Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 143 The Roman Baths

Chapter 143 The Roman Baths
Cu Chulainn really wasn't lying.

If you give this thing to a person in the magic world, I am afraid that he will have to exchange it with Cu Chulainn if he is not bankrupt.

The orthodox term in the magic world is [Heart of the Wild God].

It is also the abbreviation of "Heart of Savage Subgod".

It's really an abbreviation for the grades of elementary school students that make people laugh and cry.

In short, it is a special heart that only sub-god-level monsters and monsters have. Like the heart of a dragon, it can generate magic power just by breathing.Moreover, from the point of view [even if the body dies, the heart can still beat correctly and arouse the magic power], the heart of the wild god is a stronger treasure than the heart of the dragon.

Of course, the magic power of the heart of the barbarian contains the curse of the sub-god, so if one is not careful, the user himself will be cursed, which is much more troublesome than using the heart of the dragon.

This thing is like a puffer fish.Delicious, but highly toxic.If a skilled chef handles it well, it will be the best seafood in the world. If it is not handled well, it will be the best poison in the world.

This kind of demon occasionally has this kind of heart.

I wonder if the comfortable life in the Roman Colosseum made this demon careless?Or is it really because its strength is not very good?Eliminated by two followers.

In various games, after killing a monster, it is a matter of course to obtain the materials on the monster.

So Cu Chulainn saw that neither of them was going to clean up this treasure, as a magician, he felt a little pity.

In fact, I felt this way when I was working on Chimera before. Chimera's hook claws are also quite rare magic materials, but these two people didn't care at all, and let the Romans clean up the Chimera's corpse on the ground.

Mordred looked at what he was holding, a suspicious look on his face.

It can be seen that she has never heard of eating the heart.

Even a rebellious knight is still a knight, and will not do the barbaric act of eating the opponent's heart alive.

The thing Cu Chulainn was holding in his hand, a beating purple heart, would not taste good no matter how you looked at it, she was grateful for it.

"Yagi, do you really don't want it? This is a very rare magic supply. Don't you want to eat it?"

"Don't eat it. Please allow me to give this thing to Chaldea—I'm from Chaldea anyway, so I can't mess with these things."

Yagi Yusai directly moved out of Chaldea as a shield.

Cu Chulainn shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, and said in his heart: Ignorant boy, there will be times when you cry in the future.

The most difficult thing for the barbarian heart is not to find it.

To be honest, monsters with this kind of heart are not uncommon, but it is not easy to peel them off so completely.

First of all, the beheading must avoid the heart, and it must not be destroyed.

Secondly, of course, you can't kill too much ink, otherwise, the demon uses too much magic power, and the heart will be full of curses after death, and it can't be used as magic material at all-conjurers and necromancers quite like this It's a pity that ordinary followers can't use it.

In the end, of course, you have to make sure that you won't fight for the heart.There are many cases in history where magicians teamed up to hunt demons, but ended up killing each other while sharing the spoils.

Boudica also came over and advised, "If someone doesn't want it, don't force him."

"Well, that's right~"

Cu Chulainn laughed, and helped Yagi Yusai wrap his heart with cloth, and stuffed it into his arms.

"How about it, are you going to continue today?"

Mordred hesitated for a moment.

With her personality, she would definitely continue to fight on weekdays, until night.But today is a bit special.


Because of the half-coagulated blood on his body, there is a sticky and clammy feeling, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels uncomfortable.

"Go take a shower. I can't stand this thing."

Mordred, who was spattered with blood, really couldn't stand the thing sticking to his body, Cu Chulainn looked at her sympathetically, and didn't raise any objection.

Speaking of Rome, the two most famous things are the Colosseum and the Roman Baths.

Ancient Rome was a country that loved bathing very much.

Because most of the baths in ancient Rome were funded and built by nobles and politicians, and they were mainly used to promote their financial resources and hope to gain the support of the people.Therefore, it can be as luxurious as it can be, and it can be as extravagant as it can be.The ticket price is as cheap as it can be. Many bathing places even offer free admission, and the only thing is to send money to customers.

It can be said that for most Romans, bread, wine, baths, and arenas were the whole of their lives.

In the late period of Emperor Nero's reign, it can be said that it was extremely extravagant, and the bathhouse was naturally the most luxurious.

Of course, as guests of the Roman Empire and Emperor Nero, everyone has the right to go to His Majesty Nero's [Royal Baths].Rather, Mordred took Yagi Yusai and ran to the Royal Bath without hesitation.

From her brisk steps and familiar footsteps, it can be known that she has lingered here a lot in the past month.

It was an exaggeratedly huge golden bath that could not be seen at a glance, and the outer wall could barely be confirmed as a rectangle. Roman women in tulle were waiting for guests in two teams.

Although the royal baths have the least number of people, they have the most service staff.

As soon as everyone came in, a maid came over and led everyone to the dressing room.

Originally, Yagi Xuesai thought that this kind of bathing place in the first century AD would be much worse and simpler than the bathing place in the 21st century AD. Looking at it now, this is not the case at all!

The first is the level of luxury. Of course, the baths of ancient emperors are different from the baths built by modern people who have to consider population density.

The bathhouse funded and built by Emperor Nero has a sense of rich people everywhere. It is resplendent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings. Even the pillars are carved with various images of auspicious animals.

The whole bath is divided into cold water bath, warm water bath, hot water bath, and the special bath for His Majesty.The ancillary facilities include changing rooms, massage rooms, oiling rooms, and even a steaming room similar to a modern sauna... The vaulted ceiling is filled with beautiful glass, and the sunlight is projected softly. The walls are decorated with ordinary candlesticks and quilts. The special magic lamp, the combination of the three kinds of light, together with the strong rose fragrance in the air and the hot and humid feeling of the water, shows a luxurious taste.

In the middle of the hall, there is also a jade statue of Emperor Nero in a one-to-one ratio. The place where there is no joint as a whole should be carved from a whole piece of jade.In this radiance, the clear color of jade is also dyed with slight drops of water, giving people a graceful feeling of a bathing beauty.

Secondly, it is the advanced level of the building.

Various pipes are intricately buried in the walls and the ground, and a steady stream of hot, warm or cold water is spit out from the spout decorated as a lion's head. Yagi Yusai doesn't understand how this kind of water channel is made, but he just expressed it In terms of form, this is an advanced device that is no different from the future!

It's almost like a Japanese bath...Of course, Japan can't find such a big and luxurious bath.

In the locker room, Yagi Yusai was thinking while undressing.Cu Chulainn smiled slightly, and said with a joking expression: "Yagi-kun is so lucky~"


Yagi Xuesai didn't understand, and responded blankly.

"'ll understand right away. Humph..."

Cu Chulainn sold the key, but did not untie it, laughing and anticipating what would happen after the two entered.

(End of this chapter)

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