Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 140 Mordred's Sword Technique

Chapter 140 Mordred's Sword Technique

In a word, Mordred's swordsmanship is a very exaggerated practical skill.

In the confrontation with the Chimera, Mordred can be seen many times kicking the enemy away, or raising the sand and charming eyes, or throwing his own sword. It doesn't look like a knight at all. style of play.

Before meeting Mordred, Yagi Yusai’s impression of knights came entirely from novels and games, in which knights were always described as noble and tough warriors, and their movements were simple but full of formal martial arts.In the game, knights are generally defensive characters with simple swordsmanship or skills, and known for their high defense power, which is somewhat stereotyped.

Mordred completely subverted this impression.

If it is said that the knights in Yagi Xuesai's impression before were mountains, lakes, and things that gave people a sense of stability and tranquility, then Mordred was a flame, and it was an exaggerated flame that could burn down mountains and forests.

Mordred made full use of his mobility advantages, quickly passed around the enemy, and used his sharp sword to inflict damage on the enemy. He was not in a hurry to defeat the enemy with one move. Pain and bleeding pull across opponents.

Swordsmanship is rough. If Mordred's sword is removed and replaced with an axe, there is no sense of disobedience at all. Her fighting style is simply like a berserker.


"It's very valuable, Mordred. You really deserve to be a knight of the round table!"

This is Yagi Xuesai's thought from the bottom of her heart. Although she can't teach others, this rough swordsmanship is very useful for reference, and it is very suitable for people like Yagi Xuesai who have no foundation in swordsmanship.

In fact, Mordred's swordsmanship is not obtained from [training], but from [actual combat]. She pays more attention to actual combat effects, that is, [killing targets] than rigorous and formal and beautiful.For the current Yagi Xuesai, this kind of swordsmanship is more suitable.

"Yeah! You kid said something that should be said with a serious face!"

Mordred seemed a little shy, but her face was more proud, she puffed up her unexplained chest, and let out a great breathing sound from her nose, as if to cover up her emotions, she bumped Yagi with her elbow chest.

"I'm so strong, isn't it natural!"

She felt more and more that this subordinate was pretty good, at least he would worship her with this respectful tone, without being too rigid.

When she was in the Knights of the Round Table, most of the Knights of the Round Table looked down on her, and the ordinary knights below respected her and revered her to the point of rigidity, which made her feel very boring.It was the first time I met someone like Yagi Xuesai, who seemed to respect me very much, but didn't care about talking to me in a relaxed and chatty tone at all.

Mordred looked up at the sun...

"...Wow! Final! Totally forgot!"

She grabbed her hair with both hands, with a regretful look on her face.

"He also said that this time we must compete with that dragon slayer..."

There was a feeling in her tone that she had fought Siegfried before.

"Have you ever known each other?"

"Hmm... I have a little impression. I probably saw it once in the previous Holy Grail War. Well, never mind!"

Mordred thought for a while, but couldn't recall the specific details, so he took it carelessly.

"Mordred, it's better to remember something important like this."

On the side, Boudica instructed her softly, and this concern made Mordred frown impatiently.

"I know, I know!"

Muttering like a rebellious child, she put Boudica off the hook.

Looking at these three people, Cu Chulainn inexplicably saw the feeling of a family of three.

"Well, as long as there is something to gain, now it's almost time for Emperor Nero to parade in the streets. Want to join in the fun?"

Cu Chulainn asked.

Yagi Xuesai was hesitating, while Mordred waved his hand and said, "No need, that kind of fancy thing, anyway, there is a night market at night, I will stay here for a while."

"Then I'll be with you too."

"Oh! You are very self-motivated! Very good, very good!"

Yagi Yusai's answer made Mordred extremely happy, and this novelty of teaching others made her feel strangely excited.

Cu Chulainn smiled wryly and said, "Then what else can I say? Then I will accompany you guys! Spend your youthful sweat to your heart's content, boy!"

Cu Chulainn looked at them with a look of "I'm not sweating anyway", smiling.

Boudica first went to the person in charge of the arena to explain the situation, because during this period of time, Mordred would practice independently like this every day, and the person in charge of the Roman Empire arena was used to it.New gladiators and beasts have long been arranged.

Whether it's ostentatious or really rich, in short, the Roman Empire gave people a feeling of abundance that didn't lack anything in terms of form.

The next sword fighter... said to be a sword fighter...but it has a weird shape. First of all, it is more than three meters tall, enough to be called a giant.

Then there is... the blue skin, no matter how you look at it, it is not a human being.There are lifelike black wings on the back—no, those things are real wings at all.Like the legendary devil, he has black bat wings and his body is not naked, but it can be clearly observed that his muscles are as tight as steel, and his wide wrists are covered with cuticles. paw.

The eyes glowed purple faintly, and the monster's head with two feet was staring at it with a hunter's gaze.

This thing, no matter how you look at it, is not a human being, but a demon or something.

"This is the pride of the Roman arena, demon sword fighter! The so-called devil of the arena!"

"Hey, this thing is a real demon no matter how you look at it!"

Yagi Xuesai complained, but the person in charge of the arena didn't answer at all, but just urged the two to start fighting.

The demon was bound in chains, and two Romans unchained it and gave it orders.

In fact, where do other people give orders?Since the demon was captured, the daily tasks are the same, and he has long been used to it.

The faint purple eyes locked on Yagi Yusai, and Mordred snorted, drew a sword flower with the blade in his hand, and finally copied the sword with both hands, posing a posture: "Look at this side! This is the opponent!"

Knowing that she was protecting herself, Yagi Yusai casually materialized the holy sword, held it in her hand, lowered her posture, and made an attack together.

In previous gladiatorial fights, it was not uncommon to fight multiple opponents, and there was nothing strange about the demon sword fighter. He accumulated magic power in his hands, and the rich white light condensed in his hands, turning into a ball of shining light.


Mordred gave an order, and Yagi Yusai ran away with her at the same time, attacking in two completely different directions!

(End of this chapter)

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