Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 182 Noble Phantasm Liberation?Golden Theater!

Chapter 182 Noble Phantasm Liberation?Golden Theater!
Arrow avoidance protection is a more useful skill than expected.

As mentioned before, it is a skill that allows the user to instinctively avoid the flow of arrows.It is especially useful in chaotic battles, and can effectively prevent sneak attacks by enemy archers.In fact, in a certain Holy Grail War, Cu Chulainn used this skill to avoid the dagger thrown by Hassan, who blocked the breath.

It's the same now, although Emperor Nero didn't notice Arash's blow, his body still instinctively made evasive movements.

The arrow was aimed at her ankle, so of course all she had to do was move her feet.

Nero had just wrestled with Yagi Yusai, and he pushed him away. It was in a state of raising his hands high, breaking his body balance, and staggering backwards. The previous mistake, the whole person seemed to have stepped on a slippery ice surface, all fours turned upside down, and fell hard to the ground.

Of course, Arash's blow was not that simple. A blow full of magic power, as soon as it touched the ground, was like a landmine detonating, and an exaggerated flow of magic power burst out instantly.

Just now Martha has proved that if it is a wide-area magic attack, it will not be judged as a [projection item].To put it simply, if you throw a grenade and hit [Arrow Avoidance Protection], although you can dodge the grenade without being hit directly, the storm and high-heat shock wave when the grenade explodes cannot be avoided.

Now that Emperor Nero fell down, he naturally fell directly into the torrent of the explosion. Hearing her yelling, her whole body was lifted into the air by the magic fountain!
How could Yagi Xuezhai miss this good opportunity?Pulling out the hilt of Balmonk's sword directly, revealing the sapphire that contains the true etheric magic power of the Age of Gods, the entire sword is instantly filled with elegant blue magic power.

"Oh oh oh! Are you going to use it?! Finally, you are going to use it!"

In the waiting room, Mordred was even more excited than when he played in person, clenching his fists and waving them non-stop.His eyes sparkled, and he looked excited.She had practiced this trick with Yagi all morning before she mastered it. Is this a skill she taught herself?
Boudica looked at her so excitedly, and she, who already had a very intimate feeling for the British Heroic Spirit, was also infected and relaxed a little.

Seeing Nero being besieged by four people, Boudica felt... um... Although she said she was relieved, she still felt [happiness].

There is a feeling that this kind of tyrant should be suppressed and beaten by four people, and he is beaten well.There is a feeling of revenge...

It wasn't until she felt Mordred's excitement that she suddenly realized that she had just begun to have an obsession with Rome again. She smiled wryly, silently put away her thoughts, said nothing, and continued to watch silently.

"—The evil dragon has fallen, and the world is approaching dusk! Liberate! ex——calibur!!! (Sword of Promised Victory!!!)"

Following Yagi Xuesai's high-pitched voice, the strong magic power on the blade surged out with a single stroke.

In the auditorium, Altria Alter, the Black King, had a strange expression on his face for the first time. His eyebrows were raised high, but his eyes were slightly squinted in disbelief. It could be seen that the muscles on his face were twitching, and the corners of his mouth were also distorted. .I can't tell whether it's anger or sadness, or the feeling of wanting to scold, but in a word it's [entangled]. There is no better word to describe the current mood of Altria Alter.

(What the hell?! How is that thing of yours the sword of vowed victory?! What are you yelling, bastard!)

By the way, this was Mordred's idea.

Most of the Noble Phantasms that require the liberation of the real name require the user to read the real name aloud.This is why the treasure is regarded as a trump card. It is powerful on the one hand, and people will see through its real name after using it.

After all, most of the Noble Phantasms that require the liberation of the real name are linked to the inheritance of the heroic spirit. When you hear the sword of the vowed victory, you think of King Arthur, and when you hear Gae-Bolg, you think of Cu Chulainn and the like.Balmonk is different, or rather, the Balmonk in Yagi Xuesai's hands is different.

If Siegfried is using this sword, he must shout Balmonk's real name, so as to release the true power of this sword - [Dragon Slaying].After being connected with the inheritance in life, the power of rumors in life can be drawn out, and the magic power ejected from this sword can be turned into a dragon-slaying blade.

However, Yagi Xuesai was not the owner of this sword in the first place, even if he called his real name, it was useless. The magic sword Balmunch could only arouse the original magical power of the age of gods, but it could not exert the dragon-slaying power that the dragon-slaying sword should have.

Mordred said, anyway, you can yell whatever you want, so just yell familiar words.

In the lounge, Mordred was already rocking back and forth with laughter.

"Then what, that strange real name Liberation, are you my father? The male father? Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I can't do it, I really want to see the expression of my father. You are better than me, a rebellious knight. Still rebellious. Hmm, rebellious King Arthur? Hahahaha."

She just imagined that Arturia was overjoyed when she heard this strange scene of real name liberation.

As she said before, because this is not [Noble Phantasm Real Name Liberation] at all, but [filling the Noble Phantasm with magic power and then forcing it out]. Simply put, this is no different from the release of magic power, which is to draw out the magic power of gems. Then cast Magic Torrent.To put it more formally, this is not the liberation of the treasure at all, and it doesn't matter what you call it.

Yagi Xuesai just wanted to practice pronunciation by the way, anyway, his future treasure will still be the sword of vowed victory!
No matter how strange the true name of the Noble Phantasm was read, the magic power on Balmonk did not decay, and the exaggerated fan-shaped magic power turned into a shock wave, bombarding the sky.

Emperor Nero groaned in pain again in mid-air, and then fell hard to the ground.Because the floor tiles had just been laid before, she just heard a click, and she directly crushed several bricks.

"I'm - angry - angry -!"

Emperor Nero, who rolled over from the ground with a grunt, shouted unhappily.It sounds like a child throwing fire...

"See Yu Zhicai! Hear Wan Lei's applause! Heart the glory of the ruler! Blooming like a flower! Let's open!"

Emperor Nero's face was full of anger, and he inserted the red sword into the ground with both hands. The surging magic power spread rapidly along her blade, and scattered towards the surroundings. The golden radiance spread from her feet, and the surrounding area Everything in the arena seems to be completely new, with the magic power galloping on the blade of Nero, it is painted with bright and bright colors, and in an instant, the slightly luxurious arena turns into an extremely gorgeous golden theater.

Soft light and shadow projected in every corner of the arena.

It turned out to be a rare [Boundary Type Noble Phantasm] here!
(End of this chapter)

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