Chapter 129

With Mordred's hook on his feet, Yagi Yusai's whole body tripped again, and Mordred's sword directly pressed his sword and approached.

(Is this kind of trick again?)
Yagi Xuesai smiled wryly in his heart, this Mordred really doesn't feel like a knight at all.

Then... I don't have to have to... right?
There is a saying in China that an eye for an eye is an eye for an eye...

Yagi Yusai's foot that was originally lifted by Mordred did not fall, but followed this force and kicked directly between Mordred's legs.

This is one of the three tricks that must be won when street gangsters fight.

By the way, the other two tricks are using bricks to call someone's head and grabbing sand to catch the other's eyes.

Modern magicians don't just learn magic tricks, they also learn self-defense—that's right!This shit is not self-defense at all, is it? !
While Yagi Xuesai secretly slandered himself, he kept on stepping.

This blow hit directly, and Mordred only felt a pain. Although he was protected by armor, Yagi Yusai's hit, compared with the [direct kick] damage, was condensed on the feet, and the magic power that rushed out That's the really scary stuff.

Mordred's complexion changed, and his originally fair skin suddenly turned pale.

"You bastard... you're too nasty!"

Fortunately, Mordred is not physically male, otherwise the victory would be decided with just one kick.

"Ah, this is the so-called repaying the other with the way of the other."

Yagi Yusai took advantage of the moment when she was in pain, and felt that she pulled back and retreated. Now her foot hurts badly. First, she was kicked in the ankle by Mordred, and then kicked on the armor under her crotch. Neither was a good experience for his feet.

(Thanks to the fact that it wasn't Achilles who fused with me, otherwise I would have died just now.)
Unexpectedly, he can still think of such nonsensical things in his mind, which proves that he is not yet desperate.

The fight with Mordred didn't look like a duel, it was simply a fight between two street punks.

Yagi Xuesai regained his stance, and before Mordred could attack, he raised his big sword and slashed at him.Top down, head on.Before Mordred could recover, the armor on his body turned with a click, and the helmet separated from the breastplate, wrapped it around his head again, and intercepted Yagi Yusai's blow with a bang.

Even with the protection of the helmet, Mordred felt his head hurt.But it did wake her up.

In the past, she was the only one who used this kind of beast, not remembering her reputation, only thinking about the outcome of the tactics, but today she was used by others to fool her...

"It's interesting, you bastard... But you should be ready, right? Be prepared to be killed once by me, Mordred!"

Mordred said angrily, resisting Yagi Yusai's blow with his helmet, picked up the sword with both hands, and swept towards his stomach.

However, Yagi Xuesai's response is even more wonderful.

I saw that after he hit Mordred's helmet with one blow, he didn't approach forward, instead, he stepped back!The blade rattled like a saw on Mordred's helmet!
"Oh, isn't this Sasaki's trick?"

Cu Chulainn, who was watching the battle, muttered in a low voice.

Although Siegfried didn't speak, the concern and tension between his eyebrows were not lost to Yagi Yusai on the battlefield.

Yes, this is not a trick of a knight sword or a big sword at all.

Neither of these two kinds of weapons have such tricks. These two kinds of weapons rely on strength, or [weight] to overwhelm and kill the opponent.

And this kind of trick relies on [the sharpness of the weapon] to hurt the opponent.

This is a tactic that Sasaki Kojiro often uses. Using the unique sharpness of the samurai sword, he touches the opponent with one blow, and then cuts directly.Moreover, Kojiro's sword is very long, and he can easily play with swordsmen who can't get close to him with this kind of swordsmanship that breaks away with one blow.

Cu Chulainn has been in Rome for a month, and he has played against Sasaki Kojiro many times, and he has often seen him use this.

It turned out that Yagi Yusai was in a hurry and didn't care about anything else. Thinking that Mordred's sword was going to cut him in the stomach, he could only use this move.While keeping the distance, it can also hurt Mordred.

This works thanks to the fact that Balmonk is a great sword, much longer in length than Mordred's knight sword.

However, just when he was about to continue playing this rhythm, Mordred curled his lips, snorted, and muttered:
"Mortal wisdom."

Starting with these words, at a very close distance, Mordred stopped his slashing movement and returned it with one hand. He actually folded the sword he had just swiped in the opposite direction, and then - threw it out!

This is the trick she used when fighting Alexander in the arena.At that time, there was a smoke screen blocking it, Yagi Xuesai hadn't seen clearly what was going on, and it was only then that he realized the insidiousness and viciousness of this move.

If the thrown sword is not blocked, it will be stabbed, and if it is blocked, it will stop. With Mordred's speed, this moment is enough for her to fight over.

With the release of magic power, even ordinary punches and kicks can exert terrifying power. Yagi Yusai has personally experienced the power of Mordred's blow!

Before he could dodge in time, he felt a tingling pain in his abdomen.The blade cut through his body, and the severe pain spread all over his body. The severe pain directly affected his concentration. As soon as his hand softened, Mordred was already approaching.

She kicked up and put it on the hilt of the sword on Yagi Xuesai's chest.

Originally, the blade was thrown, but it only slightly poked in, leaving more than half of it outside.As a result, with Mordred's kick, the entire sword didn't enter the wound, and was directly stabbed out, leaving only the hilt of the sword remaining outside the body.

Kicked away by this force, Mordred grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands at the moment he was kicked away. Immediately afterwards, a red thunder burst out, and the red magic lightning spread out from the blade, without any wasted energy. Along the wound, rolled into Yagi Yusai's abdomen.


The blade was separated from the human scabbard, making a dull and viscous sound.

Then, there was the sound of blood spilling on the ground.


After hitting him violently, Mordred breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more comfortable.

"I say you……"

She got up, shook off the blood on the blade of the sword in her hand, and approached Yagi Yusai who was lying on the ground.

"It's too weak! You're pitifully weak! Are you considered someone who has inherited the holy sword?"

According to her personality, she originally wanted to kick him, but Siegfried and Cu Chulainn next to her showed a kind of silent pressure, so she had no choice but to give up.

"I can't help it... After all, I'm just an ordinary person... I'm far from being able to fight like you. I really deserve to be the orthodox heir of King Arthur. It's really... quite a powerful blow..."


Mordred didn't understand what he meant.

However, Lord Mordred, who has already won the victory, is not worried that he will fight back.Anyway, there is still time, just listen to what he has to say.

(End of this chapter)

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