Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 102 The Current Situation of the Singularity

Chapter 102 The Current Situation of the Singularity
Fujimaru Tachika fell asleep, Siegfried and Diarmuid stood guard at the door, and Matthew accompanied him to sleep—they were both girls after all.The girl was resting in the boudoir, and it would be too confusing if there were two gentlemen next to her.

Mash didn't mean to undo the Servant. She leaned sideways on the huge shield on the head of the bed, and if needed, she could pick it up at once.

Mash's level as a follower can only be said to be average, let alone third-rate, it can only be at the lower level.But fortunately, the big black shield of her Noble Phantasm has enough defensive power, and there is still a lot of space. At that height, it is enough to defend Fujimaru Tachika.

If there is an enemy attack at night, as long as you pick up the shield, you can hold her body.At that time, as long as Matthew yelled.

You don't need to defeat the enemy, you just need to delay for a second, and the two people at the door will definitely kill them.

This is why there is no Leonidas among the goalkeepers, because he is better at defense than offense.

After Arash was taken out by the red-clothed archers, Yagi Xuesai, Leonida, and Curse-Wrist Hassan were all that remained.Hassan the Cursed Wrist is the kind of person who can't sit still. He took the initiative to invite Ying to roam the streets of Rome, the capital, in order to collect more information.

Yagi Xuesai could see the anxiety under the pale skull mask.

Yes, restlessness.

Cursed Arm Hassan is the one with the most embarrassing relationship among the current companions.

Curse-arm Hassan, Artoria-alter and Medea, these three people originally appeared as enemies of Fuyuki's singularity.The current curse-arm Hassan, like the ancient generals, is eager to make meritorious deeds and atone for his sins.

He has keenly discovered that Chaldea will have more and more servants in the future because of its special system. At that time, there will be too many people to choose from, and he will have no chance to express himself at that time.

Among other things, just the proud, complacent, and outrageously strong golden rider of Fuyuki's singularity, if he responds to Fujimaru Tateka's call one day, then he really has nothing to do with him.After all, there are too few places to go to the singularity, and my own value is only to explore information.But this matter, Arash can also do it, he still has clairvoyance.Not worse than myself at all.

It was this anxiety that made him a little... [greedy].

Want to get recognized quickly.

After the cursed Hassan left, only Leonidas was left with Yagi Yusai.

The presence of an ancient Spartan warrior and the strongest guard who is good at shield tactics made him feel at ease.

Mash can sleep with Fujimaru Tachika, Leonidas forget it...

So, Yagi Xuesai took him to other places.

"Huh? It's so late, what can I do for you?"

As the door knocked, a gentle female voice came from inside.

He probably guessed who the person was at the door. There was no conjecture in the female voice, but she used interrogative sentences out of politeness.

So, what she said was not [Who] but [Do you want me to do anything].

"Well, as the chatter king of Chaldea, I'm here tonight to chat up—as servants, we don't need to sleep, so why don't we make good use of this time?"

Yagi Yusai's playful answer caused the woman inside to let out a slight puff, holding back a smile, the door opened, revealing a helpless smile in Boudica's smile.

It's like seeing my younger brother play tricks on me successfully, and then feel helpless, and feel that he has grown up very well, this kind of entangled mood.

Yagi Xuesai knew something about Boudica's matter.

As the queen of Britain, she was bullied by the Roman Empire, and her two daughters were given to her face to face... So the angry queen swung a sharp knife at the Roman Empire and led her subjects to rebel against the Roman Empire.

How should I put it? After knowing that this singularity is Rome, Yagi Xuesai carefully searched for some information about Rome in his mind. How should I put it...I feel that Rome is a country with...a lot of uprisings?Sure enough, because the empire is too big, there are rebellions everywhere...

Therefore, although Yagi Xuesai didn't say anything, there was always a lump in his heart, why Queen Boudica was here.

Shouldn't she be the one who, for the sake of her own country, swung the sword at Emperor Nero?
With this question in mind, he knocked on the door of Queen Boudica's room.

Then, he hid his true heart under the frivolous gesture that he pretended to be.

Ah, by the way, for Yagi Yusai, who is both a virgin and a nerd, if Queen Boudica takes seriously what she just talked about, it would be a good start.

"Come in first, it's hard to talk while standing outside. This kid, who has inherited the sword, likes to talk about such things. Do boys of this age like such topics?"

The red-haired beauty in white invited the two people at the door into the room.Because of Mordred's relationship before, Yagi Yusai didn't have time to take a closer look at Her Majesty the Queen. Now, it seems that she has a good appearance, a gentle temperament, and a chest very powerful.

If expressed by the ability parameters of the heroic spirit, it probably feels somewhere between A+ and EX?

Perhaps it was because she had given birth to a child, and she exuded a kind of gentle feeling unique to motherhood. Yagi Yusai was probably regarded as a child by her.

Boudica showed a troubled smile and muttered: I only have two daughters, so I don't understand the mood of a boy of this age.

Seeing her troubled expression so earnestly, Yagi Yukisai felt a sense of guilt instead.

"Sorry, I was joking just now, I just wanted to talk about this singularity."

"Didn't I say that we will talk about difficult and complicated things tomorrow?"

Boudica asked with a smile.

"So, I'm not here to ask [difficult and complicated things], I'm here to ask [dark and bloody things]. Even if it's my machismo, I don't want Lixiang to hear too much about this kind of topic... different from me."

Yagi Xuesai's expression dimmed for a moment, but in an instant, he returned to his normal posture.

"...Yeah, the master from the future. If you know my will probably be very strange. Why... I, who once waved the flag of rebellion against Rome, lived in the Roman Empire so peacefully for a while Inland. You, want to ask this?"

Sitting in front of the table, Boudica lifted the white porcelain plate from the container in front of him, revealing the delicate snacks inside.

"Then, I'll tell you about the long night. But it won't be very interesting, and it won't fit the image of a follower. After hearing it, don't hate me."

Queen Boudica took a piece and handed it to Yagi Yusai, and took a piece herself, and took a bite, as if she was going to use food to relieve her mood. She was silent for a while, as if thinking about where to start, a little while, She gently parted her vermilion lips and slowly told her story.

(End of this chapter)

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