Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 156 The Resting Master

Chapter 156 The Resting Master

On the streets of Rome, the capital, the sound of drums can be faintly heard.

Fujimaru Tachika felt the voice, turned around, but saw nothing unusual.The streets of Rome are as clean as ever, and bustling and bustling as always.There are expressions of satisfaction, joy and fatigue on people's faces.

Another sound.

In the clear blue sky, blue light surged up for an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

(Perhaps Emperor Nero is preparing fireworks? What an emperor who loves big scenes.)
With that in mind, she continued to focus on the lively streets of Rome.

Everyone is a singularity, but their styles are completely different. When Fuyuki was a singularity before, I was worried about whether it would be the kind of super-horrific war in the future. I didn't expect that the Roman singularity was so leisurely.

Of course, as the Master, what she does is sightseeing.

It's great to enjoy the style of Rome, eat, drink, and have fun.

By my side are Martha and Leonidas, one is an excellent guard, the other is an excellent saint, and Mash, a reliable junior, is enough.The protection of the two shields made Fujimaru Tatsuka feel at ease.

As for the others, Alexander was traveling, stirring the seeds of rebellion.

Although I haven't heard that he has the qualities of an orator, but he is the famous conqueror after all!Even if you have this kind of quality, it's normal!
As for the Black King, it goes without saying that she is not the kind of person who likes to act in groups.After breakfast, I headed straight to the arena with the excuse of [try to see the level of this singularity].

But that's all right.If she followed her with a cold face, probably Fujimaru Tachika would not be able to enjoy it.

(Traces of magic...)
Mirtha looked worriedly towards the direction of the sound.

As a saint, she is the most like a caster's follower among all the people. She keenly senses the traces of magic power in the air getting thicker, and Mirtha always feels a little uneasy.

Arash whispered in her ear:
"It's okay, it's Yagi."

It turned out that just after he noticed the sound, he transformed into a spirit body to the roof of a high-rise building in the capital Rome. Using his clairvoyance, he easily confirmed the scenery outside the city.

Yagi Yusai is constantly trying to liberate Balmonk's magic power, and every time he swings his sword, it will be accompanied by exaggerated magic power surges.Knowing that it was not the enemy's new weapon, he was relieved and returned to the team.

"Ah, before I knew it, it was noon."

Fujimaru Tatsuka sighed and wiped the sweat from his brow.

After taking a walk, shopping, eating a lot of food, and having fun, Fujimaru Tachika was sweating in the clear weather.

"Ah, if you want to take a bath, I know a good place."

Suddenly, Cu Chulainn spoke up.

I don't know where he came from. He was squatting on the ground to choose fruit from a small stall. He grabbed a bright red apple in his hand, wiped it casually with his sleeve, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite. .

Is this a chance encounter?
Probably by chance!

Fujimaru Tachika suddenly became a little excited. After all, this kind of plot where a handsome man suddenly talks to her is generally a galgame standard.


Fujimaru Tachika asked with great interest.

"Hmph... His Majesty Nero's—the Royal Bath! How about it, is it interesting?"

"Oh oh oh! It must be amazing!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka was immediately attracted by the statement of [Imperial Use], and his eyes lit up.

In this way, Cu Chulainn led a group of people to the bathing place dedicated to Emperor Nero.

Today's bathroom atmosphere is obviously different.

First of all, the number of maids is very large.

Much scary.

When Cu Chulainn, Yagi Xuesai, and Mordred went there, there were about a dozen maids busy.

Today there is an extra zero, and there are hundreds of maids busy.

With so many people in one breath, the hall that was originally too empty and a bit deserted was filled with excitement.

Each maid performs her own duties, and the positions are very detailed.

There are maids who deliver grapes, and apples, towels, and hot water.It is simply a waste of manpower to a certain extent, and the redundant and meaningless types of work really make people feel that this is really too extravagant.

It was also the first time for Cu Chulainn to see this battle, and this pomp only gave him one possibility...

"Wow, shouldn't it be... His Majesty Nero just happened to..."

Cu Chulainn muttered, and the maid with sharp ears nodded and said: "Yes, it is time for His Majesty Nero to take a bath. In addition, if you want to take a bath, please use the one next to it specially for nobles..."

Before the maid finished speaking, His Majesty Nero's voice was heard through the wall mixed with the sound of water.

"What? Is someone here? Is it the brave ones?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is the brave Fujimaru Tachika and his party."

"Fujimaru... who is that?"

"It is a combination of many brave men who just responded to His Majesty's call a few days ago. They were the ones who fought His Majesty Caligula in the gladiatorial fight before."

"Oh! Tell me sooner! Yu is in a good mood today, let's make an exception and allow them to come in together!"

Emperor Nero's voice was full of pleasure.

The maid nodded and bowed, and said with a smile to everyone: "You are so lucky to be able to take a bath with His Majesty."

Fujimaru Tachika has long been immersed in the excitement of being able to take a bath in such a luxurious place, so how could she care about anything else?Hearing Emperor Nero say yes, this is a good emperor at all!
An emperor who can open the back door to himself and provide himself with privileges is a good emperor. This self-interested thinking mode is too real.

Cu Chulainn was about to walk inside with a smile on his face, but just two steps away, a fat figure at the door suddenly stopped him.

"Oh my, this brave, beautiful woman is taking a bath... You can't be called a gentleman if you interrupt me casually."

He was shirtless, with a bath towel casually draped over his body. He looked bloated overall, with piles of fat. At first glance, he seemed to be close to three hundred catties, right?Wearing green olive branches as decorations on the head, the overall look is rich and has a bit of aristocratic charm.

Beside him, four maids were holding a golden sword and accompanying him.Probably, this golden sword is the treasure of this fat man, right?
"And... the gatekeeper over there is not a reasonable person... right?"

He raised his chin at the door hintingly. Emperor Caligula, who had flexed his muscles in the arena before, was wearing a golden armor and a red cape, guarding the door like a door god.

Obviously he is the same emperor as Nero, even, in terms of seniority, he is older than Nero, but he is willing to be a guard...

Cu Chulainn swallowed his saliva, and laughed twice: "Ahaha, I seem to have gone wrong. I was going to the noble bathing place just now. How can a man be accommodated in a space full of girls! Right!"

While everyone was chatting, a black-haired maid in tulle had a displeased expression flashing across her brows. Enduring the unhappiness, she held a warm wet towel in her hand and followed the maid's steps, slowly I went to the bathing place dedicated to His Majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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