Chapter 251

Bai Manman proudly raised his chin, stroked his side face lightly with his hands, and said intoxicatedly: "He said, he can't wait to see me, and he has already opened a room and is waiting for me!"

Originally thinking that Bai Manman would say something, An Ruchu was a little worried at first, but now that she heard it, she felt relieved.

She is very clear about Mo Chen's attitude towards Bai Manman. Mo Chen's request to see Bai Manman now must be because of herself, not because of any illusions about Bai Manman.

The reason why Bai Manman said this was nothing more than deceiving himself and others, and wanted to use this to embarrass her!
It's a pity that she has great confidence in Mo Chen and in herself, so she won't be fooled.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai Manman thought that An Ruchu would be angry, but when she turned her head, she saw her compassionate expression that was half a smile, and she was immediately annoyed, "What the hell are you laughing at?!"

An Ruchu smiled lightly, looked up at her, and smiled jokingly, "I'm not laughing at anything, I'm just congratulating you, you can finally get Mo Chen, I'm so happy!"

"You!" Bai Manman's face changed, and the sharp brows raised, raising an angry arc, "You are mocking me!"

"Don't dare!" An Ruchu still laughed, "My life is in your hands now, how dare I laugh at you! I really congratulate you! After so many years, you have exhausted all means and finally got this It's been a day, isn't it worth being happy?"

Bai Manman stared closely at An Ruchu's fearless face, her eyes gradually turned fierce, she gritted her teeth and said, "I know you are just laughing at me! But don't be too complacent, you are in my hands now, Mo Chen must obey me obediently! Then you won't be at my mercy!"

"Then please go ahead!" An Ruchu still had a smile on his face, but the smile was not as deep as his eyes, and gradually cooled down.

What Bai Manman said is not wrong, now that he is still in her hands, Mo Chen will definitely have some scruples, in order not to hurt himself, maybe he will really listen to Bai Manman's words!
"You know you're afraid, don't you?" Bai Manman raised his eyebrows, smiled triumphantly, blew on his bright red fingertips, and said with a smile, "But don't worry, I will do good things with Mo Chen later. When the time comes, I will let you see it.”

As she spoke, she laughed enchantingly, her laughter was sharp and terrifying, like a ghost in hell.

An Ruchu clenched her fists tightly and said nothing.Bai Manman turned around, and didn't have the patience to talk too much with An Ruchu, and finally only left a sentence, "Okay, my date with Mo Chen is coming up soon, so I won't talk nonsense with you."

She twisted her waist like a water snake, and walked to the door step by step, then turned around suddenly, smiled meaningfully, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I will give you a big gift later, please Be sure to enjoy it!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Manman smiled mischievously and walked out triumphantly.

Mo Chen was driving the car while talking on the phone, his tone was indifferent, unable to detect any emotion, "An'an is not in the warehouse, she has already been transferred."

The other party froze for a moment, then became excited, "What should I do then? Will An An be in danger?"

"Not for the time being, because Bai Manman's target is me." When Mo Chen mentioned this name, he almost gritted his teeth with sullenness and disgust.

"Then you plan to...?"

Mo Chen lowered his eyes, "I'm going to see Bai Manman, and I can only leave the whereabouts of An An to you."

"Are you sure you want to go?" The other party seemed a little surprised.

"Well, I have to go." Mo Chen said solemnly: "Suhang, An'an will be left to you, maybe I won't be able to keep in touch with Bai Manman during the meeting, but I hope you can rescue her safely .”

It was Su Hang on the other end of the phone. He was silent for a while, then sighed heavily, and said: "Okay, don't worry, I won't let her have an accident. I have already missed it once, this time, I will count it as a fight." This old life will save her too!"

"Well, then I'll leave it to you." Mo Chen seemed to remember something again, and added: "Don't reveal your identity for now, I'm afraid she... won't be able to accept it."

"Well, I understand, I know how to do it." Suhang said solemnly: " careful."

Mo Chen hummed and hung up the phone without saying anything. He looked at the time with a serious face, stepped on the gas pedal, and headed directly to the bustling business district of the city.

Mo Chen walked in the Phoenix five-star hotel in City A. The welcoming lady smiled and bowed, and asked, "Hi sir, do you have a reservation?"

"Presidential Suite 888." Mo Chen walked past the welcoming lady expressionlessly, with a handsome and indifferent figure, like a descendant of a god.

Miss Yingbin stared at his back, stunned for a moment, and then came back to her senses after a while, muttering: "That room... Bai Manman seems to have gone to that room too!"

Before she could figure it out, Mo Chen got into the elevator and went directly to the presidential suite.

There are only three presidential suites in this hotel. He booked the best and largest one. It is located on the top floor of the hotel. The entire floor has been made into a suite. You can have a bird's-eye view of the entire city A. It is extremely luxurious and beautiful.

Putting one hand in his trouser pocket, Mo Chen walked towards the European-style round arch door with one hand in his trouser pocket. The nameplate on it said "888", which was the room he had agreed with Bai Manman.

His eyes were fixed, his face darkened, and he took out his room card, ready to open the door and enter, but just as he stretched out his hand, the door opened from the inside.

"Chen... you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time!" The woman's enchanting and tactful coquettishness came from inside, and then a slender hand stretched out, and the bright red fingertips gently hooked his tie, and moved towards him. Pull it inside.

Mo Chen was unmoved, and stood at the door like a sculpture, with cold eyes.

The hand froze for a moment, and then a soft laugh sounded, "Chen... what's the matter with you? Come on! I miss you!" The hand also slowly climbed onto his shoulder, with an extremely enchanting In a charming posture, she fell into his arms.

Mo Chen instinctively wanted to back up, but the man wrapped himself around him very quickly like a water snake, and whispered coquettishly, "Chen, where are you going! He almost fell! You don't even know what to do?" Caring about people."

The eye movements, the charming smile, the intoxicating fragrance, and the fragrance of the jade are the most uncontrollable scenes for men.

But Mo Chen was indifferent, he glanced at the woman in his arms indifferently, raised his hand and lifted her aside, and said coldly: "Miss Bai, you should wash up."

Bai Manman was stunned for a moment, then looked at the translucent sexy pajamas on his body, the snow-white skin was faintly visible, the curves were exquisite and tight, every inch was like a silent invitation, obviously very seductive and charming, no man would have The method is unmoved.

But why did he say that?Time to wash up?Does he mean that he is not clean?Too voluptuous? !

Bai Manman's face changed, and he opened his mouth to defend, but Mo Chen had already left her aside, and strode into the room by himself.

When the words came to her lips, she could only hold them back abruptly. Bai Manman's face was a little ugly, but when she thought about what was going to happen later, her eyes lit up again.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't accept it now, she will always find a way to convince him later, she has the confidence and ability!
Pursing her lips and chuckling softly, Bai Manman ignored the discomfort in her heart just now, closed the door, twisted her waist like a water snake, and walked towards Mo Chen enchantingly.

Mo Chen glanced at her indifferently, as if looking at a piece of wood, without any emotion, sat lazily on the sofa, and said, "Now that you see me, what then? Your conditions? "

"Chen... We haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't mention those unhappy things as soon as you open your mouth, okay?" Bai Manman cast a wink at her, Mo Chen looked at her expressionlessly, and she smiled embarrassingly Smiling, he walked up to Mo Chen with three steps, wanting to sit on Mo Chen's lap.

Mo Chen suddenly sat on the other side, she jumped at nothing, and with a bang, she sat down heavily on the sofa, almost breaking her ass.

"Oh!" Bai Manman exclaimed, her face immediately turned pale, but she was not discouraged, she leaned against Mo Chen, crying painfully: "Chen, it hurts from the fall, you can touch it, and it will hurt." My ass is swollen, it really hurts!"

She wanted to take Mo Chen's hand to her private place, but Mo Chen suddenly gave her a cold look, and put his hand firmly on his knee, no matter how hard she pulled it, she couldn't pull it.

Bai Manman felt a little embarrassed this time, but he didn't want to let go of this great opportunity. With a flash in his eyes, he thought of another way, and directly leaned his chest against his hand.

"Chen, I was frightened just now, my heart is beating so fast! You can help her breathe smoothly!" She panted delicately, while gently rubbing her breasts on Mo Chen's hands.

Mo Chen turned his head, looked coldly at her shy and flushed face, and suddenly laughed mockingly, "If Miss Bai is not feeling well, I'll take you to the hospital, in case something bad happens, I can't take the responsibility."

"Chen... I don't want to go to the hospital, I just want your comfort!" Bai Manman hugged his hand and refused to let go, and the whole person followed him, rubbing gently, "Why are you so ignorant?" What about the style? You don’t even try to comfort them!”

Mo Chen pulled his hand out and sneered, "You don't have to pretend, do you? We both know our purpose, so let's skip this link and get straight to the point!"

Bai Manman froze for a moment, then raised his head, took a deep look at Mo Chen, and then laughed, "Mo Chen, Mo Chen, you really don't miss old feelings at all! I wanted to I want to give you a chance to show off, if I am happy, I might still put it on as before, but I never thought that you would not give me any kindness, if this is the case, then I don't have to be polite."

"Where is An'an?" Mo Chen didn't bother to talk to her, and asked straight to the point.

Bai Manman's complexion changed, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes, "You only have An Ruchu in your eyes! She will always be the only one! No matter how hard I try, you will never take another look at me! As soon as she appears, you You can completely forget about me! Mo Chen! Are you really that heartless?!"

Mo Chen only had one sentence, "Where is An An?"

Bai Manman's eyes froze suddenly, her face full of conspiracy, she stared at Mo Chen's face, and said fiercely: "Mo Chen! Let me tell you! I hid her! I will not hand her over to you Yes! Unless, let me get you! Otherwise, you just wait and see her being raped by other men!"

(End of this chapter)

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