Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 237 The Dreamy Carousel

Chapter 237 The Dreamy Carousel

At the beginning, Mo Mo said that he was going to play the roller coaster or something, but in fact he just wanted to frighten the little girls. Later, when he found that no one was following him, he changed his mind and said that he would take Gu Ze's granddaughter to play on the merry-go-round.

An Ruchu chuckled secretly, this Momo is usually so cold and arrogant, but it seems special to this little girl!Knowing that the roller coaster is too exciting, I stopped playing, just because I was afraid that the little girl would not be able to stand it, so I finally chose to play the carousel.

Mo Chen said to An Ruchu at that time, "When Mo Mo grows up, he will probably also have a sullen personality, with a cold and arrogant appearance, but a fiery heart."

An Ruchu glanced at him and replied, "Isn't that the same as you?"

"Hahaha!" Mo Chen laughed loudly, "That's right, I think it's very good! Men don't need to be eloquent, as long as they can win in action."

"Mo Mo's mouth is not stupid, his actions and words are quite powerful!" An Ruchu laughed.

Mo Chen also smiled, with relief on his face, "Isn't that better? It combines the strengths of both of us."

"Daddy, Mommy, what are you talking about? Hurry up!" Beside, Momo urged, expressing that he was impatient.

Mo Chen and An Ruchu smiled, agreed, and walked over together. Since school was approaching, many parents also brought their children to play, and there were quite a lot of people, so they waited for a while before they arrived.

Mo Mo is very gentlemanly, always pulling Gu Ze's granddaughter Gu Yun, An Ruchu and Mo Chen are very considerate and arrange the two of them on the two neighboring horses.

Originally, An Ruchu thought that since she was an adult, there was no need to go up to play, but Mo Chen refused, saying that she had never played before, and wanted to learn from those young couples, and also wanted to try this romantic dream of a merry-go-round.

In fact, An Ruchu also had some expectations for this in his heart, so he agreed immediately, so he also found a seat behind Mo Mo and sat down.

The music sounded, it was a cheerful and crisp melody, and as the wooden horse slowly rotated, the rhyme seemed to rotate with it, enveloping everyone with dreamy bubbles.

An Ruchu looked at the surrounding scenery slowly receding, and watched the bright wooden horse undulate and turn, his mood also floated, and he danced lightly with a brisk beat.

It seems so far away from the last time I rode on the merry-go-round. At that time, my grandparents were still there, and she was happy like a bird. She would go to see and play with all novelties. Grandpa and grandma always followed behind with a smile. Whatever she wants, she will be satisfied.

At that time, even if she didn't have parents, she didn't feel regretful in her life, because she was really happy!

However, since her grandparents left, she has never been to these places full of joy. This time, it can be regarded as the first time after they left!

Fortunately, this time, she has a husband and a child, so happy and happy.It's like the wooden horse in a dream, it came with happiness, and all the luck was given to her.

The emotions in my heart were tumbling, joy and emotion probably accounted for the majority, An Ruchu couldn't help the surging emotions, raised her head slightly, opened her hands in the wind, and laughed happily, the clear and real laughter was like a silver bell, spinning In the trajectory, flowers grow on the ground.

Mo Chen was beside her, looking at the smiling woman in front of him, his tense iceberg face slowly melted, the corners of his lips raised slightly, revealing a happy and contented smile.

His childhood was dark. Before he met An Ruchu, he didn't know what happiness was like, and he didn't even dare to imagine that there would be such a day. He didn't dare to think that he would come to greet him on the merry-go-round in his childhood dream. Beloved.

This was his first time, although it came a bit late, but in the end, with the light of Momo, his childhood dream came true.As imagined, it is really dreamy and beautiful.

By coincidence, Mo Chen took out the camera, and with a click, the flowery smile was frozen in the image, and it was also burned deep in his heart.

An Ruchu didn't know it at all, she was still smiling, like a young girl, smiling so sweetly and sincerely.

Mo Mo and Gu Yun in the front didn't care about the two adults behind them, they kept chatting and laughing, and bursts of cheerful laughter from time to time, as clear as silver bells, making people feel happy listening to them.

With a smile on his face all the time, Mo Chen captured all the scenes on the camera and made them into eternal memories for his whole life.

The carousel was not played for long, An Ruchu and Mo Mo felt that it was not enough, and they played it a few more times before they were satisfied. Mo Chen smiled dotingly the whole time, and was always in charge of taking pictures and recording.

After playing it a few times, An Ruchu wanted to play the Ferris wheel again, asked Mo Mo and Gu Yun for their opinions, reached an agreement, and then rushed over to have a good time.

Afterwards, the more they played, the more they couldn't stop the car, and they just left the others behind, and went to play other projects, such as roller coasters, bumper cars, big pendulums, etc. Whether it was exciting or fun, almost all of them Tried it all.

From nine o'clock in the morning until after five o'clock, the amusement park was about to change. An Ruchu still felt that the fun was still unfinished, and she was eager to play a few more times.

Momo also looks very happy today, with a smile on his serious little face, revealing the innocence only for children.

Although Mo Chen, who had been in charge of taking pictures, didn't say anything, the gentle and doting smile on his face had already betrayed him, obviously he was having a great time.On this day, like an ordinary father, he took his wife and children out to have fun. They were in charge of smiling like flowers, and he was in charge of taking pictures.

"It's been a long time since I played, and it still feels great!" An Ruchu was tired, and sat on a chair beside her, unable to close her mouth with a smile.

Mo Mo took Gu Yun's hand and smiled, "Daddy and Mommy will bring us to play whenever they have time!"

"Got it!" An Ruchu smiled, "The main thing is to bring a little rhyme, right?"

"Of course!" Mo Mo replied very loudly without blushing, "I don't have a real sister, and Gu Yun is my sister. As an elder brother, of course I have to bring my sister out to play! Otherwise, I would be very nervous on my own." Alone!"

When An Ruchu heard this, her head was full of black threads, why did she talk about having children again!Momo, are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?
Mo Chen snickered next to him, expressing his satisfaction with his son's wit, "Mo Mo is right, it seems that we have to continue to work hard and try to give birth to a younger sister as soon as possible, so that it will be fun when we come out to play."

"That's right!" Mo Mo nodded in a hurry, and finally turned his head to ask Gu Yun, "I will have another younger sister in the future, let her play with you, okay?"

Gu Yun looked at him timidly, blushing, then nodded, "Well, I like my sister very much too."

"Look!" Mo Mo chuckled, "Mommy, you agreed with Gu Yun, you have to hurry up and give birth to a younger sister!"

An Ruchu glared at him, "What do you know, you little brat? It's not that easy! Really!" She felt that she was being besieged, and she was a little unhappy, and said to Momo: "Who said just now that you are going to go to school?" The bathroom? Why don't you go!"

"Just go!" Mo Mo curled his lips, and led Gu Yun to the bathroom not far away, "My sister and I will go, you don't have to follow, we are not children anymore."

An Ruchu was speechless, and suddenly felt that Mo Mo did it on purpose, to show that he was a man in front of Gu Yun on purpose!

"Okay, you guys go and come back quickly, we'll wait for you here." Mo Chen smiled, rubbed the top of Mo Mo's head, and didn't stop him. Anyway, Mo Mo has always been independent, but it's just going to the bathroom, there is really no need to always follow.

Mo Mo pulled Gu Yun and went directly to the bathroom. Mo Chen watched them go in, and then turned his gaze to An Ruchu's face.

There was still the afterglow of joy on her face, her face was powdery, her eyes were big and bright, and there were fine beads of sweat on the side of her hair, shining golden light in the setting sun, as clear and bright as amber.

Seeing her like this, Mo Chen's heart was also filled with excitement, he couldn't help himself, stretched out his hand, gently held her face, and stroked it carefully.

"Huh? What are you doing?" An Ruchu was slightly taken aback, looked up at him, and saw that he was smiling, his eyes were full of tenderness, and his heart melted instantly.

She lowered her head slightly, "Why are you looking at me like this? There are so many people around you looking at me! How embarrassing!"

"I look at my wife, what's wrong with that?" Mo Chen lifted her chin, regardless of whether anyone saw it, leaned down, pecked lightly, and then smiled with satisfaction, "Well, very Sweet."

An Ruchu's face was turning red, and he glanced around guiltily, only to find that no one saw him, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Pay attention to your image!"

"I kiss my wife, it's normal." Seeing her blushing, Mo Chen smiled even more happily. He just likes seeing her shy, which makes people have a strong desire to conquer.

An Ruchu gave him a blank look, turned away, and ignored him.

But in fact, my heart is already warm, like a girl's first love, suddenly being secretly kissed by the boy she loves, and her heart is pounding.

Mo Mo and Gu Yun went into the bathroom respectively. In fact, he didn't want to go to the bathroom at all, but he saw Gu Yun drank a lot of water and thought she would want to go. He was afraid that she would be too shy to mention it, so he told An Ruchu that he was going. of.

He went into the bathroom and took a symbolic circle and then came out. He washed his hands in front of the washbasin, guessing that Gu Yun should also come out, and then prepared to go out.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into a hard body suddenly, and with a groan, he covered his nose and almost burst into tears, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it hurts! My nose is about to be knocked off!"

He gasped for air, and looked up in a panic, just in time to see a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses, staring at him condescendingly.

"Who are you?" Mo Mo was taken aback, instinctively felt that no one wearing sunglasses was a good person, and subconsciously backed away.

However, there was a washbasin behind him, and he had nowhere to retreat, so he stuck it directly to the side and had nowhere to go.

The middle-aged man approached with a strange expression, looked deeply at Mo Mo's face, and asked in a blunt and cold voice: "Are you Mo Mo?"

(End of this chapter)

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