Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 199 The world is full of banquets

Chapter 199 The world is full of banquets
Emperor Nero was a famous tyrant in Roman history. He loved luxury and beauty, and his fierce lifestyle was like a raging fire.

Fire is warm and beautiful, but it needs firewood to support it, so that it can rise.Although people who watch the fire may find the flames beautiful and warm, for firewood, they may not be so comfortable.

The Emperor Nero that everyone saw in the singularity is an innocent, enthusiastic and simple girl. Caesar compared her to the flower of Rome before, and she is indeed worthy of this title.

Unlike the tyrant written in the history books who was keen on plotting poison assassinations, Nero here is just an ordinary girl who can't bear the end of the banquet.No matter how lively the banquet is, once it ends, everyone will leave.It's time to go back to being alone.

Rather, it was because the banquet was too happy before, that I felt a sense of loss when we parted.

She silently looked at the three people in front of her, and the golden particles gradually covered them.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

Boudica clasped his hands together, bowed slightly to Chaldea and his party, and smiled at Emperor Nero.

"Boudica... um..."

Her head ached again at the thought of Boudica.

In my mind, Boudica, as the queen, rose up against Rome.

"Your Majesty, don't think about too complicated things. We don't belong to this world and will disappear without a trace. Don't think too much about us."

Boudica bowed slightly and lowered his head.


"Your Nero Festival made many people laugh, made the children happy, and made the adults satisfied. That's good."

Boudica looked a little lonely, something she couldn't bring to her subjects.

She is not a good queen, her martial arts are not outstanding, her strategy is only second-rate, her leadership is based on hatred, and such a prosperous civilization cannot be created in peacetime.

From a historical point of view, the annexation of one's own country is not a bad thing.

after all……

Everyone was so happy under Rome...

"The treatment is over...heh. In other words, it's the day off, right?"

Niijima Yae moved her shoulders and back, stretched her neck, and the joints of her body made a crisp sound with her subconscious cognition.

"But it's a holiday. I have nothing to do when I stay [there (Hall of Valor)]. Why don't you come and summon me? If you run around like this every day, you need medical staff after you get injured."

Yae Niijima smiled rarely. She has a dignified temperament, and even when she smiles, she has a heroic look.This smile is neither gentle nor considerate. It is far from the soft smile everyone remembers, is very reassuring.

"Yes, I agree with what she said, but you must call me - when the time comes, I will train you well! How lucky you are!"

Mordred also followed her words, and poked Yagi's waist and eyes with his elbow. Because he didn't use much strength, it was a little itchy, which made him feel at a loss.

"Mordred's sword, only its power is worthy of recognition. If you learn that kind of thing, you will become a beast."

Behind Yagi Xuesai, Altria Alter, the Black King, said this. When Mordred heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became ferocious again: "I want you to talk! I will let you understand one day, I, Mordred, am your sole heir, and I want to surpass you!"


Not wanting to have more verbal arguments with her, Artoria alter looked away and stopped talking.

Mordred rubbed his hair, stunned, and muttered: "My father doesn't understand other people's feelings at all, and he doesn't look at people at all."

The farewell doesn't have to be heavy, the three of them talked easily like this, and disappeared into the main hall as the golden particles shone.

"They're all gone...Aren't you going to go too?"

Emperor Nero asked lonely.Without them answering, she already had the answer herself.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Yagi Yusai bowed to her.

"As far as Rome is concerned, we are people from another world. We have completed our mission and should go back."

"So, what will happen to Rome? What will happen to me?"

"Everything will be back on track. All this will become something that never happened. His Majesty will not remember us, there will be no luxurious celebrations that lasted for several months, and there will not be so many exaggerated heroes fighting Fight on the court."

Although it was cruel, Yagi Xuesai made it clear to Nero.

Nero remained silent, and Yagi Yusai couldn't bear to let the always chattering emperor show such a lonely expression.

"Okay! Yu understands! Heroes who saved Rome, thank you for fighting for Rome! I will try my best to remember you!"

Emperor Nero said so seriously.

"I will write your names on the head of the bed, cast statues for you, and I will never forget you."

Like an unconvinced child, she opened her arms wide.

Everyone just thought she was cute, and no one refuted her.

"Speaking of which, I promised you before, you have done a great job in rescuing him, and I will give you a reward. Mmm! Brave Lixiang, bow your head."

Fujimaru Tatsuka stepped forward, bowed his head and bowed.

Emperor Nero took off the laurel crown from his head.Put it on Fujimaru Tachika's head.The girl's orange hair matches this green very well.

"This is a blessing bestowed on you. No matter what time you are, you are brave men who have been blessed by the Roman emperor, and the final winner of the Great Nero Festival—the brave Yagi."

Yagi Yusai stepped forward and also bowed to Nero.

"His Majesty."

"In the end, the brilliance of the sword really made Yu see something beautiful. To reward you, this is a weapon that Yu personally built."

Emperor Nero pulled out a distorted red dagger from the back of his waist. It was longer than the Roman dagger. It can be seen that Nero at this time did not have such...well, such artistic taste. The shape of the sword is similar to that of ordinary swords except that it is red all over.The blade is engraved with beautiful patterns, and the hilt is also beautifully decorated. It seems that the effect of [guard of honor] is more important than the effect of [killing enemies].

Although not mentioned, Emperor Nero had considerable accomplishments in any field (proclaimed).In terms of forging, the twisted red sword in her hand, the sword that ignites flames when she is excited, was forged by herself.

Compared with the performance, the focus is on [hand-made].

This sword is the sword Nero made for herself before, and it is the second sword she made for herself. Although it is not very mature, the hard work condensed in it is genuine.The sword that symbolizes the Roman kingship, the sword that symbolizes Nero.If the user fills it with magic power, the sword will burst into flames, very similar to the sword Nero uses now.

Yagi Xuesai bowed his head to accept and held the sword with both hands. To be honest, what he lacks most now is weapons. Now that the holy sword cannot be liberated by its real name, weapons mean combat power. .

"No matter when, Yu, Yu, Yu will... remember you."

Nero lowered his head, closed his eyes, and regained his composure. Afterwards, the gloom on his face was swept away, revealing a smile comparable to any beautiful thing in the world.

"Thank you for everything you do for Rome."

In this beautiful smile, Chaldea's spell sent everyone back.

(End of this chapter)

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