Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 166 The beginning of the melee

Chapter 166 The beginning of the melee
Needless to say, this father and son...father and daughter?Mother and daughter?Ahhhhh, in short, there is no room for language intervention between these two people.

One was angry and determined to go his own way, and couldn't listen to others' words at all, while the other was aloof and indifferent, disdain to explain, and didn't bother to explain to her, and the result was that the two could only lead to tragedy.

Cu Chulainn curled his lips. He once participated in the Holy Grail War with Artoria... In his vague memory, he should be a lancer. I can't remember the specific details. It seems that he doesn't have any special intersection with Saber?In short, looking at her indifferent attitude, he also had a feeling of "ah, are you going too far?"

But based on the principle of not interfering in other people's affairs - he himself can't solve his own problems, whether it is the master of the Holy Grail War, or the love-hate entanglement with Celtic and Maeve during his lifetime , are terribly troublesome.


"Then, I'll just do a good job of supporting it, right?"

He smiled and turned his cane, and as the wooden stick turned, a row of wonderful words appeared in front of him, each word contained considerable magic power, Cu Chulainn waved his palm, and stroked on the magic letters, as if giving As if the trigger of the pistol was pulled, the magic words instantly turned into a dense fireball. The fist-sized flames surged and drew irregular arcs, hitting the two people opposite.

Rune magic is a special type of magic. Its biggest advantage is that it does not need to be chanted at all. Its second advantage is that it can exert its magical effect by engraving or writing it in other places.Moreover, the arrangement and combination of different characters can produce completely different effects.

Cu Chulainn once practiced in the Kingdom of Shadows. In addition to mastering excellent combat skills, he was also taught runes by Scathach, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. This is why he was summoned as a caster.

Taking advantage of the fact that rune magic does not require chanting, Cu Chulainn preemptively struck, and a row of flame bombs suppressed the past.

Facing the dense flames coming from the pavement, Ushiwakamaru raised his eyebrows puzzled, and tentatively understood that he was fighting now, threw the flowers in his arms into his arms, stepped a little, and the figure flashed swiftly, unexpectedly Jumped up, like an acrobat, twisted his body in mid-air, and unexpectedly slipped through the flames mysteriously!

If this was a circus performance, the house would probably be full of applause by now.

Cu Chulainn whistled, and drew a dozen times with his fingers in mid-air. One after another, runes condensed on his fingertips, and then turned into hot flames, and shot at Ushiwakamaru like an arrow. The next flame bomb became smaller and sharper, strengthening the single-point breakthrough power and speed, like a bullet, wrapped in scorching heat and flying, the surrounding air heated up rapidly, the light refracted, and the scenery became distorted.

In mid-air, Ushiwakamaru showed no fear. She pulled out the samurai sword in her hand, and with a flash of silver light, the blade had cut through the flaming bullets fired by Cu Chulainn, cutting them off in mid-air. !

"Wow, beautiful and beautiful."

Cu Chulainn raised his eyebrows, laughing without any tension.

Ushiwakamaru's speed is very fast. According to legend, her martial arts was inherited from Tengu. The super speed of monster level made her petite body rapidly pass through the flame barrage that was launched by Cu Chulainn.The slender wrist swung the samurai sword and slashed towards his head.

The knife came quickly, and Cu Chulainn quickly backed away to avoid her blade.

Then, as soon as the petite samurai landed on the ground, he tiptoed and rolled all over, forcibly transforming the impact of landing into a forward force, and chased Cu Chulainn even more quickly.

Generally speaking, casters are good at magic attacks.

In various games, the characteristics of a magician are generally based on old-fashioned settings such as [good at long-range attacks, not good at close combat, able to wear cloth armor, but not armor].

However, these are [generally speaking].

For a hero like Cu Chulainn, how could he be defenseless?
The young samurai caught up to Cu Chulainn's figure within a breath, twisted her body and cut Cu Chulainn's throat with the sharp katana.

Thinking of what was about to happen, Fujimaru Tateka in the auditorium couldn't help closing his eyes, not daring to look at what was going on, for fear of seeing bloody scenes.

Then there was the sound of metal clashing.

Cu Chulainn's Adam's apple collided with the blade, making a metallic sound!

With this sound, everyone was shocked.

Even Emperor Nero stood up, put his hands on his eyes, and looked curiously at the situation on the field.

Arash, who had clairvoyance, could see the most clearly, and whispered in Fujimaru Tachika's ear, "It's okay, he blocked it with runes."

Yes, Lune.

As long as it is written and engraved on [something], it will have an effect.

This [something] of course includes the Servant itself.

In fact, didn't he use it before? The rune written on Yagi Xuesai's forehead had the effect of taking damage instead of him at the moment of his death.

Thinking of this, Yagi Xuesai couldn't help touching his forehead. Of course, there were no runes on it.

Cu Chulainn's method is very simple. By writing runes on his body, he can achieve the effect of strengthening his defense.

When you are attacked, the magic power will naturally condense at this point to block the attack.

Taking advantage of the moment when Ushiwakamaru missed a hit, Cu Chulainn sneered, and with his stick a little bit on the ground, he saw that the runes had already been written under his feet!
It was only then that everyone noticed that Caster Cu Chulainn was not wearing shoes, but wrapped his feet with black cloth strips, his five fingers were exposed, and there were traces of sand on his thumb.

It turned out that when he retreated just now, he wrote runes on the ground with his feet!

Now tap the stick in your hand to activate the magic power in it, and the raging flames pierced through the ground like a sharp blade, instantly engulfing Ushiwakamaru's figure!Taking advantage of the bursting hot wind, Cu Chulainn took another seven or eight steps back, picked up the wooden staff with both hands, and poked it on the ground with a bang.

The little girl engulfed in flames made no sound.

Cu Chulainn hurriedly went wrong, turned the staff around his chest, and there was a bang, the samurai sword had pierced through the flames and hit Cu Chulainn's staff. If he hesitated for a moment, he might have cut through his chest .

Looking at Ushiwakamaru again, although there are traces of flames burning all over his body, he is in good spirits and does not feel like he has received fatal injuries.

In Cu Chulainn's mind, a word flashed keenly...

【To magic power】.

A troublesome skill that can improve one's defense against magic-type attacks.

Why is caster considered a weak class in the regular Holy Grail War?That's why.Because many followers have special abilities to defend against magic attacks.

It seems that although the girl in front of her is a rider, she also has troublesome abilities.

"I really don't want to let my big brother easily win the victory."

Cu Chulainn smiled, his depressed mood was cleared instantly, he tapped the long stick in his hand, and Ju pushed away her blade, the two of them each took a step back and stood still, Cu Chulainn grasped the gun in his hand like a pikeman, lowered the body.

"Although I'm not a lancer, my gun skills haven't regressed."

He made such a declaration quite proudly, Ushiwakamaru on the opposite side ignored him completely, raised his eyebrows, and continued to rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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