Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 177 Martha's trump card

Chapter 177 Martha's trump card
During the fight between Yagi Yusai and Leonidas, Martha and Arash were also constantly sparring.

Although it looks more gorgeous, in fact, both of them are releasing water.

After all, this group is different from the previous group. Ushiwakamaru is a person who strikes lightly, while Mordred hates Artoria. Now this group is much more peaceful.

Both Arash and Martha are long-range characters, and neither of them intends to close the distance. One releases magic light bullets, and the other releases bows and arrows. The two knock down each other's attacks, and the fight is gorgeous. , but it's not that exciting.

Martha wanted to get close several times, it seemed that she was preparing to fight him.But after stepping a few times, he retracted again.Are you worried that Arash is also very powerful in melee combat?Or, do you have any other concerns?In short, although she wanted to rush over several times, she gave up in the end.

Of course, Arash saw this change, and was secretly surprised. In the end, it could only be explained that she was afraid that she would also be proficient in close combat.

But to be honest, Mirtha is indeed a formidable enemy.

Arash knew that even though he was summoned by Chaldea's summoning circle, he couldn't use his full strength, but even so, his bow skills did not regress. If it was against opponents like Saber and Lancer who were good at sports warfare, it would be fine. Although Martha is a rider, she looks like a caster, and she can handle her own arrows with ease, making herself feel a little depressed.

In fact, Arash's bow and arrow pierced through Martha's magical attacks several times, but with a wave of Martha's stick, she could always accurately knock down her own arrows.That's an arrow that can shoot straight through tall buildings!It was blocked by her wave of her arm...

(Probably, this is the special ability of the priest.)
Among the special skills of a follower, there is a special ability called [Faith Protection]. If you are a follower with a devout belief in life, you can use your own faith to strengthen your own strength.

Probably, Mirtha is also such a person.

Arash thought so, and continued to fight with her with his bow and arrow.On the opposite side, the purple-haired saintess lowered her head, her hair curtain blocked her face, and the shadow made her look not so friendly...

"I can't take it anymore... I can't take it anymore... Mo Mo ha ha ha mo mo ha ha ha..."

Mirtha bit her lip and muttered.

It's a pity that Arash only has clairvoyance, but no ear for the wind. A hundred and ten meters away, there is interference from the sound of feather arrows piercing the wind and the sound of magic explosion, so she can't hear what she said clearly.

"Ah! Enough is enough!"

Martha suddenly uttered a violent syllable that didn't look like a saintess... After all, there were three men and one woman on the court... Probably, this female voice... Could it be, maybe... Maybe it was Martha's voice. Is it from Erda?

Arash was unwilling to admit this fact.

The feathered arrow she just released aimed at Martha's heart and drew a swift trajectory. Martha thrust the cross stick into the ground, using the cross section of the stick to block the blow, clasped her hands together, and in the next second, the cross stick hit the ground. Dazzling brilliance burst out.

Even Arash, who has clairvoyance, was blinded by the magic brilliance, subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and pricked up his ears, ready to deal with possible attacks at any time.

"This kind of attack! It's too boring!"

Suddenly, Martha's voice sounded beside her ear.

Arash was taken aback. Although he had thought that she was going to come to fight close combat, he didn't expect that she would stick so close.

It's almost a close fit.

In this state, there is no room for the cross staff to play at all?

That thing is not the same as a gun.When the gun is close to the body, it really doesn't work, and you can hold the end of the gun and use it as a dagger, but the cross is a blunt weapon, if there is no room to swing it, and there is no acceleration, it will have no power.

Before he could figure out what Martha meant, Arash felt an exaggerated force coming from the armor on his chest.

(how can that be?!)
Arash couldn't comprehend the situation at all.

Because, he knew Miranda's value.After all, everyone is a follower of Fujimaru Tachika, not an enemy. Everyone knows the basic battle data such as real name, skills, treasures, and attributes.

Mirta's tendon strength is only D.And Arash has a full A in durability, and also possesses strong EX skills. To be honest, in terms of physical defense alone, I am afraid that he is not the first-class existence among followers...

A blow that can make him feel such exaggerated pain is definitely not some kind of muscular strength.

Like a cartoon, huge power penetrated his body, and there was an exaggerated bang behind him, as if some kind of exaggerated arrogance exploded and penetrated past...

Because of the interference of the white light, Arash couldn't understand what happened. At first, he thought that even if Martha got close to the battle, he could handle it... Was it a big deal?

Arash lay on the ground clutching his stomach, thinking so.

The white light gradually dissipated, where is Martha's shadow in front of me?The Holy Maiden was still more than a dozen steps away, whistling and looking away, with a look of "It has nothing to do with me".Holding the cane in both hands and hanging in front of her body, she has the style of a good girl.

(With this kind of trump card... no wonder I want to come together several times!)

Arash thought so.

It was because Martha looked around with a guilty conscience that she saw Yagi Yusai being pierced by Leonidas' spear.In desperation, Tarasque was summoned.

Of course, this is not real name liberation, it's just an ordinary summoning of Tarasque to help in the battle.It's as if Alexander's treasure is Busiferas, but he can also summon it routinely and ride it to fight.

The huge evil dragon suddenly appeared, and suddenly brought a climax to the indifferent meeting place.

Originally, everyone watched gladiatorial fights for blood and violence, but this one turned out to be so peaceful... Especially after seeing an exaggerated battle of that scale last time, everyone lost interest.Probably, this is the so-called once the sea was too difficult, right?

Emperor Nero, too, was originally uninterested and spread out on a chair, holding a bunch of grapes in his hand, holding them up high, and stretching out his tongue from underneath, licking the purple berries one by one into his mouth and crushing them , the whole movement is lazy and leisurely, just like a pampered cat.Licking and tasting the juice, but now she couldn't care less about the aftertaste, she just threw the grapes and jumped up.

"What is that?! What is that?!"

She asked the maid next to her excitedly.

Where does the maid know?Can only show embarrassment.

"I don't know? Do you know?!"

Nero asked the ministers accompanying him again.

The minister quickly shook his head.

The Roman Empire was vast and abundant, and Nero always claimed that the center of the world was Rome, everything in the world was Rome, and Rome was the world.As a result, I suddenly saw a rare and rare beast that I had never seen before, and I couldn't help but become very interested.

"Hey!! Pause the gladiator fight! Pause! Pause! What is that! Tell Yu quickly! Where is the beast from? It looks super strange?"

(End of this chapter)

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