Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 242 Mina is gone

Chapter 242 Mina is gone

Waking up in the morning, An Ruchu's first reaction was to bounce it up to see if Mina was still around. When she saw it, she was startled. There was nothing beside her, and the bed was cold.

An Ruchu was so frightened that her whole body trembled, she didn't even have time to put on her shoes, and rushed downstairs with a bang, now is a special period, and with Mina's current state, if she really ran out, something would definitely happen !
Not to mention whether the other party will do anything, even if she went out alone in such a trance, it would be worrying.

The more An Ru thought about it, the more worried she became. She walked like flying, and ran down the stairs in a few steps. The servants in the living room were busy, and they were shocked to see her rushing down in such a hurry.

"Young Mistress! What's the matter with you?" Especially Wang Ma, seeing her running wildly, her expression changed, and she hurriedly said, "Young Mistress, be careful, don't run around!"

How could An Ruchu listen to her? She grabbed Wang Ma and asked, "Wang Ma, where is Nana? Where did she go?!"

"Little mother Nana left very early, and I didn't see her when I got up." The answer was Mo Mo, who was eating breakfast. He raised his head from the dining table and looked at An Ruchu, his face tensed and serious.

An Ruchu's heart sank, she looked at Wang Ma, and said anxiously: "Wang Ma, tell me, when did Nana leave?"

"Young Mistress, don't worry, listen to me first." Wang Ma frowned, and said in a somewhat embarrassed way: "Miss Nana woke up before dawn in the morning, and I just woke up early when I couldn't sleep, so we happened to meet I wanted to stop her, but she would not listen, so she just rushed out."

An Ruchu's eyes widened, her heart was freezing, Mina really ran away!Run out in her state!Who knows what will happen? !
Moreover, at this moment, what did she suddenly run out for?Where can she go?

"Wang Ma, did Nana say where she is going?" An Ruchu looked at Wang Ma with a glimmer of hope, and asked expectantly, "Or, did she say anything else?"

Wang Ma sighed, and said pitifully: "She was not in a good mood at the time, and she kept talking about it, as if she wanted to find Rong Xiang, and said that no matter whether Rong Xiang was dead or alive, she would go to get him back. Come."

As her heart sank, An Ruchu's expression darkened immediately. Sure enough, Mina really didn't give up and really wanted to find Rong Xiang!But at this time, how did she go out?How did she know the exact location?
Or, even if she found out where the incident happened, so what?The plane crashed into the sea, what can she find?It just adds to the sadness!
"...Young Mistress?" Looking at An Ruchu's pale face, Wang Ma was a little worried, "Young Mistress, are you okay? In fact, you don't have to worry too much, there should be someone secretly protecting her. I believe the Young Master has made arrangements. , you don't have to worry too much."

Biting her lips tightly, An Ruchu suddenly raised her head, looked at Wang Ma seriously, and said word by word: "Wang Ma, I'm going to chase Nana now, you should watch Momo carefully at home, don't Let him run around, and don't let strangers into the house, you know?"

Wang Ma was taken aback, "Young Mistress, do you want to go out?" She quickly waved her hand, "You can't go out! Young Master has already told you that you won't be allowed to go out. It's not safe outside now!"

"Mommy, are you going to chase after Nana's little mother?" Mo Mo also looked surprised, with worry in his big eyes, "Do you really want to go by yourself?"

An Ruchu looked at Mo Mo's eyes and couldn't bear it, but when she thought that Mina might be in danger by herself outside, she was extremely worried.

So, no matter what, she has to go out and find Mina back!

An Ruchu took a deep breath, walked slowly to Mo Mo's side, gently rubbed his head, and said earnestly: "Mo Mo, you know the relationship between me and your little mother Nana, so I It is impossible to let it go, and I must go to find her."

Mo Mo frowned, and held his mouth lightly, as if he wanted to cry, but held back.

"Silly boy, I'm just going out for a while, not doing anything, so don't worry so much." An Ruchu smiled, pinched the corners of Momo's mouth, and gave him a smile, "Well, it's better to smile, so How nice."

Mo Mo's nose was sore, and he was about to cry. He curled his mouth, and his voice was full of tears, "Then... you and Daddy are not at home, and I'm the only one at home..."

"How could it be?" An Ruchu coaxed: "There are Wang Ma and the others accompanying you at home! Besides, I just went out for a while and came back after finding your little mother, Nana. It's okay, just wait at home obediently." , don’t go anywhere, you know?”

Momo's little mouth was all wrinkled together, and he really wanted to say no, but he knew that no matter what he said, Mommy would go, and he was also very worried about Little Mom Nana, and he didn't want her to be so dangerous outside alone .

Finally, he nodded, "Okay, Mommy, you have to come back early, I will miss you very much."

"Okay, I will. You should also stay at home and listen to Wang Ma's words, don't run around, understand?" An Ruchu urged her repeatedly, and she didn't feel relieved until Momo made a serious promise.

Turning around, An Ruchu also told Wang Ma and other servants some words, mainly asking everyone to be careful and take good care of Mo Mo and the like.

The servants were all aware of the seriousness of the situation, and they were very obedient and obedient, promising to pay attention to it.

Only then did An Ruchu feel relieved, took the car keys and some documents, and prepared to go to Mina, before leaving, Mo Mo followed behind reluctantly, An Ruchu's nose was sore, he turned around and hugged Mo Mo, , Huo Ran got up, turned around and ran out of the garage.

Momo watched the white BMW drive away quickly, his vision gradually blurred, and tears rolled down his mouth as soon as he shrunk his mouth.

An Ruchu was speeding on the road, completely unaware of where Mina was now, the only thing she could be sure of was that Mina was definitely going to go abroad by plane, so Mina would definitely go to the airport right now.

But there are two airports in city A, both of which are about the same distance from home, she doesn't know which one Mina will go to, and even if she finds the right one, it is very likely that Mina has already boarded the plane and left.

The more she thought about it, the more disturbed she became. She called Mina several times in a row. She started making calls as soon as she left the house. There were dozens of calls, but none of them got through. They were all reminded to shut down the phone.

It was turned off at this time, either because she was boarding the plane, or because she didn't want to pick it up, or something happened.

No matter what the result is, it is very pessimistic for her!She can't, can't let Mina run around alone!Must find!

Gritting her teeth, An Ruchu called Mo Chen's phone, but it also showed that the phone was off. She was even more confused, so she called again, but the phone was still off.

"What's going on?! Why are they all turned off!" An Ruchu was upset, and honked the horn hard, "What are you doing!"

Mo Chen can't be found, for now, she only has Gu Qingcheng to call. If Mina really gets on the plane, then she can ask Gu Qingcheng to pick her up at the airport, which will be safer.

Gu Qingcheng's call was connected within a few seconds. He seemed to be sleeping, and his voice was a little fuzzy, "As before?"

"Qingcheng, it's too bad, Nana is gone!" An Ruchu was anxious, and quickly said: "I can't get through to her now, and I can't find where she went. I'm not sure if she got on the plane to find Rong. Think about it, help me, help me find her..."

When Gu Qingcheng heard that she was so anxious and had no pajamas, she also became nervous, and comforted her: "Ru Chu, don't worry, just tell me slowly what's going on."

"Okay, let me tell you..." An Ruchu told him everything about this morning while crying, and finally said: "You must find Mina, she is really worrying in her current state."

"Ru Chu, I understand." Gu Qingcheng said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will send someone to the airport to check to see if Nana has left the country. If so, then I will go to the airport to pick her up. You Don't worry, nothing will happen."

An Ruchu said: "But what if something happened to her instead of getting on the plane? Then what should I do?"

"I'll have someone check to see if Mina has left the country. If she hasn't left the country, then it's very likely that something happened. I'll send someone to look for it then." Gu Qingcheng's tone was very calm and calm, and he analyzed the current situation. Regarding the situation, He An Ruchu said: "Don't go out now, just stay at home, and then call Mo Chen's special assistant, the one named Xie Ziwen, and ask him to send someone to find Mina. They must have arranged for him."

"But I've already left the house! I'm on my way to the new airport!" An Ruchu said truthfully, "I was worried about Nana, so I came out to look for it myself."

Gu Qingcheng was startled when she came out, and her tone changed, "Ru Chu, listen to me! Don't go out and run around at this time! It's too dangerous! Listen to me, turn around and go back! Everything is there Me! Did you hear me!"

When he spoke, his tone was very urgent and heavy, and he was rarely excited, and it was obvious that he was in a hurry.

"But..." An Ruchu was a little hesitant. Although she knew the danger, she was worried after all. She still wanted to come out and have a look, maybe she could really find Mina?Maybe Mina needs her right now?
Gu Qingcheng's tone became a little anxious, "No, but! You go back now! You are too dangerous! I will personally arrange for people in China to look for Nana's matter. You can stay at home with peace of mind! Protect Momo! No matter you Like it or not, you have to think about Mo Chen, think about Mo Mo!"

An Ruchu hesitated, and the speed of the car slowed down. She looked at the fork in front of the airport and bit her lips tightly.

Now how to do?go?Still not going?

If she went, maybe she would be in danger, but if she didn't, she was worried that something would happen to Mina, and she didn't feel at ease at home.

In the end, what should we do?
(End of this chapter)

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