Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 401 The Evil Sight of the Abyss

Chapter 401 The Evil Sight of the Abyss

"Hey! What's going on here!?"

Yagi Xuezhai finally managed to eat the whole dragon's heart that smelt of blood, enduring his nausea, but before he could fully appreciate the changes in the flow of magic power in his body, he felt the ground under his feet shaking crazily , the tentacles entwined around the walls of the Palace of Versailles before seemed to be alive, growing towards the sky, the tentacles hovered and criss-crossed each other, the blue-purple body crushed the castle, and finally, it showed an exaggerated appearance.

It was a huge sea creature like a squid, its body was covered with a thick purple-black color, and it seemed that the abdominal cavity was slightly reddish. Countless tentacles stretched out continuously, and the fidgeting tentacles directly smashed the Palace of Versailles into pieces.

Involuntarily, Yagi Yusai tugged Napoleon's shoulders, touched his feet, magic power shot out from his toes, and flew one kilometer away.

In desperation, he didn't have time to fine-tune his movements.

However, even with this escape length, it was too late.

Because, the huge sea monster that suddenly rolled up in the Palace of Versailles is such a monster.How high is the height?I can't see it completely.According to Yagi Yusai's visual inspection, even if he releases the holy sword, the light beam will not be able to completely cover this huge monster.

As a caster, Gildrey is actually very unqualified.In fact, he has no magic foundation at all.

He was a marshal of the French army, a military strategist.By the way, the main reason why he was able to serve as the marshal was because of his financial resources rather than his bravery.

After Joan's death, he was unacceptable and started a large-scale blasphemy campaign.

It is true that there are many examples of living sacrifices in magic, and many magics have ways to gain power through sacrifices.But what Gildrey did was different. It wasn't a desire for power or anything like that, but a sacrificial activity that had no purpose at all and was born purely to blaspheme the gods.

It can be said that he is a bloody murderer, but it is different if he is a magician who sacrifices.

Just like a person who kills with a knife cannot be said to be a gunman.

As for why he can respond to the call at the level of a caster, the reason is the magic book in his hand.Using human skin as a carrier, it recorded the secret method of summoning ancient evil gods.That book itself has the usage of [Magic Power Core].

In other words, the batches of huge sea monsters in France were not summoned by Caster Gildrey, but automatically summoned by the magic book in his hand.

This book can activate summoning magic on its own regardless of the user's magic quality.Although it is simple and simple, it has to be admitted that under certain conditions, it will become quite difficult.

By the way, since this is not summoned by a caster, but summoned by a grimoire, it doesn't matter if it is an ordinary low-rank sea monster. A low-rank sea monster that has no ability can be instructed by a caster.And to summon such a heavyweight giant sea monster, Caster Gildrey is also unable to control it.

But... what is the need to control it?

Anyway, my goal is to destroy France, as long as I let this monster run rampant.

In the beginning, Joan of Arc's goal was to use Fafner and the Flying Dragon Legion to wipe out human beings, and finally give birth to a world with only dragons.

Now, the goal has been changed, hoping to use the giant sea monster to wipe out human beings and build a world with only sea monsters...

In fact, there is no difference in the result of eliminating human beings!

Joan of Arc stood on the huge sea monster summoned by Gilderrey, laughing wildly.

"What a disgusting thing, Jill! But I like it very much! I like it very much! Come on! Let her destroy these damned guys. Only by destroying France can I be happy, and only by destroying human beings can my anger be calmed down!"

That's a monster that can only appear in feature films and disaster films.

The height simply exceeds one hundred kilometers, and because of inaccurate vision, it might even be even bigger.

Is it wide? Because there are tentacles all around, I can't see clearly at all.

From the giant sea monster's body, the tentacles were like the roots of plants, deeply rooted in the earth, and after raging the ground, they pierced through the ground like spears.

That's something creepier than the Impaler's Impaler Forest.

The shock brought by the puncture forest is more bloody and terrifying.And the feeling of this thing is that it is mentally disgusting and uncomfortable.

Just looking at this thing, Yagi felt like he was going to spit it out.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is because he just ate the heart raw, and then immediately carried out a long-distance violent movement.

Rao Yagi Xuesai's reaction was extremely fast, and the jumping power released by the magic power (Shrinking the ground) was also amazing, and he still couldn't completely escape the attack range of the giant sea monster.The tentacles that protruded from the ground stabbed at the two of them. Napoleon held his breath, picked up the pistol and fired several times. The shrapnel hit the tentacles. As soon as a hole was blasted, the disgusting pink granulation quickly filled in. Regenerated at that time.

This resilience is much stronger than the previous dragon zombie Fafner!
Yagi Xuezhai didn't look good at first glance, Liberating the Wind King Barrier wrapped around the holy sword, the sharp wind pressure scrolled, and the wide-area wind spiral temporarily blocked the tentacles, taking advantage of this gap, the two were safe escape.

However, the dozen or so soldiers who came with Napoleon did not have this treatment. While Yagi Xuesai was flustered, he only had time to bring Napoleon with him.The others were involved in the attack of the tentacles, and they were swept lightly, and the dark green juice stuck to them. The extremely corrosive liquid accompanied by the slightest sound, devoured them who were blessed with defensive magic .

"Sire! France! Long live!"

The soldiers on the outermost perimeter only had time to shout a half-slogan, and the whole person turned into bones with the action of digestive juice.

"Damn it...soldiers are the foundation of the country...I remember you. This thing..."

Napoleon narrowed his eyes and snorted unhappily.

As a general-type follower who commanded the army, he looked down on this kind of monster that relied on its huge size and personal bravery.How to make good use of mediocre soldiers to win the war is a strategist. If you blindly pursue personal strength, or a monster with subversive combat power, then as a strategist, you are only a third-rate strategist.

"What about Fujimaru, is she okay..."

Yagi Xuesai looked anxiously at the belly of the sea monster, only hating himself for not being clairvoyant.

As if to answer his question, just as he asked this sentence, he saw the rainbow-colored brilliance of the sea monster's abdomen coiled into a spiral shape, and the sharp brilliance broke through the huge sea monster's abdomen, digging out a huge hole, Immediately afterwards, the pink granulation crushed over the entrance of the hole, and with a swish of the huge golden battle axe, the X-shaped trajectory was burning with emerald green evil flames. A pure white, dragon-like and snake-like white species broke through!
At first, Yagi Xuesai thought it was a new dragon enemy, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that the top of the white snake's head was still a little orange-red. After a closer look, he saw that it was Mash and Fujimaru Tachika.There were Siegfried and Attila next to them, and Joan wrapped everyone up with a banner, wrapping everyone up.

"Senior Yagi! You escaped too?"

The good boy Matthew saw Yagi waving to them from a distance at a glance, and said to the white dragon, or white snake, in a low voice: "Miss Qing Ji, go over there."

"You don't need to direct me, of course I will go to Master Anzhen!"

It seems that there is a lot of hostility towards Matthew, maybe because of becoming a dragon?In short, Qing Ji's voice sounded heavy and unpleasant.

Yagi Xuesai, whom she called Anzhen No. [-], was jittery all over, and suddenly began to regret whether she shouldn't have said hello.

(End of this chapter)

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