Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 115 Rebellious Knight VS Young King

Chapter 115 Rebellious Knight VS Young King
Probably stimulated by the hidden meaning contained in a certain sentence, Mordred now looks unhappy.

She is not an ordinary human being, she is similar to [artificial human] in terms of classification.Her life is not as long as that of human beings, and naturally, she cannot have the same future and creativity as human beings.Stimulated by the idea of ​​[future self] in Alexander's mouth, Mordred now just wants to give that young master a hard kick in the face.

As the saying goes, impulse is the devil.When people are furious, they tend not to make too correct judgments and focus too much on the things in front of them. Although obeying and fighting with enthusiasm will make the offensive more fierce, but at the same time it will also make it difficult to see clearly what is hidden on the other side. A matter of detail.

Yagi Xuesai watched the battle from the sidelines, secretly applauding in his heart, he deserves to be Alexander.

As the king who conquers the world, bravery alone is not enough.

Being able to quickly recognize the gap in strength between oneself and the enemy, and recognize this gap to think about tactics, this kind of nimble agility, modern people cannot do.

Modern people are often constrained by the boring face, and it is difficult to admit that they are ahead of others.I always feel that "others are lucky" and "others have a background" and so on, instead of reflecting on whether I am really weaker than others.

Alexander knew very well that her attributes were much weaker than Mordred's, so the only chance of winning was tactics and strategy, so that she could expose her weaknesses as much as possible.

The armor on Mordred's limbs dissipated. It was originally armor cast by magic power, but now it also disappeared with her mood, revealing slender limbs.With a red bust and a red petticoat on her body, while losing the defensive power of the armor, she will no longer be bound by the armor.The same is true for the helmet on his head. Mordred is currently in a state of focusing on attack power.

And... although it wasn't explained.

But in fact, Mordred's helmet is a [Noble Phantasm] that cannot be used at the same time as his Noble Phantasm, Real Name Liberation.If you want to release the real name of the sword in your hand, you must take off the helmet.

Alexander also felt her aura and narrowed his eyes.

"This is really exciting."

Although he was only a boy, he was a man who was going to be king in the future. Anticipating the upcoming fierce battle, his chest was full of eager emotions.

Thunder suddenly appeared.

The red blow rolled the spreading thunder, and the raging magic power spread from the blade to the surroundings. Amidst the flash of lightning, the blade rolled towards Alexander with great force.

Alexander picked up the sword with one hand, pressed the blade with his left hand, and blocked her blow with a bang.

The whole person seemed to be thrown flying stones, the skinny boy was completely thrown out!When the blades met, he felt all the violent force hit him along the blades. Alexander gritted his teeth and flew in mid-air.

"Oh, then, it's the end!"

Even a heroic spirit cannot move freely in mid-air. Mordred is well aware of this. Alexander who was thrown into the air has no place to escape in mid-air.Putting the sword behind his back, he bent his legs to accumulate energy, the red lightning flashed on the blade, and jumped up with both feet, Mordred was about to cut him in half in mid-air with one sword!

"Busy Faras!"

Suddenly, the young Alexander's voice sounded.

There is neither despair nor pain, on the contrary, it is full of joy and excitement.

Blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth, but there was only a smile on the boy's face.

He called an unfamiliar name.

Before Mordred had time to react, he felt a blackness on the top of her head, and the strong magic power condensed on top of her head. The next moment, Mordred felt a pain on his face, and his whole body was hit by a huge force, from mid-air fell down.

With a bang, like in a cartoon, an exaggeratedly large hole was knocked out of the ground, the dust rose violently, and the yellow smoke instantly hid Mordred's body.

Looking at the sky again, the young man riding a black military horse made a beautiful leap and landed on the ground.Riding on the horse almost in a crawling posture, the boy Alexander showed a happy expression on his face.

"Let's start to ravage the hegemony."

He squinted his eyes, and his already handsome facial features combined to reveal a smile that could be called beautiful.

"This is—the sword that will destroy my father! Clarent-Blood-Arthur! (Treason against my magnificent father)"

In the smoke screen, Mordred's voice seemed a little hoarse.

The crimson magic power mixed with the dark aura of disaster turned into a thick and violent torrent of magic power, piercing through the smoke screen like a sharp blade, and hitting in the direction of Alexander.

The black horse under his command had been prepared for a long time, and his strong hooves stepped up, and the black horse of the gods [Busifalas] moved quickly with his master.

However, the torrent of red and black magic power did not stop for a moment, turning and chasing after it.

As a result, the black horse Buciferas could only be forced to run along a circle, avoiding the exaggerated attack that was almost like a beam cannon that was hot on its heels.Surrounding the arc, it keeps approaching the scattered smoke screen in the center.

This is Mordred's Noble Phantasm.

As a rebellious knight, Mordred killed King Arthur.

Destroyed the once glorious Knights of the Round Table.

once destroyed Britain.

This blow is the embodiment of this legend.

Red thunder, black disaster.

However, as a Servant, Mordred cannot be without restrictions.Especially this kind of treasure that shoots out the torrent of magic power, as long as it delays, it will definitely find a flaw.At the moment when the magic power is exhausted, there will be a gap.

At that time, it is the only chance to defeat her.

Although Alexander was fighting Mordred for the first time, his own experience as an adult still echoed in his mind. Although he didn't feel it, he did provide the correct battle guidance.

Alexander walked around the arena, and Mordred's treasured light beam became thinner and thinner.

It is worth mentioning that this arena seems to have been protected by magic. I don't know if it was made by Nero or someone else. Blocked by the faint brilliance, the power did not affect the audience on the field. Thanks to this, Fujimaru Tatsuka and others were able to watch the battle safely.

Not only did Mordred's treasure fail to kill Alexander, but it didn't even destroy the venue. It seemed like a useless effort.

The red and black light beams are getting weaker and weaker until they gradually disappear.

"It's now! For the destination that will eventually arrive! The initial ravages and hegemony!!"

Alexander roared his Noble Phantasm name, and poured all his little magic power into the body of the black horse Busifalas. At this time, the black horse of the god steed almost revealed a faint brilliance, and its speed increased all of a sudden. one gear.

"Now? I think so too!"

Suddenly, Mordred's unfriendly tone sounded from the smoke screen, with a ruffian like a hooligan, her high-pitched and sharp voice pierced the smoke screen with the bright silver sword light!The blade stabbed towards Alexander's neck! !

(End of this chapter)

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