worry."

"Hey..." Mina sighed sadly, "You promised me in your mouth, but I know you didn't take it to heart at all, you just relied on having Mo Chen by your side!"

An Ruchu smiled and said: "Really not, I listened to it. Speaking of which, you think about it, right? That's why you are so resentful, isn't it?"

"That's not your husband's fault!" Mina lost her temper as soon as she said this, "Rong Xiang is also a young master after all, why does your husband always act as his errands! And Rong Xiang is the same, why are you so useless?" What about your backbone! It was so easy to be bluffed by Mo Chen!"

"So it really is." An Ruchu snickered, "It seems that I want to talk to Mo Chen, and don't ask Rong Xiang to do anything in the future, so as not to make someone fall in love."

Mina explained, "That's not true, I just think so! It's fine to send it out once in a while. If it takes too long, I'm not used to it." After a pause, she added, "I know Mo Chen's most trusted It's just Rong Xiang, and he asked Rong Xiang to investigate, so he must be trustworthy, so I don't have anything to say, I can understand."

"Well, it's good if you can understand." An Ruchu actually couldn't bear it. Anyway, Rong Xiang is also the young master of the Rong family. It's really not appropriate to be ordered by Mo Chen like this, not to mention Mina is still with her now It's normal to feel distressed when you want to be together.

"I heard from Mo Chen that after this incident, he won't ask Rong Xiang for help anymore, and will help you prepare for the wedding."

"This, that's it!" Mina choked at first, and then her tone sounded much lighter, obviously in a good mood, "Then, let's get this matter done first! Anyway, your It's my business, and it's only right for Rong to help."

An Ruchu said gratefully: "Thank you, Nana, for always treating me like this."

"Okay! Don't say such polite words." Mina smiled indifferently: "We are all good sisters, so there is no need to care about so much! Pick a time to come out for a meal! We haven't been together for a long time, And Qingqing, who has been talking about having dinner together recently."

"Okay, except tomorrow I'm going to take Mo Mo to the amusement park, other times are fine, you can just decide." An Ruchu readily agreed, because of that case, she was indeed depressed for a long time, and she should go out to relax up.

The two of them didn't say anything more, they just discussed the progress of some cases, Mina finally gave a few words of advice, and then hung up the phone.

Putting the phone aside, An Ruchu was a little bored, turned on the TV, and there was a news broadcast on it, she glanced at it, her eyes froze.

"Mo Min?! How did he come back?!"

(End of this chapter)

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