Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 258 I have something important to ask you

Chapter 258 I have something important to ask you
"Boss, are you really going to find that heartless woman?" As soon as Su Hang got into the car, the driver Xiao Liu turned his head, his funny horoscope eyebrows drooped, and he looked reluctant.

Suhang glanced at him indifferently, "Why? Now the boss has to ask you about everything?"

"Oh no!" Xiao Liu hurriedly said, "I just think this woman is so bad that even the young lady won't let her go. What do you think you're going to do with her? Just throw her into prison and forget it!"

Suhang lowered his head, slowly twirled the jade ring on his thumb, and said in a deep voice after a while: "No matter what, she is also An An's mother, and I always have to make a break."

"An'an?" Xiao Liu was stunned for a moment before suddenly realizing, "Oh, you're talking about Miss! I'm still used to the Susu you called when you were talking to yourself."

Suhang raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly, a sense of majesty came out without saying a word, "Your skin is itchy? Huh?"

"Hahahaha! No!" Xiao Liu smiled resentfully, and found himself a step down, "Ah boss, where does the woman you mentioned live?"

Suhang didn't bother with him, and reported an address lightly. Seeing that Xiao Liu was about to nag again, a look flew over, Xiao Liu shrank his head in embarrassment, drove obediently, and stopped talking.

Only when driving halfway up, Xiao Liu couldn't hold back anymore, and said honestly, "Actually! What I want to say is, Boss, you are obviously the boss of the gang, why do you always act so politely? If According to the rules, Ye Qing and her daughter can be arrested directly, and the young lady can deal with it as she wants, how relieved!"

Suhang glanced at him, but didn't answer directly. He looked out of the window with a blurred expression.

This Xiaoliu was an orphan he picked up in the rain of swords, guns and swords. Over the years, he has been taking him by his side as a son and raising him. He is both a bodyguard and a driver, so he can be said to be a confidant.So no matter what Xiao Liu said, he just laughed it off.

But what Xiao Liu said now, he couldn't figure it out.It is obvious that I have shed so much blood to break into this name. I dare not say that I am the number one in the country, but the area centered on City A is my territory.

No matter what I say, I can be regarded as a person. I shouldn't pay so much attention to the law, and just do it if I don't like it.He used to do the same.

However, as he grew older, he became tired of such a life of fighting and killing, began to yearn for a peaceful life, and began to miss the daughter who had hardly seen each other, so he gradually became the casual woman he is now. With a refined appearance, if he hadn't admitted it, who would have known that he belonged to the underworld?

In addition, another reason why he didn't want to use illegal means was also because An Ruchu, she was different from them, she was a good girl with pure duty, she would definitely not agree to use such a method.

He can't go against her wishes, and he doesn't want to pollute her, so let's choose this legal and gentle way!As for how to deal with it in the end, he chose to put this right in her hands.

"Susu, she..." Suhang stared, and said leisurely: "She is so kind, maybe she won't be able to do it!"

Xiao Liu said: "Hey! What can't be done with that kind of woman, if she can't do it, I'll do it for you!"

"Xiao Liu!" Su Hang glanced at him, and said seriously: "Don't meddle in this matter."

Xiao Liu nodded again and again, "Okay! I just don't move, I just can't see." He looked at Suhang from the mirror, and asked curiously: "I'm just curious. At that time, you and How and Ye Qing Did she catch up? She is not good enough for you, Boss!"

"Xiao Liu! If you talk about it again, I won't let you come in the car, you go back and take care of the things in the gang!" Suhang's face sank instantly when he heard that sentence, and his tone was inviolable Majestic and ruthless.

Xiao Liu knew that he was really angry, curled his lips, and didn't dare to speak anymore.

After sending Suhang to Ye Qing's residence, Xiaoliu wisely drove the car under the shadow of the tree, and kept guard at a certain distance, even if there was any situation, he could rush in directly.

Suhang looked up at this high-end apartment before walking in, and looked for it according to the address he found.

At the door of that address, garbage has piled up like a mountain, all of which are household garbage such as instant noodles and lunch boxes. It can be seen that the owner here has not gone out for a long time.

Suhang frowned in disgust, covered his mouth and nose, and knocked on the door, but no one came to answer the door. He thought he had made a mistake, so he checked the address again and found it was correct. He rang the doorbell again, and knocked hard again. door for a while.

"Who! I didn't order takeaway today!" After a while, he heard the sound of footsteps, and Ye Qing yelled impatiently: "It's so noisy!"

Suhang didn't say anything, just stood at the door waiting for her to open it, Ye Qing didn't know it would be him, opened the door without vigilance, and opened his mouth to scold, "Who doesn't have eyes..."

She only spoke halfway through, when she looked up, she was dumbfounded, "Why... why are you here?!"

"Why can't I come? Anyway, we have had a dewy relationship, right?!" Suhang glanced at her coldly, passed her directly, and walked into the house on his own.

Oncoming, there was an unpleasant smell of alcohol, Suhang covered his nose, frowned and saw that there were wine bottles all over the floor, rolling everywhere.

"You have today!" Suhang felt hateful and pathetic, and couldn't help laughing mockingly, "When you harmed your own flesh and blood, why didn't you think that there would be retribution?"

Ye Qing was startled, came back to his senses, stared at Suhang's back, gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell are you trying to do? Come and see my joke?!"

Su Hang turned his head slowly and smiled, "If I say yes, what can you do to me?"

"You!" Ye Qing's face turned pale with anger, but at this moment she could only hold back her anger, no matter how upset she was, she dared not vent it.

She gritted her teeth, turned her head away, and said coldly: "If you really came to see my joke, then you have seen it now, please go!"

"What's the rush?" Su Hang smiled, kicked the wine bottle away, found a clean sofa, and sat down comfortably, as comfortable as he wanted, he looked at Ye Qing and laughed jokingly, "It wasn't like this when you threw yourself into your arms!"

Ye Qing's face turned pale, and his expression became a little unnatural, "You, what are you talking about! I don't know!"

"Hehe!" Suhang sneered twice, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, anyway, many people remember. Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you, there are still photos!"

Ye Qing's face instantly turned livid, and his fingers were shaking with anger, "You! Don't go too far!"

"Compared to you, what am I?" Suhang leaned back leisurely, his eyes squinting, "I know everything you have done to An An, and don't expect me to let you go. I will do nothing, including your husband and daughter, I will not let go of any of them!"

Ye Qing clenched his fist tightly, fixed his eyes on Suhang, and said word by word: "Then what do you mean by coming today? What do you want?!"

"No reason, besides laughing at you, I have one more important thing to ask you." Suhang met her gaze and looked into the bottom of his eyes coldly.

Ye Qing was startled, "What's the matter?!"

Su Hang looked at her, and said word by word: "I want to know, did you have a share with the surname Bai when you kidnapped Mo Chen? I want to know, did you take An An's necklace back then?!"

With a sway of his body, a trace of panic flashed in Ye Qing's eyes, he leaned his back against the wall, bit his lip, and fell silent.

On the third day after An Ruchu's operation, she still hadn't woken up, but compared to before, her complexion looked better, and she would move her fingers occasionally.

The doctor came to see and said that there were signs of waking up, and asked Mo Chenduo to talk to her, maybe she could wake up earlier.

Finally, there were some signs of relaxation on Mo Chen's tense face, he felt relieved a little, and followed the doctor's words, talking to her a lot every day, talking about the past, the future, and everything about the two of them.

Although An Ruchu didn't wake up, she seemed to be able to hear it, and sometimes she would move her eyelashes when she was touching. Whenever this happened, Mo Chen would be overjoyed.

When Mina and Qingqing came, they happened to witness the scene where An Ruchu's eyelashes were trembling slightly, but they were too excited. The two of them hugged each other and almost stopped screaming.

"Great! This is a good sign! It seems that Chuchu is about to wake up!" Mina was overjoyed, grabbed Qingqing's hand, and danced nonstop.

Qingqing was too happy to say anything, she didn't know much about the recent events, and Mo Chen also blocked the news, so she also found out about it by chatting with Mina by accident, so she hurried over to have a look, unexpectedly , just happened to encounter such a good scene.

Seeing the two of them, Mo Chen nodded symbolically, and said nothing, and then wiped An Ruchu's face again.

Seeing him taking care of him so carefully, Mina and Qingqing were very relieved. They were worried that this Bingshan face was too cold and could not take care of others, but looking at it now, it was really unnecessary to worry.

"An An will probably wake up soon, what are you going to do with Ye Qing?" Mina looked at Mo Chen's busy figure, and couldn't help asking this tricky question.

Mo Chen's hand twisting the towel paused for a moment, and then he said: "An'an can do whatever she says, Suhang and I both respect her choice."

Qingqing frowned, "Who is Suhang?"

Mina squeezed her hand, signaled her to talk later, and then said to Mo Chen: "Although I say I respect her, but according to her personality, I might really be unbearable."

"It's her choice not to bear it, and I respect her." Mo Chen said firmly.

Mina sighed, and looked at An Ruchu, "That's right, these things really have to be handled by herself, I hope she won't feel entangled!"

"En!" Mo Chen wrung out the towel and helped An Ruchu wipe his fingers, each finger was wiped gently and carefully, like a peerless treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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