Chapter 191
The muscles in Caligula's arms were agitated, almost like steel statues, and blue veins gushed out exaggeratedly on the arms stacked with muscles, as if even the bones were about to be crushed by these muscles. Caligula roared fiercely. He punched Catherine who fled to his side.

Under the effect of Tire's sword dance, Catherine subconsciously made a correct response. She turned around, and the black dress gracefully turned around, and swung her sword again to block the attack that was aimed at her.

If it was normal, it must have been Caligula's iron fist that smashed the steel and pierced her heart.

However, the sword in Catherine's hand is not ordinary. Although it is only a creature born with magic power, it is also the sword of the legendary God of War Tyr, and it will not be broken by ordinary people casually.Making perfect use of the tenacity of the blade, Catherine defended against the blow. Catherine floated in mid-air, and a turquoise magic radiance burst from her back, as if she was lying on the ripples of the water.

"What... tyrannical power."

She praised inexplicably.

However, that's about it.

Thor's strange power can not only improve her arm strength, but more importantly, once he fights with her, the thunder power controlled by Thor, the god of thunder, will flow along her body and flow into the opponent's body.

Thanks to Caligula being a berserker, irrational, only knowing how to destroy the enemy, if it was someone else, I am afraid that he would have been wailed by thunder and lightning long ago.In fact, that punch just now caused bluish-white smoke to rise from Caligula's arm like an electric barbecue.

How long can it last?Catherine thought so.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

However, the reason why a melee is called a melee is definitely not because it is very orderly and allows one party to fight according to its own ideas at will.Just when Catherine was about to cripple Caligula's arm, a roar suddenly sounded from behind.

The red steel giant, holding a huge halberd, aimed at her head and stabbed it!Catherine felt an attack from behind, and when she lowered her head, the defense against Caligula loosened a little, and she flew backwards along his arm.

Next to the body, she flew backwards at high speed like a bullet, and suddenly opened the distance.She raised her head from the long black hair hanging around her, and her black eyes pierced through the black tulle, trying to find the shadow of the enemy.

Needless to say, it must have been Lu Bu who attacked him just now.

In the history of China, an ancient civilization, when it comes to military generals, one will definitely think of invincible generals.In a Confucian and Taoist country that values ​​propriety, justice, honesty and shame, he has repeatedly betrayed him, and he can be called a chaotic tiger wolf.On the surface, he is submissive, but in fact he is looking for the moment when he can show his claws and fangs.

I don't know why, but Lu Bu Fengxian here is more like a robot in the shape of a human than a human... Swinging his mighty wrist, the steel halberd smashes the ground, and ravages the machines on the battlefield with invincible courage.

Catherine flew backwards extremely fast, raised her head, and was about to lock onto Lu Bu's figure and launch an attack.



Catherine didn't see Lu Bu in her field of vision. That kind of majestic robot-like monster had such an abrupt presence that it was impossible for her to miss it.Breath blocked?Once that skill has killing intent on the target, it is impossible to continue to activate it.

Is it possible...

Catherine just thought of a possibility in her mind, and suddenly a chill came down at the back of her head. Tire's sword dance had once again played its effect correctly, and she raised her arms, so that the bright silver blade was carried behind her head.

Even with the blessing of Thor's strange power, Catherine still felt her arm numb from the shock.Caligula's oppressive force was also huge before, but she was mentally prepared at the time.Biology is like this, if you encounter an attack when you are prepared, it is always more effective than subconsciously defending.For a magician like Catherine, who has excess magic power but obviously has no experience in hand-to-hand combat, it is completely unreliable to temporarily change tactics in a panic.

The heavy blow of Fang Tian's painting halberd stopped her track at once!

How is it possible... Why is that muscular monster faster than his own Sleipnis feet? !
"Are you wondering: Why is Lu Bu faster than your Sleipnis foot?"

There was joy in the boy's voice.

"That's because—my partner is a better horse than Sleipnis! Busifalas! It's coming!"

There is no need to look back, Catherine also knows what the scene is like.

The young man riding a black steed lay all over the horse's mane, trying to make room for the people behind him.Thanks to his slender and slender body in his youth, Busifalas, as a famous horse who will fight with Alexander in the future, can support Lu Bu's steel monster-like body.

In China, there is a saying: Lu Bu is among the people, and the red rabbit is among the horses.Riding a steed can be said to be a compulsory course for generals in those days!Lu Bu Fengxian is no exception.

Compared with Bucifalas and Chitu, who is better and who is worse, Lu Bu is irrational now, so he can't tell.However, there is no doubt that the parachutist's riding skills, even as a berserker, did not show any signs of degeneration. Originally, Alexander wanted to personally give orders to Busifalas. With the strength of his legs, Busifalas can understand how to run.

The red general riding a black horse, like ghosts and gods ravaging the battlefield, picked up the painting halberd with both hands, and slashed at Catherine's body continuously.


With a violent roar that no one could understand, Lu Bu's attack became more violent.

On the other side, Caligula also rushed over, and the two fierce beasts attacked, even Catherine found it difficult.

Now she suddenly felt that it was a mistake to start hand-to-hand combat...

Why do you think in the first place...

She suddenly remembered.At first, I seemed to feel that this was a one-on-one scene with that red-clothed and white-haired Archer... So, did I entrust him to fight hand-to-hand with him?

Thinking about it now, shouldn't even that be calculated against him? !


She stared bitterly at the berserkers galloping over on both sides, snorted, loosened the strength in her hand, and the silver blade disappeared in her hand, without the protection of Tyre's sword dance, she was just an ordinary magician .

Before he could take precautions, he was cut into seven or eight pieces by Lu Bu's painting halberd. Afterwards, Caligula rushed over and beat him with a straight fist recklessly. The strong wind directly blew Catherine's wreckage away!
(End of this chapter)

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