Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 240 The Opportunity to Counterattack Has Come

Chapter 240 The Opportunity to Counterattack Has Come
"What did you say?" An Ruchu quickly felt the chill all over her body, until the bottom of her heart. She was trembling, and asked Mo Chen, "The plane crashed unexpectedly? Then... what about Rong Xiang?"

She couldn't imagine, if the people on the plane really had the time to think, what would Mina do?Yesterday she was so excitedly waiting for Rong Xiang to come back, and she had already made up her mind to go to meet her parents together, but now, a sudden thunderbolt came, how could Mina accept this? !
I really dare not imagine how painful and uncomfortable it would be if my originally happy mood fell to the bottom!

Mo Chen lowered his head and didn't speak. His tall figure looked very gloomy and oppressive in the backlight. He was silent and forbearing, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Achen..." An Ruchu was a little worried, she put her hand on his back and rubbed it lightly, "Achen, you..."

"Rong Xiang is on the plane." Mo Chen suddenly spoke, with deep pain and sadness in his voice.

An Ruchu was stunned for a moment, then her eyes turned red, "How could it be...impossible! I don't think he will..."

She wanted to say that Rong Xiang would not die so easily, but when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't say that word, because it was really too unacceptable and too heavy!
Mo Chen stood up suddenly, put on some clothes and went out, "I'll go out for a while, you are at home, don't go anywhere!"

"Achen!" An Ruchu chased him out, "Achen, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

"No need." Mo Chen vetoed her intention, and said decisively and forcefully: "It's safer for you to stay at home, don't come with me!"

"I..." An Ruchu opened her mouth, paused, hesitated for a while, finally compromised, she nodded, and said softly: "Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Mo Chen hugged her, kissed her hard on the forehead, and then reluctantly let her go, "Well, wait for me." After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned around and walked out the door full of hostility.

An Ruchu watched him leave the house, drive away gradually, and didn't recover for a long time.

She didn't know what happened, she didn't know why such a thing happened when victory was just around the corner!
She didn't know how to tell Mina about this matter, and she didn't know how to comfort her. The reunion was coming soon, so why did fate play tricks on people like this!
Chaos, chaos!Her mind was full of chaos, panic, bewilderment, doubt, sadness... Complex emotions rushed out, making her feel oppressed and suffocated, unable to think at all.

Leaning against the wall, she slid down slowly until she sat on the cold ground.

Mo Chen drove directly to the company, held an emergency high-level meeting, explained some precautions and the next tasks in short and incisive words, and left the meeting room in a hurry.

The remaining group of senior executives of the company looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware of what happened and why it happened so suddenly, and Mo Chen would hardly delegate these things completely, but this time he explained everything one by one, which felt a little strange.

However, no one dared to ask these questions in their hearts, because everyone obeyed Mo Chen's decision unconditionally, and they believed that any decision made by this business wizard was correct.

In addition to holding an emergency meeting, Mo Chen also called Xie Ziwen back, secretly explained some important matters to him, and added at the end: "Don't even mention this to An'an, you know?"

"Yes! I understand!" Although Xie Ziwen didn't know his intentions, he firmly believed in his heart that he would not harm An Ruchu, so naturally he obeyed unconditionally.

Mo Chen continued: "I won't be in the country these few days, and you can help me keep an eye on the company's affairs, but the focus is still on the safety of An'an and Momo. We must provide 24-hour personal protection, absolutely Can't leave half a step!"

Xie Ziwen nodded heavily, and said loudly, "I will definitely protect Susu and the young master! Please rest assured, CEO!"

"Well, there's nothing else, you can figure it out yourself, if you have any questions, you can call me directly." Mo Chen said.

"Okay, I know how to do it, don't worry, the president."

"Well, I'm in a hurry. I have to go. If Rong Xiang is not here, I will leave everything to you." Mo Chen took a deep look at Xie Ziwen, a look that already represented everything. Xie Ziwen was slightly taken aback, and then Eyes firmly nodded, "Okay!"

Mo Chen patted Xie Ziwen's shoulder heavily, and then, while making a phone call, he walked out of the office, "Get ready to go, take me to the location on the location..."

"What? Rong Xiang died in a plane crash?!" Bai Manman immediately showed an expression of ecstasy when he received Mo Min's news, and his voice broke with excitement, "Are you sure he is really dead? Have those evidences been destroyed?"

Mo Min smiled triumphantly: "I saw him get on the plane with my own eyes and ears. Our people hid the explosives on the plane and detonated it. Not to mention the evidence will be blown to powder, even people will be smashed to pieces. Absolutely not." There is a chance of survival!"

Ye Qing also had a look of joy, his sunken eyes seemed to be revived, and the light of hope lit up, "That's really great! As long as the evidence is destroyed, then Mo Chen can't do anything with us! And Rong wants to die , Mo Chen is equivalent to losing an arm, and he will definitely be in a mess!"

She opened her mouth and laughed sinisterly, like a ghost in hell, "Very good! It's really great! Once Mo Chen's side is in chaos, then our chance to fight back will come!"

"That's natural." Mo Min smiled, his eyes were trembling, "I'm ready, as soon as Mo Chen leaves, we will launch an attack on the M&N Group, and it will definitely swallow it up! When Mo Chen comes back, everything It's too late!"

Bai Manman followed suit with a smile, "Yes, you go deal with his company, and we deal with An Ruchu! Now that Mo Chen is not in China, I don't believe we can't touch her!"

"Manman, we can't be careless." Ye Qing glanced at Bai Manman and explained, "Mo Chen must have arranged someone to protect her. If we want to succeed, we must lure those bodyguards away!"

"This matter..." Mo Min smiled, "We can make a long-term plan, believe me, the victory is in our hands."

Ye Qing and Bai Manman looked at each other and smiled, "Yes, victory will always belong to us!"

"Okay." Mo Min narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashed quickly, and then he hooked his fingers and smiled strangely, "Come on, let's discuss how to torture An Ruchu and that evil seed!"


An Ruchu waited at home anxiously, could not go to work, did not dare to go out, so could only wander around in a hurry at home.Even Momo, she didn't send him to school, and stayed at home.

She faintly had a bad premonition, since even Rong Xiang's plane could blow up, then this must be a big move, and it's hard to say that she won't be taken advantage of, so when Mo Chen was not around, She had to ensure the safety of herself and Mo Mo, and not to cause him any trouble.

It doesn't matter if she is timid or cautious, she just wants to be foolproof!Any mistake, she is afraid that it will become a lifetime regret.

Mo Mo may have realized what happened, but he obediently didn't ask, and just stayed in the study to study.

The servant at home vaguely smelled something unusual, but he didn't say much, and was more cautious in doing what he was supposed to do. Everything seemed to be the same.

Seeing all this, An Ruchu was really relieved, and she didn't know how Mo Chen trained them, everyone was so loyal to their duties, she didn't need to bother at all.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, An Ruchu was downstairs looking online for the latest news, to see if there was any news about the plane crash. Unexpectedly, the news was not found, but a person she was most afraid of facing was attracted.


After An Ruchu heard the servant's report, her first reaction was guilt and guilt. After all, Rong Xiang had an accident because of her. Now that Mina came here, how should she face it?
She hesitated upstairs for a long time, but she didn't have the courage to see Mina, but she had to go.There was a struggle in her heart for a while, and the intense inner struggle made her feel a little headache. She really didn't see it, and she didn't see it.

"Young mistress, Miss Nana came here crying, you should hurry down and have a look!" Mina often came to play, so the servants were familiar with her and liked her very much.

As soon as she heard that Mina came over crying, An Ruchu was heartbroken, gritted her teeth, and rushed down to the first floor. No matter whether Mina wanted to blame her or feel guilty, she must Gotta meet Mina!
Because they are good friends!They are sisters who are not related by blood!
Angrily, she rushed downstairs, seeing Mina's voice standing in the living room in despair, An Ruchu's heart seemed to be pulled by something, and the pain was oppressive.

She slowed down, walked over gently, and choked up, "Nana..."

Mina was like a puppet that had lost its string. Hearing someone call her name, she slowly turned her head, her face was full of water.

"Nana!" An Ruchu was heartbroken, rushed over, and pulled Mina into her arms with all her strength, "Nana! It's okay! I think he'll be fine! Don't cry, don't cry, okay?" it is good?!"

She always said Mina's tears were crocodile tears, she was an upright woman who wouldn't cry when she saw a coffin.However, now she is crying so much that she can't even cry her soul!It can be seen how sad she is!

"Nana, Nana, don't be sad, nothing will happen, Mo Chen has already dealt with it." An Ruchu was also crying, "Nana, don't cry, okay? I'm so sad when you're like this."

Mina just wept silently, with no expression on her face, like a paper man without a soul, and after a while she said to herself: "It's's gone...Rong wants to leave, leave I... left by myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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